Is assessment an art or a science?

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Is assessment an art or a science?





What do you see ….?

6 Simons & Chabris (1999)

The importance of noticing students in your sessions Their work, their engagement, their behaviour and responding

Constructive alignment Professor John Biggs (2003)

8 18/07/2017

9 18/07/2017

Planning cycle

10 18/07/2017

What should learners

know or be able to do?

How will the learners learn?

How will learning be measured?

Assessment Tasks

Identify a problem or question you have related to assessment.

12 18/07/2017

You can not answer the question, you must ask another open question. (How, Why, What, Where, Who?) Fill the sheet with questions and only questions. Useful technique for exploring an issue/new topic.

1. Question shower

2. Starburst – useful for generating new ideas, identifying solutions to possible problems

13 18/07/2017

e.g. Authentic assessment

14 18/07/2017

Why, oh why, oh why? The 5 whys Identify an issue or problem (e.g. one for you might

be students not preparing for sessions).

Write a why question about this issue, answer it with

a statement, then ask another ‘why’ question.

Do this 5 times! You should get to some significant


Useful for drilling down into an issue – to try and get to the root of the problem

Assessment for learning (AfL) or formative assessment Assessment we can control!

15 18/07/2017


Assessment for learning – when the cook tastes the food while preparing it.

Assessment of learning – when the guest tastes the food at dinner

Assessment for learning or assessment of learning

Promoting assessment for learning

The debate on standards needs to focus on how high standards can be achieved through assessment.

To what extent is there a greater emphasis on assessment for

learning rather than assessment of learning in your course/modules?

Raising achievement matters for individuals and for society what teachers do in classrooms is the key to raising achievement (Wiliam, 2009)

‘Assessment for learning is any assessment for which the first priority in its design and practice is to serve the purpose of promoting learning. It thus differs from assessment designed primarily to serve the purposes of accountability, or of ranking, or of certifying competence. An assessment activity can help learning if it provides information to be used as feedback, by teachers, and by their students, in assessing themselves and each other, to modify teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged. Such assessment becomes ‘formative assessment’ when the evidence is actually used to adapt the teaching work to meet learning needs.’ (Black & Wiliam, 2002)

18 18/07/2017

Metacognition higher-order thinking that enables understanding, analysis, and control of one’s cognitive processes, especially when engaged in learning.

20 18/07/2017

Assessment for learning: the thermostat!

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Aspects of formative assessment Where the learner is going

Where the learner is right now

How to get there


1 Clarifying learning intentions/outcomes and sharing, giving criteria for success Understanding and sharing learning intentions and criteria for success Understanding learning intentions and criteria for success

2 Engineering effective discussions, activities and tasks that elicit evidence of learning

3 Providing feedback that moves learners forward


4 Activating students as instructional resources for one another

Learner 5 Activating students as owners of their own learning

22 18/07/2017

Practical toolkit of strategies See file Assessment_for_learning_strategies_HE Sort into PMI list: Plus, Minus, Interesting

Reviewing your session plans!

Have you got key questions planned? Can you ask students to formulate questions during the session? Can you use a question activity? (question shower/starbursting/5 Whys) Can you use any other AfL strategies? Do you have activities in the plans which will give you evidence of learning? Will you be able give feedback to students? (to whole class/ groups/ individuals)

24 18/07/2017

Let’s look at good practice in assessment Group work

Clarify good performance

Help clarify what good performance is (goals, criteria, standards)

To what extent do learners in your course have opportunities to engage actively with goals, criteria and standards, before, during and after an

assessment task?

Adapted from JISC and Ulster University under licence CC-BY-NC-SA

Time and effort on task

Encourage time and effort on learning activities and tasks

To what extent do your assessment tasks encourage regular study in and out of class and deep rather than surface learning?

Adapted from JISC and Ulster University under licence CC-BY-NC-SA

Encourage interaction and dialogue around learning

Encourage interaction and dialogue around learning (peer and teacher-learner)

What opportunities are there for feedback dialogue (peer and/or teacher-learner) around assessment tasks in your course?

Adapted from JISC and Ulster University under licence CC-BY-NC-SA

Develop self-assessment and reflection

Facilitate the development of self-assessment and reflection in learning

To what extent are there formal opportunities for reflection, self-assessment

or peer assessment in your course?

Adapted from JISC and Ulster University under licence CC-BY-NC-SA

Encourage positive motivational beliefs

Encourage positive motivational beliefs and self-esteem

To what extent do your assessment and feedback processes activate your

learners' motivation to learn and be successful?

Adapted from JISC and Ulster University under licence CC-BY-NC-SA

Promoting assessment for learning

The debate on standards needs to focus on how high standards can be achieved through assessment.

To what extent is there a greater emphasis on assessment for learning rather

than assessment of learning in your course?

Adapted from JISC and Ulster University under licence CC-BY-NC-SA

Inform and shape your teaching

Provide information to teachers that can be used to help shape the


To what extent do your assessment and feedback processes inform and shape your teaching?

Adapted from JISC and Ulster University under licence CC-BY-NC-SA

Assessment is fit for purpose

Assessment should focus on the demonstration of the development and achievement of the intended programme outcomes

Does the assessment of learning focus on the demonstrable achievement of

the programme’s intended learning outcomes?

Adapted from JISC and Ulster University under licence CC-BY-NC-SA

Deliver high quality feedback

Deliver high quality feedback information that helps learners self-correct their own work

What kind of teacher feedback do you provide - in what ways does

it help learners self-assess and self-correct?

Adapted from JISC and Ulster University under licence CC-BY-NC-SA

Provide opportunities to act on feedback

Provide opportunities to act on feedback (to close any gap between current and desired performance)

To what extent is feedback attended to and acted upon by learners, and if so,

in what ways?

Adapted from JISC and Ulster University under licence CC-BY-NC-SA

Give assessment choice

Give choice in the topic, method, criteria, weighting or timing of assessments

To what extent do learners have choice in the topics, methods, criteria,

weighting and/or timing of assessment tasks in your course?

Adapted from JISC and Ulster University under licence CC-BY-NC-SA

Ensuring professional judgements are reliable

Assessment standards are dependent upon professional judgement

How do you develop and share standards within and between

academic, disciplinary and professional communities?

Adapted from JISC and Ulster University under licence CC-BY-NC-SA

Good assessment and feedback should………

Add any missing area/s of good practice on this card

Adapted from JISC and Ulster University under licence CC-BY-NC-SA

Designing Assessment Tasks

Considerations When designing an assessment consider: • AIMS – the module aims are broadly what the teacher and learner

will do in terms of learning • LEARNING OUTCOMES – what the student must be able to do /

demonstrate e.g. what will be assessed Learning outcomes represent the translation of aims into specific, tangible, attainable, learning achievements usually expressed as observable behaviour and outlining what students will be able to accomplish

40 21/07/2017

41 21/07/2017

Miller’s Pyramid

Miller, G. E. (1990) The assessment of clinical skills, competence and performance. Academic Medicine, 65(9); 63-67

Archaeologist Knows – understands the nature of artefacts from periods of ancient civilisations

Knows how – can analyse the best approach to preservation of a material artefact

Shows how – can excavate safely a fragment of pot

Does – can manage a archaeological site

42 21/07/2017

Miller’s pyramid may be transferable across disciplines

Art historian Knows – understands the approaches taken by different schools / artists Knows how – can apply their knowledge of different schools to an art work Shows how – can verbally critique a piece of art Does – reviews an art exhibition


One Size might actually fit all (or at least quite a few)

Groups of 5 • Appoint 1 leader • Appoint 1 assessor • Appoint 3 builders

All of the group to read the MODULE OUTLINE and the ASSESSMENT TASK ASSESSOR to attend a briefing with Kathy

44 21/07/2017

One size might actually fit all (or at least quite a few)

Groups of 5 • Appoint 1 leader • Appoint 1 assessor • Appoint 3 builders

You have 20 minutes to build a tower during which time 4 team members will be continuously assessed by your team assessor

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Feedback time In your groups provide some feedback to your team (5 minutes)

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Whole group feedback & discussion


What is (good) feedback?

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How do you react to feedback? Why?

50 21/07/2017

Sandwiches and their ilk . . . We sandwich the more negative comments in between positives: • What worked well for me here is . . . .

• What worked less well for me here is . . . .

51 21/07/2017

Keeping it clean Something that you said or did that worked well for me was … I interpret this as meaning … Something that you said or did that didn’t work so well for me was … I interpret this as meaning… Something I prefer you to say or do is … I interpret this as meaning … Walsh, B., Nixon, S., Walker, C. & Doyle N, (2015) ‘Using a Clean Feedback Model to Facilitate the Learning Process’

52 21/07/2017

Feedback is... 1. Lay out the 5 header cards (strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree) in a horizontal row.

2. Discuss each of the statements on the ‘Feedback is..’ cards and decide, as a group, which header card to place each statement card under.

3. As a group, write your own ‘Feedback is…’ statements on the blank cards and place under a header card.

53 21/07/2017

Now look at this paper Look at page 7 of this paper:

Nichol, D & Macfarlane-Dick, D. (2006) Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: A model and seven principles of good feedback practice.

Do you want to change the position of any cards?

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What is good feedback? • Timely • Interesting and motivating • Relevant • Dialogic • Promotes self assessment/reflection • Clarifies what good performance is • Feeds forward • Informs and shapes future teaching

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