iPhone 5 Digital Marketing Strategy By: Shay Berman

Post on 24-Jan-2015

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Transcript of iPhone 5 Digital Marketing Strategy By: Shay Berman

iPhone 5 Digital Strategy

By: @ShayBerman

Target Audience


College students

Ages 18-25


Early adopters

Trend setters

Often tell family and friends about their smart phones because of their public usage

Key Performance Indicators

iPhone market share in 2012 = 39%


Raise market share of the iPhone 5 in the smart mobile device market in 2013

Bring share from 39% to 50%

11% gain of market share total

Big IdeaShow off apps and


Apps would be useful to college students

Promote as exclusive features

Show phone being used in college settings

Use a “typical” college student

21 year old college student named Steve

A real person that goes through average days in the life as a college student

iPhone 5 is his companion that helps him daily

He travels to college campuses on weekends

The Story of Steve

Steve is an avid traveler and photographer. He writes about his travels to different colleges

and universities, that he makes every weekend. He does a lot of things while at the colleges and his iPhone 5 is always helping him throughout the day. Steve also loves to

meet new people and connects with everyone he meets through some type of social media.


Steve Blogs weekly about his travels to college campuses and what he does while he is there (restaurants, bars, parties,


Talks about how his iPhone 5 helped him in some way during his visit

Encourages people he meets and connects with online to guest blog about their college campus travels and the handiness of their iPhone 5’s

Makes it easy for people to share the blog posts with their friends

Facebook and Twitter

Steve uses his Facebook and Twitter pages to:

Connect with new people and people he meets

Promotes his blog

Tweets/Posts about typical college interests (good food, music, school issues, hangouts, etc…)

Updates always come from his iPhone 5 (via iOS)


Steve loves taking pictures and his iPhone 5 his camera of choice. He loves his iPhone 5 so much that he has a goal to

have a picture taken with him holding his iPhone in the picture at every college in the country.

Takes pictures of colleges, restaurants/bars, parties, new friends

Asks people to take pictures of him and his phone and tag him in them on his Instagram/Facebook/Twitter

All photos are instantly uploaded to Instagram and tagged in Facebook and Twitter


$350,000 for initial social media site builds, routine content copy writing, site maintenance, site designs, customer relationship building, and managing messages, tweets, Facebook posts and blog posts.

$100,000 to have someone travel through the country year round visiting different colleges and meeting up with students at the college

$455,000 for consulting


SummaryMost commonly used platforms

Highly engaged audience

Steve is real and relatable

Internet will make promoting posts easy

Steve will be seen as the Apple “brand”

Steve’s page will be visited by people looking for the latest info on interesting colleges and to share thoughts and ideas

iPhone 5 will be the bridge to this interesting and real information

Thank You!