Introduction. What is it about? Basic Grammar Tools for Journalists. What is Grammar? The correct...

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Transcript of Introduction. What is it about? Basic Grammar Tools for Journalists. What is Grammar? The correct...

Definition:A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought.

Example:The Prime Minister (subject ) chaired a cabinet

meeting (predicate) in Amman last night.

What Is A sentence?

Your name Your position Your Institution

• Name:• Address:• Telephone:• E-mail:• Nationality:• Date of birth:• Marital Status:

How to write your CV

Education :

2003-2007 Islamic University of Gaza, M.A in Islamic Law

(Media Controls & Restrictions) 1998-2002 Islamic University of Gaza, B A in

Islamic Law. 1983-1987 Islamic University of Gaza, B A in

English Language.


2006-present Vice Director of Public Relations Office (IUG) .

2008-present Lecturer of Media Writing Skills at Journalism Dept.(IUG).

2003-2006 Head of Media Department in PRO at IUG.

1998-2006 Administrator at Public Relations Office at IUG.

1991-1998 Teacher of English language at Ministry of Education .


Computer literate, familiar with MS Programs, Journalism and Project Management .


2003-2006 Chairman of Patient Care Charitable Society (PCCS).

1995-1998 Board Member of English language Teachers


Types of sentences with respect to their use

3 .The complex sentence:

The battle was still raging in Eastern Timor province when military commanders decided to surrender.

4 .The Compound – complex sentence:

As demonstrators marched by 10 Downing Street in London they shouted anti – war slogans.

Start startedFire FiredVisit Visited

Go went gonespend spent spentSee saw seen

a. The Simple Present Tense:

To describe a repeated or habitual activity, usually over an unlimited period of time.

Adverbial keys:

always , never , rarely , seldom , often , sometimes , usually, everyday.

E.g: .

_Arab leaders meet every year.

_The Gulf Cooperation Council seeks to foster ties among its members.

b. The Present Continuous Tense:

To indicate a continuing activity, usually within a limited period of time.

Adverbial keys:

Now , just , right now , at the moment , at this time.

E.g :.

_Rescue efforts are continuing now in eastern Turkey.

_U.S aircraft are carrying out air raids on Baghdad at this moment .

c. Simple Past Tense:

To describe an activity, a condition, or a series of repeated activities or conditions completed

at a definite time in the past .

Adverbial keys:

Last, yesterday, ago, …etcE.g:.

_The meeting reviewed the situation in Afghanistan last night.

_Three persons died in a plane crash in Iran two days ago.

d. The Past Continuous Tense:

To describe a continuing activity that took place within a limited period of time expressed by an adverbial


_The president was giving his speech when news of his cabinet resignation was announced.

e. The Present Perfect tense:

To describe an activity that is completed as of the present time, or the moment of speaking.

Adverbial Keys:

Already, ever, never, since, just, for.


_Over 1000 persons have died from SARS since December 2002 .

f. The Past Perfect Tense:

To describe an activity in past time (activity 1) that took place before another activity or condition in past time ( activity 2) expressed with past form.

E.g :.

_The delegates has held (action1)preliminary consultations before they met (action2)with the Prime Minister.

g. Future Tense :

The verb forms most commonly used to express simple future time are these:

)1 (Future form: will +verb.

E.g :.

_Voters in Greece will go to the polls tomorrow to elect a new president.

)2 (Present form of verb “to be” (am, is, are)+going to+verb.


_The Minister of Education is going to hold a press conference this morning.

Nouns are names of persons, animals, ideas, actions, qualities..etc..Nouns are said to have properties like person, gender, and number.

There are two kinds of nouns: singular and plural.


_Three U.S. soldiers were killed in Baghdad last night. (countable)

_Music was played at the opening ceremony. (uncountable).

Some nouns have both an uncountable and countable meanings.

E.g :.

_Fish is canned at a nearby factory.

_Some fish are raised here.


pronouns are words that are used in place of nouns. They designate a person, a place, or a thing without naming it.

Personal pronouns Demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these.

Indefinite pronouns: one, someone, both..etc distributive pronouns.

Interrogative pronouns: who, which..etc Relative pronouns.

Adjectives are words that modify nouns, noun equivalents or pronoun.


_The United States is a wealthy nation.

_Americans consider the Vietnam experience terrible.

_The decision was outrageous.

ous courageousful wonderfulless ceaselessable miserabletual habitualing breakinged demolishedish selfishtive destructive

An adverb is one word, a part of speech that modifies verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.


_The car crash took place here.(adverb of place)

_The demonstration was politically motivated. (adverb of manner)

_The military post was raided twice last week. (adverb of frequency)

_The meeting should be held soon.( adverb of time)

Prepositions are linking or connecting words

such as : in, on, at, before, from, to, under, in

front of, with, of, into….etc.

There are two classes of conjunction:

1 _Coordinating conjunctions, which connect words ,phrases, or clauses of equal rank.


And, but-yet, neither-nor, either-or, not only-but…etc.

2 _Subordinating conjunctions, which introduce dependent clauses, and join the subordinate clauses to the independent clauses in a sentence.

Interjections are exclamatory word or phrases

that usually used to express strong or sudden

feelings to attract attention.


_Good Heavens!

1 _Positive degree :

The base form of the adjective or adverb.


_Canada is a large country.

_The September 11 attacks were horrible acts by all standards.

2 _Comparative Degree:

The base form of the adjective or adverb + the ending “er” or “more+ the base form”.


_Canada is larger than Egypt.

_The September11 attacks were more horrible than the Oklahoma explosion.

3 _Superlative Degree:

The base form of the adjective or adverb+the ending “est”, or “most+ the base form”.


_Canada is the largest country in North America.

_The September 11 attacks were the most horrible acts in decades.

Conditional clauses are complex sentences made up of one independent clause and one dependent clause.


_If the European leaders meet as scheduled, the problem will be resolved.

Simple present simple future tense.

_If the European leaders met as scheduled, the problem would be resolved.

_If the European leaders had met as scheduled, the problem would be resolved.

Past tense simple past future tense.

Past perfect present perfect future tense

Questions can be classified into two categories:

“ _Tag” or “yes/no” questions.


*Oppression leads to rebellion, doesn’t it? Yes, it does.

_Information questions: when, what, why, at what time…etc.


*When did the attack start?

Punctuation refers to the use of certain marks to clarify thought relationships in a sentence.

Periods: A period is used in the following cases:

)1 (At the end of declarative sentence or an imperative sentence that is not exclamatory.


_The Prime Minister chaired an extraordinary cabinet meeting last night.

_Let’s work together to achieve peace.

)2 (After most abbreviations.

E.g.: Ph.D., St., P.M., Dr., Jan.

)3 (As a decimal point.

E.g.: $55.00 25.2%

)4 (To indicate omission of words.


“Let’s kick the………. aggressors out of our land,” the commander said.

Commas: A comma is used:

)1 (To separate two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction: “ and,”

“or,” “but,” “yet,” or “ for”.


_The delegates arrived early in the morning, but the meeting was put off.

)2 (To separate words or figures which might be misunderstood.


_What the demonstrators did, did not help the cause.

)3 (To indicate the omission of a word common to both parts of a sentence.


_Farmers in the Jordan Valley may grow sugar canes; farmers in hilly areas, never.

)4 (To separate words, phrases or clauses used in a series when the coordinating conjunction is omitted from the series.


_France, Germany, and Japan import most of their oil from Gulf countries.

)5 (To set off a non-restrictive clause.


_George W. Bush, Governor of Texas, was elected president of the United States in 2000.

)6 (To set off words and phrases that are used as appositives.


_Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil exporter, has set new records in economic development.

)7 (To set off parenthetical words and phrases that are not essential to the meaning of the sentence.


_The French foreign minister, meanwhile, declared his country’s opposition to any kind of military intervention in Iraq.

)8 (To set off the year in a date, and also to set off the month and the exact date following the day of the week.

E.g :.

_The invasion started on Nov.29,1979.

(9 (To set off nominatives of direct address.


_As you know, Senator, the budget issue is too complicated.

)10 (To set off the name of the state or country when it follows the name of a city.


_The summit was opened in Amman, Jordan.

)11 (For most figures higher than 999.


_Syria produced 100,000 barrels of oil a day.

)12 (To set off an explanatory figures such as the age of a person, or his address, or phone number.

E.g :.

_Mr. Saleem Saif, 2230 Al-Nasr Street, was badly hurt in the crash.

)13 (To set off party affiliations, degrees, and titles given after a name.


_Yunis Ali, ph.D, has been appointed director of the Department.

(14 (To separate direction quotation from explanatory matter.


“ _Let’s give peace a chance,” the President said.

)15 (To set off participle and infinitive phrases, or long prepositional phrases which precede the main clauses.


_Prompted by rising opposition, the Prime Minister abandoned plans for new taxes.

Semicolons: the semicolon may be used in the following cases:

)1 (To separate independent clauses that are not connected by a coordinating conjunction

such as “and,” “but,” or “for”.


_The rebels cannot keep on fighting; they are finished.

)2 (Between clauses of a compound sentence, that are joined by conjunctive adverbs like “however,” “therefore,” “otherwise,” “consequently,”……etc.


_Ahmed Mousa appears optimistic about his victory; however, polls indicate his chances of winning elections are slim.

)3 (To separate coordinate phrases or clauses which are punctuated internally with a comma or commas.


_Mr. Hamid Ali, Chairman of the Bank’s Board of Directors, is scheduled to announce new austerity plans; and Mr. Salim Ahmed, head of the Bank’s development department, is expected to disagree with him.

)4 (To separate independent clauses that are joined by a coordinate conjunction, if the clauses are long or have internal punctuation.


_The movie star, who rose into prominence in the 1940s, is regaining his fame; but critics, skeptical of his performance, seem pessimistic about his chances in the long run.

)5 (To separate phrases which contain commas, particularly when the meaning otherwise would not be clear.


_The delegation consist of Salim Odeh, the Speaker of Parliament; Ali Mousa, the foreign Minister; and Ahmad Rabie, the Minister of Industry and Commerce.

Colons: colons are used:

)1 (Before a long, formal quotation.


_When questioned about his alleged role in the plot, the army commander replied: “ I absolutely have nothing to do with those

subversive activities”.

)2 (After a statement that is followed by an amplifying clause or expression.


_President Bush explained U.S global strategy as two-fold: to fight terrorism and to curb the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

)3 (After a clause that introduces a list.


_The Lower House of Parliament discussed the following topics: foreign trade, educational reforms and tax increase.

(4 (To give emphasis to a word or phrase.


_Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators chanted one slogans: NO BLOOD FOR OIL.

)5 (In writing figures that show time.


_The investigation began at 10:15 a.m.

Apostrophes: Apostrophes are used:

)1 (To form possessives.


_Jordan’s exports of phosphates totaled 600$ million in 1989.

)2 (To form the plural of single letters.


_He got three B’s in the exam.

)3 (To indicate omission of a letter or letters of a figure.


_Wasn’t, they’d, o’clock, I’ve, aren’t, spring of ‘76,hasn’t, don’t, it’s.

Quotation Marks: double quotation marks are used:

)1 (To enclose direct quotations.


“ _Death to the aggressors.” demonstrators shouted.

)2 (To enclose titles of books, movies, plays, operas, songs, poems, TV program titles, and the title of lectures, speeches and works of art.


_Speaking on the NBC weekly “ Meet the Press” program, the U,S Secretary of State insisted on Iraq’s possession of weapons of mass destruction.

)3 (To set off slang expressions or words that are used ironically.


_The candidate said he was going to “burn” his rivals alive in the next round of elections.

)4 (With nicknames, when they are inserted into the identification of the individual.


_Mahmoud Abbas, Abu Mazen, was appointed Prime Minister in the palestinian National Authority.

Parentheses: parentheses are used to set off loosely-connected parenthetical material that is identical to the meaning of the sentence.


_The delegates voiced (their) support for the party’s program of action.

Dashes: Dashes are used:

)1 (To indicate sudden breaks in the thought or the speech.


_He is greedy, lazy- and ruthless.

)2 (Before a repetition, for effect.


_There is but one immoral feeling-the feeling of love.

)3 (To indicate questions and answers in a verbatim report testimony.


_Q.- Did you make the phone call?

A.- No, I did not.

Hyphens: hyphens are used:

)1 (To form compound adjectives that precede the noun they modify.


_Oil-producing nations enjoy high standards of living.

)2 (In suspended compounds.


_The 300-page report was submitted to the committee last night.

)3 (In prepositional phrase combinations.


_Mother-in-low out-of-door house-to-house.

)4 (To distinguish different meaning in words of like spelling.


_He recovered in time to re-cover his account.

)5(Between some prefixes and nouns and adjectives.



_Anti- war _pan- Arab