Introduction to… Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.

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Transcript of Introduction to… Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.

Introduction to…

Of Mice and Men

by John Steinbeck

About the Author: Biography

John Steinbeck Born Feb.27 1902 in

Salinas, CA

Grew up working summers on nearby ranches with migrants, becoming aware of their harsh lives.

Attended Stanford

University, but dropped out

John Steinbeck’s Work

Of Mice and Men was published in 1937 after a series of other failures

Masterpiece – The Grapes of Wrath about a family during the Great Depression. This epic novel won him a Pulitzer in 1940.


A. Steinbeck’s stories are based on fact. He wrote what he knew.

B. His stories are often set in California and focus on detailed descriptions of nature.

C. Steinbeck is known for humanizing the working class outcast or “loser” archetype.

Marginalization – to force a group of people to the “margins” of society

Characters in this book are judged by their…

“The Marginalized” in OMAM

RaceAgeGenderIntelligenceSocial Class

Inspiration for the Title

The title of the novella is adapted from a line in the poem “To a Mouse,” by Robert Burns

“The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry”  (astray, imperfectly, wrongly)

Translation: No matter how carefully an idea is planned, something often goes wrong with it.

SETTING:Salinas Valley, California (Steinbeck’s “backyard”)

During the time of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl

Migrant Workers in the 20’s/30’s

Thousands of people migrated to California during this time period for the promise of a better climate, gold and “The American Dream”

Many were disappointed when no jobs were available so migrant farming became popular – men abandoned their families, moving from one farm to another, finding short term work based on the harvest seasons.

The American Dream Set of ideals that are routed in the founding of the United

States:“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they

are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”

- Declaration of Independence

It is the belief that all people can achieve success and become upwardly mobile through hard work.

A. Characterization: The process by which writers reveal their characters’ traits (qualities)

Two Types:Direct characterization: The writer directly tells the reader what the character is like.ex. “Jennifer was a bright and honest young lady.”

Indirect Characterization: The writer reveals character's traits indirectly with any combination of:Describing the character’s appearanceDialogue (what they say!)Character’s actionsThe effects of the character’s actions on others

The character’s private thoughts


LENNIE is physically large and extremely strong.

As large as he is, he is mentally challenged, having the mentality and temperament of a small child.

He is fiercely loyal to and dependent upon George

CHARACTERS:George was a good friend to Lennie

He was small of stature but wiry and well built

He was frustrated with the task of having to take care of Lennie but had compassion and loyalty as well

Writing Structure Steinbeck writes his book like a play. Think of the end of a

chapter as the lights dimming on the stage and the beginning of each chapter as the lights coming up.

Steinbeck establishes a new setting for each chapter change and he gives the audience a description of this location in the first few paragraphs.

This is also why the chapters are not numbered. They simply indicate scene changes, but it’s all really one long passage.

Concepts to Look For

SymbolsRabbitsCandy’s DogCurley and Curley’s WifeLennie

Sensitive IssuesRacismFoul Language


The importance of friendship

The struggles of loneliness

The worth and purpose of an individual life

Disillusionment (to free from illusion) of the American Dream

Social injustice / prejudice