Introduction to Manegerial Economics

Post on 08-Aug-2018

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Transcript of Introduction to Manegerial Economics

  • 8/22/2019 Introduction to Manegerial Economics





    Meaning and Definition

    Nature Scope & Subject- Matter


    Role of Managerial Economist

  • 8/22/2019 Introduction to Manegerial Economics


    Meaning of Managerial


    In simplest of sense

    Manager ial econom ics is:

    Application of economic theory in

    business decision making.

    It deals with the use of economic

    concepts, tools and methods in managerialdecision making.

  • 8/22/2019 Introduction to Manegerial Economics


    Managerial Economics
  • 8/22/2019 Introduction to Manegerial Economics



    Haynes, Mote and Paul-

    Managerial Economics is economics applied indecision making. It is a special branch of

    economics bridging the gap between abstracttheory and managerial practice.

    Spencerand Seegelman -

    Business Economics (Managerial Economics)

    is the integration of economic theory withbusiness practice for the purpose of facilitatingdecision making and forward planning bymanagement.

  • 8/22/2019 Introduction to Manegerial Economics



    Managerial economics is concerned with

    application of economic concepts and

    economic analysis to the problems offormulating rational managerial decision.

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    Nature Of Managerial


    Managerial Economics is science of decisionmaking concerned with finding andimplementing of the solution to managerialproblems.

    It is Normat ive in approach, It deals withprescription what a firm should do and how itshould achieve it.

    Positive science is descriptive in nature itdeals with what is, what was and what will be.Managerial economics is not positive in itsapproach.

    Managerial economics is more Pragmatic

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    ME with MICRO & MACRO

    Managerial Economics is basically a blend ofEconomics and Management. Two branches ofeconomics i.e. micro economics and macroeconomics are the major contributors to

    managerial economics.Managerial Economics and Micro Economics

    Micro Economics is a broader concept ascompare to Managerial Economics. Micro

    Economics forms the foundation of managerialeconomics. Almost all the concepts of ManagerialEconomics are the perceptions of MicroEconomics concepts.

    Manager ial econom ics can be perceived as an

    appl ied Micro Econom ics.

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    Managerial Economics and Macro Economics

    All the firms operating in the market have to

    take under consideration the constituent of theeconomic environment in which they operate

    for its proper functioning. This economic

    environment is nothing but the Macro

    economics elements.

  • 8/22/2019 Introduction to Manegerial Economics


    Subject Matter and Scope

    ***Managerial economics also drawstogether and relates ideas from variousfunctional areas of management likeproduction, marketing, finance and


    Managerial economics performs two majorfunctions:

    1) Decision making, and2) Forward Planning


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    And this functions are to be performedunder uncertainty, for this the followingsubject matter s are covered under its

    study:1) Demand and Supply Analysis

    2) Production and Cost

    3) Market Structures

    4) Price and Output Decision

    5) Profit Analysis

    6) Basics of Macro economics , etc

  • 8/22/2019 Introduction to Manegerial Economics


    Role of Managerial

    Economist:A managerial economist helps the management byusing his analytical skills and highly developedtechniques in solving complex issues of successfuldecision-making and future advanced planning.

    The role of managerial economist can be summarizedas follows:

    He studies the economic patterns at macro-level andanalysis its significance to the specific firm he is workingin.

    He has to consistently examine the probabilities oftransforming an ever-changing economic environmentinto profitable business avenues.

    He assists the business planning process of a firm.

    He also carries cost-benefit analysis.

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    He has to undertake certain specific

    functions such as:

    1) Demand forecasting

    2) Cost and pricing decision

    3) Economic analysis of industry

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    Significance of managerial


    Price and Output Decisions

    Demand Estimation

    Choice of a Technique of Production

    Advertising Decision

    Long Run Production decision

    Investment Decision