Introduction to AngularJS (@oakjug June 2013)

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A quick introduction to AngularJS

Transcript of Introduction to AngularJS (@oakjug June 2013)


Introduction to AngularJS

Chris Richardson

Author of POJOs in ActionFounder of the original



Introduction to AngularJS

Anatomy of an AngularJS application

Automated testing

Development tools






View Controller

Presentation layer evolution....


+ JavaScript


Browser Web application


View Controller

...Presentation layer evolution


HTML 5 - JavaScript

No elaborate, server-side web framework required

Event publisher


Static content


MV* frameworks for the browser



AngularJS style MVCTemplate Controller Model

<html> <body ng-app="..."> <h1>Hello {{name}}</h1> <form ng-submit="enterName()" > <input id="firstName" ng-model="firstName" >

function MainCtrl ($scope) { ... $scope.enterName = function () { $ = $scope.firstName + ' ' + $scope.lastName; };

MainCtrl Scope

enterName: FunctionfirstName: ...lastName: ...



Hello world


Hello world - index.html

<body ng-app="helloworldApp">

<div class="container" ng-view></div>

<script src="components/angular/angular.js"></script> <script src="components/angular-resource/angular-resource.js"></script> <script src="components/angular-cookies/angular-cookies.js"></script> <script src="components/angular-sanitize/angular-sanitize.js"></script>

<script src="scripts/app.js"></script> <script src="scripts/controllers/main.js"></script>


Application’s module and root element

Where to render template


Hello world - main.html<div class="hero-unit"> <h1 ng-show="name">Hello {{name}}</h1>

<form name="nameForm" ng-submit="enterName()"> <label for="firstName">First Name:</label> <input id="firstName" type="text" name="firstName" size="30" placeholder="enter your first name" required ng-model="firstName" > <label for="lastName">Last Name:</label> <input id="lastName" type="text" name="lastName" size="30" placeholder="enter your last name" required ng-model="lastName" > <input id="enterNameButton" class="btn-primary" type="submit" value="Enter" ng-disabled="nameForm.$invalid"> </form>



Hello world - app.js

angular.module('helloworldApp', []) .config(function ($routeProvider) { $routeProvider .when('/', { templateUrl: 'views/main.html', controller: 'MainCtrl' }) .otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' }); });

defines the routes

URL ⇒view + controller

creates module with dependencies

Dependency injection



Hello world - controllers.js

angular.module('helloworldApp') .controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope) { $scope.enterName = function () { $ = $scope.firstName + ' ' + $scope.lastName; }; });

handle form submission

Populate the $scope with data and callbacksretrieves module



Introduction to AngularJS

Anatomy of an AngularJS application

Automated testing

Development tools


Food to Go


Module and route definitions - app.js

var orderTakingModule = angular.module('ordertaking', ['orderTakingServices', 'orderstate', 'deliveryinfoutils']). config(function ($routeProvider) { $routeProvider. when('/', {controller: 'DeliveryInfoCtrl', templateUrl: 'views/enterdeliveryinformation.html'}). when('/displayavailable', {controller: 'DisplayAvailableCtrl', templateUrl: 'views/displayavailable.html'}). when('/selectrestaurant/:id', {controller: 'SelectRestaurantCtrl', templateUrl: 'views/displaymenu.html'}). when('/ordersummary', {controller: 'DisplayOrderSummaryCtrl', templateUrl: 'views/ordersummary.html'}). when('/orderfinalsummary', {controller: 'PlaceOrderCtrl', templateUrl: 'views/orderfinalsummary.html'}). when('/orderconfirmation', {controller: 'DisplayOrderConfirmationCtl', templateUrl: 'views/orderconfirmation.html'}). when('/aboutus', {templateUrl: 'views/aboutus.html'}). when('/help', {templateUrl: 'views/help.html'}). when('/howitworks', {templateUrl: 'views/howitworks.html'}). otherwise({redirectTo: '/'}); });


controller - DeliveryInfoCtrlorderTakingModule.controller('DeliveryInfoCtrl', function ($scope, $location, AvailableRestaurants, OrderState, DeliveryInfoUtils) {

$scope.orderState = OrderState;

$scope.deliveryHours = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]; $scope.deliveryMinutes = [0, 15, 30, 45];

var now = new Date(); $scope.currentTime = now.getHours() * 100 + now.getMinutes();

$scope.isNotInFuture = function () { return DeliveryInfoUtils.isDeliveryTimeNotInFuture($scope.deliveryTime); }

$scope.showAvailableRestaurants = function () { .... }; });

the “cart”

for selectors


form submission


“Shopping cart” - orderstate.coffeeangular.module('orderstate', []). factory('OrderState', -> class OrderState

menuItemsMaybe: -> @selectedRestaurant?.menuItems || []

getMenuItemQuantities: -> mi.quantity for mi in @menuItemsMaybe()

getSelectedMenuItems: -> mi for mi in @menuItemsMaybe() when mi.quantity > 0 noteUpdatedMenuItemQuantities: -> @selectedMenuItems = @getSelectedMenuItems() @totalCost = 0 for mi in @selectedMenuItems @totalCost = @totalCost + mi.quantity * mi.price

makeOrder: -> deliveryInfo: @deliveryInfo restaurantId: orderLineItems: {name:, quantity: mi.quantity} for mi in @selectedMenuItems return new OrderState(); );


View template - enterdeliveryinfo.html

<form name="deliveryInfoForm" ng-submit="showAvailableRestaurants()"> <label for="zipCode">Zip code:</label> <input type="text" name="zipCode" ng-model="deliveryZipCode" size="5" placeholder="enter your zip code" required ng-pattern="/^[0-9]{5,5}$/"> <label for="deliveryTimeHour">Delivery Time:</label> <select ng-model="deliveryTime.hour" ng-options="i for i in deliveryHours" required style="width: 4em"> </select> <select ng-model="deliveryTime.minute" ng-options="i for i in deliveryMinutes" required style="width: 4em"> </select> <select ng-model="deliveryTime.ampm" required style="width: 4em"> <option value="am">AM</option> <option value="pm">PM</option> </select> <span class="error" ng-show="isNotInFuture()">Please pick a time in the future</span> <br/> <input id="enterDeliveryInfoButton" class="btn-primary" type="submit" value="Next" ng-disabled="isNotInFuture() || deliveryInfoForm.$invalid"></form>


Fetching available restaurants

orderTakingModule.controller('DeliveryInfoCtrl', function ($scope, $location, AvailableRestaurants, OrderState, DeliveryInfoUtils) {

... $scope.showAvailableRestaurants = function () { var deliveryInfo = DeliveryInfoUtils.makeDeliveryInfo($scope.deliveryTime, $scope.deliveryZipCode);

OrderState.deliveryInfo = deliveryInfo;

AvailableRestaurants.get({zipcode: deliveryInfo.address.zipcode, dayOfWeek: deliveryInfo.time.dayOfWeek, hour: deliveryInfo.time.hour, minute: deliveryInfo.time.minute}, function (ars) { OrderState.availableRestaurants = ars.availableRestaurants; $location.path('/displayavailable'); }); }; });

update cart

query server

update cartchange view


AvailableRestaurants resource

angular.module('orderTakingServices', ['ngResource']). factory('AvailableRestaurants', function($resource) { return $resource('/app/availablerestaurants'); });

CRUD methods ⇒ RESTful request


Available restaurants


Displaying available - route and controller

orderTakingModule.controller('DisplayAvailableCtrl', function ($scope, OrderState) { $scope.orderState = OrderState; });

when('/displayavailable', {controller: 'DisplayAvailableCtrl', templateUrl: 'views/displayavailable.html'})


Displaying available - view

<span>Delivering to {{orderState.deliveryInfo.address.zipcode}} at {{orderState.deliveryInfo.timeOfDay}}</span><table id="availableRestaurantsTable"> <tr ng-repeat="r in orderState.availableRestaurants"> <td>{{}}</td> <td> <a href="#/selectrestaurant/{{}}">select</a> </td> </tr></table>

iterate through restaurants

select restaurant


Creating an order


Getting restaurant details

orderTakingModule.controller('SelectRestaurantCtrl', function SelectRestaurantCtrl($scope, $routeParams, OrderState, Restaurant, $location) {

$scope.orderState = OrderState;

OrderState.selectedRestaurant = Restaurant.get({id: $});

$scope.$watch("orderState.getMenuItemQuantities()", OrderState.noteUpdatedMenuItemQuantities.bind(OrderState), true);

$scope.displayOrderSummary = function () { $location.path('/ordersummary'); } });

Get restaurant from server

call this method

when this changes

Contains values from URL



angular.module('orderTakingServices', ...). factory('Restaurant',function ($resource) { return $resource('/app/restaurant/:id'); });

CRUD methods ⇒ RESTful request


But wait, there’s more!Directives

Define custom DOM attributes (or elements)

Behavior or DOM transformation

e.g. use JQuery UI widgets

Filters for data formatting in the view

Using $scope.$apply() to execute an expression in angular from outside it’s event loop




Introduction to AngularJS

Anatomy of an AngularJS application

Automated testing

Development tools


AngularJS promotes testability

Dependency injection simplifies unit testing

MV* = Separation of concerns ⇒ improves testability

AngularJS provides

mocks for unit testing

Angular Scenario Runner for end to end testing


Jasmine unit testdescribe('DeliveryInfoCtrl', function () {

beforeEach(inject(function ($controller) { ctrl = $controller('DeliveryInfoCtrl', {$scope: scope, $location: location}); }));

describe('showAvailableRestaurants', function () {

var availableRestaurants = {...};

it('should fetch available restaurants', function () { $httpBackend.expectGET('/app/availablerestaurants?dayOfWeek=' + dayOfWeek + '&hour=18&minute=15&zipcode=94619'). respond(availableRestaurants);

scope.deliveryTime = {hour: 6, minute: 15, ampm: "pm"}; scope.deliveryZipCode = "94619";



expect(location.newPath).toBe('/displayavailable'); expect(theOrderState.availableRestaurants).toEqual(availableRestaurants.availableRestaurants); }); });

Mock provided by AngularJS

Override dependencies

Setup form values

Process async requests


E2E testing with the Angular Scenario Runner

describe('Order taking application', function() {

it('should work', function() { browser().navigateTo('/'); expect(browser().location().url()).toBe('/'); input('deliveryZipCode').enter('94619'); select('deliveryTime.hour').option(6 - 1); select('deliveryTime.minute').option("45"); select('deliveryTime.ampm').option("pm"); element("#enterDeliveryInfoButton", "enterDeliveryInfoButton").click();

element("#availableRestaurantsTable a:first", "select available restaurant").click();

using("#menuTable tr:first", "mi quantity").input("mi.quantity").enter("3"); expect(element("#orderTotal").text()).toBe("297"); .... }); });

“Selenium-style” testing framework



Introduction to AngularJS

Anatomy of an AngularJS application

Automated testing

Development tools


Scaffold Build, preview,

testPackage manager


$ yo angular:app

Generates skeleton application


$ bower install [package]

Installs JavaScript libraries

{ "name": "helloworld", "version": "0.0.0", "dependencies": { "angular": "~1.0.5", "json3": "~3.2.4", "es5-shim": "~2.0.8", "angular-resource": "~1.0.5", "angular-cookies": "~1.0.5", "angular-sanitize": "~1.0.5" }, "devDependencies": { "angular-mocks": "~1.0.5", "angular-scenario": "~1.0.5" }}


$ grunt serverLaunches application in browser with live



$ grunt test

Runs tests using the Karma test runner


$ grunt build

Packages application: runs jshint, minification, concatenation, ...



MVC has migrated to where it belongs: the browser

AngularJS looks like pretty cool framework

Yeoman and friends look promising



@crichardson - code and slides

