Introduction - · data are several items in WVEIS on Web (WOW) or the Portal. The...

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Transcript of Introduction - · data are several items in WVEIS on Web (WOW) or the Portal. The...

W e s t V i r g i n i a D e p a r t m e n t o f E d u c a t i o n | D e c e m b e r C h i l d C o u n t

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The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) supports the maintenance of educational records in an electronic information system known as the West Virginia Education Information System (WVEIS). The education records are entered and updated by school and district staff to comply with federal and state law and West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) policy. At various points throughout each school year, WVDE requests snapshots of certain data to fulfill state-level obligations with respect to state and federal reporting, funding calculations, program monitoring, and accountability.

During the period from mid-November though early December, WVDE snapshots several data elements through the Special Education December Child Count, commonly called the December Child Count or simply the Child Count. The December Child Count is a count of all students with disabilities receiving special education and related services according to a current Individualized Education Program (IEP). The data represent the official count in the district on December 1 of the school year.

Through the December Child Count certification process, data are reviewed, corrected as needed, and submitted by district Special Education Directors; district staff then assist Superintendents with a final review of the data. When reviews and corrections are completed, Superintendents certify the data as accurate representations of the count and characteristics of special education students in local schools as of December 1st of the current academic year.

The instructions provided in this document have been prepared as a resource to assist Superintendents with the review and certification1 of data during the December Child Count collection window.

The table of contents beginning on the following page is interactive. Click the name of the collection for which you need information to go directly to those instructions.

1 Instructions to facilitate district staff members’ review and submission of the data are available in a

separate document.

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In This Document Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 1

Overview of the Collection ............................................................................................................................4

Responsibilities by Role................................................................................................................................. 5

Special Education Director ......................................................................................................................... 5 Superintendent ............................................................................................................................................. 5

Child Count Timeline .......................................................................................................................................6

Special Education Child Count .................................................................................................................. 6

A Note about “December 1” ........................................................................................................................... 7

Finding the Applications ............................................................................................................................... 8

December Child Count Submission ........................................................................................................... 11

Special Education Child Count ................................................................................................................ 12 Reviewing the Data .............................................................................................................................. 12 Correcting Errors .................................................................................................................................. 14 Certifying the Data ............................................................................................................................... 15

Data Quality Tools ......................................................................................................................................... 16

Coding Standards and Manuals .............................................................................................................. 16 Student Data Edits ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Data Edit Emails .......................................................................................................................................... 16 ZoomWV-e Data Quality Dashboard ...................................................................................................... 16 Certification Status Emails ....................................................................................................................... 17

Requesting Assistance .................................................................................................................................18

For Technical Assistance with the Application ............................................................................. 18 For Assistance with the Data or Content Being Submitted ....................................................... 18

Special Education Data ................................................................................................................ 18 Enrollment and General Questions .......................................................................................... 18

For Questions about Data Governance .......................................................................................... 19

Appendices ..................................................................................................................................................... 20

Coding Standards ....................................................................................................................................... 21 Special Education Status ................................................................................................................... 21 Special Education Exceptionality .................................................................................................... 22 Least Restrictive Educational Environment (LRE) ....................................................................... 25 Duplicated Services ............................................................................................................................. 27

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English Learner Status ........................................................................................................................28 Race/Ethnicity ...................................................................................................................................... 29 Sex/Gender ............................................................................................................................................ 29 Register and Class Level Codes ....................................................................................................... 30

Data Quality Edit Check Email ................................................................................................................. 32 Data Certification Overview: Windows in Time ................................................................................... 41

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Overview of the Collection

The Special Education December Child Count reflects the unduplicated number of students who are receiving special education services as of December 1 of the current academic year. This submission captures all students of the appropriate age enrolled as of December 1 with an unduplicated, unexited service record. District Special Education Directors should review these data, with any errors being corrected before submission for the Superintendent’s review. Corrections to student records may be made through various tabs in STU.301. Submission and review will occur through CERT.DCC. Teacher rosters, which can be used to involve teachers or principals in review, can be generated through SER.OST.

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Responsibilities by Role

District staff have responsibility for reviewing, verifying, submitting, and certifying information. As needed, they may coordinate with school-level staff to verify data or make any necessary updates or corrections. The Superintendent is responsible for final certification and general supervision of the submission and review processes. The WVEIS County Contact is responsible for providing and seeking additional technical assistance and support. The general responsibilities for staff with regard to specific data components are outlined below.

Special Education Director

Special Education Verification and Child Count Submission Collaboration and coordination with school-level staff for verification and updates or

corrections (as needed)


Certification the Child Count collection General supervision of the submission and review processes

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Child Count Timeline

The December Child Count timeframe begins in mid-November and concludes in early December. Data regarding student enrollment, exceptionalities, and other characteristics will be captured on the school day closest to December 1 each year. District staff (specifically, Special Education Directors) have responsibility for reviewing, verifying, and submitting information. The Superintendent is responsible for final certification and may certify the data at any point after submission and prior to the final certification deadline. The timeline is outlined below.

Special Education Child Count

November 20-30 Initial review and update/correction window (district-level Special Education Directors; state staff may provide assistance, if needed)

December 1-2 Data snapshot and submission window December 3-10 Final Superintendent review and certification window December 10 Final Superintendent certification deadline (no later than 11:59 p.m.)

Please Note: These dates are provided as a general rule for most years. If a submission due date falls on a weekend or recognized holiday, the deadline will be extended to the next business day. WVDE staff may provide adjusted dates in years when collection or dues dates fall on weekends or holidays. District staff should make note of any announcements provided through official channels (e.g., Superintendent’s Updates, WVEIS Collection Calendar, email or other notices sent to WVEIS County Contacts) that may list specific date changes.

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A Note about “December 1”

The December Child Count is a snapshot of data taken on or before December 1 of each school year. In some years, December 1st falls on a weekend, which necessitates some adjustments to the snapshot date in order to account for the weekend days on which students and staff are not in school. Child Count data are captured on December 1st or the last school day prior. The table below presents the data capture dates for December Child Count Data.

When December 1st is on a December Child Count Snapshot data are captured on…

Monday Monday, December 1

Tuesday Tuesday, December 1

Wednesday Wednesday, December 1

Thursday Thursday, December 1

Friday Friday, December 1

Saturday* Friday, November 30

Sunday* Friday, November 29

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Finding the Applications

The applications school staff should use to review, verify, and submit December Child Count data are several items in WVEIS on Web (WOW) or the Portal. The applications, found in several different WOW menus, are

Student Information: STU.301 (SMS Student Management System/SMS100 Student Management Maintenance) Including basic student information, enrollment, registration, and special education tabs, among others as needed.

Special Education Child Count: CERT.DCC (WVR West Virginia State Reporting/WVR100 State Reporting)

Special Education Teacher Roster: SER.OST (SPE Special Education System/SPE200 Special Education Reports)

WOW users can take the following steps to find the necessary applications.

1. Go to to access the WOW link.

2. Log into WOW using your user ID and password.

Note: If you have responsibilities that require multiple roles in WVEIS,, you must remember to use the appropriate role to submit data (e.g., PRINCIPAL, CTEDIR). You may change your role at the top of the WOW screen.

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3. Select Menus to find the application.

4. After clicking Menus, an easy method for finding the application quickly is to type in the application name in the search box and click “Go.” Doing so will open the application.

You may also find the certification applications in the appropriate menu. Expand the menu by clicking on the + sign, then click on the menu item to open the application.

Other applications needed for review and submission may be found by following the same steps using the appropriate application name.

Please Note: Similar search/find strategies can be used to locate data collection applications through the new “Portal,” which is a district-specific web-based interface for the data system. The Portal can be accessed securely from any Internet-connected location whether on or off the K12 network. For more information, please speak with your local WVEIS County Contact. For your reference, a screenshot from the Portal is provided on the following page.

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December Child Count Submission

The submission of data by appropriate district staff is required prior to Superintendent certification. The following pages outline the steps district staff should take to review and submit the data. Data reviews to ensure accuracy and completeness may be conducted in consultation with other knowledgeable school or district staff.

Please Note: Superintendents will not be permitted to certify data for their districts until all data have been submitted. Please ensure that you meet submission deadlines set by your district to ensure timely review and certification at the district level.

Please Note: The data captured through certified collections will be locked in place and become the official record for the school and district for the specified timeframe. Official data will be used for state and federal reporting and other purposes as appropriate. For any collections not certified by the stated deadline, WVDE will capture the data as they exist in the system at the conclusion of the certification window. Those data will then serve as the official record. Districts and schools will not be able to appeal or alter official data after the close of the certification window.

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Special Education Child Count

The district Special Education Director will submit the Special Education December Child Count data through the CERT.DCC application within the WVR/WVR 100 State Reporting Requirements menu. Following submission, during the first week of December, the Superintendent will review and certify the Special Education December Child Count data through the CERT.DCC application.

If the Superintendent sees any potential errors or inaccuracies during his/her review of the data, he/she should unlock the district’s information and request that the Special Education Director make any necessary and appropriate changes in the student-level data. Resubmission through CERT.DCC will be required to ensure the corrected data are accurately reflected in the data files. Once the information is fully correct, the Superintendent should certify the data.

The special education child count includes the number of students by exceptionality and age and the number of students by least restrictive environment (LRE) and age for students ages 3-21. Special Education Directors must verify exceptionality codes, birth dates, race/ethnicity codes, LEP designations, and LRE codes in students’ WVEIS records.

Reviewing the Data

Log into WOW or the Portal and navigate to CERT.DCC. The data to be reviewed at the Superintendent level should already have been reviewed, corrected (if needed), and verified by your district Special Education Director. You will be conducting a final review for any possible errors or areas of concern. Please ensure your district Special Education Director has completed the following actions:

review all data and verify that submitted counts match the total of enrolled students with disabilities meeting Child Count criteria

correct any errors, including critical errors which will impede submission and certification

verify that no other changes or corrections are needed

You will be reviewing the submitted data for the total count of special education students based on exceptionalities by age and LRE by age.

1. Select “Submitted Data” from the menu at left to view the reports that require verification and certification.

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2. Review the Exceptionalities by Age table. Review the counts to ensure they look accurate for the students currently identified in your district’s special education program. Clicking on any underlined number within any cell on the table will generate a new pop-up window or tab listing all of the students counted within that cell. The student list will include information about the student and his or her service entry date, status, LRE, specific exceptionality, Medicaid eligibility (if applicable), and teacher.

Please Note: Cells containing potential errors will be highlighted. Non-critical warnings will be highlighted in yellow/orange, and critical errors will be highlighted in red. Critical errors must be corrected within students´ WVEIS records prior to Child Count certification. The district Special Education Director should have resolved all errors prior to submitting data for your review.

3. Scroll down to the LRE by Age table. Review the counts to ensure they look accurate for the students currently identified in your district’s special education program. Clicking on any underlined number within any cell on the table will generate a new pop-up window or tab listing all of the students counted within that cell. The student list will include information about the student and his or her service entry date, status, LRE, specific exceptionality, Medicaid eligibility (if applicable), and teacher.

Please Note: LRE designations are valid for specific age levels. LREs designated with a letter (M, N, P, R, S, W, X, Y Z) are valid for students 5 years of age or younger. Those designated with a number (0-9) are valid for students 6 years of age or older. Please discuss LRE coding with your Special Education Director for more details.

Please Note: Cells containing potential errors will be highlighted. Non-critical warnings will be highlighted in yellow/orange, and critical errors will be highlighted in red. Critical errors, which include blank/missing codes or LRE codes that are not valid for a

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particular age group, will be highlighted in red. Critical errors must be corrected within students´ WVEIS records prior to Child Count certification. The district Special Education Director should have resolved all errors prior to submitting data for your review.

4. When reviewing the Exceptionalities by Age and LRE by Age, verify the following:

(a) Counts by exceptionality category and LRE appear accurate. (b) Total counts for both tables match and are accurate. (c) Critical errors highlighted in red have been resolved, including correcting any

invalid exceptionality and/or LRE codes. (d) Any warnings highlighted in yellow/orange have been checked for possible errors

and corrected as needed. (e) All school age students who are parentally placed in private school are identified

in the column for an LRE of “8” (Parentally Placed in Private School). (f) All students with disabilities placed out-of-state by WVDHHR are counted in the LRE

column of “6” (Special Education: Residential Facility).

Correcting Errors

If you suspect that submitted data are incorrect or incomplete, or if errors are still indicated in the summary tables, you should contact your Special Education Director to discuss your concerns.

If resubmission is needed, please communicate your expectations to the Special Education Director regarding the corrections needed and the timeframe within which you will need to see the corrected data.

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You will need to unlock the submission to allow the Director to change source data and resubmit the corrected information. Within the “Submitted Data” link in CERT.DCC, scroll to and click the link “Unlock Special Education Child Count Data” (following the LRE by Age table). Your Special Education Director will then be able to make any needed updates or corrections and resubmit the December Child Count data for your review.

Certifying the Data

When all reviews have been conducted and you are satisfied that the data are complete and accurate, you will need to certify the Special Education December Child Count data through CERT.DCC.

The certification statement and button will be available near the bottom of the “Submitted Data” review screen in the application, following all data review tables. Read the assurance statements and, when you are ready to certify the accuracy of the data, click the “Certify” button. Clicking the certification button will lock and certify the December Child Count data for the current school year.

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Data Quality Tools

WVDE provides various tools to assist local staff with reviewing data for accuracy and completion.

Coding Standards and Manuals

WVDE has prepared several coding standards and manuals to provide guidance and rules for how data should be entered and maintained in WVEIS. These documents are available to users through the WVEIS support webpage, available at

Student Data Edits

Within WOW, WVDE staff have developed a program (STU.EDT Student Data Edits) providing detailed information about potential discrepancies or irregularities within local data. The potential errors and irregularities included are based on system business rules and coding standards. The edits are categorizes into three levels: (1) errors, which will prevent submission and certification of data; (2) warnings, which indicate discrepancies that may be in need of review and correction but will not stop submissions; and (3) informational items, which are intended to bring information to local staff members’ attention and do not necessarily indicate errors.

Data Edit Emails

WVDE staff have adapted the STU.EDT program into an automated notification. Regularly throughout the year, emails are generated within WVEIS and sent to district staff detailing potential discrepancies or irregularities within local data. The potential errors and irregularities included in the messages are based on system business rules and coding standards. Following the title and description of the specific error or edit, a record count indicates how many student records in the county fall into that category. The email allows local staff to click on the record count and view the list of students whose records may be in question (logging on with WebTop credentials is required for security reasons). Local staff may then log into WVEIS to review the student record and make any adjustments that may be needed. Because the data edit emails are sent throughout the year, local staff may use the information on an ongoing basis to facilitate quicker EOY reviews and more accurate submissions.

ZoomWV-e Data Quality Dashboard

Within ZoomWV for Educators (ZoomWV-e), a “Data Quality” dashboard lists counts of certain types of data errors or irregularities. Counts are presented by error type as well as totals by school. Clicking on any item will render additional information, including the ID of students with discrepant or non-standard data and other details about the discrepancy. Local staff may

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then log into WVEIS to review the student record and make any adjustments that may be needed. Please note: Because the ZoomWV-e system updates information nightly, changes made in a student record prior to 6:00 PM will be reflected in the ZoomWV-e dashboard on the following school day.

Certification Status Emails

WVDE staff also use WVEIS to generate automatic messages outlining completion status for certifications. These messages list each required collection and indicate whether data have been submitted and certified for the district. Local staff may use these messages to monitor certification and ensure that deadlines are met.

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Requesting Assistance

WVDE seeks to ensure that local staff have sufficient support to complete all required data collections successfully and in a timely manner. Please direct your questions or requests as follows.

For Technical Assistance with the Application

The WVDE tiered support structure emphasizes local ownership and problem solving to ensure a timely resolution to any issues and to build local capacity for long-term data management. First-level data collectors, including school staff or district staff responsible for any part of a data collection, should address all questions, issues, or concerns about WOW applications to the local WVEIS County Contact. If the WVEIS County Contact cannot answer the question or solve the problem, he/she should contact the RESA Technical Assistance Representative. If the RESA staff member cannot answer the question or solve the problem, he/she should contact a WVDE representative and/or submit a ticket through the online issue resolution and management system.

For Assistance with the Data or Content Being Submitted

Questions about the data or content being submitted should be directed to the appropriate program office, which may include WVEIS staff. School staff should first reach out to their district office to determine whether the question can be answered within the county, either by a district office or by the WVEIS County Contact. If the district staff member cannot answer the question or resolve the issue, he or she should try to work with RESA staff who may have knowledge of the content area. If RESA staff do not have immediate knowledge of the content area, either the district staff member or the RESA staff member may contact the appropriate WVDE program office, as listed below.

Special Education Data All questions about special education data that cannot be answered locally should be directed to the WVDE Office of Special Education at 304-558-2696. Emailed questions may be directed to Renee Ecckles-Hardy at or Mike Knighton at

Enrollment and General Questions All questions about enrollment data and any general questions that cannot be answered locally should be directed to the WVDE Office of Data Management and Information

First-Level Data Collectors

WVEIS County Contact

RESA Representative

WVDE Staff


(Online System)

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Systems at 304-558-8869. Emailed questions may be directed to Georgia Hughes-Webb at

For Questions about Data Governance

Certified data collections are important for ensuring high-quality, timely, and useable data are available to all stakeholder to inform crucial decisions. If you have any questions about certified data collections or data governance in general, please contact the WVDE Data Governance Team at 304-558-7881 or

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Coding Standards

Special Education Status Special Education Exceptionality Least Restrictive Educational Environment (LRE) Related Services English Learner Status Race/Ethnicity Sex/Gender Register and Class Level Codes

Data Quality Edit Check Email

Data Certification Overview: Windows in Time

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Coding Standards

The following pages outline the standard codes school and district staff should use for students’ special education and demographic characteristics.

Special Education Status

Exceptionality codes are used to indicate the specific needs or disabilities of West Virginia public school students identified as eligible for participation in special education. Codes are assigned to students based on the evaluations and determinations of local assistance teams. Every effort should be made to use the most appropriate code possible for a student’s specific circumstances.

Code Short Description Circumstance

10 In evaluation Optional code not used by all districts

20 Did not qualify Optional code not used by all districts

30 In program, receiving services

35 No longer receives special education services

40 Graduated with regular diploma

50 Graduated with modified diploma/high school equivalent diploma

60 IEP cycle/eligibility change, services continuing

70 Reached maximum age

75 Student died

80 Moved, known to be continuing

90 Dropped out

99 Exiting duplicated service(s)

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Special Education Exceptionality

Exceptionality codes are used to indicate the specific needs or disabilities of West Virginia public school students identified as eligible for participation in special education. Codes are assigned to students based on the evaluations and determinations of local Eligibility Committees. For each code, the Eligibility Committee must consider all relevant evidence and document the determination that a student meets the eligibility criteria for the exceptionality.

Code Exceptionality Brief Definition (per WVBE Policy 2419)

AU Autism Autism is a developmental disability, generally evident before age three, significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction and adversely affecting educational performance. A student who manifests the characteristics of autism after age three could be diagnosed as having autism if the criteria in this section are satisfied. Other characteristics often associated with autism include, but are not limited to, engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental change or change in daily routines, and unusual responses to sensory experiences.

BD Emotional/Behavior Disorder

An emotional/behavioral disorder means a condition in which a student exhibits one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects a student’s educational performance:

1. an inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors

2. an inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers

3. inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances

4. a general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression 5. a tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated

with personal or school problems 6. schizophrenia

The term does not include students who are socially maladjusted unless it is determined they have an emotional/behavioral disorder.

CD Speech/language Impairment

A communication disorder, such as stuttering, impaired articulation, a language impairment, or a voice impairment that adversely affects a child's educational performance.

DB Deaf/Blindness Deaf/blindness means concomitant hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes such severe communication and other developmental and educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs designed solely for students with deafness or blindness or students who are hard of hearing or partially sighted.

DF Deafness Deafness is a hearing impairment that is so severe that the student is impaired in processing linguistic information through hearing, with or without amplification, which adversely affects a student’s educational performance.

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Code Exceptionality Brief Definition (per WVBE Policy 2419)

EG Exceptional Gifted (Grades 9-12)

Giftedness is exceptional intellectual abilities and potential for achievement that requires specially designed instruction and/or services beyond those normally provided in the general classroom instruction.

GF Gifted (Grades 1-8)

HI Hard of Hearing Hard of hearing is an impairment in hearing, whether permanent or fluctuating, that adversely affects a student’s educational performance but that is not included under the definition of deafness.

LD Specific Learning Disability

Specific learning disability (SLD) means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculation, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia.

Specific learning disability does not include learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, intellectual disability, emotional/behavioral disorder or environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage.

MD Intellectual Disability - Moderate

Intellectual disability is defined as significantly subaverage intellectual functioning that exists concurrently with deficits in adaptive skill areas. These deficits are manifested during the developmental period and adversely affect the student’s educational performance.

MM Intellectual Disability - Mild

MS Intellectual Disability – Severe

OH Other Health Impairment

Other health impairment means having limited strength, vitality or alertness, including heightened alertness to environmental stimuli, that results in limited alertness with respect to the educational environment that is due to chronic or acute health problems. These health problems may include, but are not limited to, asthma, , attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, a heart condition, hemophilia, lead poisoning, leukemia, nephritis, rheumatic fever, sickle cell anemia, Tourette syndrome and stroke to such a degree that it adversely affects the student’s educational performance.

PH Orthopedic Impairment

Orthopedic impairment means a severe physical limitation that adversely affects a student’s educational performance. The term includes impairments caused by congenital anomaly (e.g., spina bifida, congenital amputation, osteogenesis imperfecta), an impairment caused by disease (e.g., poliomyelitis, bone tuberculosis), or an impairment from other causes (e.g., cerebral palsy, amputations, fractures or burns that cause contracture).

PS Developmental Delay (Ages 3-5)

Developmental delays occur in students, ages three through five, who are functioning at, or lower than, 75% of the normal rate of development in two or more of the following areas: (a) cognition; (b) physical development including gross motor and/or fine motor

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Code Exceptionality Brief Definition (per WVBE Policy 2419) skills; (c) communication; (d) social, emotional, and/or affective development; and/or (e) self-help skills.

VI Blindness and Low Vision

Blindness and low vision refers to an impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversely affects a student’s educational performance. The term includes both partial sight and blindness.

TB Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury means an acquired injury to the brain caused by an external physical force, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment, or both, that adversely affects a student’s educational performance. Traumatic brain injury applies to open or closed head injuries resulting in impairments in one or more areas, such as cognition, language, memory, attention, reasoning, abstract thinking, judgment, problem solving, sensory, perceptual and motor abilities, psychosocial behavior, physical functions, information processing, and speech. The term does not apply to congenital or degenerative brain injuries or to brain injuries induced by birth trauma.

Please Note: When more than one exceptionality condition is present, the Eligibility Committee must use the results of the multidisciplinary evaluation to determine the student’s primary exceptionality. The committee must discuss how each exceptionality affects the student’s educational and functional performance and determine and document which has the most adverse impact on the student’s participation and progress in the general curriculum. If consensus upon the primary exceptionality cannot be reached, the district administrator or designee must make the decision and provide the parent/adult student with prior written notice of the decision

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Least Restrictive Educational Environment (LRE)

Codes identifying the least restrictive environment (LRE) for special education students describe the primary environment that is best suited for students’ specific educational needs and experiences. The LRE is the primary setting in which a student should be educated. Codes are assigned to students based on the evaluations and determinations of local assistance teams. Every effort should be made to use the most appropriate code possible for a student’s specific circumstances. Different code sets are used for young learners (ages 3-5 years) and school age students (ages 6-21 years).

Code Short Description Circumstance

LRE Codes for Early Learners (Ages 3-5)

W Early Childhood 10 Hours or More, In-School Services

The student attends a Regular Early Childhood Program at least 10 hours per week AND is receiving the majority of hours (50% or more) of special education and related services in the Regular Early Childhood Program.

X Early Childhood 10 Hours or More Out-of-School Services

The student attends a Regular Early Childhood Program at least 10 hours per week AND the child is receiving the majority of hours (greater than 50%) of special education and related services in some other location.

Y Early Childhood Less than 10 Hours, In-School Services

The student attends a Regular Early Childhood Program less than 10 hours per week AND the child is receiving the majority of hours (50% or more) of special education and related services in the Regular Early Childhood Program.

Z Early Childhood Less than 10 Hours, Out-of-School Services

The student attends a Regular Early Childhood Program less than 10 hours per week AND the child is receiving the majority of hours (greater than 50%) of special education and related services in some other location.

M Separate Class The student attends a special education program in a class with less than 50 percent nondisabled children. Does not include children who also attended a regular early childhood program.

N Separate School The student receives education programs in public or private day schools designed specifically for children with disabilities. Does not include children who also attended a regular early childhood program.

P Residential Facility The student receives education programs in publicly or privately operated residential schools or residential medical facilities on an inpatient basis. Does not include children who also attended a regular early childhood program.

R Home The student receives special education and related services in the principal residence of the child’s family or caregivers, and who did not attend an early childhood program or a special education program provided in a separate class, separate school, or residential facility. Includes children who receive special education both at home and in a service provider location. The term caregiver includes babysitters.

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Code Short Description Circumstance

LRE Codes for Early Learners (Ages 3-5)

S Service Provider Location

The student receives all special education and related services from a service provider and does not attend an early childhood program or a special education program provided in a separate class, separate school, or residential facility. Does not include children who also receive special education at home. Children who receive special education both in a service provider location and at home should have an LRE code of R (“Home”).

Example: Speech instruction provided in private clinicians’ offices, clinicians’ offices located in school buildings, hospital facilities on an outpatient basis, and/or libraries or other public locations.

LRE Codes for School-Age Learners (Ages 6-21)

0 General Education: Full-Time

The student's specially designed instruction and related services are delivered inside the general education classes or integrated community settings for 80% or more of the school day.

1 General Education: Part-Time

The student's specially designed instruction and related services are delivered inside the general education classes or integrated community settings for no more than 79% of the school day and no less than 40% of the school day.

2 Special Education: Separate Class

The student's specially designed instruction and related services are delivered inside the general education classes or integrated community settings for less than 40% of the school day.

3 Special Education: Separate School

The student's specially designed instruction and related services are delivered in public or private separate day school facilities.

5 Special Education: Out-of-School Environment

The student's specially designed instruction and related services are temporarily delivered in: 1) a non-school environment, such as a public library, group home or mental health center; 2) a medical treatment facility/hospital; or 3) the student’s home.

6 Special Education: Residential Facility (public or private)

The student's specially designed instruction and related services are delivered in a facility which provides 24 hour-a-day care and supervision.

8 Parentally Placed in Private School

The student is placed in private school by the parent and receives services through a Service Plan. This code/circumstance applies to students ages 6-21 only.

9 Correctional Facility The student receives IEP services in a correctional facility (services provided by the Office of Diversion and Transition Planning, formerly known as the Office of Institutional Education).

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Duplicated Services

The term “duplicated services” refers to related and supplemental services such as transportation and developmental, corrective, and other supportive services required to assist an eligible student to benefit from special education as described in the IEP. The specific codes included in the list below, which are standard across the state, may not capture every developmental, corrective, supportive, or transition service provided to special education students. Every effort should be made to use the most appropriate code(s) possible for a student’s specific circumstances. However, an “other” category (code RZ) is provided for use when needed.

Code Short Description

AD Assistive Technology Device

AS Assistive Technology Service

BP Behavior Intervention Plan

BS Braille Support

PC Personal Care Services

RA Audiology

RB Rehabilitation Counseling

RC Clean Intermittent Catheterization (CIC)

RE Early Identification and Evaluation

RG Parent Training

RH School Health Services

RI Interpreting Services

RL Speech and Language Pathology Services

RM Medical Services (Diagnostic/Evaluation Only)

RN Counseling Services

RO Occupational Therapy

RP Psychological Services

RR Recreation

RS Social Work Services

RT Transportation

RU Therapeutic Recreation

RV Orientation and Mobility Services

RY Physical Therapy

SS Sign Language Support

TS Transition Services

RZ Other

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English Learner Status

English learner status codes are used to indicate whether services are being provided to students in West Virginia public schools who have limited proficiency in speaking, reading, or writing in the English language. Codes are generated in the system based on the category selected on relevant information screens in WVEIS. Every effort should be made to use the most specific code possible for a student’s status.

Code Short Description Circumstance

S Receiving EL services The student is currently participating in a language assistance program to receive services in support of English language acquisition and proficiency.

R Removed from EL services by parent

The student was voluntarily removed from language assistance programs by a parent or guardian.

W Parent waiver from EL services

The student has been given a waiver from participation in language assistance programs by a parent or guardian.

X Exited EL services The student has met necessary criteria and exited from language assistance programs.

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Race/ethnicity codes are used to indicate West Virginia public school students’ racial and ethnic backgrounds or ancestry. Codes are generated in the system based on the category (or categories) selected on the student information screens in WVEIS. Every effort should be made to use the most specific selection possible for a student’s background; however, students or parents may choose not to disclose information about their racial or ethnic background.

Code Short Description Circumstance

H Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity

An indication that the person traces his or her origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and South America, and other Spanish cultures, regardless of race.

When a student is listed as Hispanic (i.e., when the "Hispanic" item is selected), the "H" code will automatically populate for ethnicity. Hispanic ethnicity supersedes all racial codes.

A Asian A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

B Black or African American

A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.

I American Indian or Alaska Native

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community attachment.

P Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.

W White A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

M Two or More Races A person of having origins in any of more than one of the racial groups.

When there are multiple races selected in WVEIS (and Hispanic is not selected), the "M" code will populate. "Multiracial" and similar items should not be included on enrollment forms.


Sex/gender codes are used to indicate West Virginia public school students’ gender. Codes are generated in the system based on the category selected on the student information screens in WVEIS. Every effort should be made to use the most specific selection possible for a student’s gender; however, students or parents may choose not to disclose a child’s gender.

Code Short Description Circumstance

F Female Code for students who are girls/females.

M Male Code for students who are boys/males.

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Register and Class Level Codes

Enrollment register codes, all of which begin with the letter “C,” are used to indicate the different approximate class/grade levels in which West Virginia public school students may be placed. Class level codes, which are two digits and correspond to register codes, are used to indicate the specific class/grade levels to which West Virginia public school students are assigned. Every effort should be made to use the most accurate codes possible for the student’s circumstances. Register codes and class level codes must align.

Register Code Class Code Description Notes

CE0 E0 Pre-K Part-Time Pre-kindergarten/early childhood students enrolled part-time (less than 1.000 FTE) for services or classes

CE1 E1 Pre-K Full-Time Pre-kindergarten/early childhood students enrolled full-time (1.000 FTE)

C0K 0K Kindergarten

C01 01 1st Grade

C02 02 2nd Grade

C03 03 3rd Grade

C04 04 4th Grade

C05 05 5th Grade

C06 06 6th Grade

C07 07 7th Grade

C08 08 8th Grade

C09 09 9th Grade

C10 10 10th Grade

C11 11 11th Grade

C12 12 12th Grade

C13 13 Grade 13 Adult student, paid tuition

C14 14 Grade 14 Adult secondary student, non-tuition

CSS SS Summer School (Graduate)

Used for students who are enrolled in or who have graduated following a summer school program

CPG PG Post-Graduates

Use for special education students who have graduated/earned a diploma and who have returned to receive additional services up to their 21st birthday (maximum age)

CPK PK Pre-enrolled for Pre-K

Pre-enrollment only, not valid for enrolled students

CNK NK Pre-enrolled for Kindergarten

Pre-enrollment only, not valid for enrolled students

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Previous Register Codes No Longer In Use: The following register codes were used previously but are no longer valid for use. Local staff may not use these codes as of the expiration date listed in the table. Historical data prior to the expiration date should not be changed.

Codes Description Expiration

CE2-CE9 Early childhood part-time register codes No longer valid as of 7/1/2016

Previous Class Codes No Longer In Use: The following class level codes were used previously but are no longer valid for use. Local staff may not use these codes as of the expiration date listed in the table. Historical data prior to the expiration date should not be changed.

Codes Description Expiration

E2 - E9 Early childhood part-time class codes No longer valid as of 7/1/2016

P1 – P9 Early childhood/pre-K class codes No longer valid as of 7/1/2013

HK Half-day Kindergarten No longer valid as of 9/10/2008

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Data Quality Edit Check Email

Welcome to Data Edits!

Sunshine County – 0## Report generated on 06-May-17, 04:03 AM By clicking on any of the links, you will see live data on that edit check. If modifications have been made, the number shown in this email is as of the date/time of the processing of the email. Please review the information provided below to assist in correcting any data issue that may be present.

Informational: This is just to alert to you a sub report that was previously supplied and does not indicate an error.

Warnings: This could possibly be an error, but does not stop Certified Collections from occurring. It will need to be reviewed.

Errors: Any item listed in this case will stop any Certified Collection from being submitted. For example, if an error is a district wide error then no school in that district can submit EOY collection information until it has been resolved. If that error is specific to a school, like invalid birthdate, then just that school will be limited from submitting EOY collection.

Age Related Edits

Age Greater Than 21

Age is greater than 21 on 9/1 of the current school year. Please review current student(s) and verify age. (This warning will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.)

# Records »

Age Less Than 4

Age is less than 4 on 9/1 of the current school year. Please review current student(s) and verify age. (This warning will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.)

# Records »

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Invalid Date of Birth

The Date of Birth listed is either incorrectly supplied or extremely outside normal range expected. Please review current student(s) and verify Date of Birth. (This error will prevent submission of a certified collection.)

# Records »

Too Old For Current Class

Age is too old for current class on 9/1 of the current school year. Please review current student(s) and assign to the correct class. (This warning will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.)

# Records »

Too Young For Current Class

Age is too young for current class on 9/1 of the current school year. Please review current student(s) and assign to the correct class. (This warning will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.)

# Records »

ELL Edits

Exit Status (X) With No Exit Date

An ELL student with exit status (X) must have an exit date. Please review current student(s) and determine if they are receiving services. If they are not please enter an exit date to correct the exit status. If they are receiving services please change to the status. (This error will prevent submission of a certified collection.)

# Records »

ELL student with no entry date

An ELL Student must have an entry date. Please review current student(s) and enter the entry date to correct the entry status. (This error will prevent submission of a certified collection.)

# Records »

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ELL students in the R district without an EC code

An ELL Student within the R district should have an EC enrollment code. Please review current student(s) and enter the correct enrollment code. (This error will prevent submission of a certified collection.)

# Records »

ELL student receiving services with an exit date

An ELL Student must not have an exit date if they are receiving services. Please review current student(s) and enter an exit date for the student. (This error will prevent submission of a certified collection.)

# Records »

ELL students without a course code

An ELL student without a course code. An ELL student must have a course code. Please review current student(s) and enter the appropriate course code for the student. (This warning will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.) **(This is a specific course code that is taken during the school year. 4115 - ENG SEC LANG = ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE)

# Records »

Enrollment History Edits

Assigned With No Enrollment History

Assigned but have no enrollment history. The student is assigned to a district/county but not to a specific school. Please review current student(s) and correct the enrollment status. (This error will prevent submission of a certified collection.)

# Records »

Assigned But Not Enrolled

Student is enrolled to a school but not assigned to a district. Please review current student(s) and correct the enrollment status. (This error will prevent submission of a certified collection.)

# Records »

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Class and Register Do Not Match

Assigned and enrolled but the current class and register do not match. Please review current student(s) and correct the enrollment status. (This error will prevent submission of a certified collection.)

# Records »

Students With Multiple Enrollments

Enrolled in more than 1 register, excluding summer school. Please review current student(s) and correct the enrollment status. (This error will prevent submission of a certified collection.)

# Records »

Enrolled but Not Assigned

Student is enrolled to a school but not assigned to a district. Please review current student(s) and correct the enrollment status. (This error will prevent submission of a certified collection.)

# Records »

Students with TM and EM Enrollment Codes

A Student's enrollment history must first have a TM code then EM code, unless it is the first day of school. They also must remain assigned to the school. If assigned district/school and name are blank, then the student is as unassigned. Please review current student(s) and correct the enrollment status. (This is informational data will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.) Review the enrollment support document for more information Page 19

# Records »

Students with TN and EN Enrollment Codes

A Student's enrollment history must first have a TN code then EN code, unless it is the first day of school. They also must remain assigned to the school. If assigned district/school and name are blank, then the student is as unassigned. Please review current student(s) and correct the enrollment status. (This is informational data will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.) Review the enrollment support document for more information Page 19

# Records »

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Students with TO and EO Enrollment Codes

A Student's enrollment history must first have a TO code then EO code, unless it is the first day of school. They also must remain assigned to the school. If assigned district/school and name are blank, then the student is as unassigned. Please review current student(s) and enter the correct enrollment status. (This is informational data and will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.) Review the enrollment support document for more information Page 19

# Records »

Location Mismatch

Assigned location and enrolled location do not match. Please review current student(s) and correct the enrollment status. (This warning will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.)

# Records »

Sex and Subregister Do Not Match

Assigned and enrolled but sex and sub-register do not match. Please review current student(s) and correct the enrollment status. (This error will prevent submission of a certified collection.)

# Records »

FTE Related Edits

Part Time Enrollment FTE

Please review current student(s) and correct the FTE enrollment status. (This is informational data and will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.)

# Records »

Non-Standard Enrollment Codes

Alternative Location incomplete/incorrect information

Alternative Locations in the Basic Student Information tab must include the feeder location in the Home District/Home School fields.

# Records »

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Students with Enrollment Code E5

Lives out of district. Please review current student(s) and verify data. (This is informational data and will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.) Review the enrollment support document for more information.

# Records »

Students with Enrollment Code E6

Lives out of state and will have no funding. Please review current student(s) and verify data. (This is informational data and will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.) Review the enrollment support document for more information.

# Records »

Students with Enrollment Code EC

Enrolled part-time. Please review current student(s) and verify data. (This is informational data and will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.) Review the enrollment support document for more information.

# Records »

Students with Enrollment Code EF

Enrolled from out of country. Please review current student(s) and verify data. (This is informational data and will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.) Review the enrollment support document for more information.

# Records »

Students with Enrollment Code EX

Foreign Exchange Student and will have no funding. (This is informational data and will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.) Review the enrollment support document for more information.

# Records »

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Other Edits

Missing Schedule

Students that do not have a schedule.

# Records »

Promotion Related

Grade 12 Not Marked Graduate Next Year

# Records »

Next Class Blank

# Records »

Next District Blank

# Records »

Next School Blank

# Records »

Special Education

Special Education Exited Students

Students that have un-exited record with an exit status OR an exited record without an exit status.

# Records »

Special Education Invalid LRE

Special Education Invalid Educational Environments (LRE Codes). Age is based on today's date.

# Records »

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Special Education Invalid Service Codes

Special Education Invalid Service Codes. Currently checks: Age 3, 4 and BD. Age 3, 4, 5 and LD. Age greater than 5 and PS. Age is based on today's date.

# Records »

Special Education Multiple Records

Students that have multiple un-exited and un-duplicated special education records

# Records »

Special Education No Entry Date

Students that have no entry date on the service records.

# Records »

Summer School and Early Graduates

Early Graduates

For informational purposes. (This is informational data and will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.)

# Records »

Summer School Graduates

This is used for informational purposes. If you know that a student should be there and is not showing up this will allow for correction of data. (This is informational data and will not prevent a certified collection; however, the inconsistency will yield inaccurate reporting data for the county/district.)

# Records »

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Support Levels:

The WVDE process for technical assistance requests emphasizes local ownership and problem solving to ensure that requests, questions, and concerns are addressed in a timely fashion. First-level data collectors with questions or issues should first contact the WVEIS County Contact. If the WVEIS County Contact cannot answer the question or solve the problem, he/she should contact the RESA Technical Assistance Representative. If the RESA Technical Assistance Representative cannot answer the question or solve the problem, he/she should make the determination if the question is best resolved by a WVDE Program Office Representative or if it is a technical issue that should be entered into the Project Application Support System (PASS). PASS is the system deployed by the WVDE to improve response time and streamline the communication process with the RESAs. This system allows the RESAs to enter support issues and follow their status.

WVEIS | Support | WVDE

W e s t V i r g i n i a D e p a r t m e n t o f E d u c a t i o n | D e c e m b e r C h i l d C o u n t

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Data Certification Overview: Windows in Time On-going Data Entry & Maintenance in WVEIS

(Maintained & Managed Locally)

Supports Available to Schools & Districts:

Documentation/Instructions Data Edit Tools through WVEIS (report application & system-generated emails)

Data Quality Dashboards through ZoomWV-e Tiered Support through District, RESA, & WVDE

Certification Window

Data Snapshot (WVDE) Data Review (School and District) Corrections/Updates (School and/or District) Submission (School and/or District) District/State Review (District and/or WVDE) Corrections/Updates (as needed) (School and/or District) Resubmission (as needed) (School and/or District) Final Review (School and/or District) Certification (Superintendent or Designee)

State Review Window Statewide Review for Obvious Errors (WVDE)

Collaboration to Correct Errors (WVDE, RESA, District, School) Resubmission/Recertification (as needed) (School/District) Program Office Review (as needed) (WVDE) Leadership/Program Approval for Use (WVDE)

Final Data Window

Finalized Data Published via Appropriate Channels (upon approval) Finalized Data Available for All Appropriate Uses

Appeals Window*

* Data subject to appeal currently include cohort membership and accountability ratings. Data relating to assessment participation (e.g., medical exemptions) are also reviewed in a process similar to appeals.

Submission of Appeal & Documentation (School/District) Review & Determination of Merit (WVDE) Data Update (upon approval of appeal) (WVDE) Program Office Review (as needed) (WVDE) Leadership/Program Approval for Use (WVDE)