Introduction Presentation Overview I.What is colon cancer? II.Reduce your risk III. How to find a...

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Introduction Presentation Overview I.What is colon cancer? II.Reduce your risk III. How to find a...


Presentation OverviewPresentation Overview

I. What is colon cancer?II. Reduce your riskIII. How to find a screening facilityIV. Patient resourcesV. Get involved

What isWhat is

Colon Cancer?Colon Cancer?

The FactsThe Facts

• 2nd leading cancer killer in the U.S.

– Every 9.3 minutes, a person in the U.S.

dies of colon cancer

• Survival depends on early detection

– 90% five-year survival rate in early

detected cases

What is Colon Cancer?What is Colon Cancer?

Cancer that occurs in

the colon or rectum. It

is also called colorectal


Colon cancer comes from polyps.

One in every three adults has polyps.

What is Colon Cancer?What is Colon Cancer?

How Can I ReduceHow Can I Reduce

My Risk ForMy Risk For

Colon Cancer?Colon Cancer?

How Can I Reduce My Risk?How Can I Reduce My Risk?

• Know your risk

• Maintain a healthy weight throughout life

• Be physically active

• Eat a healthy diet

• Limit consumption of alcoholic beverages

• Do not use tobacco products

How Can I Reduce My Risk?How Can I Reduce My Risk?

Groups at an increased risk:Groups at an increased risk:

– Those age 50 andThose age 50 and older

– Individuals with a personal or family history Individuals with a personal or family history of

colon cancercolon cancer, non-cancerous colon polyps, or

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

– Alaska Natives, Native Americans, African-

Americans, Hispanics and Jews of Eastern

European decent

How Can I Reduce My Risk?How Can I Reduce My Risk?

The best way to reduce your risk

is by getting screened.

Colon Cancer Colon Cancer ScreeningScreening

Screening OptionsScreening Options

There are many screening options. You

should talk to your doctor about finding

the screening test that is right for you.

• Common Screening Options:

– Colonoscopy

– Virtual colonoscopy (computerized

tomographic colonography or CTC)

– Sigmoidoscopy

– Fecal occult blood test (FOBT)

– Fecal immunochemical test (FIT)

Screening OptionsScreening Options

To learn more about screening options and tests, visit

A colonoscopy is the most

effective screening method.

It can reduce the average

person's risk of dying from

colon cancer by 90%90%.

Screening OptionsScreening Options

• Just over half of U.S. adults aged 50+

have had a colonoscopy or


• Why aren’t people getting screened?

• Good news – screening rates are on the


Screening OptionsScreening Options

How can I find a How can I find a screening facility?screening facility?

• Get a referral from your doctor

• Visit the CCA’s Screening Resource

page at to find a

surgeon or screening facility near you

Screening FacilitiesScreening Facilities

Where can I find Where can I find resources or support resources or support

if I have colon cancer?if I have colon cancer?

Resources and SupportResources and Support

The Colon Cancer Alliance (CCA) is a community that

provides hope and support to colon cancer patients and

their families while saving lives through screening,

access, awareness, advocacy and research.


Patient Support ServicesPatient Support Services

– Toll-Free Helpline:Toll-Free Helpline: (877) 422-2030 (877) 422-2030

– Buddy ProgramBuddy Program


– Local Chapters Local Chapters

– Clinical Trials Matching ServiceClinical Trials Matching Service

– National ConferenceNational Conference

– Conversations about Colorectal Cancer Conversations about Colorectal Cancer WebinarsWebinars

How Can I Join theHow Can I Join the

Fight Against Colon Fight Against Colon Cancer?Cancer?

Get InvolvedGet Involved• Become a CCA Voices Volunteer

• Join the Buddy Program

• Participate in an Undy 5000 5K Walk/Run

• Make a donation or hold a fundraiser

• Talk about colon cancer with family and friends

• “Like” the CCA on Facebook or follow on Twitter


Get InvolvedGet Involved

• March is National Colorectal Cancer

Awareness Month

• Raising awareness about colon cancer

• Increasing screening rates

• Celebrating survivors and honoring those

we’ve lost

Get InvolvedGet InvolvedNational Dress in Blue Day


• Kicks off March every year

• Brings nationwide attention

to colon cancer and

celebrates the courage

of those affected by this



Learn MoreLearn More

To learn more or to find out how you can get

involved in the fight against colon cancer,
