Introducing Steve Gaskell

Post on 19-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Introducing Steve Gaskell


Introducing Steve Gaskell




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Steve, ActionMAN to ActionCOACH, has developed a unique

coaching approach which guarantees results. A professional

coach Steve ’s experience spans over 13 years. A former Army

Master Coach he helps his clients develop a pig-headed

approach to their personal discipline, drive and ambition. His

keen eye for performance enhancing opportunities allows his

clients to excel their expectations. Steve's personal success in

his business is attributed to the congruence and commitment

he applies. Coaching from Steve will challenge and stretch in

order to realise your true potential.

‘The Coach’

A coach inspires thoughts into actions and results, creating

awareness and responsibility. Today, Steve, an Award

Winning Executive and Business Coach uses his experience

combined with a range of coaching skills and business

experience to ensure significant results for those he works


In every business there is a need for encouragement,

enthusiasm, stimulating leadership, communications,

standards, team cohesion and employee engagement. Then

an organisation thrive, prospers and grow. These actions and

many more are Steve’s aim when he delivers his unique style

of coaching. Steve brings a combination of military discipline

and challenging coaching in order to prompt or provoke,

persuade and promote ideas into actions, improvements and

massive developments. His sole objective is to strengthen

you, your business, the bottom line and to build results forged

on success. As a Certified ActionCOACH you can expect:


There are no ‘quick fixes’ coaching takes time, commitment,

focus and rapport. With clear vision, you can successfully take

your business from good to great. With Steve as your coach

you and your business will grow and prosper. Action is simple,

Steve will work with you in in 5 key areas...

The 5 Point Action Plan:

1. Goals and Planning, Start with the End in Mind

2. The Winning Mind-set and Pig-headed Discipline

3. Sales and Marketing That Works

4. Team Building, Employee Engagement and Leadership

5. Financial Mastery

1. Goals and Planning Start with the End in Mind; Getting

focused on the journey ahead, what does the business look

like when it’s finished? Steve will help you gain clarity on the

destination, where you’re heading and help to develop a plan

of action to get there, your Vision and Goal.

2.The Winning Mind-set and Pig-headed Discipline; With

Steve you’ll create the winning mind-set founded on

discipline with focus to achieve you goals and aspirations.

You’ll break bad habits and make some new productive ones

for you and the team.

3. Sales and Marketing That Works; With Steve as your

coach you and the team will develop marketing that works

and sales techniques to increase revenue. Working with our in

house marketer you’ll develop the market, message and


4. Team Building, Employee Engagement and Leadership; as

your ‘Team Coach and Leadership Mentor’ you’ll learn how to

truly engage your team. Exceptional businesses are full of

ordinary people achieving accomplishment through Action.

5. Financial Mastery; Knowing your numbers is key,

understanding your profit and loss, balance sheet and cash

flow as well as your key performance indicators. You’ll feel in

full control of your business and financially confident.

“The task ahead of you is never as great.. the power and support behind you”

with STEVE ...Vision without action is merely a dream...

Who are ActionCOACH?

We are the worlds number 1 Business Coaching Firm.

Established in 1993 by Brad Sugars we now have practices in

55 countries. Collectively we have over 1000 coaches globally

and coach approximately 15,000 business owners every

single week throughout the spectrum of business. We have

100s of strategies to offer from profit making to sales and

marketing, to employee engagement to business

systemisation. We are #35 in the Global Top 100 Franchises.

Why does Coaching work?

Business coaching works so well because it helps you to

unlock your true potential towards achieving success.

Whether you want to build your business, create a more

dynamic and engaged team, or systemise your business so

that you can be confident it can run effectively without you

necessarily needing to be there, coaching will help you

achieve your goals. Having Steve as your coach means you:

Have someone experienced to brainstorm fresh ideas

with, who understands the psychological challenges you face

as a business owner and can keep you on track.

Work with someone who isn’t blinded by the industry

norms’ and your old habits, giving you a true perspective.

...Action without vision simply passes time...

Are accountable to a pro-active mentor who will

ensure you work ‘on’ the business not just ‘in’ it and get

things done.

Have access to practical knowledge that your coach

has, in relation to the development of plans, strategies

and advice to improve all areas of your business.

Have the benefit of using the ActionCOACH systems

that have been developed over 23 years through dealing

with businesses all around the world. In addition your

coach also has access to the knowledge and experience

of every other coach in the 1000 offices worldwide and

157 in the UK to call upon, ‘The Action Community’.

Have someone who will keep you motivated to

achieve whatever it is you want to achieve with your


Gain a trusted candid advisor and friend who will tell

you as it is, whilst challenging and stretching you to

achieve more.

What can I expect

working with Steve?

Through accessing ActionCOACH’s

proprietary sales, marketing and

business management systems, Steve will not only show

you how to increase your business revenues and profits,

often quite dramatically, but also how to develop your

business so that you, as the owner can ultimately work

less and achieve more. We also Guarantee our results,

you will see a return of investment within 6 months of

engaging Steve as your coach.

How long does it take to get results?

It’s not unusual to experience significant shift within the

first 90 days, during this period Steve will focus you on

finding more time, greater profitability, clarity on the

destination and standarise delivery. We call this ‘setting

the foundation’. By 6 months you’ll see the return on

investment. The shift takes time and Steve aims to be

your coach as long as you have growth aspirations, drive

and committed to your success on the journey.

...Vision with action can change the world...

Offices, Coaching and Training Centre Unit D • Minerva Building • Brunel Industrial Estate • Newton Abbot • Devon • TQ12 4PJ

Mob 07802 503260 Office 01626 906348


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