Introducing radical redesign at TACSI

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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An introduction to the team behind the radical redesign project and the work that they do. We're hiring see

Transcript of Introducing radical redesign at TACSI

PLAY SLIDESHOWMeet the team & see the work

We’ve spent the last year working as the radical redesign team co-designing with families in South Australia

Carolyn has a background in social work and had worked with families all across South Australia, and in Africa. She is a singer, a pilates instructor and has a dog named Billie.

Sarah’s a Dr in social policy with a background in sociology. She’s worked for governments in the US, UK & NZ to engage people in policymaking. She likes airports and Mexican food.

Chris is a designer. He’s spent 8 yrs designing new kinds of public services in the UK & before that designed biscuits, crisps razors & cameras. Chris likes making music & sausages.

Working with these families, we built a new kind of family support program called Family by Family.

It’s all about families helping families. It’s going to scale in South Australia. See

genius idea!

Now Carolyn is going to grow the Family by Family empire.

Chris & Sarah are going to develop a new radical redesign team to take on challenges like ageing

That’s why we need you!

The radical redesign approach builds on Chris and Sarah’s work as InWithFor in the UK. See

Mandatory 5 stageprocess diagram

Our approach steals the best bits from design, social science, policy, community development, and business.


That’s why we’re looking to recruit designers, social scientists, policy people, community people, & business people to help make the approach better.

Because the approach is new and we’re bringing different kinds of people together, there’ll be time to work & to learn.

We’ll work with older people on a live project

We’ll learn together through weekly reflection time, regular retreats, & classes taught by you and your new teammates.

You’ll be part of a team developing a first of its kind curriculum for social innovation.

This is a special opportunity. You can count the number of organisations working in this way on less than two hands.

You can count the number of places where you can learn to work in this new way on less than one hand.

Here are some of our favourite photos from the Family project.


We found families to work with, and got to know them by spending time in their homes

First we designed offers and materials to get families interested

Chris putting flyers into letterboxes

mental health

Meeting families at a stall in a local shopping mall

Our mobile family recruitment stall

We ran a free family festival to meet people living in the local area

Carolyn dressed up as an orange costume to attract kids. As you can see, it worked

We had got to know over 15 families over takewaydinners. Honey chicken was the most popular dish.

Hungry Jacks was the runner up

We used games and activities to get a betterunderstanding of family life and family stress

We spent up to two days hanging out with some families doing ethnography

To get a different perspective on family life, Chris spent time with families living in a country town

Sarah engaging a young person as a ‘family journalist’


Back at the studio we tried to make sense of what we’d learnt from spending time with families

We created a sounding board of people from child protection services, academia, NGO’s & government

We shared our analysis with the sounding board

Analysis done, we wrote 11 drafts of our first public paper - Going for the good life

You can download it here...


Based on what we learnt in the LOOK phase we developed ideas for lots of different ways to enable families to thrive

It all started with a brainstorm

An inspirational visit to the bookstore with our design intern Raasti

An inspirational field trip to analyse the familyexperince of the zoo. With bonus roo petting.

Some early ideas for ‘The Family Exchange’ a precursor to the Family by Family concept

Carolyn testing our early ideas with a family

Our early ideas were too opportunity focussed for some families

We developed a second version of our ideas

...and tested them with families. They worked slightly better.

We developed a third iteration of our concept - to find & train families to help other families

The first “Family by Family” materials & messages

The Family by Family concept worked much better with families. Finally we were getting somewhere.

Practitioners liked the Family by Family concept because it drew on family experience

Our sounding board liked Family by Family asit activated new resources to support families


We ran a small version of Family by Family in order to improve on our ideas

To recruit families we tested five different versions of materials until we got to some that worked

We trained 10 ‘sharing families’ at two weekendtraining camps

Chris introducing some of the key ideas to families at the first training camp

Carolyn helped families prepare to help other families by role playing interactions

‘Active listening’ workshop for adults & kids

The families helped us get more families involvedby running pop-up events

We connected families through link-ups

We supported families through a weekly dinner, and designed learning games for them to play.

Carolyn played the role of the coach. It was her job to support families in a link-up

mental health

We designed materials to help coaches help families. They had to be very easy to use.

mental health

We developed 15 verions of our measurement tools until we got to something that worked well

mental health

By the end of prototyping we’d tested & improved....

Offers like...becoming a sharing family

Roles like...the coach

Experiences like...the training camp

Tools like...measurement & coaching aides

Communications like... flyers, brochures, websites



From what we learnt through prototyping we built an investment case, and a project story



mental health

business analyst

We worked with analysts to model the investmentFamily by Family would need to go to scale

We developed proposals for potential funders

We made a documentary film of the project to share the story

The families gave feedback on the first cut of the film and now we’re preparing for a public launch


If you want to see more, watch the video from the LOOK & CREATE stages of Family by Family