Interview nuts and bolts tip #1

Post on 20-Jan-2015

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The first in a series of discussions about the nuts and bolts you need to know to be successful in your next interview

Transcript of Interview nuts and bolts tip #1

Practice Common Interview Questions


• Mary Sherwood, MS, CDMS, CCMOccupational Consultant

• a review: http://tack.z/6NDp

• My Blog: www.JobSearchForTheRestOfUs.comMore information about my services: www.Life-Works.InfoAdditional Resources

• JOB SEARCH FOR THE REST OF US Group on Linkedin: LinkedIn Facebook Careerealism

About me

• Good planning and preparation can take some of the angst out of interviewing.

• Take your time in the days before an interview to make sure you have all your bases covered.

Practice Common Interview Questions

• An interview heralds the end of job search and is really the culmination of all of your hard work. Your reward a job!

• Hopefully you are preparing for your interview while job searching and not waiting for an interview date and time. Likewise, you may have already reviewed Interview Soft Skills – things you need to be aware of or practice that are not so often discussed.

This is it!

• While job searching and long before even being called for an interview, you should begin practicing common interview questions.

• This will ensure that you are prepared with the answers to COMMON questions and closer to the actual interview, you can focus on COMPANY SPECIFIC interview questions.

This series will address the “nuts and bolts” of interviewing – more commonly discussed things you need to do or be aware of while preparing to interview.

• It is important that you understand that it is imperative that you write down your answers to any interview questions.

• This way you can edit your answers and improve on them as you practice!

• Often, my clients will try to skip this step and I can always tell –they make the same mistakes in session two as session one.

Before we go further

• Situation

• Task

• Activity

• Result

Try to keep the STAR method of answering questions in mind

• Set the context for your story.

• For example:

• "We were due to be delivering a presentation to a group of 30 interested industry players on our new product and Stuart, the guy due to deliver it, got stuck on a train from Birmingham."


• What was required of you.

• For example:

• "It was my responsibility to find an alternative so it didn't reflect badly on the company and we didn't waste the opportunity."


• What you actually did.

• For example:

• "I spoke to the event organizers to find out if they could change the running order. They agreed so we bought ourselves some time. I contacted Susan, another member of the team, who at a push could step in. She agreed to drop what she was doing and head to the event."


• How well the situation played out.

• For example:

• "Stuart didn't make the meeting on time but we explained the problem to the delegates and Susan's presentation went well – a bit rough around the edges but it was warmly received. Stuart managed to get there for the last 15 minutes to answer questions. As a result we gained some good contacts, at least two of which we converted into paying clients."


• There are questions you probably have heard many employers nearly always ask:

• Tell me about yourself.

• What are your strengths?

• What are your weaknesses?

• Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Common Interview Questions

• While they are common and you may think you know the answers or can “swing it.” You can’t.

• Practice answering common interview questions regularly. In writing, out loud by yourself, and with someone else.

• Before a real interview dress for the interview and practice in person with someone else. The extra effort will pay off in extra confidence!

No problem?

• Answer the questions anticipating what the employer wants to know.

• Be Positive – don’t even use a negative word

• Don’t ramble – be concise and on point.

• Smile to put the interviewer at ease and to make you seem pleasant.

• Breathe. Focus on your breathing to avoid saying um, sighing, and to ensure your brain has a good supply of oxygen.

• Don’t doodle, fidget, or sit back in your chair in a slump.

When answering interview questions (even in practice) always:

• Start your practice well ahead of obtaining an interview.

• Keep the Star method to answering interview questions in mind.

• Write and edit your answers, practice out loud, practice with someone and practice dressed for an interview.

• By all means, practice regularly – you will only get better with time.


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• PS I also wanted to let you know about a new job search group I just started on LinkedIn, it would be great to have you and please share with your connections … If you are currently employed you might want to “hide” this group on your Profile; click here if you need help with that!

Resources for possible interview questions and/or answers: