INTERSPEECH 2016 Tutorial: Machine Learning for Speaker...

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Transcript of INTERSPEECH 2016 Tutorial: Machine Learning for Speaker...

INTERSPEECH 2016 Tutorial:Machine Learning for Speaker Recognition

Man-Wai Mak† and Jen-Tzung Chien‡

†The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong‡National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

September 8, 2016

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction

2 / 274


1 Introduction1.1. Fundamentals of speaker recognition1.2. Feature extraction and scoring1.3. Modern speaker recognition approaches

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction

3 / 274

Fundamentals of speaker recognition

Speaker recognition is a technique to recognize the identity of aspeaker from a speech utterance.

Speaker recognition

Speaker identification

Speaker verification

Speaker diarization

Text dependent

Text independent

Open set

Close set

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Speaker identification

Determine whether unknown speaker matches one of a set knownspeakersOne-to-many mappingOften assumed that unknown voice must come from a set of knownspeakers – referred to as close-set identificationAdding “none of the above” option to closed-set identification givesopen-set identification

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Speaker verification

Determine whether unknown speaker matches a specific speakerOne-to-one mappingClose-set verification: The population of clients is fixedOpen-set verification: New clients can be added without having toredesign the system.

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Speaker diarization

Determine when a speaker change has occurred in speech signal(segmentation)Group together speech segments corresponding to the same speaker(clustering)Prior speaker information may or may not be available

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Input mode

Text-dependentRecognition system knows text spoken by personsFixed phrases or prompted phrasesUsed for applications with strong control over user input, e.g.,biometric authenticationSpeech recognition can be used for checking spoken text to improvesystem performanceSentences typically very short

Text-independentNo restriction on the text, typically conversational speechUsed for applications with less control over user input, e.g., forensicspeaker IDMore flexible but recognition is more difficultSpeech recognition can be used for extracting high-level features toboost performanceSentences typically very long

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1 Introduction1.1. Fundamentals of speaker recognition1.2. Feature extraction and scoring1.3. Modern speaker recognition approaches

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction

9 / 274

Feature extraction

Speech is a time-varying signal conveying multiple layers ofinformation


Information in speech is observed in the time and frequency domains

Acoustic Features •  Speech is a continuous evolution of the vocal tract •  Need to extract a sequence of spectra or sequence of spectral

coefficients •  Use a sliding window - 25 ms window, 10 ms shift

DCT log|X(ω)| MFCC

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Feature extraction from speech

Feature extraction consists in transforming the speech signal to a setof feature vectors. Most of the feature extraction used in speakerrecognition systems relies on a cepstral representation of speech.

Figure: Modular representation of MFCC feature extractor

11 / 274

Computing MFCC

Parameterization 34

Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCCs)




⎡= ∑




2 )()(ln)(N

km kHkSmX


MmkHm ≤≤1 )(








MFCCn = cn = cos n m− 12











∑ X(m) = dnTX, 0 ≤ n ≤ P

⇒ MFCC vector = c0 c1 cP()


D : DCT Transformation matrix [P × M] M : No. of triangular filters in the filter bank, typically 20 ~ 30 P : No. of cepstral coefficients, typically 12 c0 : Logarithm of energy of the current frame

Filter Bank

H15(k) : the 15th triangular filter


Figure: Computing MFCC from one frame of speech12 / 274

Modeling sequence of features

For most recognition tasks, we need to model the distribution offeature vector sequences

In practice, we often use the Gaussian mixture models (GMMs)

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GMM–UBM speaker verification

A Gaussian mixture model, namely the universal background model(UBM), is trained to represent the speech of the general population.

p(x|UBM) = p(x|Λubm) =C∑


c N (x|µubmc ,Σubm

c )

The UBM parameters Λubm =πubm

c ,µubmc ,Σubm



c=1are estimated

by the expectation-maximization algorithm using the speech of manyspeakers.

14 / 274

Expectation maximization (EM)

Denote the acoustic vectors from a large population asX = xt ; t = 1, . . . ,TExpectation step:

Conditional distribution of mixture component c:

γt(c) = p(c|xt) = πcN (xt |µubmc ,Σubm

c )∑Cc=1 π

ubmc N (xt |µubm

c ,Σubmc )

Maximization step:Mixture weights: πubm

c = 1T∑T

t=1 γt(c)

Mean vectors: µubmc =


γt (c)xt∑Tt=1

γt (c)

Covariance matrices: Σubmc =


γt (c)xt xTt∑T

t=1γt (c)

− µubmc (µubm

c )T

15 / 274

Target-speakers’ GMMs

Each target speaker is represented by a Gaussian mixture model:

p(x|Spk s) = p(x|Λ(s)) =C∑


c N (x|µ(s)c ,Σ(s)

c )

where Λ(s) =π

(s)c ,µ

(s)c ,Σ(s)



c=1are learned by using maximum a

posteriori (MAP) adaptation [Reynolds et al., 2000].

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Maximum a posteriori (MAP)

The MAP algorithm finds the parameters of target-speaker’s GMMgiven UBM parameters Λubm =


c ,µubmc ,Σubm



c=1First step is the same as EM. Given Ts acoustic vectorsX (s) = x1, . . . , xTs from speaker s, we compute the statistics:

nc =Ts∑

t=1γt(c) and Ec(X (s)) = 1




Adapt UBM parameters by

µ(s)c = αcEc(X (s)) + (1− αc)µubm


whereαc = nc

nc + rand r is called the relevance factor. Typically, r = 16.

17 / 274

MAP adaptation

Adapt the UBM model to each speaker using the MAP algorithm:1

µ(s)c = αcEc(X (s)) + (1− αc)µubm


αc → 1 when X (s) comprises lots of data and αc → 0 otherwise.

1Source: J. H. L. Hansen and T. Hasan, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2015.18 / 274

MAP adaptation

In practice, only the mean vectors will be adapted:

19 / 274

GMM-UBM scoring

Given the acoustic vectors X (t) from a test speaker and a claimedidentity s, speaker verification can be formulated as a 2-classhypothesis problem:

H0: X (t) comes from the true speaker sH1: X (t) comes from an impostor

Verification score is a log-likelihood ratio:

SLR(X (t)|Λ(s),Λubm) = log p(X (t)|Λ(s))− log p(X (t)|Λubm)

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Sources of variability

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How to account for variabilityGMM-SVM [Campbell et al., 2006]:

Create supervectors from target-speaker GMMs.Then, project the supervectors to a subspace in which inter-speakervariability is maximized and nuisance variability is minimized.Perform SVM classification on the projected subspace.

Joint Factor Analysis:Speaker and session variabilities are represented by latent variables(speaker factors and channel factors) in a factor analysis model.During scoring, session variabilities are accounted for by integratingover the latent variables, e.g., the channel factors as in[Kenny et al., 2007a].

I-Vector + PLDA:2Utterances are represented by the posterior means of latent factors,called the i-vectors [Dehak et al., 2011].I-vectors capture both speaker and channel information.During scoring, the unwanted channel variability is removed by LDAprojection or by integrating out the latent factors in the PLDA model.

2For the relationship between JFA and I-vectors and their derivations, see∼mwmak/papers/FA-Ivector.pdf

22 / 274

Performance measures

For speaker identification

Recogntion Rate = No. of correct recognitionsTotal no. of trials

For speaker verification

False Rejection Rate (FRR) = Miss probability

= No. of true-speakers rejectedTotal no. of true-speaker trials

False Acceptance Rate (FAR) = False alarm probability

= No. of impostors acceptedTotal no. of impostor attempts

Equal error rate (EER) corresponds to the operating point at whichFAR = FRR

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Performance measures for speaker verification

Detection error tradeoff (DET) curves are similar to receiveroperating characteristic curves but with nonlinear x- and y-axis.

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Detection cost functions

Detection cost function (DCF) is a weighted sum of the FRR(PMiss|Target) and FAR (PFalseAlarm|Nontarget):

CDet(θ) = CMiss × PMiss|Target(θ)× PTarget +CFalseAlarm × PFalseAlarm|Nontarget(θ)× (1− PTarget)

where θ is a decision threshold.Normalized cost:

CNorm = CDet(θ)/CDefault

whereCDefault = min

CMiss × PTargetCFalseAlarm × (1− PTarget)

NIST 2008 SRE and earlier:CMiss = 10; CFalseAlarm = 1; PTarget = 0.01

NIST 2010 SRE:CMiss = 1; CFalseAlarm = 1; PTarget = 0.001

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Detection cost functions

Dectection cost function for NIST 2012 SRE:CDet(θ) = CMiss × PMiss|Target(θ)× PTarget +

CFalseAlarm × (1− PTarget) ×[PFalseAlarm|KnownNontarget(θ)× PKnown +

PFalseAlarm|UnKnownNontarget × (1− PKnown])CNorm(θ) = CDet(θ)/(CMiss × PTarget)

Parameters for core test conditionsCMiss = 1; CFalseAlarm = 1; PTarget1 = 0.01; PTarget2 = 0.001;PKnown = 0.5

PTarget1 → CNorm1(θ1) and PTarget2 → CNorm2(θ2)Primary cost:

CPrimary = CNorm1(θ1) + CNorm2(θ2)2

26 / 274

Detection cost functions

Detection cost function for NIST 2016 SRE:

CDet(θ) = CMiss × PMiss|Target(θ)× PTarget +CFalseAlarm × PFalseAlarm|Nontarget(θ)× (1− PTarget)

CNorm(θ) = CDet(θ)/(CMiss × PTarget)

Parameters for core test conditions

CMiss = 1; CFalseAlarm = 1; PTarget1 = 0.01; PTarget2 = 0.005

PTarget1 → CNorm1(θ1) and PTarget2 → CNorm2(θ2)Primary cost:

CPrimary = CNorm1(θ1) + CNorm2(θ2)2

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1 Introduction1.1. Fundamentals of speaker recognition1.2. Feature extraction and scoring1.3. Modern speaker recognition approaches

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction

28 / 274

Main approachParametric model

Artificial neural network

Gaussian mixture model

Joint factor analysis



Deep neural network

Support vector machine

Probabilistic linear discriminant analysis

Restricted Boltzmann machine

Nonparametric model

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1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms2.1. Machine learning2.2. EM algorithm2.3. Approximate inference2.4. Bayesian learning

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction30 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms2.1. Machine learning2.2. EM algorithm2.3. Approximate inference2.4. Bayesian learning

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction31 / 274

Model-based method

Machine learning provides a wide range of model-based approachesfor speaker recognitionModel-based approach aims to incorporate the physical phenomena,measurements, uncertainties and noises in the form of mathematicalmodelsThis approach is developed in a unified manner through differentalgorithms, examples, applications, and case studiesMain-stream methods are based on the statistical modelsLatent variable models in speaker recognition include− joint factor analysis (JFA)− probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA)− Gaussian mixture model (GMM)− mixture of PLDA

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Neural network

Deep structured/hierarchical learningRapidly developed and widely applied for many applicationsMultiple layers of nonlinear processing unitsHigh-level abstraction



33 / 274

Model-based method vs. neural network

Model-based method Neural network

Structure Top-down Bottom-upRepresentation Intuitive DistributedInterpretation Easy Harder

Semi/unsupervised Easier HarderIncorp. domain knowl. Easy HardIncorp. constraint Easy HardIncorp. uncertainty Easy HardLearning Many algorithms Back-propagationInference/decode Harder EasierEvaluation on ELBO End performance

34 / 274

Model-based method vs. neural network

Model-based method Neural network

Structure Top-down Bottom-upRepresentation Intuitive DistributedInterpretation Easy Harder

Semi/unsupervised Easier HarderIncorp. domain knowl. Easy HardIncorp. constraint Easy HardIncorp. uncertainty Easy Hard

Learning Many algorithms Back-propagationInference/decode Harder EasierEvaluation on ELBO End performance

35 / 274

Model-based method vs. neural network

Model-based method Neural network

Structure Top-down Bottom-upRepresentation Intuitive DistributedInterpretation Easy HarderSemi/unsupervised Easier HarderIncorp. domain knowl. Easy HardIncorp. constraint Easy HardIncorp. uncertainty Easy Hard

Learning Many algorithms Back-propagationInference/decode Harder EasierEvaluation on ELBO End performance

36 / 274

Modern machine learning

Model-based method Neural network

Structure Top-down Bottom-upRepresentation Intuitive DistributedInterpretation Easy HarderSemi/unsupervised Easier HarderIncorp. domain knowl. Easy HardIncorp. constraint Easy HardIncorp. uncertainty Easy HardLearning Many algorithms Back-propagationInference/decode Harder EasierEvaluation on ELBO End performance

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1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms2.1. Machine learning2.2. EM algorithm2.3. Approximate inference2.4. Bayesian learning

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction38 / 274

Parameter estimation

Assume we have a collection of acoustic frames X = xtTt=1 for

estimation of model parameters θMaximum likelihood (ML) estimation

θML = arg maxθ

p(X |θ)

Maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation

θMAP = arg maxθ

p(θ|X ) = arg maxθ

p(X |θ)p(θ)

where p(θ) denotes the prior distribution of θ

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Expectation-maximization algorithm

Likelihood function for observations x in latent variable model withlatent variable z

p(x|θ) =∑

zp(x, z|θ)

Expectation (E) step: calculate an auxiliary function

Q(θ,θold) = Ez[log p(x, z|θ)|x,θold]

Maximization (M) step: find a new estimate θnew via

θnew = arg maxλ


EM algorithm [Dempster et al., 1977] for ML can be extended forMAP

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Lower bound & KL divergence

Introduce an approximate or variational distribution q(z) and adoptthe Jensen’s inequality for convex function − log(·) to obtain

log p(x|θ) = log∑


p(x, z|θ)q(z) q(z) = logEq

[p(x, z|θ)q(z)

]≥ Eq

[log p(x, z|θ)


], L(q,θ)


q(z) log p(x|θ)− L(q,θ) = −∑

zq(z) log


, KL(q‖p)

Evidence Decomposition

log p(x|θ) = KL(q‖p) + L(q,θ)

41 / 274

Maximum Likelihood

KL(q‖p) = −Eq[log p(z|x,θ)]−Hq[z]

L(q,θ) = Eq[log p(x, z|θ)] + Hq[z]

Maximizing p(x|θ) is equivalent to first setting KL(q‖p) = 0 orapproximating (E-step)

q(z) = p(z|x,θold )

then maximizing the resulting lower bound (M-step)

L(q,θ) , Q(θ,θold) + const

where Q(θ,θold) , Eq[log p(x, z|θ)|x,θold] is a concave function

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EM algorithm




log p(xjµ)log p(xjµ)

43 / 274

EM algorithm: E-step




= 0= 0

log p(xjµold)log p(xjµold)

44 / 274

EM algorithm: M-step


KL(qkp)KL(qkp)log p(xjµnew)log p(xjµnew)


45 / 274

EM algorithm: lower bound

µoldµold µnewµnew



log p(xjµ)log p(xjµ)

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1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms2.1. Machine learning2.2. EM algorithm2.3. Approximate inference2.4. Bayesian learning

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction47 / 274

Why approximate inference?

There are a number of latent variables in model-based speakerrecognition− i-vectors− common factors− variability matrix− mixture labels− channel, speaker and noise information

Posterior distribution of latent variables should be analytical andfactorizableEvolution of inference algorithms− maximum likelihood− maximum a posteriori− variational Bayesian− Gibbs sampling

48 / 274

Posterior distribution

PosteriorLikelihood Prior

Marginal Likelihood aaa(model evidence)

p(zjx) =p(xjz) p(z)


p(zjx) =p(xjz) p(z)



Latent variables and parameters z = z1, . . . , zm are coupled

49 / 274

Approximate posterior



KL(qkp)KL(qkp) true


Find an approximate distribution q(z) that is factorizable andmaximally similar to the true posterior p(z|x)

50 / 274

Variational Bayesian inference

q(z1:m|ν1:m) =m∏

j=1q(zj |νj)


Optimization problem


L(q) : q 7! L(q)L(q) : q 7! L(q)

maxq L(q)


zq(dz) = 1

maxq L(q)


zq(dz) = 1

p(x) = KL(qkp) + L(q)

where KL(qkp) = ¡Eq[ln p(zjx)] ¡Hq[z]

L(q) = Eq[ln p(x;z)] + Hq[z]

p(x) = KL(qkp) + L(q)

where KL(qkp) = ¡Eq[ln p(zjx)] ¡Hq[z]

L(q) = Eq[ln p(x;z)] + Hq[z]

(Evidence Lower BOund, ELBO)

51 / 274

ln p(x)ln p(x)ln p(x)ln p(x)

00 00





Estimation for variational distributionmaxq(z)

Eq[log p(x, z)] + Hq[z]


zq(dz) = 1

q(zj |νj) = exp(Ei 6=j [log p(x, z|ν)])∫exp(Ei 6=j [log p(x, z|ν)])dzj

52 / 274

Variational Bayesian (VB) inference is implemented via adoubly-looped algorithm

VB-EM algorithmVB-E step: calculate the variational distribution q(z) in inner loop

q(z) = arg maxq(z)L(q,θ)

VB-M step: calculate the model parameter θ in outer loop

θ = arg maxθL(q,θ)

Convex optimization is performedVB-EM steps converge by a number of iterations

53 / 274

Gibbs sampling algorithm

Initialize z(1), where z = z1:m

for τ ← 1 to T − 1 do

for j ← 1 to m do

Sample z(τ+1)j ∼ p(zj |z(τ+1)

1:(j−1), z(τ)j+1:m)

end for

end for

54 / 274

Gibbs sampling

Two dimensional Gaussian mixture model with two mixture components

55 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Randomly assign mixture component for each sample j

56 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Extract one sample and compute the conditional distribution

57 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Sample a mixture component from the conditional distribution

58 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Extract one sample and compute the conditional distribution

59 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Sample a mixture component from the conditional distribution

60 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Extract one sample and compute the conditional distribution

61 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Sample a mixture component from the conditional distribution

62 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Extract one sample and compute the conditional distribution

63 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Sample a mixture component from the conditional distribution

64 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Extract one sample and compute the conditional distribution

65 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Sample a mixture component from the conditional distribution

66 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Extract one sample and compute the conditional distribution

67 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Sample a mixture component from the conditional distribution

68 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Extract one sample and compute the conditional distribution

69 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Sample a mixture component from the conditional distribution

70 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Extract one sample and compute the conditional distribution

71 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Sample a mixture component from the conditional distribution

72 / 274

Gibbs sampling

zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)zj » p( ¢ j z¡j;x)

Finally obtain an appropriate clustering result

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Variational Bayes

deterministic approximationfind an analytical proxy q(z)that is maximally similar top(z|x)inspect distribution statisticsnever generate exact resultsfastoften hard work to deriveconvergence guaranteesneed a specific parametricform

Gibbs sampling

stochastic approximationdesign an algorithm thatdraws samples z(1), . . . , z(τ)

from p(z|x)inspect sample statisticsasymptotically exactcomputationally expensivetricky engineering concernsno convergence guaranteesno need parametric form

74 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms2.1. Machine learning2.2. EM algorithm2.3. Approximate inference2.4. Bayesian learning

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction75 / 274

Challenges in model-based approach

Thomas Bayes (1701-1761)

We are facing the challenges of big dataAn enormous amount of multimedia data is available in internet whichcontains speech, text, image, music, video, social networks and anyspecialized technical dataThe collected data are usually noisy, non-labeled, non-aligned, mismatched,and ill-posedProbabilistic models may be improperly-assumed, over-estimated, orunder-estimated

76 / 274

Uncertainty modeling

We need tools for modeling, analyzing, searching, recognizing andunderstanding real-world dataOur modeling tools should− faithfully represent uncertainty in model structure and its parameters− reflect noise condition in observed data− be automated and adaptive− assure robustness− scalable for large data sets

Uncertainty can be properly expressed by prior distribution or process

77 / 274

Model regularization

Regularization refers to a process of introducing additional informationin order to solve the ill-posed problem or to prevent overfittingOccam’s razor is imposed to deal with the issue of model selectionScalable modeling

78 / 274

Bayesian speaker recognition

Real-world speaker recognition− unsupervised learning− number of factors is unknown− very short enrollment utterance− high inter/intra speaker variabilities− variabilities from channel and noise

Why Bayesian? [Watanabe and Chien, 2015]− exploration for latent variables− model regularization− uncertainty modeling− approximate Bayesian inference− better prediction

79 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models3.1. GMM-UBM system3.2. Joint factor analysis3.3. Probabilistic linear discriminant analysis3.4. Support vector machine3.5. Restricted Boltzmann machine

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction 80 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models3.1. GMM-UBM system3.2. Joint factor analysis3.3. Probabilistic linear discriminant analysis3.4. Support vector machine3.5. Restricted Boltzmann machine

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction 81 / 274

GMM distribution from three Gaussians

-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 600













82 / 274

Gaussian mixture model

Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is a weighted sum of Gaussians

p(x|θ) =M∑

i=1πibi (x)

θ = πi ,ui ,Σi

πi : mixture weightui : mixture mean vectorΣi : mixture covariance matrix

bi (x) = 1(2π)D/2|Σi |1/2 exp


2(x− ui )>Σ−1i (x− ui )

)Mixture component zi is a latent variable which is either zero or one

83 / 274

Maximum likelihood

In ML estimation, we need to− compute the likelihood of a sequence of features given a GMM− estimate the parameters of GMM given a set of feature vectors

Assuming independence between features in a sequence, we have

p(X |θ) = p(x1, . . . , xT |θ) =T∏

t=1p(xt |θ)

ML estimation is performed by

θML = arg maxθ

p(X |θ) = arg maxθ


log[ M∑

i=1πibi (xt)


84 / 274

Parameter estimation

E-step is to calculate the auxiliary function

Q(θ,θold) = Ez[log p(X , z|θ)|X ,θold]




p(zti = 1|X ,θold) log p(xt , zti = 1|θ)

ML estimates are obtained via M-step as

πnewi = Ti


µnewi = 1



γ(zti )xt = 1Ti

Ei [x]

Σnewi = 1



γ(zti )(xt − µi )(xt − µi )> = 1Ti

Ei [xx>]− µiµ>i

where Ti =∑

t γ(zti ) and γ(zti ) = p(zti = 1|X ,θold)85 / 274



p(z1 =1jX)

p(z2 =1jX)

p(z3 =1jX)

p(zi = 1jX) =¼ibi(x)




Ti =TP


p(zti = 1jX)

Ei(x) =TP


p(zti = 1jX)xt

Ei(xxT ) =TP


p(zti = 1jX)xtxTt

Accumulate sufficient statistics

Probabilistically align samples to each mixture

86 / 274


x ¼newi = Ti


¹newi = 1


§newi = 1


T ]¡¹i¹Ti

GMM parameters

Update model parameters




87 / 274

Speaker verification

Realization of log likelihood ratio test from signal detection theory

SLR(X |θtarget,θubm) = log(X |θtarget)− log(X |θubm)



Target model



x1; ::::;xT+


GMMs are used for both target and background models− target model trained using enrollment speech− universal background model trained using speech from many speakers

88 / 274

Target model & UBM

Target model is adapted from universal background model (UBM)− good with limited target training data

Maximum a posteriori (MAP) adaptation− align target training vectors to UBM− accumulate sufficient statistics− update target model parameters with smoothing to UBM parameters

Adaptation for those parameters of seen acoustic events− sparse regions of feature space filled in by UBM parameters

Side benefits− keep correspondence between target and UBM mixtures− allow for fast scoring when using many target models (top-M scoring)

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Maximum a posteriori adaptation

Prior density for GMM mean vector µ = µi is introduced

p(µi ) = N (µi |µubmi , σ2I)

MAP estimation [Gauvain and Lee, 1994] is performed by using theenrollment data Xs = xTs

t=1 from a target speaker s− E-step is to calculate

Q(µi ,µoldi ) =


γ(zti ) log p(xt |zti = 1,µi ) + log p(µi |µubmi , σ2I)

− M-step is to maximize Q(µi ,µoldi ) to find

µnewi =

∑t γ(zti )xt∑

t γ(zti ) + r + rµubmi∑

t γ(zti ) + r = αiEi [x] + (1− αi )µubmi

where αi =∑

tγ(zti )∑

tγ(zti )+r

90 / 274

MAP adaptation for GMM-UBM

UBM is based on GMM and trained by using EM algorithmSpeaker GMM is established by adjusting UBM by using MAPadaptation






Training data

Enrollment data

91 / 274

Speaker recognition procedure


extractorModeling GMM-UBM


extractorScoring Results


Test utterance

92 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models3.1. GMM-UBM system3.2. Joint factor analysis3.3. Probabilistic linear discriminant analysis3.4. Support vector machine3.5. Restricted Boltzmann machine

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction 93 / 274

Joint factor analysis

Factor analysis is a statistical method which is used to describe thevariability among the observed variables in terms of potentially lowernumber of unobserved variables called factorsFactor analysis is a latent variable model for feature extractionJoint factor analysis (JFA) was the initial paradigm for speakerrecognition

u = m + Vy + Ux + Dz









94 / 274

Intuition & interpretation

A supervector for a speaker should be decomposable into speakerindependent, speaker dependent, channel dependent, and residualcomponentsEach component is represented by low-dimensional factors, whichoperate along the principal dimensions of the correspondingcomponentSpeaker dependent component, known as the eigenvoice, and thecorresponding factors

V ¢ y =


4j j j j

v1 v2 : : : vN

j j j j










Eigenvoice matrix

Low dimensional eigenvoice factors

Each speaker factor controls

an eigendimension of the

eigenvoice matrix

95 / 274

Factor decomposition

GMM supervector u for a speaker can be decomposed as

u = m + Vy + Ux + Dz









resuidual component

wherem is a speaker-independent supervector from UBMV is the eigenvoice matrixy ∼ N (0, I) is the speaker factor vectorU is the eigenchannel matrixx ∼ N (0, I) is the channel factor vectorD is the residual matrix, and is diagonalz ∼ N (0, I) is the speaker-specific residual factor vector

96 / 274


For a 512-mixture GMM-UBM system, the dimensions of each JFAcomponent are typically as follows− V 20,000 by 300 (300 eigenvoices)− y 300 by 1 (300 speaker factors)− U 20,000 by 100 (100 eigenchannels)− x 100 by 1 (100 channel factors)− D 20,000 by 20,000 (20,000 residuals)− z 20,000 by 1 (20,000 speaker-specific residuals)

These dimensions have been empirically determined to produce thebest resultsBayesian model selection can helpJudge by the marginal likelihood over latent component underdifferent dimensions

97 / 274

Training procedure

We train the JFA matricies in the following order[Kenny et al., 2007a]

1. Train the eigenvoice matrix V, assuming that U and D are zero2. Train the eigenchannel matrix U given the estimate of V, assuming

that D is zero3. Train the residual matrix D given the estimates of V and U

Using these matrices, we compute y for speaker, x for channel, and zfor residual factorsWe compute the final score by using these matrices and factors

98 / 274

Total variability

Subspaces U and V are not completely independentA combined total variability space was used [Dehak et al., 2011]

u = m + Vy + Ux + Dz









u = m + Tw



Total variability matrix


vector (i-vector)

99 / 274

Training total variability space

Rank of T is set prior to trainingT and w are latent variablesEM algorithm is usedTraining total variability matrix T is similar to training V except thattraining T is performed by using all utterances from a given speakerbut as produced by different speakersRandom initialization for TEach ot has dimension D. Number of Gaussian components is M.Dimension of supervector is M · DUBM diagonal covariance matrix Σ (MD ×MD) is introduced tomodel the residual variability not captured by T

100 / 274

Sufficient statistics

0th order statistics Nc(u) =∑

t γc(ot) of an utterance u1th order statistics Fc(u) =

∑t γc(ot)ot

2nd order statistics Sc(u) = diag(∑

t γc(ot)oto>t)


γc(ot) = p(c|ot ,θubm) = πcp(ot |mc ,Σc)∑Mj=1 πip(ot |mj ,Σj)

Centralized 1th and 2nd order statistics

Fc(u) =T∑

t=1γc(ot)(ot −mc)

Sc(u) = diag( T∑

t=1γc(ot)(ot −mc)(ot −mc)>


where mc is the subvector corresponding to mixture component c101 / 274

EM algorithm

Sufficient statistics

N(u) =

N1(u) · ID×D 0 · · · 0

0 N2(u) · ID×D 0...

... 0. . . 0

0 · · · 0 NM (u) · ID×D

F (u) =


...FM (u)

EM algorithm [Kenny et al., 2005]– Initialize m, Σ and T– E-step: for each utterance u, calculate the parameters of the posterior

distribution of w(u) using the current estimates of m,Σ,T– M-step: update T and Σ by solving a set of linear equations in which

w(u)’s play the role of explanatory variables– Iterate until data likelihood given the estimated parameters converges

102 / 274

E-step: posterior distribution of w(u)

For each utterance u, we calculate the matrix

L(u) = I + T>Σ−1N(u)T

Posterior distribution of w(u) conditioned on the acousticobservations of an utterance u is Gaussian with mean

E[w(u)] = L−1(u)T>Σ−1F (u)

and covariance matrix

Cov(w(u),w(u)) = L−1(u)

Variational Bayesian JFA was developed for speaker verification[Zhao and Dong, 2012]

103 / 274

Linear discriminant analysis

I-vectors from JFA model are used in linear discriminant analysis(LDA)

u = m + Tw

W = Aw

Factor analysis

Linear discriminant analysis

Both methods used to reduce the dimensionality of speaker modelA is chosen such that within-speaker variability Sw is minimized andbetween-speaker variability Sb is maximized within the spaceA is found by eigenvalue method via maximizing

J (A) = TrS−1w Sb

104 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models3.1. GMM-UBM system3.2. Joint factor analysis3.3. Probabilistic linear discriminant analysis3.4. Support vector machine3.5. Restricted Boltzmann machine

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction 105 / 274

Factor analysis

Assuming a factor analysis model of the i-vectors of the form

w = u + Fh + ε

w is the i-vector, u is the mean of i-vectors, and h ∼ N (0, I) is thelatent factorsFirst compute the maximum likelihood estimate of the factor loadingmatrix F, also known as the eigenvoice subspaceFull covariance of residual noise ε explains the variability not capturedthrough the latent variables

PLDAUnder Gaussian assumption, this model is known in face recognition asPLDA [Prince and Elder, 2007]

106 / 274

Gaussian PLDA

Assume that there are low dimensional, normally distributed hiddenvariables x1 and x2r such that

Dr = m + U1x1︸ ︷︷ ︸S

+ U2x2r + εr︸ ︷︷ ︸Cr

Residual εr is normally distributed with mean 0 and precision matrix Λm is the center of acoustic space and x1 is the speaker factorsColumns of U1 are the eigenvoices

Cov(S, S) = U1U>1

x2r varies from one recording to another (channel factors)Columns of U2 are the eigenchannels

Cov(Cr ,Cr ) = Λ−1 + U2U>2

107 / 274

Graphical representation


x2r Dr "r


r = 1; 2; :::; R


Including x2r enables the decomposition of speaker and channelfactorsx2r can always be eliminated at recognition timeBetween-speaker covariance matrix Cov(S,S) & within-speakercovariance matrix Cov(Cr ,Cr )These matrices cannot be treated as full rank

108 / 274

PLDA speaker recognition

Given two i-vectors D1 and D2, we would like to perform thehypothesis test

H1: the speakers are the sameH0: the speakers are different

Likelihood ratio is calculated by


Likelihood ratio for any type of speaker recognition or speakerclustering problemThe evidence integral should be calculated∫

p(D, z)dz

109 / 274

Model assumption

Assume that− we have succeeded in estimating the model parametersθ = m,U1,U2,Λ

− given a collection D = (D1, . . . ,DR ) of i-vectors associated with aspeaker, we have figured out how to evaluate the marginal likelihood orthe evidence

p(D) =∫

p(D, z)dz =∫


− z = x1, x2r is the hidden variables associated with the speaker

We show how to do speaker recognition in this situation and howboth problems are tackled by using variational Bayes to approximatethe posterior distribution p(z|D)

110 / 274

Variational approximation

Evidence p(D) can be evaluated exactly in the Gaussian case but thisinvolves inverting the large sparse block matricesIf q(z) is any distribution on z, variational lower bound is yielded as

L , Eq

[log p(D, z)


]where log p(D) ≥ L with equality iff q(z) = p(z|D)Variational Bayes provides a principled way to find a goodapproximation q(z) to p(z|D)Model parameters θ = m,U1,U2,Λ are estimated by maximizingthe evidence lower bound (ELBO) L which is calculated over all ofthe speakers in a training set

111 / 274

Bayesian speaker recognition

Full Bayesian avoids the point estimates of model parametersCoupling of multiple latent variables is tackled in VB[Villalba and Lleida, 2014]Uncertainties are compensated for model regularization in speakerrecognitionPrior densities p(U1) and p(U2) can be flexibly incorporatedSelection for the number of speaker factors or channel factorsManually tuning for unknown variables is avoidedAnalogous to the the treatment of the number of mixturecomponents in Bayesian estimation of GMMBayesian mixture of PLDA [Mak et al., 2016] was recently developed

112 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models3.1. GMM-UBM system3.2. Joint factor analysis3.3. Probabilistic linear discriminant analysis3.4. Support vector machine3.5. Restricted Boltzmann machine

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction 113 / 274

What is a good decision boundary?

Consider a two-class, linearlyseparable classification problemMany decision boundaries!− perceptron algorithm can be

used to find such a boundary− different algorithms have been

proposedAre all decision boundariesequally good? Class 1

Class 2

114 / 274

Large-margin decision boundary

Decision boundary should be as far away from the data of bothclasses as possible [Vapnik, 2013]− we should maximize the margin m− distance between the origin and the line w>x = k is k


Class 2

Class 1


wTx + b = ¡1

wTx + b = 1

wTx + b = 0


m = 2kwk

115 / 274

Finding the decision boundary

x1, . . . , xn is the data set and yi ∈ 1,−1 is the class label of xi

Decision boundary should classify all points correctly

yi (w>xi + b) ≥ 1, for i = 1, . . . , n

Decision boundary can be found by solving the constrainedoptimization problem

Minimize 12‖w‖


subject to yi (w>xi + b) ≥ 1, for i = 1, . . . , n

116 / 274

Constrained optimization

Original problem

Minimize 12‖w‖


subject to yi (w>xi + b) ≥ 1, for i = 1, . . . , n

We introduce the Lagrange multipliers αi ≥ 0 to form the Lagrangianfunction

L = 12‖w‖

2 −n∑

i=1αi(yi (w>xi + b)− 1

)Setting the gradient of L w.r.t w and b to zero, we have

w =n∑

i=1αiyi xi


αiyi = 0

117 / 274

Dual problem

New objective function is expressed in terms of αi onlyIf we know w, we know all αi . If we know all αi , we know wOriginal problem is known as the primal problemA quadratic programming objective is formed by

maximize L(α) =n∑iαi −




αiαjyiyjx>i xj

subject to αi ≥ 0,n∑

i=1αiyi = 0

Global maximum of αi can be found

118 / 274

Characteristics of the solution

Many of αi are zero− w is a linear combination of a small number of data points− This sparse representation can be viewed as data compression as in the

construction of KNN classifierxi with non-zero αi are called support vectors− decision boundary is determined only by support vectors− tj , j = 1, . . . , s are the indices of s support vectors

w =s∑

j=1αtj ytj xtj

For testing with a new data z− compute f = w>z + b =

∑sj=1 αtj ytj x>tj

z + b and classify z as class 1 ifthe sum is positive, and class 2 otherwise

119 / 274

Non-separable problem

We allow error ξi in classification. It is based on the output of thediscriminant function w>x + bξi approximates the number of misclassified samples

Class 2

Class 1


wTx + b = ¡1

wTx + b = 1

wTx + b = 0





120 / 274

Soft margin hyperplane

If we minimize∑

i ξi , ξi can be computed byw>xi + b ≥ 1− ξi yi = 1w>xi + b ≤ −1 + ξi yi = −1ξi ≥ 0 ∀i

− ξi are slack variables in optimization− ξi = 0 if there is no error for xi− ξi is an upper bound of the number of errors

We want to minimize 12‖w‖

2 + C∑n

i=1 ξi− C is a tradeoff parameter between error and margin

Optimization problem becomes

Minimize 12‖w‖

2 + Cn∑


subject to yi (w>xi + b) ≥ 1− ξi , ξi ≥ 0

121 / 274

Dual problem

Dual of this new constrained optimization problem is

maximize L(α) =n∑iαi −




αiαjyiyjx>i xj

subject to C ≥ αi ≥ 0,n∑

i=1αiyi = 0

w is recovered as w =∑s

j=1 αtj ytj xtj

This is very similar to the optimization problem in the linear separablecase, except that there is an upper bound C on αi nowOnce again, a quadratic programming solver can be used to find αi

122 / 274

Non-linear decision boundary

So far, we have only considered large-margin classifier with a lineardecision boundaryHow to generalize it to become non-linear?Key idea: transform xi to a higher dimensional space to make lifeeasier− input space: the points xi are located− feature space: the space of φ(xi ) after transformation

Why transform?− linear operation in the feature space is equivalent to non-linear

operation in input space− classification can become easier with a proper transformation.− In the XOR problem, for example, adding a new feature make the

problem linearly separable

123 / 274

Dimensionality in feature space

Á(²)Á( )

Á( )

Á( )

Á( )

Á( )Á( )

Á( )

Á( )

Á( )Á( )

Á( )

Á( )

Á( )

Á( )

Input space Feature space

Computation in the feature space can be costly because it is highlydimensional− feature space is typically infinite-dimensional!

Kernel trick comes to rescue

124 / 274

Kernel trick

maximize L(α) =n∑iαi −




αiαjyiyjx>i xj

subject to C ≥ αi ≥ 0,n∑

i=1αiyi = 0

x>i xj is inner productAs long as we can calculate the inner product in the feature space, wedo not need the mapping explicitlyMany common geometric operations, e.g. angle, distance, can beexpressed by inner productsDefine the kernel function K by

K (xi , xj) = φ(xi )>φ(xj)

125 / 274

Kernel function in SVM

Change all inner products to kernel functionsFor training− original

maximum L(α) =n∑iαi −




αiαjyiyjx>i xj

subject to C ≥ αi ≥ 0,n∑

i=1αiyi = 0

− with kernel function

maximum L(α) =n∑iαi −




αiαjyiyjK (xi , xj )

subject to C ≥ αi ≥ 0,n∑

i=1αiyi = 0

126 / 274

Kernel function in SVM

For testing, the new data z is classified as class 1 if f ≥ 0 and as class2 if f < 0− original

w =s∑

j=1αtj ytj xtj

f = w>z + b =s∑

j=1αtj ytj x>tj

z + b

− with kernel function

w =s∑

j=1αtj ytjφ(xtj )

f = 〈w, φ(z)〉+ b =s∑

j=1αtj ytj K (xtj , z) + b

127 / 274

Similarity measure

Since the training of SVM only requires the value of K (xi , xj), thereis no restriction of the form of xi and xj− xi can be a sequence or a tree instead of a feature vector

K (xi , xj) is just a similarity measure comparing xi and xj

Kernel function needs to satisfy the Mercer function, i.e., the functionis positive-definiteFor a test object z, the discriminant function essentially is a weightedsum of the similarity between z and a pre-selected set of objects, alsocalled the support vectors

f (z) =∑xi∈S

αiyiK (z, xi ) + b

where S denotes the set of support vectors

128 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models3.1. GMM-UBM system3.2. Joint factor analysis3.3. Probabilistic linear discriminant analysis3.4. Support vector machine3.5. Restricted Boltzmann machine

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction 129 / 274

Restricted Boltzmann machine

Bipartite the undirected graphical model with visible variable v andhidden variable hBuilding-block for deep belief networks and deep Boltzmann machinesRBMs are generative models of v based on the marginal distributionJoint distribution of (v, h) is an exponential familyDiscriminative fine-tuning can be appliedVariables are typically binary, however no such restriction existsBidirectional graphical model

130 / 274

Graphical model




No connection between nodes of the same layer (i.e. sparsity)Allow fast training (blocked-Gibbs sampling)Correlations between nodes in v are still present in the marginalp(v|W)Hidden variable h captures the higher level information

131 / 274

Joint distribution

Energy-based distribution is defined by

p(v,h|θ) = Z (θ)−1p∗(v,h|θ)


p∗(v,h|θ) = exp(∑

ivibi +


hjaj +∑i ,j

vihjWij︸ ︷︷ ︸−E(v,h)


and θ = W ,b, ab, a denote the biases and are usually assumed to be zero forcompact notationZ (θ) =

∑v,h p∗(v,h|θ) is the partition function

132 / 274

Individual distribution

Consider binary (v,h) with zero biases b, ap(h|v) =

∏j p(hj |v) where p(hj |v) = 1


i vi Wij )

p(v|h) =∏

i p(vi |h) where p(vi |h) = 11+exp(−

∑j hj Wij )

Product form is due to the restricted structure




133 / 274

Learning with RBM

Maximize the likelihood of θ given vn

p(vn) =∏




vni hn

j Wij

We obtain ∂logp(vn)

∂Wij= Epdata [vihj ]− Epmodel [vihj ]

where pdata(vn,hn) = p(hn|vn)p(vn)p(hn|vn) is an easy and exact calculation for RBMp(vn) is an empirical distribution∂logZ(θ)∂Wij

= Epmodel [vihj ] is hard to computeLearning using contrastive divergence with mini-batches is performed

134 / 274

135 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning4.1. Deep neural network4.2. Deep belief network4.3. Stacking auto-encoder4.4. Variational auto-encoder4.5. Deep transfer learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction 136 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning4.1. Deep neural network4.2. Deep belief network4.3. Stacking auto-encoder4.4. Variational auto-encoder4.5. Deep transfer learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction 137 / 274

Neural network


Hidden units













Multilayer perceptron

138 / 274

Nonlinear activation

ytk = yk(xt ,w) = f


w (2)jk f

( D∑i=0

w (1)ij xti


−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6









activation function f (·)

139 / 274

Deep learning

Deep belief networks (DBN) obtained great results due to goodinitialization and deep model structure− pre-train each layer from bottom up− each pair of layers is a restricted Boltzmann machine− jointly fine tune all layers using back-propagation

Deep neural network (DNN)− discriminative model works for classification tasks− empirically works well for image recognition, speech recognition,

information retrieval and many others− no theoretical guarantee

140 / 274

DBN-DNN training


















141 / 274

Why go deep?

Deep architecture can be representationally efficient− fewer computational units for the same function

Deep representation might allow for a hierarchical representation− allows non-local generalization− comprehensibility

Multiple levels of latent variables allow combinatorial sharing ofstatistical strengthDeep architecture works well for representation of vision, audio, NLP,music and many other technical data

142 / 274

Different level of abstraction

Hierarchical learning− natural progression from low

level to high level structure asseen in natural complexity

− easier to monitor what isbeing learnt and to guide themachine to better subspaces

− a good lower levelrepresentation can be used indifferent tasks

143 / 274

Trainable feature hierarchy

Hierarchy of representations with increasing level of abstractionEach stage is a kind of trainable feature transformImage− Pixel → edge → texton → motif → part → object

Text− Character → word → word group → clause → sentence → story

Speech− Sample → spectral band → sound → . . .→ phone → phoneme →


144 / 274

Deep architecture

Feed-forward: multilayer neural nets, convolutional nets

Feed-back: stacked sparse coding, deconvolutional nets

Bi-directional: deep Boltzmann machines, stacked auto-encoders

145 / 274

Training strategy

Purely supervised− initialize parameters randomly− train in supervised mode

− typically with SGD, using backprop to compute gradients− used in most practical systems for speech and image recognition

Unsupervised, layerwise + supervised classifier on top− train each layer unsupervised, one after the other− train a supervised classifier on top, keeping the other layers fixed− good when very few labeled samples are available

Unsupervised, layerwise + global supervised fine-tuning− train each layer unsupervised, one after the other− add a classifier layer, and retrain the whole thing supervised− good when label set is poor

Unsupervised pre-training often uses the regularized auto-encoders

146 / 274

Generalizable learning

Shared representation− multi-task learning− unsupervised training

Raw input




Task 1


Task 2

outputTask 3


Partial feature sharing− mixed mode learning− composition of functions

Low-level features

…High-level features

Task 1


Task N

Ouptut y1 yN

147 / 274

Forward & backward passes

Forward propagation− sum inputs, produce activation, feed-forward










Training: back propagation of error− calculate total error at the top− calculate contributions to error at each step going backwards










148 / 274

Deep neural network

Simple to construct− sigmoid nonlinearity for hidden layers− softmax for the output layer

Backpropagation does not work well ifrandomly initialized[Bengio et al., 2007]− deep networks trained without

unsupervised pretraining performworse than shallow networks

( Bengio et al., NIPS 2007)

149 / 274

Problems and solvers with back propagation

Gradient is progressively getting more dilute− below top few layers, correction signal is minimal

Gets stuck in local minima− random initialization: may start out far from good regions

In usual settings, we can use only labeled data− almost all data are unlabeled− the brain can learn from unlabeled data

Use unsupervised learning via greedy layer-wise training− allow abstraction to develop naturally from one layer to another− help the network initialize with good parameters

Perform supervised top-down training as final step− refine the features in intermediate layers more relevant for the task

150 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning4.1. Deep neural network4.2. Deep belief network4.3. Stacking auto-encoder4.4. Variational auto-encoder4.5. Deep transfer learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction 151 / 274

Deep belief network

Deep belief network (DBN) is a probabilistic generative modelDeep architecture with multiple hidden layersUnsupervised pre-learning provides a good initialization− maximizing the lower-bound of the log-likelihood of data

Supervised fine-tuning− generative: up-down algorithm− discriminative: back propagation

152 / 274

Model structure

Hidden Layers

Visible Layers







belief nets

p(v,h1,h2, . . . ,hl ) = p(v|h1)p(h1|h2) . . . p(hl−2|hl−1)p(hl−1|hl )

153 / 274

Greedy training

First step:− construct an RBM with an

input layer v and a hiddenlayer h

− train the RBM




154 / 274

Greedy training

Second step:− Stack another hidden layer on

top of the RBM to form anew RBM

− Fix W1, sample h1 fromq(h1|v) as input. Train W2 asRBM







155 / 274

Greedy training

Third step:− continue to stack layers on

top of the network, train it asprevious step, with samplesampled from q(h2|h1)

And so on...










156 / 274

Deep Boltzmann machine

p(v) =∑


1Z exp[vT W1h + (h1)>W2h2 + (h2)>W3h3]








[Salakhutdinov and Hinton, 2009]

Undirected connections between alllayers. No connections between thenodes in the same layerHigh-level representations are built fromunlabeled inputs. Labeled data is usedto only slightly fine-tune the model

157 / 274

Training procedure

Pre-training− initialize from stacked RBMs

Generative fine-tuning− positive phase: variational or

mean-field approximation− negative phase: persistent

chain & stochasticapproximation

Discriminative fine-tuning− back-propagation








158 / 274

Why greedy layer wise training works

Regularization hypothesis− pre-training is constraining the parameters in a region relevant to

unsupervised dataset− better generalization - representations that better describe unlabeled

data are more discriminative for labeled dataOptimization hypothesis− unsupervised training initializes lower level parameters near localities of

better minima than random initialization can

159 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning4.1. Deep neural network4.2. Deep belief network4.3. Stacking auto-encoder4.4. Variational auto-encoder4.5. Deep transfer learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction 160 / 274

Denoising auto-encoder

Corrupted input

Hidden code


Raw input Reconstruction

KL (reconstruction | raw input)


[Vincent et al., 2008]

Corrupt the input, e.g. set 25% of inputs to 0Reconstruct the uncorrupted inputUse the uncorrupted encoding as input to next level

161 / 274

Manifold learning perspective

Learn a vector field towards higher probability regionsMinimize the variational lower bound on a generative modelCorrespond to the regularized score matching on an RBM

162 / 274

Stacked denoising auto-encoders



W1 W>1



W1 W>1






h1 h1

W1 W>1



x x




163 / 274

Greedy layer-wise learning

Start with the lowest level and stack upwardsTrain each layer of auto-encoder using the intermediate codes orfeatures from the layer belowTop layer can have a different output, e.g. softmax non-linearity, toprovide an output for classification



W1 U1



W1 U1




W2 U2


W1 U1


x y





164 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning4.1. Deep neural network4.2. Deep belief network4.3. Stacking auto-encoder4.4. Variational auto-encoder4.5. Deep transfer learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction 165 / 274





xx xx


Encoder Decoder

ÁÁ μμ

166 / 274

Variational auto-structure




Encoder Decoder::::::







167 / 274

Graphical model






qÁ(zjx)qÁ(zjx) pμ(xjz)pμ(xjz)

[Kingma and Welling, 2014]Mean-field approach requires analytical solutions Eq, which areintractable in the case of neural network

Use neural network and sample the latent variables z from variationalposterior

168 / 274

Variational inference

Variational Bayesian inference aims to find a variational distributionq(z|x) that is maximally close to the original true posteriordistribution p(z|x)

According to the evidence decomposition, we have

p(x) = L(q) + KL(q‖p)

L(q) = Eq[log p(x, z)] + Hq[z]

KL(q‖p) = −Eq[log p(z|x)]−Hq[z]

169 / 274

Mean field variational inference

Assume that q(z|x) can be factorized into the product of individualprobability distributions

q(z|x) =N∏


We can perform the coordinate ascent for each factorized variationaldistributions by

q(zj |xj) ∝ exp(Eq(zi 6=j )[log p(x, z)])

170 / 274

Variational lower bound

Model parameters are learned by maximizing the variational lowerbound

log p(x) ≥ Eqφ(z|x)[log pθ(x|z)]− KL(qφ(z|x)||pω(z))= Eqφ(z|x)[log pθ(x, z)− log qφ(z|x)], Eqφ(z|x)[fΘ(x, z)], LΘ

where Θ = θ, φ, ω

171 / 274

Stochastic backpropagation

L£ = EqÁ(zjx)[f£(x; z)]L£ = EqÁ(zjx)[f£(x; z)]

sample z(l) from qÁ(zjx)sample z(l) from qÁ(zjx)

L£ ' f£(xjz(l))L£ ' f£(xjz(l))

r£L£ ' r£f£(x; z(l))r£L£ ' r£f£(x; z(l))






Problem: high variance by directly sampling z [Rezende et al., 2014]

172 / 274

Stochastic gradient variational Bayes

L£ = EqÁ(zjx)[f£(x; z)]L£ = EqÁ(zjx)[f£(x; z)]

L£ ' f£(xjz(l))L£ ' f£(xjz(l))

r£L£ ' r£f£(x; z(l))r£L£ ' r£f£(x; z(l))





z(l) = ¹z + ¾z¯ ²(l)z(l) = ¹z + ¾z¯ ²(l)

sample ²(l) from N (0; I)sample ²(l) from N (0; I)


Reduce the variance caused by directly sampling z

173 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning4.1. Deep neural network4.2. Deep belief network4.3. Stacking auto-encoder4.4. Variational auto-encoder4.5. Deep transfer learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction 174 / 274

Why transfer learning?

Mismatch between training and test data in speaker recognitionalways existsTraditional machine learning works well under an assumption thattraining and test data follow the same distribution− real-world data may not follow this assumption

Feature-based domain adaptation is a common approach− allow knowledge to be transferred across domains through learning a

good feature representationCo-train for feature representation and speaker recognition withoutlabeling in target domain

175 / 274

Transfer learning

Let D = X , p(X ) denote a domain− feature space X− marginal probability distribution p(X )− X = x1, · · · , xT ⊂ X

Let T = Y, f (·) denote a task− label space Y− objective predictive function f (·)

can be written as p(Y |X )

Assumptions in transfer learning− source and target domains are different DS 6= DT− source and target tasks are different TS 6= TT

176 / 274

Multi-task learning

minθ`(D, θ) + λΩ(θ)




apple, not apple pear, not pear



Auxiliary TaskMain Task

177 / 274

Multi-task neural network learning

minθ`(D, θ) + λΩ(θ)

z1 zJz2 z3

Ym Y1 YK

Main task Auxiliary tasks



Shared feature


178 / 274

Learning strategy and task




Unlabeled Data

in Target Domain

Unlabeled Data

in Target Domain

Auxiliary TaskMain Task Main Task

Training Test

Labeled Data

in Source Domain

z0 zM

bx1 bxD

x0 xD

by1 byV






Semi-supervised learning is conducted under multiple objectives

179 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies5.1. Heavy-Tailed PLDA5.2. SNR-Invariant PLDA5.3. Mixture of PLDA5.4. DNN I-vectors5.5. PLDA with RBM

6 Future Direction 180 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies5.1. Heavy-Tailed PLDA5.2. SNR-Invariant PLDA5.3. Mixture of PLDA5.4. DNN I-vectors5.5. PLDA with RBM

6 Future Direction 181 / 274


Motivation of i-vectors:Insufficiency of joint factor analysis (JFA) in distinguishing betweenspeaker and channel information, as channel factors were shown tocontain speaker information.Better to use a two-step approach: (1) use low-dimensional vectors(called i-vectors) that comprise both speaker and channel informationto represent utterances; and (2) model the channel and variabilities ofthe i-vectors during scoring.

Motivation of Heavy-tailed PLDA:JFA assumes that the speaker and channel components follow Gaussiandistributions.The Gaussian assumption prohibits large deviations from the mean.But speaker effects (e.g., non-native speakers) and channel effect(gross channel distortion) could cause large deviations.Use heavy-tailed distributions instead of Gaussians for modeling thespeaker and channel components in i-vectors [Kenny, 2010].

182 / 274

Generative model with heavy-tailed priors

Assuming that we have Hi i-vectors Xi = xij , j = 1, . . . ,Hi fromspeaker i , the generative model is

xij = m + Vhi + Grij + εij

where V and G represent the the speaker and channel subspaces,respectively.In heavy-tailed PLDA,

hi ∼ N (0, u−11 I) u1 ∼ G(n1/2, n1/2)

rij ∼ N (0, u−12j I) u2j ∼ G(n2/2, n2/2)

εij ∼ N (0, (vjΛ)−1) vj ∼ G(νj/2, νj/2)

By integrating out the hyperparameters (u1, u2j , and vj), one canshow [Eq. 2.161 of Bishop (2006)] that the priors of hi , rij , and εijfollow Student’s t. So, xij also follows Student’s t.

183 / 274

Performance on NIST 2008 SRE

Telephone speech, without score normalization

Microphone speech, with score normalization

[Kenny, 2010]

184 / 274

From HT-PLDA to Gaussian PLDA

In 2011, [Garcia-Romero and Espy-Wilson, 2011] discovered thatGaussian PLDA performs as good as HT-PLDA provided thati-vectors have been subjected to the following pre-processing steps:

Whitening + Length normalization

These steps have the effect of making the i-vectors more Gaussian.As Gaussian PLDA is computationally much simpler than HT-PLDA,the former has been extensively used in speaker verification.

185 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies5.1. Heavy-Tailed PLDA5.2. SNR-Invariant PLDA5.3. Mixture of PLDA5.4. DNN I-vectors5.5. PLDA with RBM

6 Future Direction 186 / 274


While i-vector extraction followed by PLDA is very effective inaddressing channel variabilityPerformance degrades rapidly in the presence of background noisewith a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios (SNR)Classical approach: Multi-condition training where i-vectors fromvarious background noise level are pooled to train a PLDA model.

187 / 274


We argue that the variation caused by SNR variability can bemodeled by an SNR subspace and utterances falling within a narrowSNR range should share the same set of SNR factors.SNR-specific information were separated from speaker-specificinformation through marginalizing out the SNR factors during scoring

188 / 274


I-vectors derived from utterances of similar SNR will be mapped to asmall region in the SNR subspace.

189 / 274

SNR-Invariant PLDA

Classical PLDA: xij = m + Vhi + εij

By adding an SNR factor to the conventional PLDA, we haveSNR-invariant PLDA [Li and Mak, 2015]:

xkij = m + Vhi + Uwk + εk

ij , k = 1, . . . ,K

where U denotes the SNR subspace, wk is an SNR factor, and hi isthe speaker (identity) factor for speaker i .Note that it is not the same as PLDA with channel subspace:

xkij = m + Vhi + Grij + εij ,

where G defines the channel subspace and rij represents the channelfactors.

190 / 274

SNR-invariant PLDA

Generative model:

xkij = m + Vhi + Uwk + εk

ij , k=1,. . . ,K

hi is speaker factors with prior distribution N (0, I)xk

ij is the j-th i-vector from speaker i in the k-th SNR subgroupV is the eigenvoice matrixU defines the SNR subspacewk is SNR factor with prior distribution N (0, I)εk

ij is a residual term with prior distribution N (0,Σ); Σ is a fullcovariance matrix aiming to model the channel variability

191 / 274

SNR-invariant PLDA

Training utterances are divided into K groups, accroding to their SNR

192 / 274

PLDA vs. SNR-invariant PLDA

Comparing the use of training i-vectors with conventional PLDA

193 / 274

PLDA vs. SNR-invariant PLDA

Comparing generative models:


xij = m + Vhi + εij xkij = m + Vhi + Uwk + εk


x ∼ N (x|m,VVT + Σ) x ∼ N (x|m,VVT + UUT + Σ)

θ = m,V,Σ θ = m,V,U,Σ

194 / 274

Auxiliary function for SNR-invariant PLDA

The parameters θ = m,V,U,Σ can be learned from a training setX using maximum likelihood estimation.X = xk

ij ; i = 1, . . . ,S; j = 1, . . . ,Hi (k); k = 1, . . . ,KS: No. of training speakersK : No. of SNR groupsHi (k): No. of utterances from speaker i in the k-th SNR group.

Given an initial value θ, we aim to find a new estimate θ thatmaximizes the auxiliary function:

Q(θ|θ) = Eh,w[∑


ij |hi ,wk , θ)p(hi ,wk))∣∣∣X ,θ]

= Eh,w[∑


(lnN (xk

ij |m + Vhi + Uwk ,Σ)

+ ln p(hi ,wk))∣∣∣X ,θ]

195 / 274

Posterior distributions of latent variables

We show 3 ways to compute the posteriors:1 Computing the posterior of hi and wk separately.2 Computing the posterior hi while fixing wk using the Gauss-Seidel

method.3 Computing the joint posterior of hi and wk using variational Bayes.

196 / 274

Method 1: Computing posteriors separately

Given i-vectors xkij , the posterior density of hi has the form:

p(hi |xkij ,θ) ∝ p(xk

ij |hi ,θ)p(hi )


p(xkij ,wk |hi ,θ)p(hi )dwk


p(xkij |hi ,wk ,θ)p(wk)p(hi )dwk

=∫N (xk

ij |m + Vhi + Uwk ,Σ)N (wk |0, I)N (hi |0, I)dwk

= N (xkij |m + Vhi ,Φ)N (hi |0, I)

∝ exp

hTi VTΦ−1(xk

ij −m)− 12hT

i (I + VTΦ−1V)hi

where Φ = UUT + Σ.

197 / 274

Method 1: Computing posteriors separatelyIf all of the i-vectors of speaker i , say Xi , are given,

p(hi |xkij ∀j and k,θ) ∝


Hi (k)∏j=1

p(xkij |hi ,θ)p(hi )

∝ exp

hTi VTΦ−1


Hi (k)∑j=1

(xkij −m)− 1


(I +


Hi (k)VTΦ−1V)


This is a Gaussian with mean and 2nd-order (uncentralized) moment

〈hi |Xi〉 =(

I +∑K

k=1Hi (k)VTΦ−1V




∑Hi (k)


ij −m)

〈hi hTi |Xi〉 =

(I +∑K

k=1Hi (k)VTΦ−1V

)−1+ 〈hi |Xi〉〈hi |Xi〉T,


N (h|µh,Ch) ∝ exp−1

2 (h− µh)TC−1h (h− µh)

∝ exp


h µh −12hTC−1

h h

198 / 274

Method 1: Computing posteriors separately

Similarly, to compute the posterior expectations of wk , we marginalizeover hi ’s. Thus, the posterior density of wk is

p(wk |xkij ,θ) ∝


ij |hi ,wk ,θ)p(hi )p(wk)dhi

=∫N (xk

ij |m + Vhi + Uwk ,Σ)N (hi |0, I)N (wk |0, I)dhi

= N (xkij |m + Uwk ,Ψ)N (wk |0, I)

∝ exp

wTk UTΨ−1(xk

ij −m)− 12wT

k (I + UTΨ−1U)wk

199 / 274

Method 1: Computing posteriors separately

Given all of the i-vectors (X k) from the k-th SNR group, we cancompute the posterior expectations as follows:

〈wk |X k〉 =(

I +S∑

i=1Hi (k)UTΨ−1U




Hi (k)∑j=1

(xkij −m)

〈wkwTk |X k〉 =

(I +


Hi (k)UTΨ−1U)−1

+ 〈wk |X k〉〈wk |X k〉T


where Ψ = VVT + Σ

200 / 274

Method 2: Computing posteriors by Gauss-Seidel method

Another approach to computing p(hi |Xi ) is to assume that wk ’s arefixed for all k = 1, . . . ,K .This is called the Gauss-Seidel method [Barrett et al., 1994]We fix wk to its posterior mean: w∗k ≡ 〈wk |X k〉The posterior density of hi becomes:

p(hi |Xi ,w∗k ,θ) ∝K∏


Hi (k)∏j=1

p(xkij |hi ,w∗k ,θ)p(hi )



Hi (k)∏j=1N (xk

ij |m + Vhi + Uw∗k ,Σ)N (hi |0, I)

∝ exp

hTi VTΣ−1


Hi (k)∑j=1

(xkij −m−Uw∗k ) −



(I +


Hi (k)VTΣ−1V)


201 / 274

Method 2: Computing posteriors by Gauss-Seidel method

Comparing this posterior density with a standard Gaussian, we have

〈hi |Xi〉 =(




Hi (k)∑j=1

(xkij −m−Uw∗k)

〈hi hTi |Xi〉 =



)−1+ 〈hi |Xi〉〈hi |Xi〉T,


where L(1)i ≡ I +

∑Kk=1 Hi (k)VTΣ−1V

Note that these formulations is similar to the JFA model estimation in[Vogt and Sridharan, 2008].

202 / 274

Method 2: Computing posteriors by Gauss-Seidel method

Apply the same approach to computing the posterior density of wk ,we have

〈wk |X k〉 =(




Hi (k)∑j=1

(xkij −m− Vh∗i )

〈wkwTk |X k〉 =



)−1+ 〈wk |X k〉〈wk |X k〉T


where L(2)k = I +

∑Si=1 Hi (k)UTΣ−1U and h∗i ≡ 〈hi |Xi〉

203 / 274

Method 3: Computing posteriors by variational Bayes

Denote w = [w1, . . . ,wK ] and h = [h1, . . . ,hS ]In variational Bayes [Bishop, 2006, Kenny, 2010], we factorize thejoint posterior as follows:

ln p(h,w|X ) ≈ ln q(h) + ln q(w) =S∑

i=1ln q(hi ) +


ln q(wk)


ln q(h) = Ewln p(h,w,X )+ constln q(w) = Ehln p(h,w,X )+ const

where Ew means taking expectation with respect to w.

204 / 274

Method 3: Computing posteriors by variational BayesConsider ln q(h):ln q(h) = Ewln p(h, w,X )+ const= 〈ln p(X|h, w)〉w + 〈ln p(h, w)〉w + const



⟨lnN (xr

ij |m + Vhi + Uwr , Σ)⟩



i〈lnN (hi |0, I)〉w +

∑r〈lnN (wr |0, I)〉w + const

= −12∑


ij −m− Vhi −Uw∗r )TΣ−1(xrij −m− Vhi −Uw∗r )

− 12∑


i hi + const (5)




i VTΣ−1∑


ij −m−Uw∗r )− 12 hT


(I +∑




]+ const

q(hi ) a Gaussian with mean and precision identical to Eq. 3:

〈hi |Xi〉 =(




(xrij −m−Uw∗r )

L(1)i = I +



205 / 274

Method 3: Computing posteriors by variational Bayes

lnq(w) = 〈ln p(X|h, w)〉h + 〈ln p(h, w)〉h + const



⟨lnN (xk

ij |m + Vhi + Uwk , Σ)⟩



i〈lnN (hi |0, I)〉hi +

∑k〈lnN (wk |0, I)〉h + const

= −12∑


ij −m− Vh∗i −Uwk )TΣ−1(xkij −m− Vh∗i −Uwk )

− 12∑


k wk + const




k UTΣ−1∑


ij −m− Vh∗i )− 12 wT


(I +∑




]+ const

q(wk) is a Gaussian with mean and precision identical to Eq. 4:

〈wk |X k〉 =(




(xkij −m− Vh∗i )

L(2)k = I +



Note : 〈lnN (hi |0, I)〉hi is the differential entropy of normal distribution and isindependent of wk , see [Norwich, 1993](Ch 8).

206 / 274

Computing posterior moment

The exact posterior moment 〈wkhTi |X 〉 will be complicated because

hi and wk are correlated in the posterior.If Gauss-Seidel’s method is used, we may approximate the posteriormoments by (Kenny 2010, p.6)

〈wkhTi |X 〉 ≈ 〈wk |X k〉(h∗i )T

〈hi wTk |X 〉 ≈ 〈hi |Xi〉(w∗k)T

where h∗i and w∗k are the most up-to-date posterior means in the EMiterations.Alternatively, we may compute the exact joint posterior.3 But it willbe computationally intensive.

3∼mwmak/papers/si-plda.pdf207 / 274

Computing posterior moment

A better approach is to use variational Bayes:

p(hi ,wk |X ) ≈ q(hi )q(wk) (8)

Note that as both q(hi ) and q(wk) are Gaussians. Based on the lawof total expectation,4 the factorization in Eq. 8 gives

〈wkhTi |X 〉 ≈ 〈wk |X k〉〈hi |Xi〉T

〈hi wTk |X 〉 ≈ 〈hi |Xi〉〈wk |X k〉T

4 distribution208 / 274

Maximization Step

In the M-step, we maximize the auxiliary function:

Q(θ) = Eh,w



xkij∣∣m + Vhi + Uwk ,Σ

)p(hi ,wk)

∣∣∣∣X ,θ=∑ijk



2 log |Σ| − 12(

xkij −m− Vhi −Uwk



xkij −m− Vhi −Uwk

)+ ln p(hi ,wk)

∣∣∣∣X ,θAs p(hi ,wk) is independent of the model parameters V, U, and Σ,they could be taken out of Q(θ) in the M-step[Prince and Elder, 2007].

209 / 274

Maximization Step

Differentiating Q(θ) with respect to V, U, and Σ and set the resultsto 0, we obtain

V =



ij −m)〈hi |Xi〉 −U〈wkhTi |X 〉


ijk〈hi hT

i |X 〉


U =



ij −m)〈wk |X k〉 − V〈hi wTk |X 〉



k |X 〉


Σ = 1N∑ijk


ij −m)(xkij −m)T

− V〈hi |Xi〉(xkij −m)T −U〈wk |X k〉(xk

ij −m)T]

210 / 274

Likelihood Ratio Scores

Given target-speaker’s i-vector xs and test-speaker’s i-vector xtIf xs and xt are from the same speaker, they should share the samespeaker factor h:[





V U 0V 0 U

] hwswt


]=⇒ xst = m + Azst + εst .

Same-speaker likelihood:

p(xst |same-speaker) =∫

p(xst |zst)p(zst)dzst

=∫N (xst |m + Azst , Σ)N (zst |0, I)dzst

= N (xst |m, AAT + Σ)

= N([


] ∣∣∣∣ [mm


[Σtot ΣacΣac Σtot

])where Σ = diagΣ,Σ, Σtot = VVT + UUT + Σ and Σac = VVT

211 / 274

Likelihood Ratio Scores

If xs and xt are from different speakers, they should have their ownspeaker factor (hs ,ht):





V 0 U 00 V 0 U




=⇒ xst = m + Azst + εst

Different-speaker likelihood:

p(xst |diff-speaker) =∫

p(xst |zst)p(zst)dzst

=∫N (xst |m + Azst , Σ)N (zst |0, I)dzst

= N (xst |m, AAT + Σ)

= N([


] ∣∣∣∣[



[Σtot 0

0 Σtot

])212 / 274

Likelihood Ratio Scores

Log-likelihood ratio score (assuming i-vectors have been meansubtracted, x← x−m)

SLR(xs , xt) = log p(xs , xt |Same-speaker)p(xs , xt |Diff-speaker)

= logN([


] ∣∣∣∣[



[Σtot ΣacΣac Σtot




] ∣∣∣∣[



[Σtot 0

0 Σtot


= 12[xT

s Qxs + 2xTs Pxt + xT

t Qxt ] + const



Q = Σ−1tot − (Σtot −ΣacΣ−1


P = Σ−1totΣac(Σtot −ΣacΣ−1


213 / 274

Likelihood Ratio Scores

The LLR in Eq. 9 assumes that the SNR of both target-speaker’sutterance and test utterance are unknown.If both SNRs (`s , `t) are known, we may compute the score as follows:

SLR(xs , xt |`s , `t) = log p(xs , xt |Same-speaker, `s , `t)p(xs , xt |Diff-speaker, `s , `t)

214 / 274

Likelihood Ratio Scores

Given i-vector x and utterance SNR `, the likelihood of x is

p(x|`) =∫



p(x|h,w, `)p(h,w|`)dhdw




p(x|h,w, `)p(h|w, `)p(w|`)dhdw




p(x|h,w, `)p(h)dhp(w|`)dw

where we have assumed that h is a priori independent of w and `.Note that if ` ∈ k-th SNR group, we have w = w∗k ≡ 〈wk |X k〉

p(x|` ∈ k-th SNR group) =∫



hN (x|m + Vh + Uw∗k ,Σ)N (h|0, I)dh

= N (x|m + Uw∗k ,VVT + Σ)

215 / 274

Likelihood Ratio Scores

SLR(xs , xt |`s , `t) = log p(xs , xt |Same-speaker, `s , `t)p(xs , xt |Diff-speaker, `s , `t)

= logN([


] ∣∣∣∣[

m + Uw∗ksm + Uw∗kt


[Ψ Σac

Σac Ψ




] ∣∣∣∣[

m + Uw∗ksm + Uw∗kt


[Ψ 00 Ψ


= 12[xT

s Qxs + 2xTs Pxt + xT

t Qxt ] + const


wherexs = xs −m−Uw∗ks

xt = xt −m−Uw∗kt

Q = Ψ−1 − (Ψ−ΣacΨ−1Σac)−1

P = Ψ−1Σac(Ψ−ΣacΨ−1Σac)−1

Ψ = VVT + Σ; Σac = VVT216 / 274

Compare with scoring in JFA

Scoring in JFA is based on the sequential mode[Kenny et al., 2007b]:

SJFA-LR(Os ,Ot) =PΛ(s)(Ot)PΛ(Ot)

where Λ(s) denotes the adapted speaker model based on enrollmentspeech Os from speaker s.Computing PΛ(s)(Ot) requires the posterior density of speaker factors[y(s) and z(s) in Kenny 2007], which are posteriorly correlated.The scoring function in Eq. 9 is based on the batch mode.Batch mode is similar to speaker comparison in which no modeladaptation is performed. So, the posterior correlation betweenspeaker factors and SNR factors does not occur in Eq. 9.

217 / 274

Scoring based on sequential mode

The batch-mode scoring (Eq. 10) requires inverting a big matrix if thetarget speaker has a large number of enrollment utterances.The sequential-mode scoring can mitigate this problem.For notational simplicity, we assume that the target speaker only haveone enrollment utterance with i-vector xs :

SLR(xs , xt |`s , `t) = p(xs , xt |`s , `t)p(xs |`s)p(xt |`t)

= p(xt |xs , `s , `t)p(xs |`s)p(xs |`s)p(xt |`t)

= p(xt |xs , `s , `t)p(xt |`t)

218 / 274

Scoring based on sequential mode

For simplicity, we omit `s and `t from now on.

p(xt |xs) =∫ ∫

p(xt |h,w)p(h,w|xs)dhdw

As h and w are posteriorly dependent, we use variational Bayes toapproximate the joint posterior:

p(xt |xs) ≈∫ ∫

p(xt |h,w)q(h)q(w)dhdw



∫wN (xt |m + Vh + Uw,Σ)N (h|µhs ,Σhs )N (w|µws ,Σws )dhdw


where µhs , Σhs , µws , and Σws are posterior means and posteriorcovariances.

219 / 274

Scoring based on sequential modeEq. 11 is a convolution of Gaussians

p(xt |xs) ≈∫


∫hN (xt |m + Vh + Uw,Σ)N (h|µhs ,Σhs )dhN (w|µws ,Σws )dw


wN (xt |m + Vµhs + Uw,VΣhs V

T + Σ)N (w|µws ,Σws )dw

= N (xt |m + Vµhs + Uµws ,VΣhs VT + UΣws U

T + Σ)If `s falls on the k-th SNR group, we may replace µws byw∗k ≡ 〈wk |X k〉 and assume that Σw∗k → 0:

p(xt |xs) = N (xt |m + Vµhs + Uw∗k ,VΣhs VT + Σ)p(xt) is a marginal density

p(xt) =∫

p(xt |h,w)p(h,w)dhdw

=∫N (xt |m + Vh + Uw,Σ)N (h|0, I)N (w|0, I)dhdw

= N (xt |m,VVT + UUT + Σ)220 / 274

Scoring based on sequential mode

The posteriors means and covariances can be obtained from Eq. 6and Eq. 7 by considering a single utterance from target-speaker s:

µhs = 〈hs |xs〉 = Σhs VTΣ−1(xs −m−Uµws )µws = 〈ws |xs〉 = Σws UTΣ−1(xs −m− Vµhs )Σhs = (I + VTΣ−1V)−1

Σws = (I + UTΣ−1U)−1

Note that µhs and µws depend on each other, meaning that theyshould be found iteratively.

221 / 274

Experiments on SRE12

Evaluation dataset: Common evaluation condition 1 and 4 of NISTSRE 2012 core set.Parameterization: 19 MFCCs together with energy plus their 1stand 2nd derivatives =⇒ 60-Dim acoustic vectorsUBM: Gender-dependent, mic+tel, 1024 mixturesTotal Variability Matrix: Gender-dependent, mic+tel, 500 totalfactorsI-Vector Preprocessing: Whitening by WCCN then lengthnormalization followed by non-parametric feature analysis (NFA)5 andWCCN (500-dim → 200-dim)

5Z. Li, D. Lin, and X. Tang, “Nonparametric discriminant analysis for facerecognition,” IEEE Trans. on PAMI, 2009.

222 / 274

Prepare training speech files

223 / 274

SNR distributions

SNR Distribution of training and test utterances in CC4

224 / 274

Performance on SRE12

225 / 274

Performance on SRE12

226 / 274

Performance on SRE12

227 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies5.1. Heavy-Tailed PLDA5.2. SNR-Invariant PLDA5.3. Mixture of PLDA5.4. DNN I-vectors5.5. PLDA with RBM

6 Future Direction 228 / 274

Mixture of PLDA: Motivation

Conventional i-vector/PLDA systems use a single PLDA model tohandle all SNR conditions

229 / 274

Mixture of PLDA: Motivation

We argue that a PLDA model should focus on a small range of SNR.

230 / 274

Distribution of SNR

231 / 274

Proposed solution

The full spectrum of SNRs is handled by a mixture of PLDA in whichthe posteriors of the indicator variables depend on the utterance’sSNR.Verification scores depend not only on the same-speaker anddifferent-speaker likelihoods but also on the posterior probabilities ofSNR.

232 / 274

Mixture of PLDA [Mak et al., 2016]

Model parameters:

θ = π, µ, σ,m,V,Σ= πk , µk , σk︸ ︷︷ ︸

Modeling SNR

, mk ,Vk ,Σk︸ ︷︷ ︸Speaker subspaces


Generative model:

xij ∼K∑

k=1P(yijk = 1|`ij)N (xij |mk ,VkVT

k + Σk)

whereP(yijk = 1|`ij) = πkN (`ij |µk , σ


k′=1 πk′N (`ij |µk′ , σ2k′))

and `ij is the SNR of the utterance j from speaker i .

233 / 274

Mixture of PLDA

Graphical model:

234 / 274

PLDA vs. Mixture of PLDA

Graphical models:

𝒙𝑖𝑗 𝒛𝑖





𝐻𝑖 ℓ ij

xij zi



µ , σ


m Σ

PLDA Mixture of PLDA

235 / 274

Experiments on SRE12

Evaluation dataset: Common evaluation condition 1 and 4 of NISTSRE 2012 core set.Parameterization: 19 MFCCs together with energy plus their 1stand 2nd derivatives =⇒ 60-Dim acoustic vectorsUBM: Gender-dependent, mic+tel, 1024 mixturesTotal Variability Matrix: Gender-dependent, mic+tel, 500 totalfactorsI-Vector Preprocessing: Whitening by WCCN then lengthnormalization followed by LDA and WCCN (500-dim → 200-dim)

236 / 274

Experiments on SRE12

In NIST 2012 SRE, training utterances from telephone channels areclean, but some of the test utterances are noisy.We used the FaNT tool to add babble noise to the clean trainingutterances

237 / 274

DET Performance

Train on tel+mic speech and test on noisy tel speech (CC4).

238 / 274

I-vector Cluster Alignment

0 10 20 30 40 50 60




SNR (dB)




Aligned to Mixture 1

Aligned to Mixture 3

Without using SNR

0 10 20 30 40 50 60




SNR (dB)




Aligned to Mixture 1Aligned to Mixture 2Aligned to Mixture 3

With SNR as guidance239 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies5.1. Heavy-Tailed PLDA5.2. SNR-Invariant PLDA5.3. Mixture of PLDA5.4. DNN I-vectors5.5. PLDA with RBM

6 Future Direction 240 / 274

DNN for speaker recognition

Main idea: replacing the universal background model (UBM) with aphonetically-aware DNN for computing the frame posteriorprobabilities.The most successful application of DNN to speaker recognition[Lei et al., 2014, Ferrer et al., 2016, Richardson et al., 2015]

Source: Richardson, F., et al. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2015 241 / 274

DNN I-vector extraction

Source: Ferrer, L. et al. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and LanguageProcessing, 2016.

242 / 274

UBM I-vectors

Factor analysis model for UBM i-vectors:

µc = µ(b)c + Tcw c = 1, . . . ,C

Given the MFCC vectors of an utterance O = o1, . . . , oT, itsi-vector is the posterior mean of w

x ≡ 〈w|O〉 = L−1C∑





)−1 T∑t=1

γc(ot)(ot − µ(b)c )


L = I +C∑



γc(ot)TTc (Σ(b)

c )−1Tc

γc(ot) ≡ Pr(Mixture = c|ot) = λ(b)c N (ot |µ(b)

c ,Σ(b)c )∑C

j=1 λ(b)j N (ot |µ(b)

j ,Σ(b)j )

243 / 274

DNN I-vectors

Replace γc(ot) by DNN output, γDNNc (at)

The DNN is trained to produce posterior probabilities of senones,given multiple frames of acoustic features, at , as input.

Acoustic features for speech recognition in the DNN are not necessarythe same as the features for the i-vector extractor.

244 / 274

DNN I-vectors

Given MFCC or bottleneck (BN) feature vectors O = o1, . . . , oT,the DNN i-vector is6

x ≡ 〈w|O〉 = L−1C∑





)−1 T∑t=1

γDNNc (at)(ot − µDNN

c )


µDNNc =


∑Tit=1 γ

DNNc (ait)oit∑N


t=1 γDNNc (ait)



∑Tit=1 γ

DNNc (ait)oitoT


∑Tit=1 γ

DNNc (ait)

− µDNNc (µDNN

c )T

6For a full set of formulae, see∼mwmak/papers/FA-Ivector.pdf

245 / 274

Denoising deep classifier [Tan et al., 2016]

246 / 274

DNN I-vectors from denoising deep classifier

247 / 274

Performance on NIST 2012 SRE

Performance on CC4 with test utterances contaminated with babblenoise.

248 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies5.1. Heavy-Tailed PLDA5.2. SNR-Invariant PLDA5.3. Mixture of PLDA5.4. DNN I-vectors5.5. PLDA with RBM

6 Future Direction 249 / 274

PLDA–RBM [Stafylakis et al., 2012]Main idea:

Use i-vectors as input to the Gaussian visible layer of an RBMDivide RBM weights into two parts: speaker and channelConsider RBM weights as analogue to PLDA’s loading matricesDivide the Gaussian hidden layer into two parts: speaker and channelHidden nodes are considered as latent factors

RBM RBM–PLDA250 / 274


PLDA (omitting global mean):v = Vs + Uc + ε

where v is an i-vector, s and c are speaker and channel factors.RBM-PLDA:

vn = σv



+ Wccstσc

]where vn is the expected value of visible layer in the negative phase ofCD-1 sampling, sst and cst are the states of Gaussian hidden nodes ofthe RBM.

251 / 274

Scoring in PLDA–RBM

Given two i-vectors vi , i = 1, 2, compute si = WTs vi .

The log-likelihood ratio is

LLR = −12(s1 − s2)T(s1 − s2) + const

If ‖si‖ = 1, the model is similar to cosine distance scoring.

252 / 274

Results on NIST 2010 SRE

NIST’10, female, core-extended:

253 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction6.1. Domain adaptation6.2. Short-utterance speaker verification6.3. Text-dependent speaker recognition

254 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction6.1. Domain adaptation6.2. Short-utterance speaker verification6.3. Text-dependent speaker recognition

255 / 274

Domain adaptation

Domain adaptation aims to adapt a system from a resource-richdomain to a resource-limited domain.Domain mismatch: systems perform very well in the domain(environment) for which they are trained; however, their performancesuffers when the users use the systems in other domain.Domain Adaptation Challenge (DAC13) was introduced in 2013.The effect of domain mismatch on PLDA parameters is morepronouncedPopular approaches:

Bayesian adaptation of PLDA models [Villalba and Lleida, 2014]Unsupervised clustering of i-vectors for adapting covariance matrices ofPLDA models [Shum et al., 2014, Garcia-Romero et al., 2014]Inter-dataset variability compensation[Aronowitz, 2014, Kanagasundaram et al., 2015]

256 / 274

Bayesian Adaptation of PLDA (Villalba and Lleida, 2014)

Use a generative model to generate out-of-domain labelled (θdj) data

and in-domain (target) unlabelled (θj) data.Unknown labels (θj) are modelled as latent variables

257 / 274

Unsupervised clustering of i-vectors (Shum et al., 2014)

Step 1 Use the within-class and between-class covariance matrices ofout-of-domain data to compute a pairwise affinity matrix onunlabelled in-domain data.

Step 2 Use the affinity matrix to obtain hypothesized speaker clusters ofin-domain data.

Step 3 Linearly interpolate the in-domain and out-of-domain covariancematrices to obtained the adapted matrices:

Σadapt = αwcΣin + (1− αwcΣout)Φadapt = αacΦin + (1− αacΦout)

258 / 274

Inter-dataset variability compensation (IDVC)

IDVC aims at explicitly modeling dataset shift variability in thei-vector space and compensating it as a pre-processing cleanup step.No need to use in-domain data to adapt the PLDA model.

Step 1 Divide the development data into different subsets according totheir sources, e.g., different LDC distributions of Switchboard.

Step 2 Estimate an inter-dataset variability subspace with the largestvariability across the mean i-vectors of these subsets.

Step 3 Remove the variability of i-vectors in this subspace via nuisanceattribute projection (NAP).

259 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction6.1. Domain adaptation6.2. Short-utterance speaker verification6.3. Text-dependent speaker recognition

260 / 274

Short-utterance speaker verification

Performance of i-vector/PLDA systems degrades rapidly when thesystems are presented with short utterances or utterances withvarying durations.These systems consider long and short utterances as equally reliable.However, the i-vectors of short utterances have much bigger posteriorcovariances.Popular approaches:

Uncertainty Propagation: Propagate the posterior covariances ofi-vectors to PLDA [Kenny et al., 2013]Full posterior distribution PLDA [Cumani et al., 2014]

261 / 274

Uncertainty propagation (Kenny et al., 2013)

In i-vector extraction, besides the posterior mean of the latentvariable (i-vector), we also have the posterior covariance matrix,which reflects the uncertainty of the i-vector estimate.

262 / 274

Uncertainty propagation (Kenny et al., 2013)

wij = m + Vhi + Uijzij + εij

Uij is the Cholesky decomposition of the posterior covariance matrix(L−1

ij ) of the j-th i-vector by the i-th speaker.The intra-speaker covariance matrix becomes:

cov(wij ,wij |hi ) = UijUTij + Σ

where UijUTij changes from utterance to utterance, thus reflecting the

reliability of the i-vector wij .Scoring is computationally expensive. See [Lin and Mak, 2016] for afast scoring algorithm.

263 / 274


1 Introduction

2 Learning Algorithms

3 Learning Models

4 Deep Learning

5 Case Studies

6 Future Direction6.1. Domain adaptation6.2. Short-utterance speaker verification6.3. Text-dependent speaker recognition

264 / 274

Text-dependent SV using short utterances

Very difficult for short-utterance text-dependent SVText-dependent tasks with the uncertainty propagation version ofi-vector/PLDA were unsatisfactory [Stafylakis et al., 2013].It is more natural to use HMMs rather than GMMs fortext-dependent tasks. But HMMs require local hidden variables,which are difficult to handle because of data fragmentation.Emergent approaches:

Content matching [Scheffer and Lei, 2014]Exploiting out-of-domain data via domain adaptation[Aronowitz and Rendel, 2014, Kenny et al., 2014]y-vector and JFA backend [Kenny et al., 2015b]I-vector backend [Kenny et al., 2015a]Hidden suppervector backend [Kenny et al., 2016]Use DNN/RNN to extract utterance-level features[Heigold et al., 2016, Bhattacharya et al., 2016, Zeinali et al., 2016]

265 / 274

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273 / 274

Contact information

Man-Wai MakThe Hong Kong Polytechnic∼mwmak/Jen-Tzung ChienNational Chiao Tung

274 / 274