Internship UK Magazine - June

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Let's have a look at our monthly updated New Romney, England Magazine. In this magazine you can find all the news and information about life at Internship-UK.

Transcript of Internship UK Magazine - June

Written byAwa & Sina

New Romney

Football Tournament

Thursday, the 10th of June 2010 there was an amazing funny “Football Tournament” at Marsh Academy. Almost all the New Romney staff participated.

Everybody was meeting in front of the Marsh Academy at 9 pm. While chatting a little we warmed up to get ready for the matches. Marion who was in charge of the organisation of the 5 teams presented the order for the upcoming matches. In the first match Team 1 (Javier, Xavier, Rasa, Andrius, Sina) and Team 2 (Nicolas P, Marion, Jean Phillipe, Vaggelis, Curaine ) played against each other. On the second field there was Team 3 (Gama, Julien, Johanna, Awa and Samu) versus Team 4 (Marianne, William, Melanie, Mylene and Sylvie). After having some problems with the next matches because they were mixed up, we decided to split up into two teams. The boys proposed to play boys versus girls. Luckily, we were able to talk it out. Finally, we played about 40 minutes mixed up. It was such a marvellous match. Team 1 gained the lead with 4 goals. However, Team 2 did not sleep and caught up. Finally, the score was equal – 6:6. However, we decided to go on to get a decision. The first team who shot 3 goals was the winner. We also had some audience who was most of the time scared of being hit by the football. Our beloved crazy French guy Damien amused us as always with some funny stuff. He pretended for example to be a lovely cheer leader with a pink pompon. Eva, Eliza, David and Letizia supported him to cheer up the teams.

It was an incredible evening with lots of fun which will definitely be repeated.

Magazine – Friday, 18th of June 2010

Staff Presentation - Marion 2 What are your main hobbies/interests in life?

There are quite a lot of hobbies and interests in my life. As almost every woman I love shopping. However, I am also very interested in dancing, listening to music and doing sports. I love to do Kick-Boxing. In 2008 I even were in the qualification for the French championship in Kick-Boxing. I used to be a trainer for the children in our club for 3 years. Next to it, playing tennis is also a passion.

Where are you from and what makes your city worth visiting?

I live in the beautiful city Marseilles. It is definitely worth visiting. The city not just convinceswith its beautiful beaches and its open-minded, nice persons it also has many sunny hours. You can enjoy lovely walks through the old town or along the promenade. Marseilles also has a beautiful port where you can relax in some very nice cafés.

What are you studying and what do you want to do in the future?

I am studying at a business school in Marseilles for 2 years. I will be graduated in the courses like management, communication, accounting, economics, marketing, ... For the near future, I will continue my studies with a Master for logistics, international business and marketing. However, I do not exactly know yet what I will do after the University. I imagine that I will work very close with customers, to build something creative. I could imagine my own company based on online-services.

What makes life worth living, according to you?

First of all there is my family! Secondly, there is my passion for travelling. I adore to get to know other countries like Spain, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia, England, ... Thanks to all the trips I have already done, I am much more open-minded, I have learned to share and the most important aspect I have learned a lot about others, which helps to challenge myself.

My motto: “Enjoy each second of your exciting life!”

Tell me something we didn’t know about you.

I have huge plans. I love to emigrate to open a safari lodge somewhere in the desert. Such a lifeis so exciting. I already got the opportunity to live in a desert as I participated at a survival training.

Which qualities are you looking for in people around you?

I like to work with open-minded people which have a PMA (Positive Mental Attitude).

They should also have a good sense of humour and be a little crazy so that life won’t become too monotone. Regarding to working aspects, it is important to have a good sense of responsibility but still don’t be too authoritarian – stay sensitive and sincere.

Jokes 11 When a Scotsman plays tricks!

There was an Scotsman, an Englishman and Claudia Schiffer sitting together in a carriage in a train going through Wales. Suddenly the train went through a tunnel and as it was an old style train,there were no lights in the carriages and it went completely dark. Then there was this kissing noise and the sound of a really loud slap. When the train came out of the tunnel, Claudia Schiffer and the Scotsman were sitting as if nothing had happened and the Englishman had his hand against his face as he had been slapped.The Englishman was thinking: 'The Scottish fella must have kissed Claudia Schiffer and she missed him and slapped me instead.'Claudia Schiffer was thinking: 'The English fella must have tried to kiss me and actually kissed the Scotsman and got slapped for it.'And the Scotsman was thinking: 'This is great. The next time the train goes through a tunnel I'll make that kissing noise and slap that English b**tard again .

How many?

Mike and his pregnant wife live on a farm in a rural area in the west of England. No running water, no electricity, etc. One night, Mikes' wife is begins to deliver the baby. The local doctor is there in attendance. "What d'ya want me to do, Doctor?" "Hold the lantern, Mike. Here it comes!" the doctor delivers the child and holds it up for the proud father to see."Mike, you're the proud father of a fine strapping boy." "Saints be praised, I..." Before Mike can finish the Doctor interrupts, "Wait a minute. Hold the lantern, Mike." Soon the doctor delivers the next child. "You've a full set now, Mike. A beautiful baby daughter.""Thanks be to..."

Again the Doctor cuts in, "Hold the lantern, Mike, Hold the lantern!" Soon the Doctor delivers a third child. The doctorholds up the baby for Mike's inspection."Doctor," asks Mike, "Do you think it's the light that's attracting them?"

Pictures 10 Staff Presentation – Samu 3 What are your main hobbies/interests in life?

My main hobbies... Well, can’t really say since I love doing so many different things! During the summer I love playing football with my friends, (played football since I was 5). Also whenever the weather is good, me and my friends go to one of the MANY beaches in my city and relax, drink some beer, play beach volley, throw frisbee, and of course, swim! And since I’m from Winland, I spend a lot of time in summer cottages. Sauna, fishing!!, alcohol, friends, BBQ and swimming all day long! During the winter I enjoy reading, downhill skiing and just messing around outside with my friends.

Where are you from and what makes your city worth visiting?I come from Jyväskylä, Finland. Born there, and lived there my whole life basically. My city Jyväskylä has often been referred as “The Athens of Finland” (as Awa and Veera might know by now! :P), mostly because it is one of the biggest student cities in Finland. Compared to the amount of people living there, the amount of students is very big compared to for example Helsinki. This of course means Lots of parties, active night life and many things to do! The city itself is just... I love it! Peaceful, yet vivid, the city is surrounded by picture beautiful nature in every point! It’s located next to the 2nd largest lake in our country, and because of its central location, you have access to basically every place in Finland. But lets get serious. The number one reason to visit my city is of course Me!

What are you studying and what do you want to do in the future?I am studying Facility Management in JAMK, University of Applied Sciences. As a child by heart, my most sincere wish for the future is to maybe grow up a bit. I just love being young so much that I haven’t had time to decide what I want to do in the future. Time will tell!

What makes life worth living, according to you?I think that the people you live with make your life worth living for. Without my friends, family or loved ones, what would I do? They are the ones that keep us all going from day to day, helping us when we are feeling down, enjoying all the happy moments with us, and they are there to make all the “unimportant” moments mean something.

Tell me something we didn’t know about you.Maybe the fact that I am a passionate l..... Fisherman! I love fishing. Fly-fishing especially. There is something so serene in fishing that you cannot explain it to people who don’t share this wonderful hobby with me. After standing 2 hours in the middle of a flowing river when you feel a trout catch your fly, the adrenaline rush is... amazing. Normally I fish with my friends in the numerous rivers or our summer cottages around the central Finland, but every now and then we go to Lapland or Norway to hike and fish for a week or so. Those trips are something that makes you enjoy life!

Which qualities are you looking for in people around you?First of all, if the people are planning on hanging out with me, they have to be open minded. I think the most common word people describe me with is weird, and if you are a person who cannot understand us weird people, you wont enjoy my company most likely, even though I would enjoy yours! I have all types of persons as my friends. Some are very quiet and sincere, and others are just as crazy as I am, so basically, it is not about me looking for any specific qualities in people, other than the fact that they accept me. If you will have me as your friend, I guarantee that we will have fun together! :)

Departure 4 This week, it is time for a lot of people to leave this adventure:

Anna and Eva: On Sunday 20th and Tuesday 22nd, the two most hardworking people of this company will be leaving us.. However, their smiles and their kindness will radiate New Romney for a long time to come.

Letizia: “Sweetness incarnated” will leave us on the 25th of June. Who`s gonna replace her and keep saying all day long: ”I`m so tired!”lol?

Michael: On the 26th of June, it will be Michael’s turnto leave us. We will miss his distinct humour and his extreme kindness!

Julien: Our hardworking IT guy is gonna abandon us on the same day! Alas we will not hear his doubtful jokes anymore.

Claire: Our beloved CRM girl. House manager of Foreshore and one of the oldest residents!We will miss her deeply!

Myrto: A motivated marketing girl. We will also miss her for all the parties and good times shared!

Anais: Our inconsiderable French girl moves also outof NR. Have a save trip back to Lyon.

We will miss you all, but this is the beginning of a New adventure! And as ever the show must go on!

Health Tips 9 STRESS TIPS

The main contributors to physical duress and stress at work can be attributed to your working environment, your health and your emotional state of mind. By making some adjustments in your life, you can build up your natural defences against stress-related backache, headache, irritability, tiredness, and general malaise.

There are several easy ways to reduce your stress levels without upseting all your daily habits. Here are some easy solutions to reduce stress and enjoy your life again.

Eat healthy: For example, do not forget to have breakfast. A good breakfast will boost your energy levels and make you more concentrated throughout the day. This will in turn reduce your chances to feel stressed at work. Get enough sleep: Feeling exhausted can run into chronic aggravations. Most people do not recognise this symptom of stress comes from not getting enough sleep. Solution: go to bed earlier!Exercise: This is important for any lifestyle and helps to improve your physical resistance and well being! If you feel exhausted in the afternoon, a nightly walk will help you reduce the physical strain of working all day at a computer.Use relaxation techniques: You don’t have to meditate and light incense to relax! Just take a moment to close your eyes and think about positive things. You can also regularly go outside or watch a movie to unwind and break from the normal work routine.Build a circle of friends: By having someone that you can talk to is very important, as you can share, discuss and find solutions to your problems together. Manage your time: Being efficient in time management will reduce your level of stress and give you greater control over your working life. This can be achieved by structuring your day more, so that you can find the time to relax after a days work.

NR-News 8 Election Day in New Romney

Wednesday, 9th of June 2010 there was the upcoming “Election Day” for the New Romney staff. Interns were chosen and honoured to be THE best for each category.

Every now and then Internship-Uk has held an “Election Day.” What is it this about? During our lunch break we were supposed to vote. The different categories are considered to be important to make the experience in New Romney as exciting as possible. This time wevoted for the following categories: the best chef, the nicest person, the most PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) person, the best party person, the sexiest girl and boy and the most hard-working person. Of course our star chef Nicola had the honour of being the best chef. Therefore, from now on there will be a website teaching his recipes online. Have a look at The nicest person of the company is our French girl Anna. She and Eva are sharing the title of the “hard-working person” as well. Marie G and our only Spanish guy Javier are honoured to be the sexiest people of the enterprise. Our crazy French mate Damien was awarded the best PMA man and the best party man of New Romney's staff.

Newbies 5 Name: Irene

Country: ItalyDepartment: TranslationLength of Stay: 21/06/2010 - 21/07/2010Hobbies:I have been playing Volleyball for nine years now. I like to go to the cinema and watch movies or read books in the original language. I go out with friends in the evenings or I go to museums in the afternoons. My main hobby is traveling and exploring new places but I also like going back home to Italy to spend time with my friends and family.

Name: LamiaCountry: FranceDepartment: AccountingLength of Stay: 23/06/2010 - 23/08/2010Hobbies:When I'm not working or studying I relax or I go to the Cinema. I do shopping with my friends and I read newspapers or books or I go out for a ride on my bike with friends.

Name: Constanze Country: Germany Department: Marketing Length of Stay: 26/06/2010 - 25/07/2010 Hobbies: I love sports. When I'm not studying I go see hockey games of my local hockey team or hang out with friends.

Event 6

Cooking Workshop of the 8 of June

The Cooking Workshop finally took place on Wednesday the 8th of June in the main kitchen of the office. I was the chef and decided to teach Virginie, Mary, Eliza , and Virginia a typical recipe of West Africa: The Tika Dèguè Na.

At 6pm after a good day of work, the girls and me met in the kitchen downstairs. Despite being tired we began to cook with enthusiasm. Based on peanuts, the Tika Dèguè Na is a delicious sauce to eat with perfumed rice. In Africa, women traditionally crush grilled cacahuets until they become like a homogeneous paste. For this recipe I personally chose to use our good old jar of peanut butter!While Nicola was not part of the Cooking Workshop, he decided to cook some pizzas for Joel’s departure. Fortunately, for us there was enough place for two chefs in the kitchen.

Nicola’s pizza’s rounded off the evening and brought an Italian flare to a traditional West Africa recipe. After almost 2 hours of cooking, the girls were all very curious to discover what kind of meal it would turn out to be. Even though the end result was not really what I had expected, the girls seemed to appreciate it. While tasting slight different to what I makeat home, the meal was finally made and fit to enjoy.

NR-News 7 A French girl Who Became an Adult - Testimony of a young Intern

I arrived Saturday, 26th of May 2010 at the hotel directly with Sylvie.During the two hours which we have waited to get to our new home, I have discovered the friendly atmosphere of the company. In a very short time, I perceived that good humour and mutual support is an important thing here.The first days I learned a lot of things about the work. Within a few days, I understood the necessity to always be positive no matter what happens at work and in life.When Marion and Nicolas gave us our different projects , it was such a pleasure to work because I felt useful.My first week was pretty intense. Despite this, I was still quite shy. However, now I feel much more comfortable to speak."To be PMA" is more than a concept for me it is way to grow and to become an adult.

In addition, it is difficult not to "be happy" when Nicola is cooking!! It is true that before I came here, I had apprehensions about the food in England but now I will miss it when I will go back to France! The food of our Italian star chef was so marvellous.

When I arrived I was scared to death to start because it cannot be said that I am very good at English and my biggest fear was not understanding what I am asked to do. Finally, I realized that I understood what was said to me and it's not as hard as it sounds!

I came here for an internship for just 4 weeks but I did a lot and learned so much. For example, I learned to open up more and experience new things. The experience here makes me feel grown up and I see life differently now.

Written by Sophie