Internet Safety An Interactive PowerPoint for Third Graders Diana Patterson ITC525 Summer 2010 TOC.

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Transcript of Internet Safety An Interactive PowerPoint for Third Graders Diana Patterson ITC525 Summer 2010 TOC.

Internet Safety

An Interactive PowerPoint for Third Graders

Diana PattersonITC525

Summer 2010TOC

Table of Contents

Title PageInternet Safety VideoInternet Safety Quiz

Game LinksNETS for Students Standards

Internet Safety Internet Links for EducatorsCredits

Click on our picture to watch a video about online safety. When you are finished watching the video, take a fun quiz

about staying safe online.

Click here to begin the quizTOC

Take the Internet Safety Quiz

Question 1Passwords

Question 2Personal Info

Question 3Downloads

Question 4Contact


PasswordsQuestion 1Passwords

It would not be okay to give someone you don’t know one of your passwords, but it

would be fine to give your best friend one of your passwords.

TOCQuestion 1

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TOCQuestion 1

YAYYou are Correct!!!

Never share your passwords with anyone but your parents………..not even your best

friends. If they are really your best friends, they will understand.

Click here to go question 2

TOCQuestion 1

When using facebook and other social networking sites, it’s okay to post personal

information about where you live and where you go to school because only your friends

can see it.

Personal Information

Question 2Personal Info

Question 2TOC

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Question 2TOC

YAYYou are Correct!!!

It’s best to use caution when creating your profile and posting information onto social

networking sites. Posting too much personal information can put you in danger.

Click here to go Question 3

Question 2TOC

You can always click to download without a parent or teacher nearby. It’s pretty easy, so

you don’t have to ask for permission.


Question 3Downloads

Question 3TOC

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Question 3TOC

YAYYou are Correct!!!

I’m so glad you got that one right! Downloading certain things can give your computer a nasty virus that can eat away

your saved files or steal your personal information.

Click here to go to Question 4

Question 3TOC

Your parents might not approve of some of the friends you meet online, but you have been chatting with them for a long time and you’ve seen pictures of them too, so

if you trust them it would be fine to set up a time and place to meet without telling your parents.

Personal Contact with Online FriendsQuestion 4


Question 4TOC

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Click here to try that question


Question 4TOC

YAYYou are Correct!!!

The internet is a great tool, but there are bad things out there too. There are adults who pose as kids

and post fake picture that aren’t really them, just to trick you. If you really want to meet an online friend face to face, make sure your parents are aware and

can come too, and set up the meeting in a public place.

That was the last question. Thanks for playing. Don’t

forget what you have learned here today. Try your luck at some of the

game links on the next page

Question 4


Internet Safety Game Links

AT&T Safety Land

McGruff Shrink the Cyberbully



NETS for Students Standards

5. Digital Citizenship

 Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students:

 a. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information

and technology.b. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports

collaboration, learning, and productivity.c. demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.d. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.


Links for Educators



Lesson Plan Central

Dare Activity Center



International Society for Technology in Education

FBI Kids Safety Tips Internet Safety