INTERNATIONAL ROPEWAY REVIEW Special · 2016-01-22 · After study-ing many feasibility models, it...

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Transcript of INTERNATIONAL ROPEWAY REVIEW Special · 2016-01-22 · After study-ing many feasibility models, it...








ISR: What made you decide to build theOcean Park funicular?

T. Mehrmann: Ocean Park is embarking on amassive US$ 750 million redevelopmentcalled the Ocean Park Master RedevelopmentProject (MRP). The project started in 2006and will be completed in 2012/13, doublingthe Park’s attractions from the existing 35 toover 70.According to conservative estimates, the annu-al attendance at Ocean Park will increase fromapproximately five million now to seven mil-lion people in conjunction with the increase inentertainment capacity.Ocean Park is built on challenging terrain withdifferent areas separated by a hill. Currently,the lowland area of Ocean Park is connectedto the headland area by two aerial cable carlines, which run along the coast, with BrickHill on one side and the majestic South Chi-na Sea on the other. The capacity of the two

cable lines is no longer adequate during peakperiods, and with a projected attendance ofseven million, new means to supplement thecable car service must be found. After study-ing many feasibility models, it was found thatbuilding a funicular system in a tunnel withinBrick Hill is not only NOT far-fetched, butdefinitely workable. The construction of a fu-nicular system inside Brick Hill was according-ly integrated in the MRP. The rest is history,while Ocean Park creates another historic mo-ment!Here are some “fun” facts about Ocean Park’snew funicular system. It is called Ocean Ex-press, and the two stations will be called Wa-terfront Station (for the lowland area) andSummit Station (for the headland area.)� Ocean Express is built in a 1.3 km tunnelrunning beneath Brick Hill, parallel to thePark’s 32-year old cable car, which in itself is akey tourist icon and the favourite attraction forOcean Park guests.

� Ocean Express will be the world’s first andonly “undersea odyssey” themed funicular sys-tem operating in a tunnel within a theme park.� Upon completion, Ocean Park will be theonly theme park – and place – in the worldwith three ropeway systems running almostside by side: two aerial cable car lines and theOcean Express underground funicular.

Ocean Park Chief Executive,Mr Tom Mehrmann

Ocean Park Chief Executive Mr Tom Mehrmann during the ISRinterview on the Ocean Express, the world’s first and onlythemed 1,300 m funicular system that operates in a tunnelwithin a theme park and with an immersive show experience.

Immersive show with Ocean Express



CEO Dr. Allan Zeman proudly presenting the new Ocean Express from inside

The Ocean Express in the station

Ocean Express Waterfront Station (i.e. at the current Lowland)

� Ocean Express will carry visitors betweenthe two central points in Ocean Park, Water-front and Summit, in just three minutes. (Theregular cable car ride is 8 to 10 minutes, de-pending on wind conditions.)� The system will have two trainsets runningin each direction, with a maximum carryingcapacity of 5,000 guests per hour in each di-rection. � The new funicular will play a key role inproviding visitors with a more efficient trans-portation facility.

ISR: What has been done to make the new in-stallation a special attraction for visitors toOcean Park?

T. Mehrmann: Ocean Express is the only fu-nicular system in the world built specificallyfor theme park applications. It is not merely ahighly efficient mode of in-park transport towhisk the Park’s five to seven million guests ayear between the different areas, but it will al-so be a totally unique, immersive and submer-sive experience – because the rides will offertwo different (one for uphill, and another forthe reverse direction) multi-sensory, multi-me-dia “undersea odyssey” adventure experiences. The trains are designed to look like a 19th cen-tury explorer's submarine. Inside, multimediaeffects give passengers an out-of-this-worldsensation as they traverse the deep, deep sea.The two stations and the waiting areas arethemed in the same era and ambience, butwith a wickedly cyber twist, to create eager an-ticipation and constant surprises for visitors asthey wait to embark on a mystery tour ….

ISR: How high is the capital layout for the fu-nicular and buildings?

T. Mehrmann: We do not talk about costs forindividual projects. But the Master Redevelop-ment Project is a HK$ 5.55 billion (US$ 750million) undertaking, and the Ocean Expressfunicular system is part of this MRP.

Hong Kong’s Ocean Park is a themepark and oceanarium that has attracted mil-lions of visitors over the last thirty years. It iscomprised of two separate areas called Wa-terfront and Summit, which so far have beenlinked by two gondola ropeways.As part of a major redevelopment scheme forthe park, a third link has now been added inthe form of a modern funicular built by Gar-aventa called the Ocean Express.For visitors to the park, the new funicular ismore than a fast and modern means of trans-portation; it is an attraction in its own right,

one that prepares visitors during the ride forthe park theme they are about to experience.With a design capacity of 5000 P/h, the newfunicular offers a big increase in the park’s in-ternal transportation capacity and as such isa key element in the overall park redevelop-ment concept. The Ocean Express is a completely under-ground installation and has been designed tomeet highly demanding requirements interms of availability. With the exception ofthe passing loop in the middle, the line of thefunicular is completely straight and has a

constant gradient, which is low enough forthe system to operate with a counter ropewith hydraulic tensioning in the lower termi-nal.As this is an underground funicular, thegreatest importance was attached to fire safe-ty. For example, it has been built with a lat-eral escape tunnel where air overpressure canbe generated in the case of a fire to preventsmoke entering the escape route.The two trainsets are equipped with Gar-aventa’s tried and tested bogies and have ropedrums to attach the haul and counter ropes.As the cars have powerful air-conditioning,continuous conductor rails have been in-stalled to supply the necessary current. Thecars are fitted with additional damping onthe suspension to minimize the rolling noiseproduced by the wheels on the tracks and

The funicular built by Garaventa for Ocean Park in Hong Konghas cars in the submarine look.

A “submarine” forHong Kong


Niklaus Moser, ProjectManager Sales at Gar-

aventa, provided the fol-lowing additional infor-mation in an interview

with ISR

thus greatly improve the quality of the ridefor passengers.To ensure that the cars come to a halt in the exact stopping position in the return termi-nal, the trainsets in the lower terminal cometo rest on a hydraulic buffer.The whole funicular (cars and stations) is in athemed design based on the “Nautilus” inJules Verne’s “20,000 Leagues under the Sea”.Passengers have the feeling of departing froma submarine base and diving into the sea. Inthe cars, this impression is reinforced withthe help of a complex audio-visual offering.The car ceilings, for example, are fitted withmonitors that show underwater scenes overthe full length of the cars, while other opti-cal and acoustic features, including wavelights, a stroboscope and bass loudspeakers,are activated during the ride to emphasizethe thematic effect.In view of the high level of availability re-quired by the operator, a redundant designwas selected for the ropeway drive and otherkey components, and the whole system canbe switched to the back-up in the case of afault. The customer has also been suppliedwith a reserve car bogie, which can be used

to replace an operating bogie during a nightshift for servicing requirements.The order for this innovative funicular wasplaced by the Ocean Park Corporation inHong Kong. The work required for the de-manding project was handled by GaraventaAG, with Doppelmayr Wolfurt acting as theofficial contractor.Shipping the funiculars from the Garaventaplant in Switzerland was a challenge in itself.They were trucked to the Rhine port in Baseland loaded onto a barge to take them to Rot-terdam, from where they traveled to HongKong by ship. In Hong Kong the cars againhad to be loaded onto a boat to take themround the island. Finally, one car per nightwas transported through the park and placedon the temporary loading rail there.The new Ocean Express has been designedand engineered in accordance with the HongKong Code of Practice, which is based on theold Swiss Funicular Code. In addition, it isin compliance with the local regulations foramusement rides, and the current CENcodes were also applied. The Hong Kong au-thorities had the final inspections performedby TÜV Süd.With the Ocean Express, Garaventa has yetanother reference installation for funicularsthat are comparable with urban light rail-ways in terms of public operating hours andavailability. Apart from its function as amodern means of pubic transport, theOcean Express also has the typical character-istics of an attractive amusement ride.


OCEAN PARK FUNICULARLine length 1280 mVertical height 115 mHaul rope diameter 43 mmCounter rope diameter 26 mmDrive upper terminalOutput 550/1500 kWTrainsets 2 x 2 carsCar capacity 200 pers.Line speed 10.0 m/sTransit time 3.1 minDesign capacity 5000 P/h


ISR:What was the scope of the contract for theOcean Park funicular?N. Moser: Garaventa/Doppelmayr were respon-sible for all the electrical and mechanical rope-way engineering (drive, ropes, cars, control andmonitoring systems, terminal and line equip-ment) and for track construction.

ISR: Can you give us an overview of the timeframe for the Ocean Park project, from signingthe contract to the acceptance tests?N. Moser:The milestones were as follows:Tender submitted: September 2006Contract awarded: February 2007Tunnel (holing-through): May 2008Start of installation work: October 2008Cars on the track: March 2009Commissioning:August 2009

ISR: How many employees did Garaventa sendto Hong Kong to do what?N. Moser: Garaventa’s Hong Kong team was asfollows:Project Manager Sales: Niklaus MoserProject Manager Engineering:Andreas Kraushaar (plus three or four employees)Senior Engineer: Paul Henzen (plus three to five fitters)

ISR: Did Garaventa’s know-how with similarprojects prove useful for this funicular?N. Moser:Yes! We were able to make use of theexperience gained with several earlier projects,including the Taksim-Kabatas funicular built in Is-tanbul in 2006, which was a similar project inmany ways.

ISR:What were the main challenges presentedby the Ocean Park project and what specifictechnical aspects had to be taken into account?N. Moser: One unusual feature in terms of ropeway engineering is the fact that the largemoving masses of the trainsets have to be accelerated and decelerated on a relatively flatline with a gradient of only 9 %.That causes pronounced fluctuations in haul rope tension,which are handled with the help of a hydraulictensioning system in the lower terminal to pro-duce an adequate level of pre-tension in thecounter rope.Apart from that, you have to expect surprises when handling projects on distant shores, and local conditions in HongKong (e.g. labor laws) are often subject to specific regulations which Europeans find unusual. But Garaventa/Doppelmayr once againshowed that they have the international compe-tence and professionalism to take such obstaclesin their stride.

ISR:Thank you for the information.










With more than 4 million visitorseach year, the Ocean Park in Hong Kong is oneof the most popular theme parks in the world.The park covers an area of 870.000 square me-tres and is built on two sides of a hill. The twohalves of the park and their 40 themes are al-ready connected via a continuous ropeway.The upgrade project provides for an addi-tional underground cable railway from Gar-aventa to link the new attractions, Waterfrontand Summit. In accordance with the design ofthe park, both the interior and the funicular it-self will be presented in theme surroundings.The funicular will have space for 400 passengers.Gangloff Cabins AG is proud once again tobe one of the competent partners cooperatingin the construction of the trains.

Not just amusement

Ocean Park has set itself the objective ofbringing visitors closer to nature with itsthemes. For this reason, the facility does notsee itself purely as an amusement park; it al-so wants to convey meaningful experiences,combined with entertainment and educa-tion. This is a prime reason for the park be-ing visited by over 40,000 Hong Kong schoolstudents each year. In the year 2000, for ex-ample, a research team successfully carriedout the artificial insemination of marinemammals for the first time. As a result, twohealthy baby dolphins were born in May2001.

Most modern processing technology

Cars and cabins from Gangloff Cabins AGcaptivate customers with their modular designand long-term guaranteed spare parts.The frame for Gangloff cars and cabins main-ly comprises aluminium profiles developed bythe company itself. Special adaptable cornerconnectors permit the construction of round-ed-off car bodies, which are now a typical fea-ture of today´s cable railways. In addition, asteel substructure is used for cable railways, inparticular, to transfer the forces to the co-bear-ing aluminium body. Roofs are presently of-fered with a choice between glass and sheetmetal. Sandwich components are now used foraerial cableways so as to reduce weight. And an-other important advantage: the riveting methodcomplies with the aircraft industry code.






Comprehensive visualisations help the customer tomake clear decisions.The technical design plans are

produced using the most modern 3D-CAD systems.

Upgrade project: underground cable railway to link the two sections of the Ocean Park in Hong Kong. Gangloff Cabins AG is proud once again to be one of the competent partners.

20,000 leagues under the










Door operation

Most Gangloff vehicles and cabins use apneumatic door operation system developed

by the company itself for single and double-leaf doors. Electric door operation can also beused as an alternative to double-leaf doors.Special aluminium profile systems are avail-able for Gangloff´s own door leaves. In prin-ciple, however, doors from any well-knownmanufacturer can also be used.

Fire protection

Sealing electrical systems off from the passen-ger compartment is part of the primary fireprevention measures in Gangloff railway sys-tems. The underbody is covered with stainlesssheet steel in the area of potential fire sources,including the area of the brakes. The carefulselection of materials ensures compliancewith DIN 5510 as well as other relevant fireprotection regulations. A lot is done at thelevel of fire prevention with the installation ofdetection and extinguishing systems plannedtogether with specialists in that field. Self-res-cue is facilated through clear interior signs,emergency door release, etc.

Jules Verne’s Nautilus

After the vehicles had already been designedas modern-looking cars of the 21st centuryand the main structures had been built,Ocean Park decided to go for a themed de-sign, looking at Jules Verne’s Nautilus adven-tures. Gangloff designers then started pre-senting their ideas to the customer in HongKong, and after numerous proposals the finalfantasy submarine was born.

A lot of craftsmanship was invested to makethe cars’ exterior and interior look like an oldluxury submarine. All the decorations aregenuine and not just cheap copies: 20,000specially manufactured rivets for outside andinside, original copper pipes for the air-con-ditioning system, oakwood pins on separa-tion walls, and many similar details make thecars look original and at the same time oflong-life quality.














sea in swiss funicular cars






Gangloff CEO Marc Pfister with the shell of an Ocean Express car

The new funicular has been built tohelp handle the enormous numbers of visi-tors to the theme park. The funicular cars,with their unique looks, will be hauled upand down the underground line in completesafety for thousands and thousands of hoursat a design capacity of 10,000 persons perhour. That calls for uncompromising stan-dards of reliability; any unplanned stoppageswould have unpleasant consequences for theoperators and for millions of visitors. So thenew funicular was no place for untested prod-ucts, and there was no scope for experimentswith regard to the ropes, either.

Compacta haul ropes

With a track record of decades of safe andsuccessful operation, the Compacta haul ropewas the ideal solution to meet the demandingrequirements of the ropeway engineeringcompany and the operators in every respect.Like many other funicular railway ropes, the43 mm haul rope and 26 mm counter ropewere produced by Fatzer, the Swiss ropemak-ing company on Lake Constance. The

strands of a Compacta haul rope are com-pacted during the stranding process so thatthe rope stranding is not subsequently dis-turbed. The increased metal section of therope resulting from the compacting processpermits the same breaking strength to beachieved with more ductile wires of reducedtensile strength for enhanced fatiguestrength.The haul ropes delivered to the Ocean Parkfunicular on Hong Kong Island do not re-quire any major maintenance work; they canbe more or less left to get on with their job.The periodical visual inspections and magnet-ic induction tests will be the only source of va-riety in the long service life of the Fatzer ropes!

Fatzer in China

Compacta haul ropes are also taking the pres-sures of daily operation in their stride inmainland China: in Jiuhua (Anhui), onEmei-shan in Leshan (Sichuan), and onHuang-shan in Hangzhou (Zheijang). Andin Hong Kong itself, 20 km to the west onLantau Island, 42 mm haul ropes with a to-tal length of 12.5 km are performing reliablyon the three stages of the spectacular NgongPing 360 bicable gondola that runs fromTung Chung to Airport Island and up to thebig Buddha statue at Ngong Ping.

Hong Kong’s Ocean Park funicular operates with Compacta haul ropes supplied by Fatzer.

Ropes with strengthand endurance



Haul rope Counter ropeDiameter 43 mm 26 mmLength 1440 m 1450 mLay 6x25 FW Compacta 6x19 SEALE CompactaMin. breaking strength 1368 kN 498 kNUnit weight 7.33 kg/m 2.62 kg/m


Rope drum for the counter ropewith the rope being drawn in

Compacta haul rope on the straight section sheaves









Compacta haul rope supplied by Fatzer

What is probably least striking about a rope-way is the electrical engineering. And yet it isof decisive importance for safe and reliableoperation. In the case of the Ocean Park fu-nicular, all the electrical systems have beensupplied by Frey AG of Stans. Professor JosefNejez, ISR’s technical editor, interviewedHans Schneider, Sales and Marketing Man-ager at Frey AG, on the subject of this unusu-al funicular with its various unique features.

J. Nejez: How much of the electrical engi-neering for the Ocean Park funicular was sup-plied by Frey AG?

H. Schneider: The question is easy to answer:all of it, i.e. the control system, the doubledrive with frequency converters, the induc-tive and capacitive remote monitoring system– meaning the link between the lower andupper stations and between the stations andthe cars – and all the other communicationsand visualization systems.

J. Nejez: Did the cars have any special fea-tures that your company had to provide for?

H. Schneider: You can say that again! Thevarious extras ordered by the operating com-pany were a real challenge for us and for Gan-gloff. For example, passengers will be treatedto a video show complete with sound effectswith the help of big screens on the car ceil-ings. That was not exactly a standard job forus.

J. Nejez: So the cars are like little cinemas onwheels.

H. Schneider: Yes, you might put it like that.At all events, with features like that plus a bigair-conditioning system, power consumptionin the cars is much higher that on conven-tional funiculars. The latter can be equippedwith floating batteries to keep their electricalsystems supplied on the line, but that would

not be sufficient for the Ocean Park funicu-lar. So we had to provide conductor railsalong the full length of the track. And thewhole system, including the power supply tothe conductor rails and the power take-off onthe cars, was part of our contract.

J. Nejez: What did the schedule look like forall this work?

H. Schneider: Well, I don’t remember the ex-act dates, but the control system with theswitch cabinets was delivered in autumn2008. Gangloff finished the cars around theturn of the year, and installation of theelectrics started in January and was complet-ed in February. Then the cars were shipped toHong Kong.

J. Nejez: I happened to be in Hong Kong atthe time and was able to observe the maidenjourney of the car and installation of thecounter rope, as described in my article inISR 2/2009.

H. Schneider: Yes, that was a real coinci-dence. Erwin Amstad, our commissioningexpert, told us about it. Your visit to HongKong coincided with the first phase of com-missioning. It was all very complicated, espe-cially coordinating the various activities withthe work still going on in and on the termi-nals.

J. Nejez: I can believe it. The language diffi-culties and the differences in mentality obvi-ously make it harder for everyone to pull to-gether.

H. Schneider: And between now and the of-ficial opening, we naturally have someoneout there to see to the finishing touches andbe available to fix any problems that mightarise.

J. Nejez: Thank you for your time.

Professor Nejez spoke to Hans Schneider (right), Sales and Marketing Manager at Frey AG, at Swiss Alpina,withFrey’s Product Manager Tabord Albert (left) also present.






The electrical engineering for the Ocean Park funicular wassupplied by Frey AG of Stans.The on-board systems for thecars far outstrip anything seen before.

Cinema on wheels

ISR: How did cooperation between OceanPark and TÜV SÜD come about?

U. Zbil: Cooperation between Ocean Parkand TÜV SÜD actually dates back aboutthirty years, when Ocean Park acquiredsome amusement rides from Germany. TheGerman manufacturers went to the expertsat TÜV SÜD in Munich as usual and hadthem check the technical documents and al-so perform the on-site acceptance tests. Al-though that was not a legal requirement, themanufacturers wanted to have the auditshandled by an organization that was notedfor its high standards so as to minimize therisks and their liability as far as possible. Af-ter that the Ocean Park managers them-selves hired the services of TÜV SÜD forthe regular inspections, which were extend-ed to the two aerial cable cars in the themepark. Since then, TÜV SÜD has carried outmany acceptance tests for amusement ridesand annual surveys for the Ocean Park Ca-ble Cars. The Ocean Park management andthe Hong Kong authorities EMSD (Electri-cal and Mechanical Services Department)

have always appreciated our high level ofroutine with safety audits and our expertisein the various disciplines, namely controlengineering, steel and mechanical engineer-ing, construction engineering and fire safe-ty. One-stop shopping for full inspectionand testing services in all these fields is oneof the strengths of our organization.A number of years ago, TÜV SÜD openedan office in Hong Kong, and clients likeOcean Park now have the cost-effective op-tion of contacting us locally without any re-strictions on the technical services available.Ocean Park’s positive experience of workingwith TÜV SÜD Hong Kong office was nat-urally decisive for Ocean Park’s decision toplace the relevant contracts with us for theirredevelopment project.Eight other amusement rides are currentlyon TÜV SÜD’s order books for a safety au-dit and they will be subjected to design re-view and form 3 approval.

ISR: What were TÜV SÜD’s duties in thecontext of the application for a permit to usefor the Ocean Park funicular?

U. Zbil: In formal terms, the tasks assignedto an inspection body in Hong Kong are sim-ilar to those in Europe. To obtain the permitto use, the company must appoint an inde-pendent surveyor with official accreditationin Hong Kong, who performs an acceptanceinspection, and the inspection report mustaccompany the application for an operatinglicense.Strong emphasis is placed on a full inspectionby experts in line with the four eyes principle.After all, complex systems have a large num-ber of interfaces between the various sub-sys-tems. The demands imposed by the mechan-ical assemblies on the electronic control andmonitoring systems, for example, necessitatedpainstaking testing by our inspectors for cor-rect functioning . In the course of the final ac-ceptance tests we attach great importance tointeraction between the various systems andfunctions and also examine the interfaces tothe operation. Here it is of importance to usthat from a technical safety perspective, pas-sengers or operating personnel are in no dan-ger, also in the case of a system interruptionor failure, and that the operator can apply ahigh level of system understanding during theoperation of the equipment.In five days in May 2009, TÜV SÜD han-dled the main body of the work for the accep-tance tests for the Ocean Park Express funic-ular with the help of an electrical engineerand a ropeway engineering expert: FrankSeyfried, an experienced control engineeringspecialist who has been working for TÜVSÜD from Shanghai for the last four years,and Uli Zbil, head of the department forropeways in Munich. The second and finalinspection relating to the ropeway and elec-trical engineering as well as such features aspassenger flows in the stations, includingguidage systems and automatic doors, wereperformed in June 2009 with positive results.

From left to right:Gary Wong, EMSD (licensing authority in Hong Kong); Nefield Kiang,Ocean Park; FrankSeyfried,TÜV SÜD;Uli Zbil,TÜV SÜD;Erwin Amstad, Frey AG (control system supplier);CW Chan,Ocean Park.

TÜV SÜD certificatefor Hong Kong






The Ocean Park management place their trust in the inspection and testing services provided by TÜV SÜD. In the following interview, ISR discovers why.



ISR: Does TÜV SÜD have special experienceof the situation in Asia, and were there anydifferences compared with the procedures forfinal approvals in Europe?

U. Zbil: As already mentioned, TÜV SÜDhas been handling contracts in Asia for manyyears now, and we are familiar with the men-tality of the people we work with in thecourse of our inspections. Obviously it is abig advantage in terms of time requirementsif – as in the case of the Ocean Park funicu-lar – the representatives of the manufacturersand the testing body can discuss the variouspoints in their mother tongue. In the case ofother ropeway installations that TÜV SÜDhas inspected in Macau, mainland China andSingapore, it is often more difficult and takeslonger to communicate the specific technicaldetails.Andreas Kraushaar, project manger for Dop-pelmayr-Garaventa, gave a convincing demon-stration of his long years of experience duringthe commissioning of the Ocean Express.Thanks to the excellent job he did in prepar-ing the technical documents, the seriouswork for the acceptance test procedures couldbegin very quickly and was completed expe-ditiously. The same goes for Erwin Amstad ofFrey AG, who handled the electrical engi-neering, the control and monitoring systems,and the drive and visualization, and commis-sioned the installation with his usual calm rou-tine and had no difficulty in responding to theinspectors’ critical comments and questions.

We are proud of the trust that Ocean Park hasplaced in us and grateful for the frank andcommitted spirit of cooperation shown bythe manufacturers and the technical manage-ment at Ocean Park. We would like to takethis opportunity to wish the Ocean Express asuccessful opening and long years of acci-dent-free operation.







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