Interactive Holistic Experiential Online Learning Environments Dr. Karen Miner-Romanoff, Ph.D., J.D....

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Transcript of Interactive Holistic Experiential Online Learning Environments Dr. Karen Miner-Romanoff, Ph.D., J.D....

Interactive Holistic Experiential Online

Learning Environments

Dr. Karen Miner-Romanoff, Ph.D., J.D.Dean of the College of Health and Public Administration

Franklin University, Columbus, Ohio

Franklin University: Dramatically Expanding the

Scope and Depth of Criminal Justice Education…

(Finckenauer, 2007)

Dr. Karen Miner-Romanoff, Ph.D.,


Dean of the College of Health and Public Administration

Criminal Justice Administration Program Chair

Franklin UniversityColumbus, Ohio

Purpose of This Research Project

To test the effectiveness of specific experiential e-learning strategies for criminal justice students.

To determine how a comprehensive series of videos that includes a criminal trial and interviews of the judge, defense counsel, prosecution, investigators and court director discussing their roles enhanced course and learning outcomes.

To test the effectiveness of a comprehensive and interactive Criminal Justice System Model that allows the students to experience the multifaceted and complex system as they explore: descriptions, concepts, theories, relationships, and sequences in order to enhance learning outcomes regarding the system(s) of justice, its challenges, and opportunities.

Theoretical or Conceptual Experiential

LearningLiterature Review

Criminal Justice Education: The Future

We begin from the understanding that 'quality' is a highly contested concept and has multiple meanings to people who conceive higher education and quality differently. The models include the simple 'production model', which depicts a direct relationship between

inputs and outputs; the 'value-added approach', which measures the gain by students before and after they receive higher education; and the 'total

quality experience approach', which aims to capture the entire learning experience undergone by students

during their years in universities or colleges (Tam, 2010).


Some Universities are looking at new degrees that focus on the holistic problem and solutions of crime

with new program outcomes that go beyond one subsystem and includes the notion that our students must do more. Criminal justice education views crime

as a social problem and seeks to develop in its students the capacity to critically assess the normative structure

of the existing criminal justice system with an aim to improving its condition and function.

The emphasis of the major is on developing analytical skills, ethical

reasoning, and a capacity for solving problems.

It aspires to cultivate creative and original thinking about one of the most challenging social problems of

our time . 

The Efficacy of the Digital Learning Tool: TAM

From both a student and an industry expert’s perspective will inform how to change or modify the current digital medial components.

Will inform how to guide the creation of future digital tools in the area of Criminal Justice.

The tools are useful in developing critical thinking and promoting problem solving among students.

Constructivist Learning:

It has been established in the research that scenario and other computer delivery educational tools are useful in developing critical thinking and in promoting problem solving among students.

It is in these constructivist learning environments that students can explore new concepts, ideas, and synthesize these into new understandings and reflections.

The Quality Matters Higher Education Rubrics

for Academy of Criminal

Justice Sciences

Instructional materials enable learners to

achieve stated learning objectives or


The instructional materials are current

Course activities facilitate and support

learner interaction and engagement

Learning activities provide opportunities

for interaction that support active

learningCourse technologies

support learners’ achievement of

course objectives or competencies

Course tools promote learner engagement and active learning

Advantages of Online Experiential Learning

As online college enrollments reached double digit growth for 6 consecutive years, and more adult students are enrolling in online programs, effective pedagogical strategies have had to be developed (McCracken & Guthrie, 2011; Moore & Anderson, 2013).

Physical participation in ‘service learning’ such as community-based activities and field trips, can be difficult for adult students.

Online programs serve students who are geographically divers and of many age groups.

With online learning, students are able to structure their own educational schedules (Dykman & Davis, 2008; Moore & Anderson, 2013; Morrison, Ross, Kalman, & Kemp, 2011).

As more colleges and universities develop online programming, it is

important to understand the necessary integration of a variety of pedagogical tools in order to promote critical and sustained


Rationale for Experiential Learning

In Criminal Justice

Many scholars and educators agree that experience and active participation can help students

connect theory to practice, develop higher order thinking

skills, and enhance the educational environment

(Burke & Bush, 2013; LaRose, 2011).

Developers and deliverers of e-learning need more understanding of how students perceive and react to

elements of e-learning along with how to most effectively apply an e-learning approach to enhance

learning (Koohang & Durante, 2003). This study sought to understand students' subjective

learning experience with both the content and technology based upon an integrated

theoretical framework of university students’ e-learning acceptance and intention to use based mainly on the technology acceptance

model (TAM).  

Hypotheses to be Tested

An interactive and holistic criminal justice computer model will increase students’ analytical and problem solving abilities.

An holistic and authentic case study will increase students’ understanding of criminal justice processing and subsystem interconnectedness.

A third hypothesis is based upon the Technology Acceptance Model in Higher Education.

Research Methods

Survey ToolContentTechnology

Snowball Sample


Focus GroupsIndustryStudents

Making of the Model

This project was originally inspired out of the researcher’s frustration with the severe limitations of the current criminal justice flowcharts.

The first version covered her 5x5 white board and became the inspiration for a complex but one-dimensional flow chart with four primary sections including law enforcement, courts, corrections, and guiding principles.

Law Enforcement Courts

Guiding PrinciplesCorrections

Holistic Flowchart of Criminal Justice

K. Miner-Romanoff, 201421

As these graphics lead to cognitive overload for many, it provides layers of knowledge in an experiential and active environment.

Graphic designers, information architects and videographers joined the team and a year later, the Model was born.

The primary design will remain that includes the four main categories, concepts for each, multimedia, research, probing questions, connections, and temporal processes.

Law Enforceme


Causes andCorrelates





Stages ofProsecution



Stages of Correction

Guiding Principals



Interactive Criminal Justice System Model

Did the Model encourage you to develop multiple perspectives?

Did it help you understand the challenges in the criminal justice system?

Did it help you make connections across criminal justice concepts?

Did it help you form holistic criminal justice goals?

Did it help you form more broad or holistic criminal justice understandings?

Did you find the model helped you engage in learning?

Did it help you make connections across subsystems?

Making of the 15-Part Case Study

In an effort to provide students with authentic and experiential virtual learning tools, the researcher sought out the Director of the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas to investigate the possibility of filming a criminal trial and building assignments wherein the students could apply the criminal trial experience to a variety of assignments toward constructing new knowledge and new understandings.

The courtroom players were extremely enthusiastic and the project grew to 15 parts; including the full trial, interviews of the investigative teams, presiding judge, prosecutors, bailiff and courtroom personnel

The case study begins with policy and the impetus for new sentencing schemes based upon crime data.

Defendant:Ruben Rhodes

Let’s Take a Look at Two Key

Components of this Trial

Transparent Justice Case Study

Did the case study help you apply new information to solve problems or make recommendations?

Did it help you have a more realistic learning experience?

Did it help you develop new knowledge?

Did it activate prior course knowledge?

Did it provide content-rich contexts?

Did it promote elaboration through discussion and conclusion?

Did it help you be more engaged in the course?

Did it increase your ability to judge or justify solutions to crime problems?

Preliminary Survey Results

Transparent Justice

Interactive Holistic Model

Questions /
