Inter-Company Settlement Process - · PDF fileInter-Company Settlement Process Training May...

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Transcript of Inter-Company Settlement Process - · PDF fileInter-Company Settlement Process Training May...

Settlements - COFA Approval Workflows ........................................................ 2

Application of Cash Transactions................................................................... 13

Vendor/Customer Clearing............................................................................ 16

Reclass of Non-Revaluation Account............................................................. 19

Appendix A – 2-Step Inter-Company Process by Transaction Codes ..................................29

Appendix B – Inter-Company Document Types ................................................................31

Inter-Company Settlement ProcessTraining May 2007

SPE CONFIDENTIAL Author: SAP Global Support

Settlements – COFA Approval Workflows

Inter-Company Settlement & Clearing Process Training May 2007

SPE CONFIDENTIAL Author: SAP Global Support

-- SPE Confidential

Overview This function will allow you to Initiate and Approve (via COFA approval structure) requests for Inter-Company cash settlements. There are 2 steps to the process:

Step 1 – Initiate a COFA approval workflow

Step 2 – Approve a workflow

Instructions Step 1 - Initiate a workflow 1. Enter T-Code FB03 to open the “Display Document: Initial Screen”

NOTE: Trying to initiate a workflow from FB02 will create a error dialog box.

2. Press [ENTER] on your keyboard or click

3. Enter a Document Number, Company Code and Fiscal Year

4. Click ; The “Display Document: Overview” screen appears

Non-PO Approval WorkflowHow to Initiate and Approve a COFA Non-PO Approval Process



-- SPE Confidential

Non-PO Approval Workflows

5. Click to display the Workflow menu; if you click the left button the Accounting Document toolbar appears. Close the toolbar.

6. Select “Workflow” then “Start Workflow” from the menu; the Start Workflow window appears.

7. Click the Workflow name to select it

8. Click ; the status bar will show

9. Click ; the window closes and you are returned to the “Document Overview - Display” screen.

Result An email is sent to the initiator confirming the workflow has started. (See Email Notifications – Workflow Start) The email includes, at the bottom, the list and sequence of Approvers necessary for completion of the workflow. Another email is sent to the first approver in the COFA workflow. (See Email Notifications – Approval for Invoice)


-- SPE Confidential

Non-PO Approval Workflows

Step 2 - Approve a workflow

1. Login to SAP

2. Click to open Business Workspace (SAP email)

3. Click the “Inbox” menu header

4. Click the “Workflow” menu header; A list of workflows appears on the right side of the screen.

5. Click on the “Grouped according to task” folder column header; the most recent Workflows will appear at the top of the list.

NOTE: If you Click on the “Creation Date” column header, the most recent Workflows will appear at the top of the list.

6. Click on the “Approve Inter-company Invoice #...” row you would like to approve; Your notification email will contain the Invoice number.

7. Click ; The” Decision Step in Workflow” screen appears.




-- SPE Confidential

Non-PO Approval Workflows

From the Decision Step in Workflow (Approval) screen…

8. Verify in the description area that you are view the correct invoice number and amount.

NOTE: To view the original SAP document, click the “Accounting document” link.

9. Click the “Yes, I Approve” button; You will return to the Workflow list screen. You have completed the process.

What if “No, I Don’t Approve”? Continue on through the steps in “Additional steps to “Not Approve” a Workflow”.

Result An email will be sent to the next Approver in the COFA chain and an email is sent to the initiator with your response.


-- SPE Confidential

Non-PO Approval Workflows

Check the Status of a Workflow

1. Enter T-Code FB03 to open the “Display Document: Initial Screen”

2. Press [ENTER] on your keyboard or click

3. Enter a Document Number, Company Code and Fiscal Year

4. Click to display the Workflow menu; if you click the left button the Accounting Document toolbar appears. Close the toolbar.

5. Select “Workflow” then “Workflow Overview” from the menu; the Workflow for Current Context window appears.

6. Review the “Status” column

7. Click to close the window


-- SPE Confidential

Non-PO Approval Workflows

Check the Status of a Payment Block

1. Enter T-Code FB03 to open the “Display Document: Initial Screen”

2. Press [ENTER] on your keyboard or click

3. Enter a Document Number, Company Code and Fiscal Year

4. Double click on a Line Item; the “Display Document Line Item” appears.

5. Review the payment block field (Pmnt block)

• “X” – Not submitted for approval

• “Y” – In COFA approval process

• Blank – Ready for payment


-- SPE Confidential

Non-PO Approval Workflows

Email notifications - Workflow start

"Workflow System" <>

02/22/2007 11:23 AM Please respond to "Workflow System"

To: cc: Subject: Approve invoice - #105918000044392007

Please approve inter-company invoice #105918000044392007. Amount: 10,000.00 USD Log into SAP, go to your Inbox, locate and execute the approve invoice work item. Approval history: Tester Robert Sacks BUKTEST Pending 02/22/2007 11:23:07 Kate Davies Pending 02/22/2007 11:23:07


-- SPE Confidential

Non-PO Approval Workflows

Email notifications - Approval for Invoice

"Workflow System" <>

02/22/2007 11:23 AM Please respond to "Workflow System"

To: "Robert Sacks" <robert_sacks@SPE.SONY.COM> cc: Subject: Workflow Confirmation for #105918000044392007

A workflow approval process has been initiated for inter-company invoice: #105918000044392007. Pending COFA approval: Tester Robert Sacks BUKTEST Pending 02/22/2007 11:23:07 Kate Davies Pending 02/22/2007 11:23:07


-- SPE Confidential

Non-PO Approval Workflows

Additional steps to “Not Approve” a Workflow

From the “Decision Step in Workflow” screen…

1. Click the “No, I don’t approve” button; the “Create Document Header window appears.

2. Enter in the Title field, a “-“ followed by your reason for the rejection.

Example – “Reject Reason – Amount is incorrect”

3. Click ; The “Reject Reason” message screen appears.


-- SPE Confidential

Non-PO Approval Workflows

4. Click in the white message area and enter a short message, including any actions the Workflow initiator should take.

5. Click ; The Business Workplace screen appears

Result The workflow is removed from the Business Workplace list and an email is sent to the initiator informing them of your response.

Approval Rejection Email Sample

"Workflow System" <>

02/22/2007 11:27 AM Please respond to "Workflow System"

To: "Robert Sacks" <robert_sacks@SPE.SONY.COM> cc: Subject: Reject Notification - Invoice #105918000044392007

Inter-company invoice #105918000044392007 was rejected. COFA approval history: Tester Robert Sacks BUKTEST Rejected 02/22/2007 11:27:00 Kate Davies Pending 02/22/2007 11:23:07


Application of Cash Transactions

Inter-Company Settlement & Clearing Process Training May 2007

SPE CONFIDENTIAL Author: SAP Global Support

-- SPE Confidential

Overview Type T-Code F-28 in the Command field to open the “Post Incoming Payments” transaction.

Step-by-step instructions are available through SPARK online help. Once the transaction is open, select the Help menu, then the SPARK Online Help option.

Points to Remember For F-28 with Inter-Company payments:

• Enter “ZA” in the Type field.

This Document Type allows you to later view the Trading Partner and Trading Partner Profit Center fields.

• Review the Remittance Advice email to find the Vendor Numbers, Payment Document number, reference document numbers and amount paid.

• Check that the Trading Partner and Trading Partner Profit Center match.

1. Simulate the document

2. Click the Settings menu

3. Select “Line Layout” from the menu list

Application of CashApplying Cash Received


-- SPE Confidential

Application of Cash

Email notification – Remittance Advice

+ "DAWN WADSWORTH" <dawn_wadsworth@SPE.SONY.COM>

04/10/2007 04:08 PM Please respond to

"DAWN WADSWORTH" <dawn_wadsworth@SPE.SONY.COM>



Subject RA: Deutsche Col. Pic. Filmproduktion G

Remittance Advice Paying Entity :Sony Pic. Studios Inc. Paid To Paying Code :1150 Vendor Code : C516010013 Address : Name : 10202 WEST WASHINGTON BLVD Deutsche Col. Pic. Filmproduktion G CULVER CITY Local Language Production - Germany CA 90232 Payment Doc. No : 2000062427 Address : Effective Date : 10.04.2007 8765 Walker Berlin Amount Paid : 309719.15 Currency : USD DE Payment Method : WIRE Credited to Bank A/C : ****121 Bank Name : Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft ******************************************************************************** Our Ref Your Ref Your Invoice Gross Invoice Discount Tax Withheld Net Amount No No Date Value Taken 2000032712 01.09.04 47012.88 0.00 47012.88 2000032741 01.09.04 262706.27 0.00 262706.27 Total 0.00 309719.15 ******************************************************************************** This email message is for information only; please do not reply. Please send any responses or inquiries to Sony Pictures Entertainment, PO Box 5146, Culver City, CA 90231-5146, or e-mail to:


Vendor/Customer Clearing

Inter-Company Settlement & Clearing Process Training May 2007

SPE CONFIDENTIAL Author: SAP Global Support

-- SPE Confidential

Overview This function will allow you to “clear” a Vendor/Customer entry once it has been settled. The process can be initiated from either the Vendor or Customer side of an Inter-company relationship. For Training purposes, screen views will be from Vendor point-of-view. Instructions 1. Type the appropriate T-Code in the Command field to open the transaction:

a. YFFI_F44 to open the “Clear Vendor: Header Data”

b. YFFI_F32 to open the “Clear Customer: Header Data”

2. Press [ENTER] on your keyboard or click

3. Type in a Vendor/Customer Account number

NOTE: Inter-company Vendor/Customer accounts will start with a C

4. Type in the Company Code

5. Check the Currency field to verify correct transactional currency type.

NOTE: SPE Policy is, “Clear in transactional currency.”

6. Click ; The “Clear Vendor: Process Open Items” screen appears in a

new window.

Vendor/Customer ClearingHow to clear an Inter-company Vendor/Customer entry





-- SPE Confidential

Vendor/Customer Clearing

7. Click to select all items

8. Click to deactivate all items. This guarantees that only the items you later select will be included in the clearing.

9. Scroll through the list of “Account Items” to find the two account offset entries

10. Double click in the credit item’s (Currency) Gross column to activate/select the item. The item amount will turn blue.

11. Double click in the debit item’s (Currency) Gross column to activate/select the item. The item amount will turn blue.

12. Verify the Profit Centers match for the “credit” and “debit item

13. Verify the Not Assigned amount is zero

14. Click to Post.


Reclass of Non-Revaluation Account

Inter-Company Settlement & Clearing Process Training May 2007

SPE CONFIDENTIAL Author: SAP Global Support

-- SPE Confidential

Overview Inter-Company accounts that will continually have a balance do not need to be included in the revaluation process. Therefore, Corporate Accounting will be moving certain line items into a Generic Non-Revaluating G/L account. There are 3 steps to the process:

Step 1 – Identify the item to be transferred. Use the Line Item Display transaction for Vendor (FBL1N) or Customer (FBL3N). Be sure to verify that you have the correct Profit Center, Trading Partner and Trading Partner Profit Center for the item to be reclassed.

Step 2 – Reclass the item entry. Perform a Post with Clearing Transaction (F-04) to move the item to the generic non-reval G/L Account.

Step 3 – Confirm the item is cleared. Instructions Step 1 – Identify the item to be transferred From the SAP Easy Access screen…

1. Type in the command field the T-Code:

a. FBL1N to open the Vendor G/L Account Line Item Display screen OR

b. FBL3N to open the Customer G/L Account Line Item Display screen

2. Press [ENTER] on your keyboard or click ; *Note - For Training purposes, screen views will be from Vendor point-of-view.

Reclass of Non-Reval AccountsHow to transfer a G/L account item to the generic non-reval G/L account


-- SPE Confidential

Reclass of Non-Reval Accounts

3. Enter a Vendor Account

4. Enter a Company Code

5. Select Open Items (if it not selected by default)

6. Enter a key date; By default, the current date is entered.

7. Check “Normal Items” in the Type section (if it not selected by default)

8. Type “/INTERCOMP” in the Layout field; This layout will display Profit Center, Trading Partner and Trading Partner Profit Center data that you will need to be entered when performing the reclass.

9. Press [ENTER] on your keyboard or click ; The list of open Vendor/Customer Line Items view appears.

10. Scroll, if necessary, to identify the correct Line Item for the reclass.

3 4



5 6


-- SPE Confidential

Reclass of Non-Reval Accounts

Hint: To enter the proper Vendor account, Profit Center, and Trading Partner Profit Center numbers into the next step, the Post with Clearing transaction, you can either:

• Keep the Line Item Display window open and use the taskbar to switch between open windows (See Helpful Hints for step-by-step instructions on switching windows)


• Write down the information on separate sheet of paper If you’re really daring you could also try to memorize each of the numbers, but I don’t recommend that.


-- SPE Confidential

Reclass of Non-Reval Accounts

Step 2 - Reclass the item entry 1. Click to open a new SAP session window

2. Type the T-Code F-04; The “Post with Clearing: Header Data” screen appears

3. Press [ENTER] or click

4. Enter a Document Date

5. Verify the Document Type field is “ZA”; Change if incorrect.

6. Verify the Currency rate

*Note - SPE Inter-Company Policy states “Transactions need to be settled and cleared in Transaction Currency”

7. Select “Transfer posting with clearing” option

8. Enter a posting key:

If reclassing a credit balance (-), type “50” If reclassing a debit balance (+), type “40” * Note: If you reclass a debit balance, the non-revaluating item should be a debit balance.

9. Enter the generic reclass G/L account number

10. Verify Sp. G/L and Trans type fields are blank

11. Press [ENTER] or click ; The “Post with Clearing: Add G/L account item” screen appears



5 6


-- SPE Confidential

Reclass of Non-Reval Accounts

12. Enter the amount of the line item to reclass

13. Click to open the Coding Block pop up window

14. Enter the Profit Center

15. Enter the Partner Profit Center

*Note - These fields are required! You will not be allowed to continue until the values are entered.

16. Click

17. Click ; The “Post with Clearing: Select Open items” screen appears


-- SPE Confidential

Reclass of Non-Reval Accounts

18. Verify the Company Code

19. Enter the Vendor/Customer account number that contains the item to reclass

20. Verify the Account type; “K” for Vendor accounts, “D” for Customer accounts

21. Click ; The “Post with Clearing: Select Open items” screen appears

22. Click to select all items

23. Click to deactivate all items; This guarantees that only the items you later select will be included in the reclass.


-- SPE Confidential

Reclass of Non-Reval Accounts

What if the “Non-Assigned” amount IS NOT equal to ZERO? First, check that you entered the proper total in the transaction amount. The “Amount Entered” value should be equal to the Vendor/Customer line items total.

To change the “Amount Entered”:

a. Click the Document Overview button

b. Double click the line item amount

c. Enter the new number

d. Click the Process Open Items button and continue from Step 22

24. Double click in the Amount Column for the item to include in the reclass; The amount turns blue and the Assigned Amount field is incremented/decremented accordingly.

25. Verify the “Non-Assigned” amount is zero

26. Click to Post

27. Check the lower left corner of the status bar to verify the Document was posted


-- SPE Confidential

Reclass of Non-Reval Accounts

Step 3 - Confirm Item is Moved 1. Click to open a new SAP session window

2. Type the T-Code FBL3N; The “G/L Account Line Item Display” screen appears

3. Enter the Non-Revalued Inter-company G/L Account number you moved the

4. Enter a Company Code

5. Click ; The list of line items appears


-- SPE Confidential

Reclass of Non-Reval Accounts

Helpful Hints - How to switch between the Line Item Display Window and the Post with Clearing

OPTION 1 - Click on the taskbar icon

OPTION 2 - Hold down the [ALT] key on your keyboard and press the [TAB] key to move through the list of your open programs. When the proper icon is highlighted, release the [ALT] key.


Appendix A

2- Step Inter-Company Process Transaction Codes

Inter-Company Settlement & Clearing Process Training May 2007

SPE CONFIDENTIAL Author: SAP Global Support

-- SPE Confidential

Overview Below is the list of Transaction Codes to use to perform 2-Step Inter-Company Transactions. Instructions

1. XK03 – Display Vendor

2. YFFI_INTIC – Create and Park 2-step Invoices 3. YFFI_INTUPDT – Review and Post 2-step Invoices

4. FB02 – Change payment method for vendor invoice, if required 5. FB03 – Trigger workflow process for vendor invoice & verify change in payment block

• Lotus Notes inbox notifications emailed for approvals and completion

NOTE: Workflow cannot be triggered for conversion documents (see Document Types for Inter-Company)

6. SAP Inbox (SAP Business Workplace ) – Review and approve vendor invoice for


7. FB03 – Verify change in payment block of vendor invoice 8. F110 – Payment run

• Remittance advice emailed (electronic payment methods only)

9. FB03 – Find customer document number

10. F-28 – Apply cash payment to customer invoice (Domestic and International) (International Only F-53 – partial payment of vendor invoice)

2-Step Inter-Company Process Transaction Codes How to process a 2-Step Inter-Company invoice


Appendix B

Inter-Company Document Types

Inter-Company Settlement & Clearing Process Training May 2007

SPE CONFIDENTIAL Author: SAP Global Support

-- SPE Confidential

Overview Specific Document Types are used in SAP to aid in the identification of the creator and/or type of a document. 2-Step Inter-Company Transaction Document Types


• KR - Vendor

• DR - Customer


• IF - Vendor

• IC - Customer

Document Types EXCLUDED from Inter-Company Workflows

• OB

• OC

• OD

• OE

• OF

• OG

• OH

• OV

• OW

• OY

• OZ

• JE

• JF

• JG

• JH

• JI

• JJ

Change an entry on an EXCLUDED Document Type 1. Create a Journal Entry (FB50) to reverse the part of an entry on an excluded doc type

that needs to be settled.

2. Use the Inter-Company custom T-Codes to initiate and post the 2-step Inter-Company Document.

3. If necessary, follow the instructions included in this manual to Initiate/Approve a Workflow.

Document Types Overview