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Part 3 Intelligent networking & opening the right doors

Pages 30-46



Leverage all job search methods

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 30

Methods of finding a jobNetworking

Research suggests that 50-70% of jobs are found via networking and that both staffing firms and advertising account for c. 20% each!

For executives, networking is the #1 method in which professionals are hired.

On-line networks and social media

The ways in which employers hire is evolving. Different employers have different preferences and they are increasingly using on-line networks to source candidates themselves.

Direct applications

Direct applications (known as recruitment process outsourcing / RPO) are increasing as a consequence of employers posting jobs on their websites and a trend towards in-house and managed services arrangements.

Advertising inc executive job boards

Adverts often bring quick and cost effective results for employers and are key sourcing channels.

Staffing firms

Recruitment consultancies and head-hunting firms account for a large proportion of jobs filled.

Job search is a numbers game. So, it doesn’t apply to you?Many people looking for a job do some of the right things then cross their fingers, hoping one of their limited number of initiatives will be successful. As time goes by, invariably without the right approach and efforts, the active job seeker becomes stressed, loses confidence and the costs start to add up!

There are advantages to focusing on prospective employer companies with offices located in close geographical proximity to you, say 40 miles radius.

One of the most common pitfalls job seekers encounter is a failure to take

advantage of all job search techniques.



Method 1: Networking

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 31

Accessing the hidden jobs market!According to research 60% of executive jobs are filled this way.

Newspapers and recruitment agencies won’t tell you about the distinct advantages of networking because it competes head-on with their interest in selling advertising and billing recruitment fees.

People often refer to networking as the way to access the hidden jobs market, i.e. access jobs before they go to the open market. There are three advantages to this:

1. You can get on the RADAR of the prospective hiring manager before the job vacancy has gone to the open market. It can mean gaining a head start and frequently results in the job being tailored around both your needs and the employer’s.

Point in time at which need to hire is established

Prior to the need being established / need pending

• Job spec written up.

• Formal recruitment process.

• Vacancy goes to open market.

• Competitive applicant pool.

After the need has been established

• Job spec not yet written up.

• No candidates in frame.

• Potential for job spec to be based upon prospective candidate.

2. Networking has the perception that the person carries a recommendation.

3. No cost, such as an advert or recruitment fee, is involved, and introductions via networking often by-pass drawn-out recruitment processes.

So the first method you should consider harnessing for effective

job search is networking.



Method 1: Networking

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 32

Develop a list of people with whom you can network

# Person Current/past employers Contacts, notes…

1 Lizzie Windsor Pecasa

2 Enrico Gonzalez ZA Consulting

3 Frederiko Perez Gr8Corp Used to work at...

4 Juliet Smith Localanglobal

5 Mike Robinson Kidsnxdor

6 Harry Windsor Stsnleisure Knows someone at ABC

7 Victor Moscow Dknsian

8 Helen Prescott Gr8twrk4

9 Davy Beckingham VictorTech Has many contacts

10 Jonnie Depp BPOGlobalCorp

11 Barrack Amer Armstrong Hall Have no contact info try Linkedin

12 William Windsor TypicoContra


Work Professional services Family and friends Hobbies

• Colleagues, past and present

• Staff in other areas /departments / subsidiaries

• Customers

• Suppliers

• Business partners associations / bodies

• Bank manager

• Stockbroker

• Financial adviser

• Solicitor

• Doctor, dentist…

• Family and relatives

• Friends

• Neighbours

• School / college peers

• Sports clubs

• Hobby groups

• Community and political groups

• Church, mosque, synagogue…

Write down a list of people you know who may be relevant to your job search such as those you know through…

In particular try to add to the list of people connected with the specific companies/organisation with which you are most interested to explore openings.



Method 1: Networking

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 33

Be sure to use on-line professional and social

networking communities to expand your network.

Your best contacts will be insiders!The best approach is to leverage common interest as opposed to asking for a job.

Most people won’t be able to help you directly but they may be able to help you indirectly.

People are usually only too willing to help, even those you don’t know particularly well.

Do ask:• How they see the industry / what’s going on.

• What the company is like to work for.

• If they know of any relevant openings for you.

• For the name of the decision maker/s who would hire someone like you, even if the person is not hiring at present.

Your objective when making the call should be to make yourself known AND leverage referrals.

Be sure to exchange contact information.

Don’t:• Ask your network contact to directly help you find a job!

• JUST talk about yourself – ask the contact about him or herself and perhaps share with them information about the industry.



According to research, networking is the most significant method by which executive jobs are filled. If you want the best results, get on the phone and get networking. If you don’t know the person well with whom you intend to network, here’s a cue card which may act as a prompter to help you.’

Method 1: Networking

“Good morning / afternoon” – use their first name

“It’s (say your name) calling / How are you today Firstname?”

“Firstname, am I calling you at a good time?”

Pick up on the area of common interest: “I know you from…I got your name from…”

Before moving, try to talk about the common interest / connection a little bit.

“I’m looking for a new job right now and am interested in your thoughts on…

• Career options I’m contemplating (and/or)

• Which companies do you think might be hiring and the best ones to work for? (and/or)

• I’m thinking of pursuing a job in xyz area, you’re familiar with that, what do you think?

• Firstname, thanks for your help. If you have any ideas please let me know.”

Make sure they have your contact info.

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 34

PCs, tablets and smart phones make it easy to access information at home and on the move. However, old fashioned cue cards are still an excellent way to put your hand on the right information fast – especially when taking returned calls. Properly managed cue cards will ensure you’re never lost for the right words, and always well placed to seize the moment.



Method 2: Using on-line networks and social media in job search

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 35

On-line networks and social media in job search.Intelligent networking – make sure you’re reachable, reaching out and researching

If you are young, chances are you’re already switched on to the concept of using on-line networking tools and social media in your job search, but if you are more mature and not using them you are definitely missing a trick. Even if you are using them, you may not be doing so smartly. In this section we give you some tips for using the full potential of your on-line job search.

There are three ways to network intelligently using on-line networks and social media:

• Make yourself reachable

• Reach out pro-actively

• Leverage them in research

First a few words to explain how professional networks like Linkedin and social media like Facebook can empower your job search. Using Linkedin you can encourage the market to come to you. Employer companies hiring directly and recruitment consultants and head-hunters acting as third parties use Linkedin extensively to source – so with the right profile you can get the market to come to you, i.e. make yourself reachable.

Applicant pools are increasingly drawn from on-line sources as a first port of call by hiring companies, recruiters and head-hunters. So make it your priority to establish an initial on-line presence which makes you reachable for networks like Linkedin (recognised as the #1 global professional network). Viadio (popular in France) and Xing (popular in Germany) are also essential. Do also use Facebook (and consider making use of sub-groups on Facebook such as “BranchOut” and “TalentMe”) and Twitter to empower your job search. More about this later.

You can use these networks and social media to pro-actively reach into the market and identify prospective hiring managers at companies. Find out who is in the hiring seat for companies you may want to work for. You will often be able to see “who knows whom” and how you are connected. You can make direct approaches and, using your people network and connections, get introductions, recommendations and referrals etc.

You can leverage networks and social media for research and to gain insight into bios (backgrounds) of people to whom you may be applying for jobs, interviewing or simply seeking a referral. And use them to expand out your options to identify additional employer companies you may wish to work for.



Method 2: Using on-line networks and social media in job search

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 36



Method 2: Using on-line networks and social media in job search

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 37

Making yourself reachable

For semi-professionals, professionals and senior execs, Linkedin (the #1 network of its kind at the time of producing this guide) should be your starting point to leverage on-line and social networks in your job search. We therefore place most emphasis on Linkedin.

1. Develop your Linkedin profile. Your profile needs to be a full one. Limited profiles often draw zero or minimal results whereas complete profiles generate scores more often! In Part 2, pages 18-21 you can see tips and an example of how to create your Linkedin profile.

2. Linkedin Learning Center. Linkedin has a learning center. Check it out and make reference to it.

3. The more accessible you are, the greater the chances of that gem of an opportunity coming your way. Many recruitment depts. in companies have special Linkedin recruiter tools enabling them to see everyone on the network! However, not all users have access to all records.

The more connections you have, the more records you will see on Linkedin – enabling you to identify appropriate people who may be interested in hiring you at companies where you may wish to work. The more connections you have, the more people you can see on the Linkedin network and importantly, the greater the number of people able to see you. Don’t be shy – the more people you network and connect with the better. So invite people you know to connect with you on Linkedin: look in your email address book for people you can connect with (you can import them using the address book importer) and don’t forget records on your mobile phone!

Here’s a trick: you can massively expand your connections by joining special interest groups, which will then allow you not only to see the group members but also their contacts.

Undertake Linkedin searches for open networkers in areas related to your line of business – these people publish their email addresses and tend to be happy to connect with anyone.

4. On-line communities are the up-to-the minute networking tool and very much about practicality and personality. Don’t worry about being perfect, put your toe in the water. But do get someone to check your profile - a bad photo, and/or poor grammar or spelling is likely to shut you out of opportunities. Don’t delay – you have much to gain.

5. Make sure you incorporate key words people are likely to search for. And tell folk you are job hunting – then people will be more likely to contact you. Think about the key words which have a meaning in your industry or the job function in which you work. Some may be process related, others may be linked to products, for example: process improvement consultant, Six Sigma black belt, project accounting, international financial reporting, control & planning, pan EMEA HR business partner, transformation & change management, SAP, CRM. Most people sourcing candidates using networks like Linkedin will scan for key words.

6. Publish some complimentary testimonials from colleagues and ex-colleagues, customers or suppliers. Giving a testimonial first to someone else is most likely to result in that person returning the favour and you can ask the person to say particular positive things about you. Here’s some examples…

“Jan and I have worked together on various strategic restructuring and business development consulting projects. We also worked on XYZ’s manufacturing restructuring Strategic Master Plan when she was VP Finance Global Manufacturing. Jan has extensive knowledge of pharmaceutical manufacturing and is able to apply her finance background to find solutions to problems and add value to operations. She works as a partner with business and is able to apply financial principles to complex business and operational issues. I highly recommend her.”

“Kris is an extremely professional business analyst. His work at ABC was of the highest calibre and was often used as an benchmark when new analysts joined the bank. Kris was well regarded by both the technical and business communities and



Method 2: Using on-line networks and social media in job search

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 38

has the ability to communicate in both technical and financial terms. With good time management skills and utilising his analysis experience, Kris is able to perform business analysis that takes account of all points of view. As a result he provided several quick wins and process improvements that had not been considered at the beginning of the project.”

“I worked with Peter when representing XYZ and relished the opportunity. He is a consummate professional with a detailed knowledge of the industry and the business issues as well as a great manager of people. He is inspirational to work for; his positive and upbeat personality is energising to the workplace. He brings about positive change in a quick and efficient manner, and is a real visionary.”

7. People making hiring decisions will increasingly check you out on Facebook and other social media. Companies want to hire people who will fit in well, get along with colleagues and who are respectable! Keep in mind that your personal brand extends to your profile on Facebook or other social media. Make sure you project a happy image and include a professional photo. If you have a positive well-constructed Linkedin profile you’ll maximise your chances of people who are sourcing employees using Linkedin reaching out to you with job opportunities.

Reaching out pro-activelyStart using social media to pro-actively reach into the market.

Linkedin - One of the best ways to use LinkedIn is as a means of exploring openings in particular companies you are interested in. Search the company / companies on Linkedin, and hopefully you will find people who are connected to other people you know. Then ask your contacts to connect you or even recommend you. Linkedin also allows employers to post details of vacancies: these are typically high quality, high-end semi-professional, professional and senior level, including “C” level jobs – so check these out on a regular basis.

Identify the person you are interested in exploring a position with and work out how you can get in touch – with an introduction or by direct contact.

Depending on your Linkedin account / type of subscription, you may or may not be able to send messages or may have a limited number of messages or in-mails you can send. Linkedin has various subscription options; the chargeable ones allow you to send so many in-mails a month – however these are quite limited and paying for them may not give you a meaningful return on the money you spend.

If you want to get in touch with someone directly, look to see if they have published their email address (which is becoming increasingly common). But best to connect first and then send a message.

By joining groups / associations, you can send messages free to others in the same groups. If you don’t want to pay additional subscription fees to Linkedin you could try to find out the standard email format at the relevant company, then send an email. Better still, if you are brave enough, call the person on the phone.

Facebook – Your friends may know people at companies you wish to work for or explore opportunities with, so drop them a message or note – these are likely to stay live longer. Facebook is a good way to network with your friends, share ideas, try to get leads and introductions and to find out what’s going on. Many people visit Facebook daily, some almost permanently, unlike Linkedin which many people do not access regularly unless they are directly involved in sourcing candidates, i.e. internal recruitment consultants and head-hunters.

Twitter – Twitter is a great way to expand your people network and reach. It allows you to connect with people you may not know, but who have common interests. You can also use it to get insight into people’s psyche, current issues and things going on in industries, companies and particular subject areas. Consider using Twitter with a message like this: “Hi – I’m looking to break into risk management in investment banking. Is there anyone you can think of to refer me to?”



Method 2: Using on-line networks and social media in job search

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 39

Leveraging on-line networks and social media in researchUsing Linkedin, you can find out where people have previously worked which could help you expand your ideas around which fields you could transfer your skills to or simply top up the list of companies you might be interested in joining. And don’t forget to look in the companies section, where you can find out where people worked previously and which employers people have gone on to join.

Using your connections, even if they are only through Linkedin – you can find out useful information like what the company is like to work for, and you could ask a question such as “I’m being interviewed by such and such, what are they like”? You can also use Linkedin to get an idea of how many people are working at a company (given not everyone uses Linkedin and your connections may limit the number of records you can view – this should be seen as giving you only some insight, i.e. far from definitive).

Before attending an interview, check out the interviewer’s bio (background) and Linkedin profile, which will help you be better prepared and give you insight.

Facebook is useful for networking, finding out who knows whom, what’s going on and what companies are really like to work for.

Twitter can be used to get insight into issues, people’s psyche and to further expand your people network. BTW there’s a great app which allows you to see who’s working at particular companies and who are tweeters.

Final word: Using on-line networks and social media in job searchFor the intelligent worker - for people in semi-professional, professional and senior level positions Linkedin, together with your personal network of contacts, should be uppermost on your job search activities. Combine these with Facebook, Twitter etc and you’ll achieve accelerated results in your job search. An active job seeker should log onto Linkedin every day to see if there are any messages, including possible job opportunities, awaiting your response in your inbox.

One of the constants in life is change and this particularly applies to social media, so keep your eyes and ears open for the best tools to use and how to use them. Keep focused - you could easily spend all day gossiping on Linkedin, tweeting on Twitter and being friendly on Facebook – and keep in mind that you need to focus your job search on activities which open doors.



Method 3: Direct applications

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 40

Perhaps 10 per cent of decision makers have a requirement to hire. Which means 90 per cent may have no requirement.You will need to make quite a few approaches but the more you make the closer you will get to your dream job.

If you are unable to make progress using your network to find a way in to companies with which you wish to explore a job opening (and this will often be the case) you may decide to apply directly. You should write an impactful email or letter. And if you are able to ‘dollarie’ your potential value, do so. We covered making applications in Part 2 where you can see some templates on pages 24-27 .

If you are writing: The letter should go to the highest hiring authority relevant to your discipline and seniority. If you are a director or senior manager you should target the CEO; otherwise contact the head of department.

Do not write to the HR department in isolation. They receive many CVs and yours may not be noticed unless they have a specific requirement. So when applying directly to a company I suggest you copy the application to HR at the same time.

If you think writing in is oldfashioned, think again. As it is perceived as such, fewer people are using that method, so your approach will stand out all the more.

If you are phoning: Calling before 9.00am and after 5.30pm is often time well spent, given that people are less likely to be in meetings at these times.

Again you can see some templates in Part 2.

If your contact says he or she is not looking to hire or refers you to HR, tell him or her that’s OK, but you would particularly like to speak to him or her for just a few moments about future opportunities, and perhaps even about peers he might be able to introduce you to.

If the person is not interested, it is very important that you do two things:

• Ask him or her if they know anyone else with whom you should be talking, perhaps in other departments or companies.

• Take the person’s name, job title and telephone number. Take a mobile number if you can. And ask them for their email address so that you can forward your contact details in case things change.



Method 4: Advertising including executive job boards

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 41

Don’t jump to conclusions too soon regarding which publications or sites may or may not be relevant.

There are job adverts in many different places, ranging from those on-line and those advertised by employers on their own websites, through to the local and national press and industry journals.

You need only one great job, so don’t write off anything.

• Be open minded.

• Try on line searches to find publications and job boards (mainstream ones include Careerbuilder, JobServe, JobsSite, Monster and Planet Recruit).

• Check out the national and local press and trade journals.

• Make a visit to your local library! There you should find a broad range of publications, including ones which you may not have previously considered.

• Ask around and find out which are the most significant publications / advertising media for your type of job. And ask who knows what, who has seen what and where would they look?

NEWSJobs board


NEWSJobs board




Method 5: Staffing firms /recruitment companies

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 42

Research suggests the second most significant way in which people are hired is through staffing firms.Senior executives (directors, vice presidents, senior managers) may wish to approach head-hunters, whilst job seekers at all levels may benefit from dealing with employment agencies or recruitment consultancies, as they prefer to be called.

Ask around; find out which agencies your peer group has used and how they rated them. Include this in your networking process.

• Large staffing firms will usually deal with major companies / organisations, and in many cases will primarily be interested in candidates with relevant backgrounds, and who may have strong qualifications: degrees, second degrees, MBAs etc.

• Different firms specialise in different markets and disciplines – so establish whether their specialisations are relevant to you.

• Make yourself known, register with several firms.

When dealing with staffing firms, understand it’s not always a dress rehearsal!

Remember they are choosing who they present and what they say about you!



Maintain your morale

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 43

A common pitfall job seekers encounter is a loss of moraleIn the first few weeks, often the job seeker is excited by the prospect of finding a worthwhile opportunity. However, it is not unusual for a lack of an early breakthrough in the job market to lead to a loss of self esteem, which in turn becomes an obstacle to an effective job search and results in a poor interview performance. There are three proven recommendations to help you:

• Job search work teams

• Game (measuring progress)

• Psyche



Maintain your morale

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 44

Job hunt teams / job clubsThese may not suit everyone but there is evidence to suggest that people working in job hunt teams / job clubs find better jobs faster than those people working alone. They can bring objectivity and focus to the job seeker, give an immediate opportunity for networking, keep the emphasis on progress, and address a common pitfall which job seekers encounter: working in isolation AND losing self motivation. The job club could have perhaps 3 to 10 members.

1. The job hunt team should meet once a week or fortnight.

2. Members should ideally familiarise themselves with best practice in effective job seeking, then the starting point should be to discuss their CV, their target opportunity profile and anticipated approach.

3. Each member should keep records of key progress measurements.

4. At the meetings each member should spend one to two minutes reporting on their activities during the previous week or fortnight. They should state one positive thing, then outline actions they will be taking. The report should be communicated to the group as headline information. Then it’s time for input from the group.

5. Members should be given an equal amount of air time during the meetings.

6. In-depth one to one conversations should take place at the end of the group meeting, as they would normally benefit only one person.

7. Each member of the job hunt team should seek to spend perhaps two to three hours per week giving assistance to the other members as requested. Typically this would include help with where to look, networking, sharing contacts, CV, cover letters, approach to interview plus constructive feedback. Don’t forget, the time you invest in helping others will be paid back by other team members in return.

8. The focus should always be on progress and the positive.









Research shows that job seekers, from the

shop floor to the most senior executives,

participating in job search work teams see a 30%+ improvement in finding

better jobs faster.



Maintain your morale

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 45

Measuring progress (game)One way to maintain your motivation is to keep track of your activities, and in this way you can see that you’re progressing towards your ultimate goal.

One hundred points to your job offer!

* These points should be awarded only if they are for applications made for jobs where you properly meet the criteria or for CVs tabled to companies where you would be a strong candidate if they had a requirement.

You could also apply this to a graphical illustration and chart your progress.

We can’t predict exactly how well the above metrics will work for you but they represent the typical scenario executive job seekers encounter en-route to successfully securing new jobs.

Activity completedPoints to award


You have discussed your job search with others.

Met with one or more people to discuss your CV, target opportunity profile and approach to job search.


You have joined or formed a job club. – even if an informal one with 3 or more people


# of decision makers contacted.

i.e. people with whom you have spoken who would hire into the role type you seek. 50 contacted = 25 points.

0.5 each one

# of applications made/CVs tabled.

i.e. the number of job applications or CV submissions you have made. 50 contacted = 25 points.*

0.5 each one

First interviews attended.

5 first interviews = 25 points.5 for each one

Second interviews attended.

Second or subsequent interviews attended. 3 subsequent interviews = 15 points.

5 for each one




Maintain your morale

Part 3 – Intelligent networking & opening the right doors – Page 46

PsycheExercise daily – even if it’s only a walk. Working out releases endorphins and these make you feel good.

Drink plenty of water – it will help your energy levels.

Avoid drinking alcohol – avoid or minimise your alcohol consumption. Save the celebrations until you’ve got your job offer.

Some encouraging points to remember:• New jobs are being created all the time. Regardless of the state of the jobs market there is an ongoing need for

replacements as people retire, take maternity leave, emigrate or leave for many other reasons. The only constant thing is change.

• You will encounter disappointments on your job search journey - but each of these setbacks will take you one step closer to securing that new opening.

• For many people their job search will result in a bigger job working for a better company, with greater prospects for career growth and in many cases more money as well.

People who apply themselves best get the best results.

Good luck.