Integrating 21st Century Skills into Teaching and Learning: Preparing All Students for Success in...

Post on 07-Dec-2014

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The Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy will present findings from their recent research report, A New Era of School Reform: Preparing All Students for Success in College, Career and Life, that highlights the strategies Massachusetts superintendents, charter school leaders, principals and teachers are using to incorporate 21st century skills into teaching and learning in order to better prepare their students for postsecondary success. Presenters will provide examples that illustrate what the integration of 21st century skills looks like at the district, school and classroom levels.

Transcript of Integrating 21st Century Skills into Teaching and Learning: Preparing All Students for Success in...

Integrating 21st Century Skills into Teaching & Learning:

Preparing All Students for Success in College, Career And Life

National Partnership for Educational Access (NPEA)Third Annual Conference

Developing 21st Century Leaders: Creating Paths to SuccessApril 29, 2011

Lisa Famularo, Ph.D.Research Director


1. Brainstorming activity2. Workshop learning goals3. Video clip of business perspective on 21st century skills4. Interactive presentation of findings from Rennie Center

report “A New Era of Education Reform”5. Remarks from virtual panel

Principal Superintendent

6. Interactive discussion of implications for higher education

7. Summary and discussion of key take-aways

Workshop learning goals

Deepen your understanding of 21st century skills

Increase your understanding of strategies for integrating 21st century skills into teaching and learning

Explore how you can apply this information to your own settings

Video clip of Manager at Intel

Business perspective on 21st century skills

A New Era of Education Reform: Preparing All Students for Success in College, Career and Life(Fall 2010)

Findings from our report

Context, Purpose & Methods

The public debate

Proponents Opponents

Students will fall further behind

Will replace core content

Add on

Focus on 3 Rs

Help students who are behind

Integrate with core content

Expand standards

Focus on college/ career readiness


Inform the debate

Give voice to key education stakeholders who have not been part of the public debate about 21st century skills

Provide clarity about what teaching and learning in schools and classrooms that incorporate 21st century skills looks like


Phase 1: Statewide survey of school and district leaders 155 superintendents/charter school leaders

(52%) 375 principals (21% )

Phase 2: Interviews in small sample of schools/districts 9 superintendents 1 charter school leader 12 principals and 47 educators in 12 schools

Definition of 21st century skills

21st century themes

Global Awareness




Learning & Innovation

Creativity & Innovation

Critical thinking & Problem


Communication & Collaboration

Life & Career





Social skills





Information, Media &





Based on Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) Framework

Definition of core content

Core content areas

English, reading and language artsMath


Government and CivicsGeography

ArtsWorld Language


Based on Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) Framework

Survey Findings

Superintendents’ mean importance ratings

Top 10 Mean(1 to 5 scale)

ELA/reading 4.99Mathematics 4.99Critical thinking 4.88Science 4.87Communication 4.82Responsibility 4.72Technology literacy 4.70Collaboration 4.69Information literacy 4.66Social skills 4.63

1 to 5 scale where 1 means not at all important and 5 means extremely important

Superintendents’ mean importance ratings

Bottom 10 Mean(1 to 5 scale)

Flexibility 4.43Geography 4.43Health literacy 4.42Cross-cultural skills 4.41Leadership 4.36Arts 4.32Financial, economic, business, entrepreneurial 4.31Media literacy 4.30World languages 4.27Economics 4.24

1 to 5 scale where 1 means not at all important and 5 means extremely important

District priorities

• Increase proficiency on MCAS• Meet AYP subgroup targets90%• Provide technology infrastructure and tools• PD on teaching in ways that enhance 21st century

skills mastery• Increase # of students who pursue postsecondary

education• Teach lessons to increase mastery of core content

and 21st c skills

85%• Core curricula explicitly integrates 21st century

skills• Progression from teacher-led to self-directed

learning• Decreasing crime and violence

80%Please see report for exact wording of survey questions

Percentage of schools that include particular 21st century skills in their mission/vision






Global Awareness


Life and career

Learning and innovation

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%










School and district leaders’ opinions:21st century skills

Statement % agree

All teachers should have technological competence and the ability to help students use technology effectively.


All public schools in Massachusetts should be required to integrate 21st century skills into learning.


In schools where students are lacking adequate basic skills, it is unrealistic to expect educators to integrate 21st century skills into learning.


In schools where achievement gaps are large, it is unrealistic to expect educators to integrate 21st century skills into learning.


School and district leaders’ opinions:State support for 21st century skills

Statement % agree

State policymakers ensure appropriate funding to support and monitor progress on the comprehensive integration of 21st century skills across the educational system.


State policymakers create tangible incentives for educators to lead, teach and assess 21st century skills.


State policymakers ensure that all standards, assessments, professional development and curricula are aligned, and include 21st century skills.


State policymakers consistently set policy that supports student mastery of 21st century skills. 22%

Interview Findings

School and district leaders

Input from a range of stakeholders led districts to expand their mission and vision for student learning to include 21st century skills.

Rather than adopt a pre-packaged set of 21st century skills, schools and districts focus on particular skills and competencies that fit the needs of their student body.

Incorporating 21st century skills into teaching and learning is a process that takes time.

Leaders create a culture of expectation that includes modeling of behavior and support.

School and district leaders

Teachers provide leadership that is essential for moving the integration of 21st century skills forward.

“Home grown” experts provide in-house training, professional development and support for teachers.

Technology is a teaching and learning tool. There is a new and emerging role of the library and

the librarian.


Educators indicated that incorporating 21st century skills into the teaching of core content has a positive impact on student learning and engagement.

Intentional integration of 21st century skills involves backward planning and taking students’ interests into consideration.

Educators provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and skills in real world situations.

Students are active collaborators in the teaching and learning process.

Technology is a teaching and learning tool. 21st century skills are assessed at the classroom level.

Considerations for school and district leaders

Engage key stakeholders in strategic planning. Empower teachers to lead the way. Learn from early-adopters and facilitate sharing

among colleagues.

Principal of an urban middle school with a one-to-one laptop program

Superintendent of a suburban district

Remarks from virtual panel

Implications for higher education

What are the key take-aways from this session?

How can you apply what you learned today to your own setting?


Thank you!

For additional information, email or

617.354.0002 ext. 12

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