Instructions for Use of the 2018 NRR Contest NRR logger...

Post on 10-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Instructions for Use of the 2018 NRR Contest NRR logger...


Instructions for Use of the 2018 NRR Contest Logger

From the Novice Rig Roundup web site or this link below, open the NRR Contest Log login:

To create a new user account for the 2018 NRR, hover your cursor over the “HERE” link in “Click HERE to

create a new account for logging in.”


The new user link will open the dialog as displayed below. To create a new

account, enter your station call sign, your desired password, your first and last

name and the email address where you will receive your account confirmation

and any communications from the event sponsors. Click the SUBMIT button

when you are satisfied with your data entry.


Upon submitting the requested information, you will receive the notice listed

below. Wait for a logger administrator to approve your access. Log on after 24

hours. If unable to log on, please send a email reporting the trouble to


After creating your account, log on to the NRR Contest Logger with your call sign

and password at:


Upon successful log on, you will be presented with the main logger page as seen



In the upper left corner of the screen, there is a button, “My Station”. Clicking

this button will provide you with access to information concerning your station

and entry. You must provide your mailing address to be eligible to receive contest

certificates and any prizes awarded.

Click the “Submit Changes” button when you have completed any edits or



Also in the upper left corner is a button labeled, “Show Log”. Clicking this button

will display your 2018 NRR contest log.

Count: sequential number of the contact

Date: the date of the contact

Time: the UTC time of the contact

Contact callsign: the callsign of the station you contacted

Contact name: the name of the operator of the station you contacted

Band: the frequency band of the contact

Send Rig: the class of the station you used to make this contact

QTH: the location state or country of the contact

RST sent: the RST you sent to the station contacted

RST receive: the RST you received from the contacted station

Power received: the PA input power of the station you contacted (if sent to you)

Power sent: the PA input power of the station you used to make this contact

NRR #: the Novice Rig Roundup number of the station contacted (if sent to you)

SKCC #: the SKCC number of the station contacted (if sent to you)

Comments: any comments or notes you want to make concerning this contact

(limit: 256 characters)


The log displayed below is a sample from a screen shot taken during testing of the

logger. None of the contacts are actual contest contacts.

Click the “Resume” button to return to the main logging page.


Also in the upper left corner is a button labeled, “My Stats”. Clicking this button

will display a summary of your contacts broken down by class, multipliers and

total points. This data table will populate as you make contacts during the


Classes are Unconfirmed and Confirmed Novice-1 contacts, Unconfirmed and

Confirmed Novice-2 contacts, Total Contacts, Total QSO’s, Unique QTHs (states

and countries), and Total points as calculated by the scoring algorithm.

Click the “Resume” button to return to the main logging page.


Back at the main logging page, you may hover your cursor over any data field

label to view the requirement for data in that field.

There are FIVE required data entries for each completed contact:

CALLSIGN of the station worked

NAME of the operator of the station you worked

FREQUENCY BAND of the contact (80, 40, 15, 10, or 2 meters)

STATE, PROVINCE OR COUNTRY of the station you worked

YOUR TRANSMITTER CLASS (Novice1 or Novice2). More information is provided

below about these classifications.


In the screen shot below, the “Date” field is shown. The date field is a drop-down

box from which you will select the date of the contact being logged. Only 2018

NRR dates are available in the drop-down box.


The next data field is “GMT” which is where the time of the contact will be

logged. UTC times only in four digits, no hours and minutes separators are

permitted. Hover your cursor over the data field for the instructive examples.


The next data field is “Callsign”. Enter the callsign of the station contacted from 3

to 10 characters. Do not enter “/” suffixes. Only enter the basic callsign of the

station contacted.


As the “Callsign” data field populates, the calls of previous stations worked will be

displayed in a drop-down box. This function will provide convenient entry of

callsigns of stations work on another band. Hover your cursor over the “Callsign”

field to display the list.


The next data field is “Name”. Enter the name of the contacted station’s

operator. This field will also populate a drop-down box as data is entered

throughout the contest period.


The next data field is “Band”. The frequency band of the contact will be entered



The “Band” data field drop-down box contains all frequency bands available for

contacts in the 2018 NRR. Please select the appropriate frequency band for your

contact from the drop-down box.


The “QTH” data field will auto-fill from a drop-down box that contains the two

letter abbreviations for all US states and Canadian provinces as well as country

abbreviations for all DXCC entities. Enter the appropriate data in this field for

your contact.


The screen shot below shows the drop-down list that is available by clicking in the

QTH data field.


The “Sent RST” data field is where you enter the RST report sent by you to the

other station.


The “Rcvd RST” data field is where you enter the RST report that you received

from the other station.


The “Your Pwr” data field is where you enter the PA input power of YOUR

transmitter for THIS contact. This data may be different across many contacts if

you use multiple transmitters during the contest.


The “Rcvd pwr” data field is where you enter the PA input power claimed by the

other station in the contact if it is sent to you.


The “Your rig” data field is where you classify your station for scoring purposes for

this contact. A Novice1 station is a Novice-era transmitter using PA input power

of 75 watts or less and using crystal frequency control.

A Novice2 station is a Novice-era transmitter using PA input power of 250 watts

or less and using VFO frequency control.

A Novice1 station may be commercially manufactured, assembled from a kit of

parts or homebrew. In making the decision to classify a station as Novice1, it

must meet the test of PA input power of 75 watts or less and uses crystals for

frequency control. It should also be vintage to the era of Novice class licenses

prior to 1981 in actual age or in its inherent design characteristics.


The screen shot below is a view of how the drop-down box appears when you

click in the “Your rig” data box. Make the appropriate selection by clicking on one

of the available designations.


The “NRR nbr” data field is for recording the Novice Rig Roundup number of the

contacted station, if it is communicated during the contact.


The “SKCC Nbr” data field is recording the Straight Key Century Club number of

the contacted station, if it is communicated during the contact.


The “QSO Notes” data field may be used to enter any notes or comments about

the contact that your wish to make. Limit is 255 characters.

Once comments are entered for a contact, the word “note” will appear on the

QSO list “Notes” field. You may hover over the “Notes” field for any contact with

notes data and see the full text of the note as a pop-out.


The screen shot below shows how the QSO list populates after the first contact

has been entered.


Duplicate contacts may be logged but do not increment scoring. A duplicate

contact will appear highlighted in light red on the QSO list.

Contacts for scoring may be made with the same station on different frequency

bands. Two contacts with the same station on the same frequency band is a

duplicate contact.

Valid frequency bands for contact are CW on 80, 40, 15, 10, and 2 meters. Thus,

you may contact the same station once on each of these bands for score.


The screen shots below show how the contacts appear on the log and stats pages


Questions about the 2018 Novice Rig Roundup online logger may be directed to W7PAZ at