Instructions for Landpower Future Community of Interest Users 1.

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Instructions for Landpower Future Community of Interest Users 1.


Instructions for Landpower Future Community of Interest



Table of Contents• Create an APAN Account Page 3

• Request MembershipPage 6

• Signing in Page 9

• I forgot my APAN Password? Page 10

• I forgot my APAN Username? Page 14

• Favorites Page 16

• Profile Page 17

• Changing the Time ZonePage 20

• Importance of Tagging ContentPage 21

• Search the Site Page 22

• Featured Content Page 24

• Top Members Page 25

• Group Activity Page 26


• Announcements Page 28

• Blog Page 30

• Forum Page 33

• Reply to a ForumPage 34

• Reply to a Forum Post With Many RepliesPage 37

• Edit or Delete a Forum Post Page 39

• Create a Forum Page 41

• Documents Page 48

• Upload DocumentsPage 50

• Edit / Delete Documentspage 51

• Library Page 52

• Calendar Page 53

• Links Page 54

• About UsPage 55

• Contact Group Owners Page 57

• APAN Connect (Adobe Connect) Page 58

• To Request an APAN Adobe Connect Meeting Page 59

• Chat Page 63

• Private Chat Page 64

• How to Add Colleagues Page 65

• Conversations Page 69

• Change Your E-mail / Stop E-mail Notifications Page 72


Create an APAN Account

Click the “Join” linkGo to:

Click the “Create an Account” link

Or go to:


Create an APAN Account (Continued)

1. Enter an e-mail address

3. Enter the Code Shown

4. Click Continue

5. You will see a Validate Email Sent message

6. Go to your e-mail and click the Validation link

2. Confirm e-mail address


Create an APAN Account (Continued)

7. Enter First Name

9. Enter New Password

10. Confirm New password

8. Enter Last Name

11. Select a security image

12. Check Accept Terms of use

13. Click “Create your account”

14. You will get your system generated username

15. You will also receive an APAN account created e-mail

What are APAN Password requirements?• 1 upper-case letter• 1 lower-case letter• 1 number• 8 characters or more


Request MembershipOnce you have your APAN Account, you can request membershipGo to:

2. Enter your APAN username

1. Click “Request Membership”

3. Click “Sign In To Your Account”

4. Enter your password

5. Click “Sign In To Your Account”


Request Membership (Continued)

6. INTERNET EXPLORER USERS!!! You must follow these instructions, or NOTHING will happen!!!!

7. Enter the reason why you want to join the Landpower COI

8. Click “Request Membership”

9. You will see Your membership is pending

a. Click Tools

b. Select Compatibility View Settings c. Enter d. Click Add

e. is displayed

f. Click “Close”


Request Membership (Continued)

Once the Landpower Futures COI owner has approved your membership, you will receive a welcome e-mail.


Signing in

• Once you have an APAN Account and you are an approved member, you can sign in

• Go to:

1. Click Sign In

2. Enter your APAN User name

3. Click “Sign In To Your Account”

4. Enter your APAN password

5. Click Sign In To Your Account


I forgot my APAN Password?

• If you forget your password or would like to change your password, you can use the Forgot Password feature.

1. Click Sign In

2. Enter your APAN username

3. Click “Sign In To Your Account”


I forgot my APAN Password? (Continued)

4. Click “Forgot Password?”

The below Reset E-mail Sent message will appear


I forgot my APAN Password?

6. Enter your e-mail address or username

5. Click link or paste link in your browser

7. Type in the code shown

8. Click “Send Reset Link”


I forgot my APAN Password?

What are APAN Password requirements?• 1 upper-case letter• 1 lower-case letter• 1 number• 8 characters or more

9. Enter a new password

10. Confirm New Password

11. Click “Change Password”

12. Password change message appears.


I forgot my APAN Username?

• If you forget your username, you can use the Forgot Username feature.

1. Click Sign In

2. Click “Forgot Username?”


I forgot my APAN Username?

3. Click “Send Username?”

4. The below recover Username Email Sent message will appear

5. An e-mail arrives with your username.


Add Landpower Futures Community of Interest as a

Favorite1. Go to: Sign in3. Click “Add group to favorites”

4. Now, you can use the Favorites dropdown to always get back to the Landpower Futures homepage.

3. Click the “Favorites” Dropdown to return to the Landpower Futures home page if you ever get lost

2. Click “Add group to favorites” link

4. Then click the Landpowers Futures Community of Interest link

1. Sign in link



Click your usernameor the photo icon


Profile (Continued)

Click “Edit Profile”


1. Click the paperclip icon to upload your photo or avatar.

2. Browse for a photo on your computer.3. Click “Upload

and Use Image”

4. Enter your bio info here…

5. Enter your general info here

6. Enter your professional info here

7. Enter your educational info here

8. WHEN FINISHED click “Save Profile”

Profile (Continued)


Changing the Time Zone

• The default time zone is set for Dublin time. This will make your posts appear at the wrong time when you view them.

Actual time is 10:23 AM, posted time appears as 3:23 PM

1. To change the Time Zone, click your picture or user name.

2. Click “Community Settings”

3. Click “Advanced Options”

4. Click Dropdown and select Eastern Time (US & Canada)

5. Click “Save”


Importance of Tagging ContentA tag is a keyword or term associated with a post. It links this post to other posts with related information. Tags give you flexibility in structuring your Web site and help you map information. They also make the information in your Web site more accessible to users.

The tags are listed alphabetically, but their sizes represent how frequently they're used. “Futures" and “Landpower" are the largest two because they're used most frequently.


If you click “Futures” it will take you to all posts bearing that tag.


Search the Site

If you want to search only the Landpower Futures Community of Interest, click the arrow on the search dropdown, then select “Search Landpower Futures Community of Interest” radio button.

Note: If you leave the “Search Everything” radio button selected, you will search all of APAN and might get too many irrelevant results because that will search hundreds of other organization’s APAN sites.

Select “Search Landpower Futures Community of Interest” radio button.


Search Results


Featured Content

• Featured content is on the main page. It is content that the owner of the site promoted as “featured content” and believes members might be interested in. Featured content will change based on the owners timeframe.


Top Members

• Top members will display the members that have contributed the most content to the site and are the most active.


Group Activity


• Displays a list of activity items from your Group


LandPower Future COI is for Unclas Only


Link defines FOUO, OPSEC and PII.


Announcements• Announcements are posted by the Site Owners only. Announcements will list items members

might be interested in knowing.

• Members can comment on an announcement.

Click an announcement to read more info



Optional: You may type in a comment here.

Click “Post”

Optional: You may “Like” the announcement

Note: Tags here are for Announcements only

Click “Announcements” Tab



• Blog - Short for Web Log – a way to quickly publish to the web

• Blog Post - An entry in a blog

• Comment – A short snippet of text under a blog post left by a blog reader

• Publish – The site owner has released a blog post to the public

• Subscribe – Receive new blog posts automatically in your email inbox or RSS reader

What is a Blog?

• A way to quickly and easily create WebPages/articles on your Group

• Our Blog is maintained by Site owners

• Used to create regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, news, or opinions

• Entries are displayed in reverse-chronological order

• One-to-many communication

• Often used to relay Group announcements

• Readers can subscribe via email or RSS

• Readers can favorite, rate, and comment on each blog post


Blog (Continued)

Optional: You may type in a comment here.

Click “Post”

Click on a blog title to open it up

Optional: Note: Members may rate a blog

Click “Blog” Tab

Optional: Click to “Like” the post.


Blog (Continued)

Enter a name of a APAN user to send a private message

Click “Send message”


ForumA Forum is an online discussion board for all Group Members. Users can create

discussion topics and other users can respond to discussions. Users can subscribe via email or RSS. Users can add a forum as a favorite, rate, and respond to any forum thread.• Thread – A Group of forum messages focused on one topic • Reply – A response to an initial forum post • Subscribe – Receive Replies automatically in your email inbox or RSS reader

Click the Forum Tab

Reply to a Forum Post

1. Click the Forum you want to Reply to


Note: Forums for this site are set up as discussions. The software also has the capability to be set up Forums as questions. The Questions capability is currently TURNED OFF. Members could suggest answers. Forum creators then could “Reject Answers” or check “The questions has been answered.”

Note: You can ignore the Unanswered Tab since the “Question” function is turned off.


Reply to a Forum Post

(Optional) You can rate the post 1-5 stars.

2. Type your reply here…

3. Click Reply


Reply to a Forum Post (Continued)

4. Number of Reply's show up here


1. ANSWER: If I want to rely to Dale Clements and show which post I am replying to: Click “Use rich formatting”

This forum topic has more than one reply. How do I show who I am replying to?

Reply to a Forum Post With Many Replies

2. Click “Quote”

4. Enter your reply below

3. Clicking “Quote” places these tags around the previous person's post

5. Click “Post”


Reply to a Forum Post With Many Replies (Continued)

6. Notice what the Quote did. It quoted the post you are replying to and indented it so it stand out.


Edit or Delete a Forum Post

1. Click on the forum you want edit or delete.

2. Hover over the post. Then hover over the dropdown arrow. Additional dropdowns will appear. If anyone has REPLIED to the post, then the creator can ONLY EDIT their original post. Only an owner can delete a post that has been replied to.

2. Hover over the post. Then hover over the dropdown arrow. Additional dropdowns will appear. If no one has REPLIED to the post yet, then the creator can DELETE the post.

3. Forum member creators can not edit a reply by another member. Only an owner can edit or delete a reply from another member.


E-mail Creator of Forum Receives for a Reply

The Reply message

Link to the Reply

Note: Unfortunately, as of Jul 2015, we can not figure out how to unsubscribe to threads. This link does not give you an unsubscribe option.


Create a New Forum Post

1. To start a new forum Post (or Topic), click the “New Post” button. Note: If you are not signed in, you will not see the New Post button. If there are two forums, you must choose which forum you want to post to

1a. Or you can click a forum here.


Create a New Forum Post (Continued)

2. Enter Subject

3. Enter a description of the forum

4. Optional: Enter a “Tag” that describes the forum – a keyword. Note: What you place in tags will show up in the Tag Cloud which might help other users find your forum post.

5. Leave this checked if you want to be notified via e-mail if someone replies to your forum.

6. Optional. Type in your location

7. Location selections will appear as you type. Select the location you want.

“F” stands for Forum post


Create a New Forum Post (Continued)

8. click the Options tab

13. Please do NOT check “Make Post a Featured Item” The site owner will determine which posts to make featured items.

9. Optional: Click “Click to Add” to add attachments

10. An attach file pop-up appears 11. Browse for

your file

12. Click “Save”

14. Click “Post”


Create a New Forum Post (Continued)

15. Optional: click the “Poll” tab

16. Optional: Check the “Include a Poll in this Post” Checkbox

17. Additional poll fields appear

18. Enter a question

19. Optional: Enter a description

20. Enter answers

21. Optional: Enter a number if you want the poll to expire


Create a New Forum Post (Continued)

What a poll looks like

What results looks like after 2 users answered the poll.


Create a New Forum Post (Continued)

Optional: click the “Preview” tab

A preview of what you post will look like will be displayed


Create a New Forum Post (Continued)Displays all forum posts in html so you can save as html or text or cut and paste posts.

Displays RSS feed info

Lists the most popular discussions

Receive e-mail notifications for all replies to this forum



Click “Documents” Tab

Purpose of Documents

Download link

Click Arrow to “Save as”

# of downloads


Documents (Continued)

Click to open for more info on a document

Rate document 1-5 stars

Like DocumentNote: Members can upload documents, but can not edit or delete documents posted by others. They can only download documents posted by others. Only owners can delete and edit documents posted by others.


1. Click “New Post”2. Click “Specific File / URL”

3. Required: Enter a Name

4.Optional: Enter a Name

Upload Documents

5.Optional: E-mail me comments to this post

DO NOT Check this box. The site owner will decide which documents to make featured.

6. Optional, but highly recommended: Enter tags

7: Optional: enter a location

8: Click “Post”

2a. Browse for document

2b. OR, enter a public URL to a document

2c. Wait for “Uploaded” to appear

2d. Click Save

1. Click on the document you posted to delete it

Edit / Delete Documents 2. To make changes to the

document name or description, click “Edit”. Make your changes, then click “Save”.

3. To delete document, click “Delete”

4. Click “OK”



Click “Library” Tab

Purpose of Library

Click to open a folder

# documents in each folder

Return to the original higher folder

Note: Members can only download documents. Only owners can upload, edit and delete documents from the library unless granted permission.



Click “Calendar” Tab

Click to jump to a Day, Week or Month view

Click to move to a different month

Click on a calendar event for more info


Links Click “Links” Tab

Links the community might find interesting



About Us Click “About Us” Tab

Purpose of Landpower Futures COI

Member List

Owner Contact Info


About Us (continued)

Click a picture or a username to open the member’s profile

Note: To return, click “Favorites” and select “Landpower Future Community of Interest”


Contact Group Owners

Contact Group Owners link opens form to send an e-mail message to the group owners.


APAN Connect (Adobe Connect)• Adobe Connect offers a media-rich method of collaboration and interaction that

can supplement or supplant traditional face-to-face forms of communication, like meetings and classroom time. The video and audio features give participants access to the visual and audible cues that are so crucial to successful collaboration. Teams can gather and work together from distant geographic locations, presenters can reach audiences in other cities or states, and instructors can provide course material to students anywhere. In any meeting, meeting hosts can record meetings and presentations for any participants to review at a later time.

• Adobe Connect training:

To launch APAN’s version of Adobe Connect, click the icon or the APAN Connect link on the home page under Additional Services. When you click the link, you will be taken to a page that says the meeting has not yet started. ONLY A OWNER can start a meeting.


To Request an APAN Adobe Connect Meeting

Only Group Owner’s can start an APAN Adobe Connect meeting. To request an Adobe Connect meeting, click the “Contact group owners”

Then, fill if the fields like this.


APAN Connect (Adobe Connect) Continued

Owners are the hosts

Members are initially Participants. Participants can request to become hosts.

When an owner approves your access to the meeting, you will see a screen similar to the one shown here.

Note: The Landpower Futures Community of Interest is persistent – meaning the next time you enter a meeting, previous work will be where you left off.


APAN Connect (Adobe Connect) ContinuedNote: The URL to the Landpower Future Adobe Connect meeting is:• You can send this link to anyone, even a non-APAN Account holder can

attend an APAN Adobe Connect meeting. 1. When a guest enters the URL, they will see the screen.

3. Guest Enters name

2. Guest clicks the “Enter as a Guest” Radio Button.

4. Click “Enter Room”


APAN Connect (Adobe Connect) Continued

6. Then the Adobe Connect screen will appears and the guest will be a Participant.

5. Guest will see this screen until an owners “accepts” them into the meeting.



Note: If you are not signed in, you will get the following message. Only Members can use chat.

Chat History to all members

Members online – used for private chat


Private Chat

1. Click an online member to send a private chat

2. Type a private chat message

3. Message pops up on the bottom right of the other member’s screen.

4. Note: You can change your status if you click the little chat icon in the bottom right of your desktop.

5. Click the drop down to change your status if you desire


How to Add Colleagues

• With your personal APAN profile you may make Colleague connections with other APAN users. When you are Colleagues with another APAN user, you will see their APAN Activity (document posts, forum posts, comments, etc.) on your APAN activity feed. You will also be able to send each other Conversation messages.

• Adding colleagues is a similar concept like "friending" someone on other popular social websites.

Click the “About Us” Tab


How to Add Colleagues (Continued)

On the member's profile, click the “Add as Colleague” link on the user's navigation panel within their profile.

2. Or hover over the username and a pop-up will appear.

Click the “Add as a colleague” link

1. Click on the username


How to Add Colleagues (Continued)

Enter a message to your colleague.

Click “Send Request”


How to Add Colleagues (Continued)

When your colleague logs on to APAN, they will see a number next to their Notifications tab. If they click on the notifications tab, they will see “Colleague Requests”. When they click “Colleague Requests”, they will be taken to the Colleagues Accept / Reject Page.



• Conversations allow you to exchange private messages with your colleagues on APAN. Conversations messages are similar to email. You can send a message to your colleague, they will be notified of the message, and can read it by viewing their conversation inbox. A conversation is different from a chat because Conversation messages are sent one at a time whereas a chat is a real-time dialog between two online users.

1. To start a conversation, click on your username


Conversations (Continued)

2. To start a conversation, click “My Colleagues”

3. To send a Private Message, click “Send a Private Message”


Conversations (Continued)

4. Type in a subject

5. Type in your body

5. Click “Send Message”

6. This will send an e-mail to your colleague

7. Copying and pasting the URL in your browser will take you to the message.


Conversations (Continued)

When your colleague logs on to APAN, they will see a number next to their Notifications tab. If they click on the notifications tab, they will see “Conversations”. When they click “Conversations”, they will be taken to the Conversations List.

Clicking on the Message will open it.


Change Your E-mail / Stop E-mail Notifications

1. Click your picture or user name.

2. Click “Community Settings”

3. Click “Email”

4. Make any changes you desire

5. Click “Save”

• If you need to change the e-mail you created your APAN Account• Or if you no longer want the receive e-mail notifications