Instructional design and user experience design: Values ... · learning experience, while Photomath...

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Instructional design and user experience design:

Values and perspectives examined through artifact analysis

Elizabeth Boling

Indiana University

Colin M. Gray

Purdue University

At a high level, designing may be understood in similar ways, wherever

it is practiced (Cross, 2007; Goel, 1995; Nelson & Stolterman, 2012). Design

scholars do not claim that the same process models are used by all designers,

but that conceptual descriptions of design are essentially the same from one

field to the next, and that design knowledge and action can be studied in the

general sense.

At the highest level, there are differences from one field to another,

or within a single field, in the values (represented as philosophies) and

resulting perspectives that affect design practice. These may be identified

with individual designers like Mies van der Rohe whose less is more

philosophy of design permeated his work and his teaching (Carter, 1999);

Victor Papanek, who pioneered and taught a philosophy of humanitarian design

(Kries, Klein & Clarke, 2018); and Dieter Rams of the functionalist school of

product design espousing a less but better philosophy (Klemp & Ueki-Polet,

2015). A philosophy of design may, alternatively, be pervasive and expressed

as the default across a field of design – as is the case for instructional

design where efficiency, effectiveness (and sometimes appeal) are rarely

questioned as the foundation of our values (Reigeluth & Carr-Chellmann, 2009;

Smith & Boling, 2009; Merrill, Barclay & van Schaak, 2008).


Designing, which occurs to a large degree through language (Cuff, 1991;

Fleming, 1998; Krippendorf, 2006; Olson, Olson, Carter & Storrøsten, 1992;

Waters & Gibbons, 2004), can be difficult owing not only to different

perspectives on methods, representations, processes and work practices but to

differences in value assumptions (Bucciarelli, 2002), which are fundamental

and therefore hard to recognize or change (Nelson & Stolterman, 2012). We

argue that those differences may additionally be hard to identify in closely

related fields, like instructional design and user experience design, when

collaborators are speaking in similar terms and using familiar practices—or

are simply assuming that they are working from similar premises (Hey, Joyce &

Beckman, 2007; Kolko, 2018). Further, we assume that time may be lost, that

barriers to collaboration may be present, and that design outcomes may be

affected negatively when values and perspectives are not aligned--or at least

recognized--among designers; hence the motivation to carry out a detailed,

cross-disciplinary artifact analysis as a method for identifying and

surfacing illustrative similarities and differences in values and

perspectives of the designers.

Artifact Analysis

“… the knowledge of a historic designer, embodied in his/her products,

remains, even though the designer may have passed away long ago. Using that

physical knowledge and re-engineering it from the object, seems to be a very

promising method for extracting knowledge” (Müller & Thoring, 2010; p. 3).

While the analysis of an artifact can be conducted in a functional way,

meaning analysis to discover how it works or how it is put together, it may

also be carried out conceptually as in a deconstruction in which factors like

“a sense of the product’s design inspiration and philosophy … salient aspects

of the product design, which ranges from form and function to marketing and


socio-historical context” are interpreted from artifacts by experienced

designers (Lidwell & Manacsa, 2009).

Figure 1. Sample representation of deconstructing an artifact from Lidwell and

Manacsa (2009) showing a segment of commentary text and representation of the

artifact with graphic symbols used by these authors for the analysis.

Frameworks for Analysis

We have selected two frameworks for the analysis; First Principles of

Design from instructional design (Merrill, et al, 2008) and Interaction

Criticism from user experience design (Bardzell, 2011).

The First Principles framework is argued to subsume multiple others in

the field; since its introduction, it has been cited over 2500 times

(Merrill, 2002). It is agnostic to learning goals, or the type of material to

be learned, which is actually the primary focus of many, widely-used

conditions-based frameworks for instructional design (Ragan & Smith, 2004).

The claim is made that other models include some or all of the five first

principles, and “do not incorporate fundamentally different principles” (p.

174), and further that when a “program or practice violates or fails to

implement one or more of these underlying principles, there will be a

decrement in learning” (Merrill, et al, 2008; p. 175). This is a prescriptive


model, requiring that designers achieve the required characteristics of the

design and assuming, therefore, that the result will be “efficient, effective

and engaging instruction” (p. 182). The model does not address the larger

context of instruction, or directly address the individuals who are teaching

and learning. The five requisite principles state that instruction must be

task-oriented, activate prior knowledge, provide demonstration of skills to

be learned, and opportunities to apply those skills and integrate them into

everyday life.

Bardzell’s (2011) interaction criticism approach facilitates a critical

exploration of the user experience, building upon insights from cultural

studies for HCI scholars and practitioners. Within the “interaction layer,” a

critic can describe the experience from multiple perspectives, including the

designer, interface, user, and social context (Bardzell, 2011). Each

perspective affords a different lens or point of focus through which the

entire experience can be evaluated and described. All four perspectives can

be viewed within a larger experiential mode (consistent with UX or HCI), or

within a learning-focused mode (consistent with ID or learning experience

(LX)), exposing different attitudes towards app-focused interactions, and the

broader purpose or intent of these interactions.


We have conducted this study as an exploration of values and

perspectives embodied in two artifacts—one created in the mode of direct

instruction and one in the mode of what might be called performance support,

or task support--discovered via framework-driven analyses, then wholistic

comparison and interpretation of these analyses. The artifacts were chosen to

be: 1) accessible to readers of this study, if not directly, then as a class

of designs with which many people are familiar; 2) focused on

learning/performance support; and 3) amenable to representation in published



Using these criteria, we chose two mobile platform apps, Mathemagics--

Mental Math Tricks(™) and Photomath(™), as the focus of our analysis. The

general descriptions of these apps are presented in Table 1. While these apps

are similar to each other in the domain they both address, and both could be

said to support either learning or performance, depending on their use, they

are different in conception. Mathemagic offers an direct and intentional

learning experience, while Photomath presents as a tool that may be used to

solve equations, whether the user ever learns to do so independently or not.

Table 1. Mathemagics (™) and Photomath (™) apps compared in terms of goals and

primary features.

app goals primary features

instructional design:


teach computational shortcuts for mathematical operations

● 3 modes ○ learn ○ practice ○ play

● gamification ○ timed and

untimed “play”

○ awards & points

● self-paced ● access to steps

during practice ● no remediation ● social media via


experience design:


from photo or keyboard entry, solve equations entered by the user, showing the worked steps

● multiple forms of input/editing

● each step explained ● multiple levels of

explanation ● extensions to new

problem types via push notification

In the first stage we have interrogated these artifacts, one author

using principles from instructional design and the other principles from UX

design. The authors have used their own expertise in graphic design,


interface design, experience design and instructional design to apply the


In the second stage of the study the authors have collaborated to

analyze these analyses, identifying points at which similar and different

value positions and specific perspectives may have been in play during

design. We drew on our backgrounds in both areas of design to explore the

points of intersection and disconnect in the analysis, together with possible

implications for collaborative design practice. We have gone on, as well, to

illuminate where collaboration, or problems in collaboration, might be

possible in a “new space” where learning design and user experience design

can be practiced collaboratively.



First Principles analysis

This app is presented as explicitly educational, the developers

promising in their iTunes blurb that the problem-solving techniques it

teaches will assist learners studying for standardized tests and naming both

students and teachers as targeted learners. From a list of tasks (fifty of

them, starting with “Multiply as high as 19x19” and ending with “Check

Division by Casting Elevens”), the learner selects one and the app provides a

demonstration in the form of a single worked problem. Practice is provided

via a sequence of problems in multiple choice format, with feedback limited

to minimal right/wrong cues and access to the original demonstration screen

if the learner wants it. There is no corrective feedback provided, although

problems the learner solves inaccurately cycle back through and the practice

continues longer if learner performance is poor. While the tasks presented do

require activation of prior knowledge (specifically, basic computation

carried out mentally), it is difficult to say that the instruction


accomplishes or promotes that activation beyond assuming it has happened--and

the skills cannot be learned without it. It is further assumed that learners

can carry out, and remember, the required computations mentally; there is no

provision for practicing and learning these component skills.

Figure 2. Jotting down basic computation steps in order to practice the

“magic” techniques for solving more complicated problems.

The application of skill is provided for through quizzes and two forms

of game (timed and untimed), all three structured essentially the same as the

practice. Learners earn titles as they progress through levels of difficulty

in the practice and the games, but they do not receive coaching at earlier

levels of performance. While integration of the skills into learners’ lives

is promoted at the time the app is downloaded, there are no prompts for

reflection or imagining possible uses of the knowledge during the learning

experience. The opportunity for public demonstration of skill is present

indirectly through the option to post one’s scores on a leaderboard.

As an instructional design, Mathemagics is missing fully viable

versions of features required under First Principles; directed activation,

either intrinsic or coaching feedback, and integration. Value is expressed,

however, for the benefits of efficiency in problem-solving, the effectiveness


of repeated practice to memorize a cognitively-based process, and the

contribution of extrinsic motivation to encourage practice.

Interaction Criticism Analysis

This app provides no onboarding, but follows a lesson format that is

familiar to students, yet includes gamified elements to support mathematics

learning. From the designer’s perspective, the app promises to “amaze and

delight others” and “tease your brain,” while also pointing towards

preparation for standardized testing. From a user perspective, the app is

positioned towards students struggling with specific mathematical concepts—

likely linked to learning outcomes for specific grade levels. Teachers also

appear to be an implied user or stakeholder, due to the lack of structure

around selecting and completing appropriate lessons. Both audiences are

mentioned briefly in the app description, with the promise of “baffl[ing]

your math teachers” for students, and the promise of “inspir[ing] your

students” for teachers. The lesson titles are written in instructional

language, requiring students to identify gaps in their mathematics knowledge,

express this gap in instructional terms, and then select the appropriate

lesson title. This appears to link to social context expectations on the part

of the app designer that the user is engaged in formal mathematics

instruction. While a user might go through the lessons in turn, the lessons

do not appear to be sequenced or grouped in any specific way. Thus, it seems

likely that the implied social context is that student would be gradually led

through a series of mathematics concepts in the classroom that could be

enriched through targeted use of the app.


Figure 3. Annotated screens from the Mathemagics app.

From an interface perspective (Figure 3), the app facilitates three

parallel task flows, structured around learning, practicing, and playing. The

interface is confusing, with no clear indication of the purpose of the app,

or what task flow might be initiated by each button. The practice and play

flows are almost identical, with only minor differences in the number of

questions and the play modes. The elements from the “learn” section are

visible in the practice and play flows by selecting a button. The user flows

appear to assume progression from learn to practice to play, as the user

becomes competent in the mathematics techniques provided, but this

progression is never articulated in the app. The play mode also offers no


direct way to check performance, requiring the user to manually check their

progress under “Stats” to see if they answered the question correctly. Some

scaffolding is built into the practice mode, where users selecting an

incorrect response are provided a microinteraction that keeps them from

selecting that answer. However, none of these interactions are clearly

indicated by appropriate affordances and signifiers.

From a user experience perspective, Mathemagics offers a confusing and

unintegrated set of tasks that appear to rely on external sources of support

by other stakeholders. The lesson names are not accessible to the target

group, and the links (both interactive and user interface) between learn,

practice, and play are unclear.


First Principles analysis

This app is wholly task-centered, and it utilizes whole tasks, complete

equations entered either by translation from a photo, or by manual entry.

Demonstration is provided through displaying step-by-step solutions, which

means that component skills are thereby also included. While prior skills may

be activated, particularly at the lower levels of explanation (which are

presumably close to a learner’s existing skills) everything, including some

media in the form of graphs, is presented as additional demonstration. Terms

a learner does not know, and presumably the skills they represent, are

explained through what is termed the “Detailed view.” This view breaks the

skill down to a finer grained component skill until the learner arrives at a

basic computation which appear to be an assumed skill.


Figure 4. Portion of a solved equation in which a term, “evaluate the

power,” is used to label an action, on the left, which may then be decomposed

into component skills through the “Detailed view” shown on the right.

Highlighting and arrows superimposed by the author.

As the equations entered into the program are solved immediately,

neither direct practice nor feedback are offered to a learner--only

demonstration. It is possible, however, to apply any skills being learned, or

brought to the app, by editing equations that have been entered and observing

the resulting changes in how they are solved. Equations and their solutions

may be saved in a history, potentially offering some integration into the

learner’s life. There is no provision in the app, though, for considering how

this integration might be accomplished, or for demonstrating one’s new

knowledge--assuming new knowledge has been acquired through studying the

solved equations. It may be possible to argue, however, that integration is

built into the app because nothing happens in the app unless the user enters

an equation. So the integration principle may be satisfied, but not in the

sequence strongly implied by the framework.


Value is expressed here for intrinsic motivation as the driver of

learning, for basic visual aesthetics in layout, typeface, icons and color,

and for the cognitive support represented by decomposition and explanation of

component skills.

Interaction Criticism Analysis

This app is focused on in-context use to aid in mathematics learning.

From the designer’s perspective, this app claims to teachers that its use

will “[r]einforce concepts learned in the classroom” and “[a]ccelerate

individual learning,” thus positioning the app as a tool to build mathematics

knowledge outside of the classroom, and in the context of specific

mathematics challenges. The designer provides an origin story for the app on

the website, revealing that the app was derived from specific challenges that

the designer had experienced: “out of Damir’s personal frustration, Photomath

was born.” This authorial perspective implicitly names a gap in formal

mathematics instruction, and potentially a gap in the app marketplace for

such a tool as well.

From a user perspective, there are multiple audiences (or stakeholders)

mentioned in the promotional materials for the app. The primary end user is

clearly a student—likely one that is struggling with mathematical concepts.

However, the website is also explicitly oriented towards other stakeholders,

with clearly named sections demonstrating the apps’ utility for teachers and

parents. This range of stakeholders and explicit marketing messaging also

reveals potential elements of the social context that may be salient,

including the ubiquity of digital devices within the target student age range

(at least for students of a certain socioeconomic status), the felt need for

personalized instruction, and the social expectation (linked to standardized

testing) that students gain a baseline of mathematics ability.


Figure 5. Annotated screens from the Photomath app.

These designer and user perspectives appear to be supported by

decisions that are salient within the interface (Figure 5). Upon first

launch, the app provides an onboarding sequence that tells the user they can

“scan math problems for instant results” and “learn with step-by-step

instructions.” This framing of the app functionality directly links to two of

the main tabs at the top of the screen: 1) a camera to photograph a math

equation, and 2) a solution tab to show how the equation can be solved, step-

by-step. This sequence of problem -> solution is also supported by

feedforward in the app, such as the tip above the camera shutter: “tap to

take a picture & solve a math problem.” This sequence appears to position the


app as a computational support for everyday engagement in mathematics,

allowing the user access to visualizations, solutions, and step-by-step

instructions on how the solution can be reached.

From a user experience perspective, Photomath offers a visually-

pleasing computational support tool with clear interactions that are

supported by onboarding. While some step-by-step instruction uses language

that requires formal mathematics education, the amount of detail provided

through paged support appears adequate for the app’s mediating role among

student, teacher, and parent stakeholders.

Perspectives and value propositions

An obvious overlap between these two apps is the clear instructional

perspective manifest in both. This perspective is addressed in both

frameworks of analysis; first principles focuses on features -- present or

missing -- aimed at supporting learning, whereas interaction criticism

highlights the cues and affordances that signal -- or do not -- the intended

use of the apps, including their potential role in learning. Interestingly,

the UX framework throws emphasis on learning the app as an important

component of learning overall.

Interaction criticism foregrounds issues relating to the social context

of use, which raises broader performance issues (e.g., lack of adequate

formal instruction, access to digital devices for enrichment), not all of

which are learning problems, or addressed through the application of

instructional principles. This framework also promotes consideration of how

the learning context may intersect with, and supply aspects of, the

instruction. Instructional design practice certainly stresses context

analysis, but the presentation of first principles does not provide

explicitly for integration of the results into the instruction. Neither


framework, however, appears to emphasize individual characteristics or

experiences of users or learners; the value position in both places the

artifact at the center of designing, while acknowledging that quality of

learning on the one hand and quality of interaction on the other are the

ultimate goals of design.

The vocabularies of these frameworks or perspectives (e.g., whole task,

activation, and integration for ID; task flow, microinteraction, and

feedforward in UX) are not just a different set of words; they point to

different foci and fundamentally, we argue, to different values. Perhaps

obviously, the ID terms address the instructional support required on behalf

of learner/users, while the UX terms address the support of user/learners’

actions required to benefit from the instruction on artifact, interaction,

and sociocultural levels. In practice, placing primary value in either of

these foci will call into question the design moves to be made in service to

the other. As an example, the consistency of interactions which surfaced in

the analysis of two apps might be considered a secondary concern for

designers placing greater value--and attention--on instructional strategies.

Those strategies might seem beside the point to a designer who anticipates

that the interactions required to access them will be confusing, frustrating

or demotivating.


It is difficult to approach the topic of values in design; they must be

acknowledged as foregrounding one type of outcome over another. Significant

effort is required to engage in value trade-offs, more still to discuss how

basic values from one field of practice might intersect with those of another

so that neither is sacrificed. In two fields of practice like instructional

design and user experience design, which are closely aligned and which some


aspire to reconfigure as learner experience (LX) design (Kilgore, 2016), the

work of examining our perspectives and values, and their epistemological

assumptions, will have to be done--either haphazardly through individual

projects or, preferably, consciously and as a matter of shared scholarship.



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