Instinct meets Insight: 1 in 2 CFOs rely on gut-instinct when making decisions

Post on 13-Aug-2015

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Instinct meets Insight:1 in 2 CFOs rely on gut-instinct when making decisions

Results from a global survey conducted by Redshift Research and Epicor Software Corporation

June 2015

New survey reveals that CFOs struggle to access the right data for decision-making.

They are bombarded with more data sources, more channels, more numerous and complex business models…

…more global nature of business, and more reliance on external partners.

The survey said 46% of CFOs are forced rely on their gut-feel and instinct to make business decisions, instead of hard data.

37% said that mistakes had been made due to a decision being made based on inaccurate information.

Nearly 1 in 4 struggle to get the information they need.

Global manufacturing is going through a significant change period at the moment.And they don’t have the right tools in place to gain the insight from the data.

Global manufacturing is going through a significant change period at the moment.A quarter say the fault is with inadequate information systems.

32% say that the financial system that they use needs updating.

And, the majority still rely on Excel spreadsheets to gain access to their data.

CFOs are trying to combat this by upgrading their IT systems to give them more comprehensive and accurate data.

A third say that investment in new systems will have a big impact on them soon.

We believe the solution can be found in a next-generation ERP platform.

That delivers the right data to financial decision-makers, at the right time, to help them make the right decisions.

And simplifies collaboration with customers, suppliers, and partners.

Enabling the CFO to add value to the data by using their experience and instinct to help companies boost profitability and growth.

Read more in our eBook about the survey and how Epicor ERP can support financial executives who want to focus on profitability and growth.


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