Inspiring minds, achieving excellence, nurturing faith

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Transcript of Inspiring minds, achieving excellence, nurturing faith


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Monday Mornings

Please note that we have a staff briefing every Monday at 8.30am

so there is no-one in the school office from 8.30am. to 8.40am


Inspiring minds, achieving excellence, nurturing faith

Spring 1 Newsletter 2020

Dear Parents/Carers, Governors and Children,

In this week’s newsletter you will read about all the wonderful learning that

has happened this half term in every year group. Thank you for your support

as we continue to provide a wide range of learning opportunities and raise

standards. Have a good half term break and we look forward to seeing our

wonderful children back in school on Monday 24th February 2020 at 8:45am.

Mrs Hedman

Last Friday, parents/carers attended Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) in

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. We know how important it is for young children

to develop a passion for reading. Indeed, reading often and for pleasure has a

positive impact on well-being and attainment. So, do continue to read with

your child every day. Also, do remember to complete your child’s reading

record. If your child is in Reception or KS1, please support the DEAR initiative

every Friday at 2:45pm. Pupils in KS2 will continue to participate in ERIC

Year Group % Punctuality % Attendance

Reception 76 96.8

Year 1 77.3 98.4

Year 2 69.6 95.1

Year 3 80 98.9 Year 4 76.9 96.6

Year 5 85 97.5 Year 6 83.3 95.3

Punctuality and Attendance

Spring 1

6th Jan - 14th Feb 2020

Congratulations to Year 5 for the best punctuality and to Year

3 for the best attendance this half term. Well done and keep it


Our whole school attendance target is 96%. Attendance below

90% is deemed to be poor and is highlighted in our attendance

figures as persistent absenteeism. Currently, our persistent

absence figures are very high i.e. 11%. Please help us to reduce

persistent absence so that our children make excellent progress

Please remember that school starts at 8.45 so that learning can begin promptly.

Hello from Year 6

This half term in year 6 we have been looking at the Frozen

Kingdom and the amazing animals that inhabit there.

In literacy, we have written some great non-chronological

reports on Sharks, Penguins and Polar bears and in

numeracy, we have overcome our fear of algebra!!!

Due to our topic, a trip to Streatham Ice Skating rink was

arranged and we enjoyed whizzing around on the ice and

learning how to skate in the extremely cold environment.

Hello from Year1

We have had a lovely term with all children really enjoying our topic on Superheroes. They worked hard to develop their knowledge and vocabulary within this area.

Our topic for next half term is Memory Box, where we will be looking at things of the past, such as toys, our families and our early memories.

Maths: Number: Place (value within 50), and multiples of 2, 5, and 10. English: Story writing, character description and instruction writing.

How to help your child’s learning at home:

Read at least 5 times a week at home. It is very important that children have a chance to practise their phonics/reading skills regularly at home. Your child can read a range of things; it doesn’t just have to be a school reading book. They may choose to read a magazine, recipe or one of their own books.

Practise their spellings with them. There is a spelling test ievery Friday.

Help them to practise and learn their number bonds and 2, 5, 10 times tables.

Handwriting -We continue learning how to write and form cursive letters.

PE-normally takes place on a Monday and Friday in Yr1.

Your child will need navy shorts/joggers, a plain white T-Shirt and black trainers/plimsolls.

Many thanks, Ms Adesanya

Hello from Year 2

Year 2 have had a wonderful time this term as ‘Street

Detectives’. We began the term by going on a local walk to

explore the area. The subway at the train station fascinated

the children. Here the children found out about recent changes

made to the area. We were very grateful that Mr Maher came

to visit our classroom to talk about his own experiences

regarding the changes. Our class novel this term was The

Tunnel by Anthony Browne and the children used this story to

produce their own adventure story. In Maths, we have focused

on division and multiplication and there was a huge focus on

the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. In Science, children have explored

why different types of material are suitable for everyday uses

and in RE lessons children have a better understanding of the

importance of prayer for Muslims.

Next term our topic will be Muck, Mess and Mixture. We are

looking forward to Spring 2. Let’s get messy!

Hello from Year 5

Year 5 have been enjoying learning about the Ancient

Egyptians. They have made pots and collars with some

of the pots looking very impressive indeed. They

enjoyed an informative visit to the British Museum

where they witnessed the impressive artefacts in the

Egyptian gallery. Year 5 have been mastering fractions

and most children are experts in LCM—no mean

achievement. I am impressed with their learning.

Year 5 have started swimming as part of their P.E.

programme. Most children are looking smart in their

uniform kit and goggles are a must. Some children are

learning really quickly and I predict they will move

groups before too long.

On Wednesday 12th, we had our visit to Keat’s House.

This is part of the Young City Poets project. The next

step is a workshop given by a guest poet. Children’s

poems will be published and the best poems will be

chosen for a performance in St. Paul’s and a recording

on Audible .

Hello from Year 4

Throughout this term we have had the opportunity to learn about the digestive system, the functions of each organ and where they are in the body, as well as the function and position of the teeth in the mouth. This half term we linked English to our Science topic, animals including humans and when writing, we were able to use the knowledge we gained from science and apply it in our writing. For example, writing dental care leaflets/posters was a way for us to use our persuasive writing techniques while trying to convince people to brush their teeth correctly. You’ll be surprised at what we now know! Ask us some facts at your own risk.

In year 4, we really enjoy mathematics and using prior knowledge to support new learning, covering such things like; multiplication (multiplying 1/2/3 digit numbers); area (of shape) and fractions (of shape and number). Moving forward into the new term we will be continuing with fractions and decimals will follow. I look forward to seeing you all at parents evening.

Gentle Reminders: PE Kit = white T Shirt, blue shorts or joggers and black/blue

trainers or plimsolls. Times table assessment is in June. More detail to come at

parents evening. Supporting children at home with reading, multiplication

practice and homework.

Hello from Reception Class!

Dear Year R families,

We are another half-term down with the realisation that

your children have now been at school for six months – and

what a six months it has been so far. They are now half-

way through their first year of a long schooling journey,

and we are very proud of the efforts, progress and achieve-

ments they have made thus far.

Our theme for this half-term was ‘What happens when I fall

asleep’. We have been talking about the night-time, bed rou-

tines and feelings about the dark. Reading stories like

Man on the Moon and How to Catch a Star allowed us to

delve into the mysterious wonders of our universe and learn

about stars and our solar system. Our upcoming trip to the

Royal Greenwich Observatory (12th February) is an opportunity

for the children to see an exciting planetarium show that

will enhance all their learning about space so far.

Your children have been learning their ‘Set 2 sounds’, which

are known as diagraphs (2 letters that make one sound).

Hello from Year 3

This half term the children of Year 3 have been using the story ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes as inspiration for our project work. In science this term, we have been learning about forces. Answering scientific questions about the magnetic properties of different materials to develop our enquiry skills. On our trip to the science museum the children explored the use of magnets and forces in everyday life and developed their understanding of forces.

In English strange events have been happening the children have been learning to write their own version of ’Iron Man’. They have been developing their skills of description as well as writing stories with exciting tension and action scenes.

Important Diary Dates

25/02/20 Dental Health Puppet Show

04/03/20 Poetry Workshop Y5

10/03/20 Governors' Visit

17/03/20 Parents' Evening

18/03/20 Parents' Evening


Chessington Trip Y5


Bible Kidz Workshop Y5/Y6

01/04/20 Bible Kidz Workshop Y3/Y4

03/04/20 End of Term - School finish @ 1.30pm

Your School Needs You!

Have you considered being a school governor?

Would you like to shape the future for the next


Do you have valuable/professional skills that you

can offer?

Are you committed to contributing to your local


If you answered ‘YES’ to any of the above, please

email to express your interest by 25th February


Information about the role of a school governor

We would like to maintain good relationships with our

neighbours. Please do not park across driveways oppo-

site the school. Thank you in advance for your coopera-


The Academy is able to support parent/carers with letters to

confirm their child’s attendance at St Mark’s. However, we ask

for at least three days notice to be given in writing for these

requests. Unfortunately letters cannot be addressed “ To

whom it may concern” due to General Data Protection Regula-

tions. (GDPR)