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Transcript of Inspired-Actions-E1-MicroBusiness-Oct-2012-Sample

Inspired Actions: What is a Lifestyle Business?

A Digital Publication From Sacred Earth Partners 2

EditorialDirector/Curator:Lori Lynn Smith

Contact Us

Sacred Earth Partners Training and Retreat Center Inc.6326 37th Ave NWEdmonton AB CanadaT6L 1H8

©Sacred Earth Partners Training and Retreat Center Inc

2012 All Rigths Reserved

Welcome to our first edition of Inspired Ac-tions.

Inspired Action’s main focus is empowering and inspiring you to create and grow a busi-ness that supports your ideal holistic lifestyle.

Each month we will bring you a new topic with articles and interviews that we hope with information and enlighten.

We encourage you to download each edition so that you can easily click all blue under-lined links to valuable resources without losing your place while you are reading.

If you have any questions or suggestions for future topics, please feel free to contact me at

Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoy!

What is a Lifestyle-Business?

A Digital Publication From Sacred Earth Partners 4

Colin Wright believes a (Freedom) business exists to create value, and to receive value in exchange.”

Everett Bogue says “a minimalist business is flexible and instantly profitable (because there’s no overhead). It is easy to change its direction at a moment’s notice. You (the business owner) make all of the important decisions and put them into play immedi-ately.”

Henri Junttila defines a Lifestyle Business as “My definition of a lifestyle business is an online business (in my case) built around my passion, which allows me to do what I want, where I want, and when I want.”

What is a Lifestyle/Freedom/Mirco Business?

I like the direction these gentlemen are go-ing and I feel that it is very close to where I would like to be, but I think that we can take this to a whole new level. How would it feel if we brought in “Right Livelihood”?

I believe if you add together a fluid ever-evolving minimalist business that is built around your passions using only methods aligned perfectly with your core values, you will create YOUR ideal Lifestyle Business, doing what you want, where you want and when you want.

I also believe that you can design exactly how your life and your business work to-gether so that success is effortless and amazing.

There is most certainly a LOT of really great information out there, but how do you adapt it to your life and your business. This is al-ways the tricky part. Not because you can’t follow exactly in someone else’s footsteps, but because you do not want to. You would like to be as unique as a snowflake.

This we can do, very very easily! You and I are not the same, you are you, and I am me. Each of our personal life experiences and lessons have lead us to this spot and this spot might even be a very similar place, but we are as unique as the snowflakes.

So taking all that, following an example of the people that have successfully gone before us and created the paths for us, we can create amazing things, like that perfect lifestyle business.

Mary Jaksch

What I love the most about having a lifestyle business is that I can support others in creating the life they want. I en-joy creating content that people can put into practice – and that can really make a difference.


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What does a Freedom Business look like?

You have decided that you want a lifestyle freedom business, great! But what does that really look like. Well as we have been talk-ing about so far, it is really up to you! You get to decided, this is where the freedom really comes in.

The idea is to create exactly what you would like based on your own preferences, strengths, style, personality, and goals.

Time - Work when you wantOwning a lifestyle business means you can set your own hours. If you need to step back from work and put your energy to-wards other things going on in your life, no problem.

As Practitioners there definitely is an aspect of your business where you are face-to-face

with your clients. And for many people that is exactly what they want to be doing.

Just keep in mind that if you need to change your hours because of a family issue or because of a personal health issue, this will impact your lifestyle.

Being prepared by including other forms of income will allow you to take the time with-out the worry of the number of clients.

Place - Work where you want

Similarly, you should be able to work where you want as well. If you need to spend some time with family in another city, no sweat. You can run your business from any-where! That includes your mountain cabin in the Rockies too by the way.

Maybe you are not interested in moving to a mountain cabin, but you would like to spend a week at a monastery in meditation or spending time with speaking to the dolphins in Hawaii.

Creating your business with many sources of income allows for time away without worry.

Money - Earn as much as you want

In a lifestyle business you’re free to earn as much as you want. If you bust your butt to serve more clients, or create a revolutionary new service, you can earn as much as you possibly can from it.

YOU can set the amount of money you want to feel comfortable. It could be 100,000 or it

A Digital Publication From Sacred Earth Partners 8

could be 1,000,000 the choice is yours.

Work - Do what you want

It’s your business, make it exactly what you want. If there’s a service you hate perform-ing, stop offering it. If you want to take things in a new direction, grab the reigns!

This is one of the aspects of a lifestyle busi-ness that make them so fulfilling to their owners. Each of us is created uniquely, and so each of us finds unique ways to serve in a way that suits our strengths, personality, and style.

As you can see you really are able to de-cide on all the factors in your lifestyle busi-ness and how you want to interconnect your business with your life.

What places have you been thinking about taking your business? How can you shape it to fit these four characteristics?

Always bear in mind that your own reso-lution to succeed is more important than any other.

Abraham Lincoln

A Digital Publication From Sacred Earth Partners 29



Twitter: @LoriLynnSmith





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Sacred Earth Partners Training and Retreat Center Inc.6326 37th Ave NWEdmonton AB CanadaT6L 1H8