Inspiratie SxSW door Factor Tachtig

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Een beknopte samenvatting van de inspiratie die wij hebben opgedaan op het SxSW Interactive Festival in Austin Texas.

Transcript of Inspiratie SxSW door Factor Tachtig

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factor tachtig maakt je merk

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South by SouthWest Interactive.A focus on emerging technology. A breeding ground for new ideas and creative technologies.

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by the numbers

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Gegarandeerde Keuzestress.Opening Remarks from Bre Pettis - Experience vs Ownership: The Rise of the Experience Economy - Technology, Imagination & Exponential Thinking - How Twitter Has Changed How We Watch TV - Beyond Mobile: Where No Geek Has Gone Before - Turning PhD Concepts into Cocktail Conversations - Data Science Through the Lens of Journalism - Everything Is Not Important - The Future of Google Search in a Mobile World - The Best Interface Is No Interface - Trillions: Thriving in the Information Ecology - Innovation & Leadership in the Agile Age - Can Ad Agencies & Brands Humanize Technology? - Death by Demographics: Killing Off Your Ad Budgets - Moving from Story to Narrative - The Future of Location: From Social to Utility - Whoa Nellie! Content Strategy for Slow Experiences - WTF Is a DEO? The Mashup of Creativity & Business - Privacy in the Age of Augmented Reality - Hype vs. Reality: Takeaways from SXSWi 2013 - The Big Power Shift in Media - Matthew Inman Keynote - Bruce Sterling Closing Remarks - #ageofdamage: Be the Company You Want to Keep - The Information Diet - The Future of Google Search in a Mobile World - The Athena Doctrine: Rise of Feminine Values - The New Serendipity? - Design for Aging, Your Future-Self - Creating Brand Advocates via Employee Engagement - Storytelling: The Next Wave of Engagement - Power of Good: Activate Your Audience for a Cause - The Rise of the Impact Entrepreneur - Fashion & Food: Transforming Visual Narration - The Smile Epidemic (en 600 ‘gemiste’ sessies...)

Connecting the dots.Bundelen, verbinden, optellen, vermenigvuldigen.

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JUMP in!Mijn inspiratie in hoofdlijnen.

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Agile!Van kaart naar kompas.

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• lange termijn strategie overboord?

• complex, alles blijft snel veranderen

• experimenteren, bijsturen en aanpassen

• event based

• neem kleine stapjes

Agile!Van kaart naar kompas.

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Big Huge Data.Van millions naar trillions.

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• Van een bergtop naar de maan

• Computing as an ecology

• De noodzaak voor information-containers

Big Huge Data.Van millions naar trillions.

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The best User Interface.(is no interface)

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• techniek naar de achtergrond

• van een paperless naar een screenless office

• de opkomst van sensoren, hacks en API’s

• technology als een 2e huid

The best User Interface.(is no interface)

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Beyond Mobile.Social en Personal Cloud.

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• Smart en Dumb devices

• Het samenwerken van sensoren

• De opkomst van de persoonlijke Cloud

• Online meets Offline

Beyond Mobile.Social en Personal Cloud.

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Experience Economy.Live the moment.

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• beleving / toegang boven bezit?

• i love to get lost

• waste my time!

Experience Economy.Live the moment.

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(Narrative) Story Telling.Verhalend versus Verhaal.

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• authentiek versus gemaakt

• herkenbaar, menselijk, enthousiasmerend en engaging

• deelbaar - “wasting” time

• producer versus consumer

(Narrative) Story Telling.Verhalend versus Verhaal.

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Info. Info. Info.Productie en consumptie.

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• Obese

• Kanaalbreed inzetbaar

• Deelbaar

• opinie vs. feit

Info. Info. Info.Productie en consumptie.

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SocialSome background

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• 40% second screen tijdens TV kijken

• Shelf life

• google vs facebook

• laad je #-tags

SocialWat achtergrond informatie

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Philosophical Espresso.Gevolgen en mogelijkheden.

factor tachtig maakt je merk

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• Angst vs Kans -> denk positief!

• Serendipity -> a happy accident

• Epiphany -> vier de kleine WOW’s in je leven

• Exponential thinking -> parallel denken

• Online meets Offline

• Designers way of thinking

Philosophical Espresso.Gevolgen en mogelijkheden.

By: Joi Ito

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Summary van de SummaryTransparantie - Sharing - Personal - Sensors - Dumb vs Smart - Serendipity - HugeData - Agile - Authentic - Experience - Content - Storytelling - Power of the crowd - Connecting The Dots - Creatief - Innovation - Inspiration - Cloud - Making/Producing - Interface - Mobile - Paris Café - Devices - Positive - GrumpyCat

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Boeken om te onthoudenTrillions (Thriving in the Emerging Information Ecology)

Filter Bubble (The Filter Bubble: How the New Personalized Web Is Changing What We Read and How We Think)

The Future - (Six Drivers of Global Change)

The Book of Business Awesome (The Book of Business UnAwesome)

Websites om te checken

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WatchlistPrivacy is an Illusion -

Pepsi SXSW Sketch -

A day of glass 2 -

Veel besproken Apps op SxSW

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Howdy....Connect the dots!maakt je merk


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