Insert your Small Grant Scheme Project Title Date: 4 th September, 2012 Exceptional healthcare,...

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Transcript of Insert your Small Grant Scheme Project Title Date: 4 th September, 2012 Exceptional healthcare,...

Insert your Small Grant Scheme Project Title

Date: 4th September, 2012Exceptional healthcare, personally delivered

Presented by


Introductory slide

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This slide should answer the following questions

Explain the scientific background behind the project

Exceptional healthcare, personally delivered

Research Problem

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This slide should answer the following questions.

What is the problem to be analysed?

Why should we care about resolving the health issues identified?

What is the significance of the research problem?

What should we expect to find out?

Exceptional healthcare, personally delivered

Overall aims and objectives

Exceptional healthcare, personally delivered

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This slide should answer the following bullet points

List aims of the project

List defined objectives


Exceptional healthcare, personally delivered

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This slide should answer the following bullet points

Describe your research methodology

Please take into consideration your audience and ensure it is appropriate for an non-expert listener

Goals Achieved

Exceptional healthcare, personally delivered

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This slide should answer the following bullet points.

Please describe the goals you have achieved since starting the project

Please indicate % of recruitment target where applicable

Please relate back to your grant application Gantt chart

Preliminary data if available (delete slide if not applicable)

Exceptional healthcare, personally delivered

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This slide should answer the following bullet points.

Insert any tables or graphs

Explain any preliminary data or findings from literature searches etc

[Delete this slide if at this stage no preliminary data has been acquired]

Barriers overcome

Exceptional healthcare, personally delivered

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This slide should answer the following bullet points.

Explain any barriers to progress you have encountered.

How did you overcome these barriers?

Have you learnt anything from overcoming these barriers that could inform future studies?

Goals for the next 6 months

Exceptional healthcare, personally delivered

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This slide should answer the following questions.

What are your goals for the upcoming 6 months?

How do you aim to achieve these goals?

Are there any changes in costing allocation or project design that need to be approved?

Outline plans for NIHR project

Exceptional healthcare, personally delivered

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This slide should answer the following questions.

What planned outputs are there based on your Small Grant Scheme findings eg publications, conferences

What NIHR funding stream are you likely to be applying to?

Approximately when do you plan to apply?

How will the Small Grant Scheme findings provide input into this application?