Innovative Solutions to Global Health and Poverty, with Eric Bing

Post on 13-May-2015

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Listen to the full interview at…alth-and-poverty Eric G. Bing, MD, PhD, MBA, is Senior Fellow and Director of Global Health at the George W. Bush Institute and Professor of Global Health at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. He received his medical degree from Harvard Medical School, his PhD in Epidemiology from UCLA, and his MBA from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University. Dr. Bing combines his training in medicine and business to help solve global health challenges. He has taught health care management, consulted for health ministries, and developed and directed NGOs in Africa, Latin America, and the United States. As the Director of Global Health at the George W. Bush Institute he partners with others to turn innovative ideas into practical health care solutions that can be tested, implemented, and scaled. He's the author of Pharmacy on a Bicycle: Innovative Solutions to Global Health and Poverty.

Transcript of Innovative Solutions to Global Health and Poverty, with Eric Bing

we help you discover smarterways to think, grow, and live.

This presentation consists of 10 highlights from the interview with @MoeAbdou,

founder & host of 33voices®.

Dr. Eric G. BingEric G. Bing, MD, PhD, MBA, is Senior Fellow and Director of Global Health at the George W. Bush Institute and Professor of Global Health at Southern Methodist University in Dal-las, Texas.

He received his medical degree from Harvard Medical School, his PhD in Epidemiology from UCLA, and his MBA from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University. Dr. Bing com-bines his training in medicine and business to help solve global health challenges. He has taught health care management, consulted for health ministries, and developed and directed NGOs in Africa, Latin America, and the United States.



To stimulate new thinking, you have to see with fresh eyes.

Seek inspiration outside your domain.


Healthcare’s most innovative solutions are coming from poverty stricken countries.

observe and replicate.


The world is losing 7 million children per year

from preventable disease.

think simple solutions.


Disease knows no boundaries, the real problems facing the world

are shared problems.

acknowledge it.


Mobile technology is helping to eradicate

global poverty and health challenges.

can you harness the opportunity?


Reverse innovation inspires tailored solutions for local needs,

rather than stripping benefits from existing products to reduce costs and add value.


Task shifting create efficiencies by shifting tasks from upper level providers

to middle and lower providers,while always maintaining the highest quality.


We’re one world, interconnected by people and ideas.

don’t think in isolation.


We’re one world, interconnected by people and ideas.

don’t think in isolation.


Most cardiovascular disease is related to lifestyle,

is highly dependent upon behavior,

and affected by social networks.let your example make a difference.


The ultimate measure of any program

is lives saved.can you contribute to saving just ONE.

Is there one thing that you can do

to save a life?