Innovation prezo

Post on 25-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Innovation prezo

There are 653,324 ideas• We can experiment with networked

reporting, new editorial structures, storytelling tools, data base journalism and more.

Why Experiment?

• Rule of the Internet: Cheaper/Easier to try than to debate about trying.

• Stems from “Agile and Iterative” Fail early, fail often - try again.

Two Radical Concepts

Hope is not a strategy

Second Concept

It’s still journalism even if we don’t

recognize it.

Technology Companies

Media companies

The future of media consumptionWe might not

recognize this spaceEVOLUTION

“A Horseless Carriage”

Local Wiki



•1890 horse breeders thought they were in the horse business.

Mistake• Broadcasters think their in the broadcast


• Newspaper reporters think they are in the newspaper business

• Radio reporters think they are in the radio business

Anyone in this spaceis in the information business

Geography of the Web

The information business is booming!

A changing geography

You are part of this geography

So your organization wants to do something


Get as much space as possible

What kind of innovation do you want to do?

Fixing “their” problems or finding new ones……

Who is making calls. What’s the level of tolerance for failure.

It’s okay to fail.

• Fail early and fail often.

• The faster you fail - the faster you’ll learn.

It’s not a problem until it’s a problem.....

Collaboration• Content is King and is the most important.

• Collaboration is Queen and is the most powerful

Foundation for Collaboration• Trust: Work with folks you can trust

• Never forced: In interest of all parties

• “Buy in” with decision makers

• Key liaison: Somebody from all parties tasked to project

• Commitment of time/resources or money. Doesn’t need to be all three

• The story/project: Must be at the heart of everything.

The $10 version of

What does it look like?

“Simple is better - we are designing for readers not other

mobile experts.”


Every page in your CMS should preview mobile

Here Comes Everybody• Figuring out success on the web is like

predicting the weather. It’s not an exact science - but we are getting better all the time.

• Journalism will only succeed on the shoulders of its failures. (May a thousand flowers bloom).

• The law of numbers says we will figure this out.

• Story time....... How does a four-year-old interact with the world?