Innovation in the Food Industry – "Are you ready to be open?" Pete Moores Head of Sales and...

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Transcript of Innovation in the Food Industry – "Are you ready to be open?" Pete Moores Head of Sales and...

Innovation in the Food Industry – "Are you ready

to be open?"

Pete MooresHead of Sales and


• Introduction to the Faraday - our OI credentials• Innovation in the food industry• What it means to be Open - A check-list for Open

Innovation• Simple, low risk steps to take first

By utilising science and technology we deliver

improvements in quality, efficiency and profitability which can lead to sustained competitive advantage

We are instrumental in generating solutions that our clients have said would not have been

possible without our intervention

We maintain a growing network of relevant science and technology contacts, including resources within the food supply chain, other industry sectors and researchers from across the globe. By remaining impartial we can locate the

most appropriate knowledge and expertise to meet our clients’ needs

Our skilled team of Innovation Consultants are passionate about serving the food supply

chain and dedicated to making things happen for businesses

3D Moulding platform technology

• Make 3d shaped components on demand, at the line

• Facilitating automatic placing

• Mould an ‘impossible’ 4 braid plait

• Have agreement with multi national company for exclusive trials

Hygienic Quick Change Depositor

• The current issues with conventional deposition• 50 year old technology• Not fit for modern day lines• Cleaning, micro / segregation• Changeover• Machine reliability after ‘strip


• The reality• Instantaneous changeovers• No food contact• Allergen friendly

• Manufacturing agreement with Sapcote Engineering Solutions Ltd

Innovation in the food industry

Innovation in the sector

ProcessProduction and

distribution efficiency, speed,

and flexibility

ProductSuccess depends on product quality

MarketMaking what the market


Innovation in the sector

• UK Innovation Survey• 2,707 manufacturing firms• R&D Intensity

• 10th

• Developing a new to the world product

• 8th

• Breadth of search

• 6th

• Depth of search

• 9th






Basic metals

Non-metallic minerals

Paper and printing

Food, drink and tobacco



Fabric. metal products


When the industry collaborates

• Study of 21 highly active R&D firms

• Compared food to polymers and equipment sectors

• Showed % of companies seeking collaboration for different areas of innovation


Existing New




0 31

27 71

What it means to be Open

A check-list for Open Innovation

An Open Innovation checklist

1. Support from top management2. Create an Open Innovation culture3. Make appropriate structural changes

a) Most common seems to be Open Innovation teams

4. Develop knowledge of the company5. Obtain the right blend of skills6. Motivation of operatives

Some first steps

Starting slowly

1. Review business objectives• What are core and critical, what are not

2. Analyse innovation projects to date• Which supported business objectives and which didn’t• Analyse record of open projects, which failed and why

3. Map hot spots of relevant innovation around the periphery of the business

4. Survey to find out barriers to innovation• Staff, suppliers, customers, collaborators

Starting slowly

5. Quantify the gap between your company and competitors innovation achievements• Define the number of enabling technologies that can be sourced more


6. Identify the 10 most important company and industry innovations in the past 5 years• Understand the origins of these ideas

7. Understand the future market drivers of your sectors• Link them to technology development

8. Then look at systems• To capture and circulate key ideas within and outside company• Rules on which technologies will be imported and exported• Measure and reward progress

Thank you!

Tel: 01664 420066Email:



• Soumodip Sarkar and Ana I.A. Costa, Trends in Food Science & Technology, Volume 19, Issue 11, November 2008, Pages 574-580, Food Innovation Management

• KELD LAURSEN and AMMON SALTER (2007) OPEN FOR INNOVATION: THE ROLE OF OPENNESS IN EXPLAINING INNOVATION PERFORMANCE AMONG U.K. MANUFACTURING FIRMS, Department of Industrial Economics and Strategy, Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Denmark & Tanaka Business School, Imperial College London, London, U.K.

• Traill, W.B. and Meulenberg, M.T.G. (2002), “Innovation in the food industry”, Agribusiness, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 1-21.

• Institute for Manufacturing (2009) How to implement Open Innovation – lessons from studying large multinational companies, University of Cambridge

• Blackwell & Fazzina (2008) Open Innovation – Facts, Fiction and Future, Nerac• Rigby & Zook (2002) Open Market Innovation, Harvard Business Review• Frances T.J.M. Fortuin & S.W.F. (Onno) Omta (2009) Innovation drivers and barriers in

food processing, British Food Journal, Vol. 111 No. 8, 2009, pp. 839-851