Innova Packaging Systems

Post on 03-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Innova Packaging Systems


Innova Packaging Systems (IPS) develops packaging material handling products, pallets and containers for use primarily by the animal fodder industry. The company was founded in 1988 and is based in the historic town of Ypres in Belgium. A particular hallmark of the packaging production sector is the high cost of raw materials. “This ate into about 55 percent of our turnover,” says director Jacques Vanmoortel.   “It was therefore essential to see over our inventory in a strategic manner. Only once you have a clear view of the matter are you in a position to make the most efficient decisions

UNICEF SPIS / 2010INNOVA was awarded a contract by UNICEF to conduct a study concerning vulnerable groups of children, the policy framework and strategies supporting services for social protection and inclusion of children in BiHwithin its framework project "Enhancing the Social Protection and Inclusion System for Children in Bosnia and Herzegovina". The project is a three-year ongoing program of support to Bosnia and Herzegovina to meet the conditions for accession to the EU from the viewpoint of social protection and children's rights. Donors for this project are the Government of the United Kingdom - Department for International Cooperation (DFID), the European Commission and the Government of Norway. Primary partners of UNICEF for coordinating the state, entity and cantonal ministries responsible for social protection, health, education, human, and children's rights in this project are the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees, and the Directorate for Economic Planning. The project aims to strengthen multisectoral access to protection and inclusion of children. Through a unique approach to planning, policy development, implementation and control, the project will be adequately defining the functions, roles and strategic objectives in the areas of education, health, social protection and other relevant sectors. Those measures will attempt to solve the problem of children and families in general being excluded from the system of social protection.

Cost-benefit Analysis for improvement of inclusive education in BiH – August – October 2008Save the Children UK hired INNOVA to examine whether the costs of integrated inclusive education models in BiH education system are cost effective. INNOVA will be responsible for producing a projection of potential costs and quality benefits of running specific inclusive education models nationwide compared with the current education excluded from the system of social protection.

Equipment cost:The 1312 has a price rangeof $28000 to $35000, depending upon the number of instrument options selected .Instrument cost in table 6.1. For the purposes of comparsion ,reference laboratory cost were $95 per sample in addition to overnight shipping cost of approx $30 per batch of 12 samples.Sample throughput for the1312 samples per hour.







Equipment Inventory Control Form(for items purchased between 1 April 2002 and 31 March 2005)

NRInt Code : ZA 0501

DFID Project Number: R 8182

Project Title: Strengthening technical innovation systems in potato-based agriculture in Bolivia (INNOVA).

Project Leader: André Devaux

Item Make and Model Serial No.

(or vehicle registration and chassis Nos)*

Date purchased

Purchase price (in £)


(where held)

Please list all equipment (with a purchase value of >£500)

1 PC Pentium IV INTEL

Work place model P4 57230vac-705a July 2002 897.75 Santa Cruz

2 Note book TOSHIBA 2400-S251 82014148PU September 2002

1,544.57 Cochabamba


Note book

TOSHIBA 2400-S201 92056119PU November 2002

1,206.85 Cochabamba

4 Note book TOSHIBA 1110-SP153 Y2715074KU January 2003

1,137.53 Cochabamba

5 PC Pentium IV INTEL

GENIUS CI – 68K1 May 2003 809.00 La Paz

6 Note bock TOSHIBA A10 – SP129 Z301711OH May 2004 1,066.00 La Paz

7 Laptop IBM ThinkPad Apparatus Claims Of U.S. Patent:

4631603; 4577216; 4819098

Type 1834 – S/N 99-X1470

November 2004

994.00 Cochabamba

8 Laptop IBM ThinkPad Apparatus Claims Of U.S. Patent:

4631603; 4577216; 4819098

Type 1834 – S/N 99-X1398

November 2004

994.00 Cochabamba

9 PC Pentium IV  


IMPAK 4349 06-06-2003 629.30  Lima


Raw material stock levels are known at all times. Items can be assigned to stock a location as they enter the inventory. For each item on stock, information like quantities, age, expiry dates, location and supplier is important for production planning and scheduling. When items are used for production they are removed from stock and assigned to different production lines, giving accurate information about raw material usage, cost and origin of raw material per production line.


Finished goods are moved into inventory or produced directly to stock during the packing process. Products can be palletized and located within the stock. Stock levels are known at each point in time with all relevant data available, such as age, expiry dates and time on stock. With online mobile scanners the inventory transactions are performed scan-by-scan, providing up-to-date information.

Job Description

- Candidate must possess in-depth knowledge of Asp.Net, C#.- Experience on web application.- Good Communication skills.- Working Experience in .Net projects

Job Function Recruitment for .NET Fresher, .Net Developers

Education gradautes

Desired profile

- 1 to 2 Yrs of experience in Asp and - Hands-on experience with Photoshop, HTML, ASP, SQL and JavaScript Skills - Flash, XML, Web Server, Cpanel knowledge an advantage. - Fresher, 1 to 3 years of experience in .net coding. like, c#, Currently doing some project on .net platform.

Start Date Not Mentioned

Remuneration Not Entered

Experience 0-3 Years

Reference Not Mentioned

KeywordJAVA, J2EE, DATABASE - RDBMS Concept, MSSQL, ORACLE; Web Technologies- HTML, XML, JSCRIPT; Java Technologies- JAVA, J2EE, JDBC

Location Bangalore


Program highlights include

8% baseline payout with incentives 120-day cookie $700 average order value Complete product datafeed Dynamic ad list with plenty of links Customized banners for high-performing affiliates Extensive website that's frequently updated Social media branding campaigns SEO friendly tools & scripts Detailed reporting Under Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), enter the relevant categories. 

Under Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), enter the relevant categories.

COGS are those expenses directly related to producing or buying your products or services. For example, purchases of inventory or raw materials, as well as the wages (and payroll taxes) of employees directly involved in producing your products/services. Control of COGS is the key to profitability for most businesses, so approach this part of your forecast with great care! Underestimating COGS can lead to under pricing, which can destroy your ability to earn a profit.

Operating Expenses (also called Overheads)

These are necessary expenses which, however, are not directly related to making or buying your products/services. Rent, utilities, telephone, interest, and the salaries (and payroll taxes) of office and management employees are examples.

Change the names of the Expense categories to suit your type of business and your accounting system.  You may need to combine some categories, however, to stay within the 20 line limit of the spreadsheet.

Most operating expenses remain reasonably fixed regardless of changes in sales volume. Some, like sales commissions, may vary with sales. Some, like utilities, may vary with the time of year. Your projections should reflect these fluctuations.

The only rule is that the projections should simulate your financial reality as nearly as possible.

In the "%" columns, the spreadsheet will show Operating Expenses as a % of Total Sales.

Refer back to last years P&L.  Are there seasonal changes that you need to allow for in your spending habits, or increases in production?  Are economic changes likely to increase prices this year or reduce them?  Are there other suppliers you could use?  Could you bring some costs back in house, or alternatively outsource them out?

When entering your projected monthly expenses, make notes of your assumptions by right mouse clicking the cell and selecting ‘Insert Comment’.  This way, when you come back to it, you will know what your original assumptions were.

COST OF GOODS SOLD (also called Cost of Sales or COGS): COGS are those expenses directly related to producing or buying your products or services. For example, purchases of inventory or raw materials, as well as the wages (and payroll taxes) of employees directly involved in producing your products/services, are included in COGS. These expenses usually go up and down along with the volume of production or sales. Study your records to determine COGS for each sales category. Control of COGS is the key to profitability for most businesses, so approach this part of your forecast with great care. For each category of product/service, analyze the elements of COGS: how much for labor, for materials, for packing, for shipping, for sales commissions, etc.? Compare the Cost of Goods Sold and Gross Profit of your various sales categories. Which are most profitable, and which are least - and why? Underestimating COGS can lead to under pricing, which can destroy your ability to earn a profit. Research carefully and be realistic. Enter the COGS for each category of sales for each month. In the "%" columns, the spreadsheet will show the COGS as a % of sales dollars for that category.

The INNOVA 1316 is a cost-effective instrument based on a rugged, reliable, and field-proven product platform. The instrument provides a highly reliable, very accurate, multi-gas solution that can be used in numerous applications, e.g.: Fermentation Monitoring, Refrigerant Leak Detection, Landfill and/or Greenhouse Gas Monitoring, Biogas Monitoring, Stack Gas Monitoring (CEMS), Inert gas blanketing in the Food Industry, monitoring of hospital gases for occupational hygiene, and Industrial Process- and Production-Control. The INNOVA 1316 incorporates our Andros® brand of NDIR (Non-Dispersive Infrared) gas bench which has no moving parts in the optical path. LumaSense has many thousands of these units successfully deployed for years in harsh and demanding environments. The instrument measures up to five gases, including Oxygen, and is configured from an assortment of available

gasdetection modules and sensors.BMISSIOPPORTING DOCU

MENTS TO BEINCLUDED WIITH THE GRANT APPLIICATION. Number of employeesThis part should be filled in by all participants. The figures shall comprise the legalorganisation as a whole - not only for the department carrying out the work. Pleaseindicate the number of full -time equivalent employees. (The contribution of part -time staffshould be accounted as the equivalent number of full -time staff).Please provide the following information:(a) identification of perceived needs and constraints in the target groups;(b) list of target groups with an estimate of the anticipated number of direct andindirect beneficiaries;(c) reasons for the selection of the target groups and activities;(d) relevance of the project to the target groups;(e) relevance of the project to the objectives of the programme;(f) relevance of the project to the priorities of the programme.operation, or the fees charged to participants attending a conference);8– the grant sought from the Commission, with a breakdown where several applications havebeen made to the Commission;– the estimated bank i nterest (if any) generated by the grant requested over the period ofimplementation of the operation.

COSTS – FORM B1In order to be eligible under this call for proposals, costs must:- be necessary for the implementation of the action/project, be includ ed in the estimatedbudget attached to the agreement, necessary and reasonable for the completion of theaction/project, and consistent with the principles of sound financial management, inparticular in terms of value for money and cost -effectiveness;- be incurred during the lifetime of the action/project as defined in the agreement;- actually be incurred by the beneficiary, be recorded in the beneficiary’s accounts inaccordance with the applicable accounting principles, and be declared in accordancewith the requirements of the applicable tax and social legislation;- be identifiable and verifiable and be backed up by original supporting documents.The beneficiary's internal accounting and auditing procedures must permit direct

reconciliation of the costs and revenue declared in respect of the action/project with thecorresponding accounting statements and supporting documents.Eligible direct costs:The eligible direct costs for the action/project are those costs which, with due regard to theconditions of eligibility set out above, are identifiable as specific costs directly linked to theperformance of the action and which can therefore be booked to it directly. In particular, thefollowing direct costs are eligible, provided that they satisfy t he criteria previously set out:1. the cost of staff assigned to the action/project , comprising actual salaries plus socialsecurity charges and other statutory costs included in their remuneration, provided thatthis cost does not exceed the average rates corresponding to the usual remunerationpolicy of the beneficiary or, where applicable, its partners.This cost must be actual cost incurred by the beneficiary and its partners, and staff costof other organisations is eligible only if it is paid directly or reimbursed by thebeneficiary. The amount per day will be calculated by dividing the yearly salary by 220working days. Thus, staff working full -time will be considered for accounting purposesto be working 220 days per year, half -time staff 110 days p er year.The salary costs of personnel of national administrations are eligible to the extent thatthey relate to the cost of activities which the relevant public authority would not carryout if the project concerned were not undertaken.Applicants will have to add to their proposal a declaration that the permanent staff havebeen carrying out activities additional to its routine activities and the relevant timesheets undersigned by the staff and the immediate superior.The costs of the civil servant s of any public organisation should not exceed the amountof co-financing provided by that organisation. Purchase cost of equipment (new or second -hand), provided that only equipmen tpurchased for the purposes of carrying out the action can be charged as direct costs.These costs are eligible provided they are written off in accordance with the tax andaccounting rules applicable to the applicant organisation and generally accepted foritems of the same kind.Moreover, only the portion of the equipment's depreciation corresponding to theduration of the project and the rate of actual use for the purposes of the project can betaken into account by the Commission, except where a dif ferent arrangement is justifiedby the nature and/or context of the equipment's use.Items purchased prior to the action, even if they are used for the purposes of the action,cannot be considered eligible direct costs of the action (the use of existing equipmentand the beneficiary's installations is partly covered via the indirect cost).As regards depreciation policy, in choosing their depreciation rates, applicants mustcomply with experience and practice in their sector of activity, the general tax rules andthe degree and conditions of use of the items concerned. And when the period ofdepreciation has been chosen, it must be the same for any given category of goods usedin similar conditions.. costs of consumables and supplies , provided that they a re identifiable and assigned tothe action/project;Only the costs of those items which are directly linked to the performance of theoperation, identifiable and assigned to the action shall be considered under this heading.Please note that the fact that the costs are specific to the action is key factor justifying

direct cover of these costs (for ex. the costs of purchasing promotional material for theoperation which the beneficiary has to promote).costs entailed by other contracts awarded by the bene ficiary or its partners for thepurposes of carrying out the action/project, provided that the conditions laid down inArticle II.9 of the agreement are met;costs arising directly from requirements linked to the performance of theaction/project (dissemination of information, specific evaluation of the action/project,audits, translations, reproduction, etc.), including, where applicable, the costs of anyfinancial services (especially the cost of financial guarantees).subcontracting costs: this heading can cover the costs of subcontracting or provision ofservices as part of the action. In other words, these are all other contracts that thebeneficiary would have to conclude for the purposes of carrying out the action.Where implementation of the assi sted actions requires the award of procurementcontracts, beneficiaries of grants shall award the contract to the tender offering bestvalue for money, that is to say, to the tender offering the best price -quality ratio, whiletaking care to avoid any conf lict of interests.Where implementation of the assisted actions requires the award of a procurementcontract with a value of more than EUR 60,000, the Commission may requirebeneficiaries to abide by special rules in addition to those referred to in the pr eviousparagraph.It is therefore necessary to justify the awarding of contracts, which means that flat -rateamounts are not permitted in this part of the budget.Subcontracting is ruled by article II.9 of the grant agreement.The Commission must be inf ormed about subcontracting: information is to be suppliedby the beneficiary either in the grant application if known in advance or by ad hocmeans while the action is under way, in which case the Commission must then give itsauthorisation.Subcontracting does not limit the responsibilities of beneficiariesEligible indirect costs (administrative costs) a flat-rate amount, not exceeding 7% ofthe eligible direct costs of the action, is eligible under indirect costs, representing thebenficiary’s general administrative costs which can be regarded as chargeable to theaction/project.Indirect costs (or “overheads”) are defined as costs which are not identifiable as specificcosts directly linked to performance of the action which can be booked to it direc t, butwhich can be identified and justified by the beneficiary using his accounting system ashaving been incurred in connection with the eligible direct costs for the action. Theymay not include any eligible direct costs.Overheads comprise costs conne cted with infrastructures and the general operation ofthe organisation such as hiring or depreciation of buildings and plant,water/gas/electricity, maintenance, insurance, supplies and petty office equipment,communication and connection costs, postage, etc. and costs connected with horizontalservices such as administrative and financial management, human resources, training,legal advice, documentation, etc.Indirect costs may not include costs entered under another budget heading.The flat-rate amount is not authorised where the beneficiary already receives anoperating grant from the European Commission.

Ineligible costsThe following costs shall not be considered eligible:- return on capital;- debt and debt service charges;- provisions for losses o r potential future liabilities;- interest owed;- doubtful debts;- exchange losses;- VAT, unless the beneficiary can show that he is unable to recover it;- costs declared by the beneficiary and covered by another action or work programmereceiving a Community gr ant,- excessive or reckless expenditure.- participation of any staff of European Institutions (attendance or speeches atconferences, seminars, etc)- cost of replacing persons involved in the project,- expenses for travel to or from countries other than those participating in theproject/programme, unless explicit prior authorisation is granted by the Commission- contributions in kindThe Commission may accept co -financing in kind, if considered necessary or appropriate.In such cases the value of such contribu tions cannot cover all the necessary co -financing.These are contributions provided to the applicant by a third party free of charge, such asvoluntary work or the use of equipment. Contributions of real estate (such as the use of abuilding or of premises) are excluded. These contributions may be included in thefinancing plan for the action (for the same amount in part B1 and part B2) provided thecosts are actually borne and entered in the accounts of the third parties who bear the costsor that they are generally accepted on the market in question for equivalent types ofservice.grants received from th e EC budget has been disclosed in forms A3 -A4 •Any rules relating to the period for carrying out the action mentioned inthe call for proposals or equivalent have been complied with. •The budget for the action / work programme has been drawn up in eurosand is exclusive of VAT (failing which, reasons must be given fornon-recovery of VAT), has costs and revenue in balance and contains adetailed statement of all estimated eligible costs .•If applicable , the co-financing statement form (C in the submi ssion set)has been duly filled in and signed by each co-financing third party. •The grant requested complies with the ceilings laid down in the call forproposals (point 4) or equivalent in relation to the total estimated cost ofthe action / work progr amme and/or the eligible costs proposed.•The application has been made within the deadline for submittingproposals as laid down in the call for proposals (point 8) and has beendated and signed by the authorised representative .•References/qualificat ions in the relevant field have been specified and/or

produced. •The following documents have been attached to the proposal:o Description and detailed timetable of the operation ; •o Annual accounts (i.e. profit and loss accounts; balance sheet) forthe last financial year; •o If applicable, Auditor’s report on the accounts of the previousyear, issued by an approved auditing firm; •o Curriculum vitae of persons to be performing work in connectionwith the operation; •16o Legal entity form duly filled in an d signed •o Official registration certificate ; •o Articles of association/Statutes ; •o Financial identification form duly filled in and signed •o List of directors/executive board members (names andforenames, titles or positions in the applicant organisat ion); •o If applicable, Annual report for the previous year; •o If applicable, Financial guarantee ; •o Particulars of:current or earlier participation in operations financed by theEuropean Commission,contracts concluded with departments of the EuropeanCommissionother (e.g. operations on behalf of other internationalorganisations or Member States of the European Union)•o If applicable, declaration of honour concerning the accountingsystem (to book to the action real indirect costs) •

Innova-Mass®Initial costFlow meter $1,200 $2,500 $2,500Flow computer 300 Included IncludedPressure transmitter 200 Included IncludedTemperature 300 300 IncludedTotal initial cost $2,000 $2,800 $2,500Installation costFlow meter $1,500 $1,500 $1,000Flow computer 750 Included IncludedPressure transmitter 750 Included IncludedTemperature 750 750 IncludedTotal installation $3,750 $2,250 $1, 10Core Technology White Paper Series: Multivariable Mass VortexAnnual maintenance costsFlow meter $200 $200 $200Flow computer 200 Included IncludedPressure transmitter 200 Included IncludedTemperature 200 100 IncludedTotal annual $800 $300 $200Total cost of $6,550 $5,350 $3,700Overall accuracy +/- 4–5% +/- 3–4% +/- 1–1.5%Notes: 1Based on average 2008 list prices in U.S. dollars. 2Includes cost for orifice plate and flanges.Table 1: Cost of OwnershipThe Price of AccuracyWhen specifying any mass flow meter for an application, the process control engineer must carefullyweigh cost versus accuracy. In this deliberation, the proper cost to consider is the total cost of ownershipover the flow meter’s lifetime. Therefore, the correct cost includes initial cost, installation cost, andmaintenance costs. It also must include operating costs, such as the additional cost of electricity thatpumps will require overcoming the flow meter’s permanent pressure loss.The proper accuracy to select is the accuracy band that is appropriate for the application. Accuracy that istoo low will result in unnecessary process costs. Accuracy that is too high means an unnecessarilyexpensive flow meter. The engineer must find the most cost-effective solution.Table 2 compares the three major candidates for industrial mass flow meter applications. The tableshows that a multivariable pressure transmitter mass flow system has the worst accuracy band (+/- 3–5%) and a moderate total cost of ownership. The Coriolis mass flow meter is the most accurate (+/- 0.2–0.5%) but has the highest total cost of ownership. This is due to its high initial cost and its associated high

pressure drop. Coriolis meters trade pressure drop for accuracy. The Innova-Mass® has a good midrangeaccuracy band (+/- 1–1.5%) and a relatively low total cost of ownership. Since most industrial processcontrol applications require an accuracy band of approximately +/- 1–2% of rate, the new flow meter is themost cost-effective solution in approximately 80% of all mass flow meter applications.Loop powered: The Innova-Mass® can be loop powered, with power in, programmable 4-20ma outand a superimposed HART signal riding on the same two wires.