Injury mech.r f12

Post on 02-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Injury mech.r f12

  • 1. Mechanisms & Characteristics of Injury Chapter 9

2. Mechanical Injury Trauma Load Stress Elasticity Yield point Sign Vs. Symptom 3. Tissue Loading Compression Tension Shearing Bending Torsion 4. Traumatic Vs. Overuse Trauma Overuse Running Throwing Jumping See Table 9-1 for further examples of each 5. Muscle Strains Strain- a stretch, tear, or rip in the muscle or itstendon Grade 1 Some fibers are stretched, tenderness, pain onAROM, movement is painful but has full ROM Grade 2 More fibers torn, active contraction causes pain,deformity, swelling, discoloration, decreased ROM Grade 3 Complete rupture, loss of function, pain (maydecrease over time) 6. Muscle Cramps and Spasms Cramps Involuntary muscle contractions Calf, abdomen, hamstrings Heat cramps Spasms Involuntary reflex caused by trauma 7. Muscle Guarding Muscle contraction in response to pain Involuntary Splinting mechanism of the body 8. Tendonitis Inflammation of a tendon Causes? Characteristics Pain on movement Swelling Warmth Crepitus Treatment? 9. Tenosynovitis Inflammation of a tendon and its synovial sheath Causes? Characteristics? Treatment? 10. Contusions Compression of soft tissue that results in bleedinginto surrounding tissue Causes? Characteristics Ecchymosis Pain Decreased ROM (severity) Complications? Treatment? 11. Atrophy and Contractures Atrophy Wasting away of muscle tissue Immobilization Inactivity Loss of innervation Contracture Abnormal shortening of muscle tissue Scar tissue 12. Sprains Damage to a ligament Grade 1 Some stretching and separation, minimal instability,mild to moderate pain, localized swelling, joint stiffness Grade 2 Some tearing, moderate instability, moderate tosevere pain, swelling, joint stiffness Grade 3 Total separation, instability, little or no pain,swelling, subluxation 13. What Injury? 14. What Injury? 15. Dislocations and Subluxations Dislocation A bone is forced out of alignment and stays out untilreduced Shoulder, elbow, fingers Subluxation A bone is forced out of alignment but goes back intoplace Shoulder and patella Rupture of ligaments, avulsion fracture REFER OUT if its their first OR you suspect a fracture 16. Bursitis Inflammation of bursa The oil can that lubricates the door hinge Causes? Characteristics Pain, decreased ROM Treatment? 17. Fractures Closed (little or no movement or displacement ofbone) Open (enough displacement of the bone ends that the bone breaks through surrounding tissues including skin) Causes? Characteristics Pain, loss of function, deformity, swelling, pointtenderness, crepitus Treatment? 18. Types of Fractures 19. Types of Fractures (cont)AvulsionCompression 20. OsteochondralStress Fracture 21. Growth Plate- Salter Harris Fractures 22. Open Wounds