Infortna - · PDF fileWhom do you admire most? ( \ Why do you admire him/her? ... 圖Wo띠d...

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Transcript of Infortna - · PDF fileWhom do you admire most? ( \ Why do you admire him/her? ... 圖Wo띠d...

• How many artists can you think of? • How many musicians or composers can you think of?

• How many pop s!~ &an X,.O,!! think of?

Student A: Think of a famous artist, musician, composer, or pop star.

Other people: Ask questions about the person.

Student A: Answer “ Yes" or “ No." Count the questions on the chart below.

Other people: Here are some sample questions:

Is this person a man?

Is this person a woman?

Is he/she American?

Is he/she a movie star?

Is he/she a pop star?

Is he/she a musician?

뀔훌휩 Pairs

Is he/she Korean?

Is he/she from ... ?

Is he/she alive?

Is he/she an artist?

Is he/she on TV?

Did he/she ... ?



Interview your partner. Ask these questions and write the answers on the lines.

r‘ Student A: Can 1 ask you some questions?



Who is your favorite artist?

Who is your favorite musician or composer?

Who is your favorite pop star?

Who is your favorite scientist?

Whom do you admire most?

( \ Why do you admire him/her?

c What is he/she famous for?

00 you want to be like him/her?

Why? Why not?

멀훌휠 Pairs

Change roles and perform the interview again.

Student B: of course. Go ahead.


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~ Read th is passage together. o While you read, answer the questions on the next page. Track 49

Art has existed for a1most as 10ng as humans and is one of the things that

distinguishes us from other species. Listening to music is one of the most common

types of entertainment and is great for reducing stress. Because of this, art therapy,

music therapy, and dance therapy are becoming popu1ar as ways of dealing with

various sicknesses.

When we dance, paint a picture, or p1ay a musica1 instrument, we are being creative.

This creative process is very important for persona1 deve10pment. It he1ps us to solve

prob1ems, deve10p socia1 skills, manage our emotions, reduce stress, increase

confidence, and gain more understanding about 1ife.

Art therapy improves the physica1, menta1 and emotiona1 health of peop1e of all

ages. Dance therapy 1ets peop1e re1ease their feelings through movement, whi1e

music therapy he1ps them to manage stress through making music with others. Art

therapy he1ps them to exp10re prob1ems through pictures.

In addition to its healing properties, art is very good for deve10ping higher-order

thinking skills. However, it is often neg1ected in schoo1s, perhaps because many

peop1e think that art and math are comp1ete1y different. But when we 100k at the

work of artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Miche1ange10, and M. C. Escher, a10ng

with the recent science of fracta1s , we find that

art and math are close1y linked. In fact,

a recent study in Texas showed that

midd1e schoo1 and high schoo1 students

who p1ayed musica1 instruments scored

significantly higher than other students

in standardized tests.


1. How are humans different from other species?

2. What is a popular form of entertainment?

3. How does creativity help us?

4. How do art, dance and music therapy help people?

a. exíst b. distinguish d. creative e. social skills g. healing properties h. higher-order thinking | neglect j.significantly

c. therapy f. release

5. What is another property of art, apart from healing? 1. abilities to heal illnesses and solve problems

6. Why is art often ignored in schools?

7. How did music help students in Texas? 2. artistic; inventive; original

3. to be; to be present

4. extremely; greatly; notably

IIπ체톨R톨π빼춰1를 5. to ignore; to dismiss; to pass over

6. to let go; to free

C What is art? 7. medical treatment of a disease or illness

C Is art important in schools? 8. methods for relating to other people

亡 Would you like to paint, dance, or play a musical instrument? 9. problem-solving. critical thinking. deduction. etc.

10. to show a difference

Back연round Infortnatl..on

Did you knOWf_ __----\whEJwFESa나lusic, we start 뜨bt련쁘역eeply. - Music can reduce p~in during a visit to the dentist.

round music can reduce stress.


res, hel

-Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was an Italian artist.

s in his organ works.

- íhe parents of Claude Monet (1849-1 926) thought he would not make a good living if he became an

artist. He became a famous i inter.

- Over 1 million Canadian adults take dance classes.

- íhe best engineers and technical designers in the S ilicon Va lley industrν (computer software) are

also muslclans.



Discussion (groups)

\) Talk about the questions below.

~ Use the Conversation Strategies at the bottom of the page.

벼 What is art? How is art different from science?

圖 Wo띠d you like to be an artist, m빼u따s짜ic디떠ia뻐n , o아r da뻐n때1

~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

별 Why do artists and musicians remain famous after their deaths?

패 Should art, music and dance be taught more in schools?

~ Should they be more important than science and math?

’ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

~ Have you ever been to an art festival?

’ Why are there lots of art festivals

in Korea these days?

폐 Have you ever been to a concert, a dance performance, or an art exhibition?

’ What did you think of it/them?

C깅 What is the difference between traditional a때nd pop art?

’ Is pop music really art?

~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.

댐 What do you think of modern art (video art, etc.)?

2J 00 you believe that art, dance and music can heal people?

~ Why? Why not? Support your opinion.


Expressing strong opinions: • I really feel that ... • I’m convinced that ... • I’m positive that ... • I’m absolutely sure that ... • I’m certain that ... • Without a doubt,

science and art are completely different.

Mild agreement/ disagreement: ~톨

• You cou ld be right.

• You might have a point.

• I’m not sure . • Do you really think so? • I don’t know about that.

• I’m not sure I agree.

Dialogue (three people)

~ Listen to the dialogue with your partners.

\l Perform the dialogue together.

~ Change roles. Perform the dialogue again.

(Grandma Brown is sitting on the sofa. Ji-hye is watching her.)

Ji-hye WOW, Grandma Brown, that’5 fantastic!

Grandma Brown Thank you , Ji-hye

Ji-hye You never told me you were an artist.

Track 50

Grandma Brown There are lots of things you don ’t know about me, Ji-hye.

Ji-hye That ’s a beautiful painting. What will you do with it?

Grandma Brown Maybe 1’11 put it in my room , along with a11 the others.

Ji-hye ’d love to take a look some time, if that’sOK.

Grandma Brown Of course. Ah , here ’s Kevin.

Kevin l-l i, Ji-hye. l-le11o, grandma. What ’s new?

Ji-hye Look at this, Kevin. Grandma Brown ’s just painted it!

Kevin l-lmm. lt’s OK, 1 suppose.

Grandma Brown Don ’t worry, Ji-hye. lt’s not his cup of tea.

Ji-hye Why not, Kevin?

Kevin Sorry, but 1 prefer science and math. 1’m not the ‘arty’ type.

Grandma Brown Who ’s your favorite scientist, Kevin?

Ji-hye lt’s Albert Einstein , isn ’t it?

Grandma Brown We11 , Kevin. Einstein loved art and music. l-le said “1 often think in music. 1 see my life in terms of music."

Kevin OK, grandma. You ’ve made your point.


1. What is Grandma Brown doing at the beginning ofthe dia

Key Words & Expressïons

“ It’5 not his cup of tea." “ He doesn’t like this sort of thing “ It’5 not his style ." .‘You’ve made your point." "You have a good point. " “ You are righ t."

•• , .. ..,. ..• ..;.'"‘- ι ’ - ι ‘ " ‘“、 “ -’,',‘ • "-~' ‘ __ .'.fJ ’‘r .. . _.- __ •• • [

2. Why doesn ’t Kevin think the painting is fantastic?

3. Is ji-hye an ‘arty’ type?

4. Who is Kevin ’s favorite scientist?

5. Why did Grandma Brown say that Einstein loved music?


Opinion Samples

Q Which opinion do you agree with? Why?

I!J!lIil:[il괴1 1 Track 51

I don’t have much time for things like concerts , operas, art

gaLLeries and museums. They’re OK for old people, but they’re a

waste of time for me. I need to study for my exams so I can go

to a good university and get a good job. Artists talk about the

meaning of life, but for me that means earning a good wage and

taking care of my future family. Maybe I'll learn how to play the

piano ωhen I’m rich, but before that, there’s no time to spare.

I!1파파파.,~ Track 52

In my opinion, the world is becoming money-crazy. Everything we

see on TV and in magazines teLLs us that money equals happiness.

I don’t agree. I think we have deep inner feelings which can only

be expressed through art and music. We’re losing the joy of

dancing, painting, singing and playing. This joy can’t be bought

with money. Even if you become rich , life wiLL have no meaning if

you can’t appreciate the beauty of art.

T 'Lef감 DeDate!/! )}

빨 Choose one of the debate statements below. Write it on뼈1 1. Science is more important than art.

2. Art and,music help us to understand life.

3. Money brings success. Art is just entertainment.

4. Art and music are unnecessary in schools.

월않k- D뼈e빼ba하뼈t앤et야뼈h뼈1띤es앙없t때a하te민rr때1 • One team or person should agree with the statement.

• One team or person should disagree with the statement.


“ 1 don’t have much time for

“ It’5 not my cup of tea." “ |’m not interested in

money-crazy mad for money; money is all people think about

휠 Furtt뼈eading There are more reading passages and interesting activities about Art and Music at