Information on Rudraksh

Post on 08-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Information on Rudraksh

1) What is Rudraksha ? Rudraksha is one of the rarest holy beads representing Lord Shiva.

2) Why Rudraksha important? Human life is full of burdens. Starting from birth and till death, man is attached to some form of religious practice to find some form of release from their burden. So Rudraksha is one of the holiest bead that links the man directly to god (Lord Shiva). Specifically it is to change man Spiritually and Physically. Rudraksha also plays an important role and has major influence on human physiology and central nervous system.

3) Where Rudraksha available? Majority of Rudrakshas is available in and around Nepal. Rudraksha trees require special climatic condition for high quality and good production of beads. It is available only in Nepal. Unusual things may occur in every subject so that some of the trees can also be grown in other parts of world but in very few numbers.

4) What Rudraksha have special? Rudrakshas have natural hole in it. The face or mukhi on the outer surface represent the seeds inside the beads. Each beads have the capacity to give as many trees according to face or mukhi on its outer surface.

5) Who can wear Rudraksha? Rudraksha can be worn by any people of any religion. Those who wear rudraksha and have 100% faith in it, will have maximum benefit in all respects.

6) Where should I buy the rudraksha? For Genuine and Authentic Rudraksha, one should get Only from Trusted Source who has been in the market for many years and they should be from the country of origin that is Nepal.

7) Is it true that rudraksha are also aviable in fake? Yes, you can get fake Rudraksha, if you are not aware of this. So to distinguish fake Rudraksha, if you follow the following guidelines, you will not be duped.You should not bargain on price with the distributors. You should buy Rudraksha directly from the place of origin of Rudraksha (Nepal). You can have a rough idea of distinguishing fake rudraksha by looking and comparing with photographs of genuine beads on our site. If still in doubt, you should put the beads in 100% concentrated nitric oxide. The fake rudraksha which have the glued part will either fall apart in particular faces or joints will be damaged.

8) Does Rudraksha causes harmful effect on using or wearing it ? Rudraksha itself represent Lord Shiva and it has many herbal remedies within it because it is mostly grown in Himalayan region. There are some interesting verses about rudraksha:” a man who wears Rudraksha without mantra attains formidable hell till the time span of 14 Indras “ according to Vedas but “a properly worn rudraksha rosary renders all siddies and the benefit without proper ritual causes harm”. In reality the Puranas specifically state that Rudraksha do not harm under any circumstance and Contemporary Scientific Studies have found that Rudraksha

do not harm. From the recent studies by various scientist, Traditional usage of Rudraksha powders in Ayurvedic pastes for external use and powders for internal use shows they are not a poisononous. The active chemical agents in Rudraksha named as Eleaocarpines have been approved by the Medical Establishment and are used in Pediatric Formulas at the present time for infants in various diseases. It has found that The Holy Rudraksha will never harm and never give negative influences because this is not their nature and this is not what Lord Shiva intended for them to do, when he shed his Tears for the benefit of Mankind.

9) How do we recognize or identify head and tail part of a Rudraksha beads? To do this physically take any Mukhi bead and place the flattest end on a smooth table surface so it stands squarely by itself without any tilting from one side or the other. The end sitting on the table surface will be the tail part of Rudraksha. Normally the mouth part of the Rudraksha can be a bit pointed or elongated so it will not stand squarely on its mouth and it will lean to one side or the other. You can refer to our website and look at the any Rudraksha Picture that has the mouth part showing to the viewer. Now look at the tail part of bead to identify the differences between the mouth and tail.

10) How much time it will take to see the effect of rudraksha after wearing? After the first 40 days of wearing, the user can feel the vibration of energy surrounding them which exerts its beneficial effect slowly afterwards.

11) What are other materials (holy items) that can be used for combination with rudraksha? Rudraksha should be worn by itself. If people want to add more benefit of other holy items, then the combination that is used along with Rudraksha are Sphatik (Crystal), Coral, Sandalwood Beads, Tulsi Beads, Pearls (MOTI). These are the ONLY holy items that puranas said that can be used along with Rudraksha. According to Puranas, Sphatik with Rudraksha is a very special combination. It is said to be the dwelling place of the Devi and all the Shining Ones.

12) Does it true that rudraksha shouldn’t wear before chanting the mantra and what are the mantra that are used to chant? Yes it is true that before Rudraksha is worn; everyone should chant mantra giving respect to it then it will give maximum benefit to the wearer. “A man who wears Rudraksha without mantra attains formidable hell till the time span of 14 Indras” according to vedas , but a properly worn Rudraksha after chanting mantra renders all siddhis and the benefits. Regarding the mantra, there is a Deity associated with each mukhi and there are many mantras that can be used with the Rudraksha. But “Om Namah Shivaya” can be used with all facets or mukhis of Rudraksha as this is the Maha Mantra of Lord Shiva and the Rudraksha come to us through Lord Shiva’s Grace. This is a very powerful mantra to gain Spiritual Awakening and Liberation. It will assist the Rudrakshas in helping you move swiftly and powerfully on your spiritual journey.

13) What are Rudraksha Beads? Where are they available? Rudraksha beads, botanically known as Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb are the seeds of the Rudraksha fruit from Rudraksha trees, Rudraksha trees are found mainly in South Eastern Asian Islands of Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Bali, Iriyan Jaya, Timor of what is Known as modern day Indonesia and parts of South Asian Kingdom of Nepal, Around 70% of the Rudraksha trees are

found in Indonesia, 25%from Nepal and 5% in India There are called on the surface of the beads and they are called Mukhis.

14) What is special about Rudraksha beads? Are Rudraksha Beads used only for Meditation? Is it meant only for people of certain background? Asians have used Rudraksha beads traditionally. Asian Yogis and Monks found that merely wearing the Rudraksha beads gave them astonishingly tremendous amount of tranquility, concentration that helped them meditate for a long period of time with spectacular control over their mind.By wearing these beads one gets tranquility, peace of mind, focus and concentration This kind of state of mind is equally ideal for meditation as well as for any other mind related activity by modern day professionals Concentration and focus are the most important requirement for success in any field, Apart from 5 Faceted Rudraksha Beads there are available from 1 Facet to 38 Facet Beads, From 15 Facet to 21 Facet it is available though not commonly. From 22 to 38 Facets it is rare Other Beads apart from 5 Facets are more powerful and have certain specific use. These different faceted beads selectively alter personality and mindset in a positive way. Rudraksha is meant for entire humanity. Rudraksha can rejuvenate our Mind, Body and Soul, make us perform to our full potential and enhance our overall quality of life the anti aging property of Rudraksha is well experienced. Rudraksha, the Electro Magnetic Beads, are the Beads with a utility.

On seeing such powers of Rudraksha beads many considered it to have some Supernatural Powers. Divine and Godsend there have been countless mention of these beads and it's Powers In various ancient Indian and Buddhist scriptures.

15) Can one wear the combination of Different Mukhis? How do we decide which combination of beads to wear?Yes one can wear the combination of all the beads. The individual Powers of the beads can be felt simultaneously one can also wear a pendant of any specific facet of beads. Either more number of a particular facet of beads or a mix of different facet of beads can be worn.You can choose beads according to the properties of the different beads. You may choose to wear one bead of different facets or multiple beads as wearing multiple beads enhances the Power of that mukhi .You could add to this, the rudraksha of specific planets for pacifying those planets in your horoscope that are giving negative influences. Rudraksha Therapy is more effective than gem therapy as rudraksha also pacify the negative influence of planets and also give peace and comfort to the wearer.

16) Can all wear Rudraksha? How long it takes to feel some effect? Yes Everyone irrespective of Sex, Age, Cultural, Ethnic, Geographical and Religious background can wear it.Some changes are observed immediately other changes take time our ancient books talk of a 40-day period for results to manifest. Wearing Rudraksha brings auspiciousness in your life and it will work continuously for you giving benefits.

17) How to test the genuine of the beads? How do we choose a good Rudraksha? Tests like floating and sinking of beads to test originality are not correct tests as even an unripe

or dry but genuine rudraksha may float. And a non-genuine bead may sink. Copper coin tests etc do not give conclusive results, as nowadays fake rudraksha are made by tampering original rudraksha beads So the client needs to be aware about the ways In which a rudraksha is faked and use simple procedures like observing the mukh lines by magnifying glass, soaking in warm water to observe tampered mukh lines if any etc Best way is to procure from reliable source.Many get confused with the shape and size. One should not seriously worry about it. Just see that the Mukhi is well defined and that there are no cracks near the central hole and bead is healthy and not eaten By insects etc.

18) Can women wear? Is it that only Hindus can wear? What is the life of Rudraksha beads? Yes, ladies can, barring those 4-5 days when nature is at work.No. All can wear Sun, Moon, Stars, Rivers and Plants have No Religion.Life of rudraksha could be any number of years. If well protected, can be passed on from generation to generation.

19) In what other way can Rudraksha control blood pressure? Does Rudraksha help Sudden Nervousness? Take a glass of water. Dip two pieces of five Mukhis in it, preferably after sunset. Drink it when you get up in the morning, before any other Intake. Do not use copper glasses.Yes. Keep a big size 5 Mukhi Rudraksha with you. Whenever you feel nervous due to sudden shock and feel cold, just hold it tightly in your right palm for 10 minutes. You will regain your confidence and body will start warming up.

20) Can the family members keep Interchanging Neck Malas, Japa Malas or Rudraksha beads? Should we wear Rudraksha on body when we have to go to cremation ground? No, There is a relationship between the wearer and Rudraksha. Which is very private and must not be shared but it can be willed and passed on to the next generation.No, one should not wear it while visiting cremation ground.

21) Care and Precautions? Mala should be taken off while taking bath as regular Soap could dehydrate the beads and clog the pores of the beads. Also Talcum powder clogs the pores of the beads. Authentic Puranas do recommend taking bath with Rudraksha on body, so if you decide to do so, protect them from soap and powder. Rudraksha may be worn on a regular basis. There is no taboo written in our authentic Puranas to be followed while wearing them. Some books state that the mala could be taken off during menstrual cycle. Sex, and bowel movements and in funeral times It is recommended to take off mala at night before sleep and worn again in the morning after bath. If the beads need cleaning after regular wear, dip them in warm soapy water overnight. Then Scrub them thoroughly using a plastic brush after this wash them with normal water and let them dry. Then apply oil (Olive oil/Sandal wood Oil) on the beads using a small toothbrush. Then purify by offering Incense and sandal paste and chant the Seed mantras for the rudraksha beads Rudraksha are strong beads and have a life of thousands of years if well taken care of.


Rudraksha is often believed to symbolize the link between earth and heaven, and though Hindu scriptures like the updated Jabal Rudrakasha Upanishad have made the berries their own, modern scholars and gurus have described them as being of no particular religion or rather non religious and have pointed out that they can be used as a mala, rosary or tasbih (sibah).

Though mired in obscurity so far, the Rudraksha is slowly but surely making its way into the lives of the health conscious human beings. Whether it proves to be a panacea remains to be seen.Says a researcher from Pune,India-: "I have found that Rudraksha helps relieving from blood pressure and lessening stress. Soak it in a glass of water overnight and drink it the next day to relieve stomach disorders. Dip it in any vegetable oil for 21 days, and apply it on your aching joints and feel the relief you get. Of course, most people who have tried this have done so along with their regular medicine," he adds. But one must approach the Rudraksha with a mixture of open mindedness and faith, rationalism as well as emotion, to get positive feedback that is why many who put it under their pillow have sworn that it cured them of their insomnia. Ancient medical texts claim that the Rudraksha can prevent aging and can prolong life. The beads are supposed to be anti - pyretic, anti paralysis and can help balance the vital chakras of the human body that control bile, wind and phlegm. It also has the power to heal those suffering from hypertension and heart ailments. Besides, as it is completely without any side effects it cannot do you any harm. That explains why the old medical literature allows its use for menstruating women while banning other beads and malas.

Among the 38 varieties mentioned out of which 21 are most conspicuous the rarest is the one faceted or one - mouthed (the one with a single cleft) Rudrasksha. Usually encased in gold and carefully preserved as a family relic by many, it indicates continued well – being and prosperity for the possessor.While the two - mouthed ones are supposed to have magical, mystic & Hypnotic powers - The powers of being able to influence others, the three mouth ones are said to bring good luck. Wear the four - mouthed one and be an object of desire for the opposite sex. But one more cleft and you will achieve salvation! The six faceted brings success in business and an absolution of most sins; the seven faceted makes one immune to attack by any weapon. Wear the eight faceted and try your luck of the draw for it is supposed to bring good fortune in ventures of chance - improving powers of speculation. Want to be the wittiest person around? Wear the 8 faceted – it will subdue your enemies in any war of words - enhanced and powerful communication skills. Wear it if you are a lawyer for it will win you court battles. Spare yourself (and your husband if you happen to be a married woman) from the evils of the world by wearing the ten - faceted. It will safeguard your security and that of your partners the list is endless. Rudrakshas are available in different colors white, red yellow and black. Wearing it is considered to be auspicious during lunar and solar eclipses, or on full or new moon days.

A person attains unlimited pleasure only by seeing Rudraksha. The persons wishing devotion and salvation should wear it after purifying themselves.It removes their numerous pains, sorrows, and calamities. Rudraksha fulfills all the wishes. It is peerless in the universe. If a person wears Rudraksha with love and faith, he gets rid of all sins and attains the supreme goal. As long as a man keeps wearing Rudraksha, he does not fear untimely death. He cannot die without

completing his span of life. At the time of death he gets the true knowledge of Lord and His abode too. One should wear Rudraksha by all bits of efforts.

Thousand of persons who have worn Authentic Rudraksha beads have repeatedly confirmed that it has given them considerable relief from Blood pressure, Stress, Hyper tension, Depression & other mind related problems including neurotic conditions. Rudraksha has been found to boost the confidence and inner strength of the wearer significantly.The Rudraksha Beads have also been boosting the luck and prosperity of the wearer significantly. It is quite understandable as with enhanced self-esteem and confidence one achieves greater success in all ventures.

Surely Rudraksha are the wonder beads helping us lead a more successful and complete life. Buddha wore them, Gandhi wore them, and Dalai Lama wore them. So did Yehudi Menuhin, Osho Rajneesh or far that matter Many Hollywood and Bollywood artists. Probably the best of the berries ever produced in the world, the Rudraksha, courtesy a growing interest in alternative therapies, is catching on like never before.

Though mired in obscurity so far, the Rudraksha is slowly but surely making its way into the lives of the health conscious – health of the body, mind and spirit. Whether it proves to be a panacea remains to be seen


It is evident from the ancient Holy Scriptures that the beads of Rudrakasha have immense amazing powers. They are considered to be associated with the eyes or the tears of lord Shiva. These beads are said to be a gift from the Almighty to his children.

These beads help the people world wide in relieving their sins, pains and sufferings. Recent scientific researches indicate the magnetic and electrical powers of this vegetable matter obtained from the Rudrakasha tree. The researches have proved that these beads really have the ability to affect neuro physiology of human beings.

Rudraksha Beads have been used for thousands of years as an aid to Self Empowerment and the Self Enlightment. It has been shown that Rudraksha Beads have electromagnetic properties and that they affect the Human Body when worn. In addition to this, scientific researches have found that the different faces or Mukhis found on the different Beads have different electromagnetic qualities. Therefore these beads affect the Human Neuro physiology in different life supporting ways.

Scientifically the Rudrakasha beads are Dielectrical as they store electrical energy and also possess permanent Magnetic properties changing with the variation in the number of faces on the beads. Rudrakasha seeds are dynamically polar and also posses Electromagnetic, Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic properties. Due the Electromagnetic properties the Rudrakasha beads have anti ageing factors also. Though the fact of Rudraksha bead of vegetable matter having electromagnetic property is still unrevealed but their power of curing body ailments cannot be denied. It is indicated that the dielectric and magnetic properties of the Rudraksha seeds impart positive changes in the bioelectrical system of the human body in a life-supporting manner. As a result of this electrical makeup of our body changes.

As Bioelectrical and Biochemical actions and reactions organize in the body at higher levels of interaction another change is then initiated in our Bio Mechanical System and the Sacred Trinity of Body Systems are in Union with one another. Many scientists have described the beneficial powers of a Rudraksha by virtue of its Electrical and Magnetic properties that affect our Central Nervous System, Autonomic, Sympathetic and Para Sympathetic Nervous Systems and various other Organ Systems. Group of Scientists proved that wearing Rudraksha controlled heartbeat and had a positive effect on Blood Pressure, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Palpitations and Lack of Concentration.

Some statements also indicate that persons wearing certain Rudraksha also posses an anti ageing property. The electromagnetic powers of a Rudraksha bead vary from single mukhi to a 15 mukhi Rudraksha. Persons can wear Rudrakasha of a single kind of mukhi or that of a combination of different types of mukhis. Prof. Roy says, "that normally within 45 days you can start feeling the positive change. In 90 days you can feel much better. Thereafter it will work continuously giving benefits". When asked Can Rudraksha cause harm? His answer was "No it cannot". He states that all beads are not recommended for those below 8 years of age. Additional Knowledge can be added to these statements with rules from the Devi Bhagwat stating "The mentioned rules of wearing Rudraksha of different colors by different persons are not compulsory". And Ladies are allowed to wear Rudraksha.

Properties: Rudrakasha beads denote the “eyes” of lord Shiva. Hence they are considered to be very auspicious and pious. These beads are obtained from a plant Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb. The Rudrakasha trees are very tall and bear small white colored sweet smelling flowers on blooming in the rainy season. These flowers turn into black berry like fruits, which yield brownish red colored Rudrakasha seeds on maturing. These seeds have sutures running throughout their diameter determining their type. Rudraksha beads are composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and some trace elements in combined form. The percentage composition of these gaseous elements was determined by C-H-N Analyzer and by Gas chromatography. These beads consist of 50.031 % carbon, 0.95% nitrogen, 17.897% hydrogen and 30.53% oxygen.People of all castes creed and religions can wear Rudrakasha. There is no sex or age bar for people desiring to wear these.

Rudraksha meaning—the eye of Rudra [Shiva] is considered to be the most potent manifestation of the Cosmic Force. Hence Rudraksha is the object of veneration and also the source to reach the higher self.Rudraksha is often believed to symbolize the link between the earth and the heaven. These beads are the seeds of the Rudraksha fruit obtained from Rudraksha trees. The Rudrakasha tree is botanically

known as ELAEOCARPUS GANITRUS ROXB. Its English name is UTRASUM BEAD TREE. Rudraksha trees are mostly found in South Eastern Asian Islands of Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Bali, Iran, Java, Timor (Indonesia) and parts of South Asian Kingdom of Nepal. Around 70% of the Rudraksha trees are found in Indonesia, 25% in Nepal and 5% in India. Considered a major stress reliever, reducing circulatory problems and of course as the best beads, the berry (Elaeocarpus Ganitrus) was first spotted in Indonesia and is now grown in Nepal and Hardwar. However, because it is expensive, clinical research of its medicinal properties has not been possible, often resulting in the berry being subjected to esoteric mumbo jumbo.There are clefts called MUKHIS on the surface of the beads. The number of mukhis on the surface of a Rudrakasha bead helps in determining its quality. According to the number of mukhis the rudrakasha bead ranges from single face to a several faced bead. Asians have used Rudraksha beads traditionally. Asian Yogis and Monks found that merely wearing the Rudraksha beads gave them astonishingly tremendous amount of tranquility, concentration that helped them meditate for a long period of time with spectacular control over their mind.


Rudrakasha beads have several amazing powers due to their electromagnetic character. This Electromagnetic character empowers the bead to cure the human body medically as well as spiritually.

Electrical Properties: The human body can be considered as a complex Bio Electronic Circuit consisting of the whole of Nervous System and all other organs residing inside the human body. Number of Electrical impulses are generated by the human body due to different reflex actions taking place, continuous pumping of heart for blood circulation, Neurons and nervous system etc. The ability to send out subtle electrical impulses & Inductive vibrations and act as a Dielectric as in a capacitor to store electrical energy. This is termed as Bioelectricity. All the work of our sense organs depends on the subtle flow of Bioelectricity current. Thus all the actions our body performs are effectively controlled. The Bioelectric current is produced due to the difference in the energy levels of different body parts. This smooth flow of Bioelectric current causes the properly controlled functioning of the body parts.

Bio Electric Circuit-There is a third element in the Body and Brain called the Bio Electronic circuit Interface, that of the mind. Any activity that can produce stress or maladjustment can throw the streamlined activity, the Electronic circuit of the Body& Mind out of gear. Human beings and all living beings are prone to stress continuously in the continuous fight for survival and prosperity.

In modern age with intense competition the Stress levels have increased tremendously. Almost every individual has problems of Stress and Stress related ailments like insomnia, alcoholism, depression, Maladjustments, heart diseases, skin diseases etc. Any Doctor will confirm that almost 95% of the ailments are Psychosomatic or Stress related (i.e.) originating from Mind. When there is Stress or Maladjustment corresponding Stress signals are sent to the Central Nervous systems, there is an increased activity or abnormal of Neurons and Neuro transmitters. The magnitude of change will depend on the cause and specific case. When such a thing occurs and it occurs continuously, streamlined flow of electrical signals throughout the Mind-Body interface is disrupted and it makes us feel uncomfortable and we are not able to act with our full efficiency. Our Blood circulation becomes Non-ideal and we feel various illnesses. Unfortunately this happens all the time.

Rudraksha beads act as a Stabilizing Anchor. Rudraksha beads' electrical property can be broadly categorized into:

Resistance: There is continuous and subtle flow of bioelectrical signal throughout the body due to potential difference between parts of the Body. Rudraksha beads of particular Mukhis or Facets have a definitive Factor of Resistance. It is measured in Ohms. When these beads resist the flow of bioelectrical impulses a specific ampere of current flow is generated depending on the factor of resistance. This acts in tandem with heartbeat, streamlining it and sending out specific impulses to brain. These impulses stimulate certain positive brain chemicals. Making us feel better, more confidants, poised and more energetic. It has been observed that specific Mukhis or Facets of Rudraksha beads send out specific signals acting on a particular brain chemical and thereby by effecting specific positive changes in personality. It is well proven that the state of mind and our personality is governed almost completely by the Brain, it’s functioning and that of Central Nervous System

Capacitance or the Dielectric Properties -Rudraksha beads act as dielectric (i.e.) as a storage of electrical energy. This property of Rudraksha makes it capable in stabilizing and

anchoring the Bioelectric current. The values are measured in units of Farad. This property is very helpful in controlling hyperactivity, palpitations of heart, streamlining heartbeat etc. Due to stress when there is increased physical activity heart beats faster and the overall activity of hormones and nervous system increases. This causes increased energy levels or increase in potential difference. As a result of this the magnitude of the Bioelectric Current increases. Rudraksha beads acting as Dielectric store this excess Bioelectric Energy, thereby streamlining the overall activity to Normalcy.

Inductance:Rudraksha beads by it have permanent magnetic properties. They have been observed to send out Inductive vibrations with frequencies measured in units of Henry (Volt Seconds/Ampere). This perhaps is the reason why people have felt better even when Rudraksha beads do not touch them physically.

Magnetic Properties:Rudraksha beads have Both Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic with the most important property of Dynamic Polarity We all are most probably aware of the beneficial healing properties of magnets. Magnetic Healing is becoming extremely popular off late and everyone who have been using magnets for healing have been getting the benefits and found overall betterment and rejuvenation. Rudraksha beads retain most of the properties of Magnets but it is unparallel in one aspect, that of the ability to change it's polarity or the Property of Dynamic Polarity. The basic way of healing is based on the fact that the when the passage of arteries and veins which carry blood to and from Heart to all the parts of the body is blocked or reduced due to variety of reasons, various illnesses creep. Blood carries oxygen and energy to various parts of the body and cleanses it off waste materials. Any disruption of the smooth flow of Blood circulation is bound to cause illnesses.

We experience pain and uneasiness due to improper blood circulation. Every cell in the blood as well as the Arteries and veins are charged either positively or negatively. Magnets have the poles Positive (+) and Negative (-).When magnets are passed on various parts of the body the opposite poles of the magnets and that of cells get attracted and there is an expansion of the passage .The Arteries and veins open up to facilitate streamlined blood circulation. When there is a streamlining of blood circulation most of the illnesses get automatically healed and we feel better and rejuvenated.But with magnets the polarity is fixed. When magnets are brought near a particular part of the body it opens up only those sections of veins and arteries where there is a matching of polarities hence complete healing and streamlining of blood circulation cannot be ensured. We experience healing and feel better but we can still go much further with Dynamic Polarity of Rudraksha beads.

Dyanamic Polarity-Rudraksha has the ability to-Change it's polarity. This in turn is by virtue of its property, Diamagnetism. Diamagnetism is termed as the ability of any material to acquire temporary magnetic property in presence of an external magnetic field. The polarity of the charge induced is opposite to that of the external field inducing the charge. Blood circulation and heart beat automatically induces a magnetic field around the body and particularly the heart Region. Bioelectricty automatically gives raise to Biomagnetism Depending on the polarity of the Induced magnetic field. Rudraksha bead acquires a polarity that is opposite of the inducing field. As a result of this the opening up the passages of Arteries and Veins are far better than that of magnets. Much better healing and rejuvenation is experienced.

Various Literatures mention of powerful Anti Ageing properties of Rudraksha beads.This is mainly because of the Dynamic Polarity of the Rudraksha a bead thus the healing powers of Rudraksha are far superior to that of Magnets. In some sense Rudraksha beads can be termed to have some additional life or Intelligence as against Magnets.



The ruling planet of both these mukhis is the Sun or Surya. The one-faced Rudraksha is itself Lord Shiva and it is the rarest and the most important among all the varities of Rudrakshas. This Rudraksha enlightens the person of the supreme deity GOD. It makes one aware that GOD is only one. One faced Rudraksha is the symbol of the supreme God. This is the best among all the Rudrakshas. One faced Rudraksha is found in two shapes round and a half moon shaped. One who gets it and worships it obtains not only all the worldly pleasures during his life span but also remains unaffected by them. Astrologically they are said to cure the malefic effects of the Sun. These mukhis have the power to cure physical ailments like Head ache, ear ailments, Bowel problems, Bone weakness etc and also spiritual ailments such as lack of Confidence, Charisma, Personal power, leadership qualities and Prosperity. The One Faced Rudraksha should be capped in Gold or Silver and worn round the neck or be placed at the worshipping place chanting OM NAMAH SHIVAYA. The auspicious day for wearing this Rudraksha is Monday.


The ruling planet of two Mukhi Rudrakasha is Moon. Two-faced Rudraksha is the symbol of ArdhaNareeshwara a combination of the Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati (Shakti). It inculcates feeling of unity into the family. They effectively control the malefic effects of Moon such as diseases of Left eye, kidney and intestine at the physical level and lack of harmony in relationship etc at the spiritual level. They should be worn by fastening them into a red thread and chanting the mantras SHREE GAURI SHANKARAYA NAMAH and OM NAMAH. The auspicious day for wearing this Rudraksha is Monday.


Its ruling planet is Mars symbolizing god Agni (fire). The wearer of three-faced Rudraksha gets rid of all sins that he has done in his past life and returns to the pious life. Malefic effects are disease of blood, blood pressure, weakness, and disturbed menstrual cycle, kidney etc .in the physical level and in the spiritual level such as Depression, negative feelings, Guilt feelings, Inferiority complexes etc. After wearing it one can feel its effect in a very short span. It contains the trinity of God (Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh), the trinity of Gunaas (sattva, rajas, Tamas) and three spheres Sky, Earth and Patal (underground) with their divine powers. For its divine powers this bead is most sacred, powerful and the best.


Its ruling planet is Mercury. The power of Brahma exists in its whole effectiveness and Divinity. Being influenced by the creative wisdom of four headed Lord Brahma and also Goddess Saraswati, it gives the wearer creative powers and provides him with a learning and knowledge gaining ability Malefic effects of mercury include intellectual dullness of mind, lack of grasping and understanding power, difficulty in effective communication and also neurotic conditions of mind. It is also beneficial to scientists, researchers, intellectuals, artists, writers, and journalists. It increases wit and intelligence. This mukhi also governs logical and concrete and structural thinking.If the three beads of four-faced Rudraksha fasten in the right hand nobody can stand to face to the wearer.


Its ruling planet is Jupiter. It is the form of Rudra named Kaalagni. This planet governs knowledge and glamour, bone marrow, liver, feet, thigh, religion, money and material. We can recover our memory and recollect or remember the lost learning only after wearing the Five-Faced Rudraksha. Agni (fire) purifies the metals and similarly Five Faced Rudrakshas rectifies all the vices and faults of Jeeva and makes him pure and Jeeva gains the form of Pashupati i.e the Lord of all creatures after becoming free from the animal instincts. By wearing the mala the wearer's mind remains peaceful. . Malefic effect of Jupiter is considered to cause lack of peace of mind, utter poverty, lack of harmony, diseases of fat, Kidney, thigh, ear, diabetes etc. There is no suspicion about the fact that the wearer of Five-Faced Rudraksha mala never gets untimely death.


Its ruling planet is Venus. Six Faced Rudraksha is the central power of Lord Shiva's second son, Kumar Kaartikeya. Venus governs Genital organs Throat, Valor, Sexual pleasure, Love, Music etc. Its malefic effects can cause diseases and problems related to the above organs. It gives learning, wisdom and knowledge. Moreover, it saves us from the worldly sorrows. It increases amazingly the mental powers of a dull student. If Four Faced Rudraksha is worn with Six Faced Rudraksha, there is certainly of getting mental power increased. It is highly recommended for company managers, businessmen, Journalists and Editors etc.


Its ruling planet is Saturn. Seven Faced Rudraksha is the symbol of Anag Shiva. This mukhi sublimates the malefic effects of Shani such as Disease & Death occurring suddenly without any cause, impotency, cold, obstruction, hopelessness, Despair, delay in achievements, long time disease, scarcity, worry etc.By wearing Seven Faced Rudraksha man can progress in business and service and spends his life happily.


Its ruling planet is Rahu. Eight Faced Rudraksha is the second form of the reflection of the first son of Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesh who is worshipped prior to other gods. Eight linings present on it make it very effective. Its wearer becomes unaffected by physical, Divine or mental miseries. It sets the wearer free from the sin caused by telling a lie. It gives the wearer all kinds of attainments - Riddhies and Siddhies and leads him to Shivloka. His opponents are finished i.e. the mental status of its opponents is changed.


Its ruling planet is Ketu. Nine Faced Rudraksha is the form of Goddess Durga (Shakti). It increases self-power. This mukhi is beneficial to sublimate the ill effects of Ketu. Ketu inflicts the diseases of lung, fever, eye-pain, bowel pain, skin disease, body pain etc.A child who wears it always has the blessings of Mother. By wearing this a person gets endurance, bravery, courage, and his name and fame spreads all around. His devotion in god increases and his will power is also strengthened.


It has no ruling planet, and is held to control all the other planets. Ten Faced Rudraksha contains the influence of the ten incarnations and the ten directions. Lord becomes happy with the person who wears it. It gives success in legal, government, functions, name and fame spreads in all directions. The wearer gets a sense of security. Honor is increased in

political areas. It is useful for pacifying nine planets. Wearing it destroys all the sins done by the ten human organs. He, who worships it, finds his family progressing from generation to generation.


It has no particular ruling planet. The person who wears it gets a lot of courage and confidence and leads an adventurous life. Also helpful in meditation and removes problem of Yogic practices.


Ruling planet is Sun.Effects are same as of 1 mukhi.


Its effects are similar to that of 6 mukhi. It is helpful for meditation and spiritual attainments. It is suggested for material upliftment.


Ruling planet is Saturn. Improves intuitive thinking. It is held to sublimate the malefic effects of Saturn.


The impact on wearers mind by this bead is similar to that of 14 mukhi like improving Intuitive, Abstract and Lateral thinking in addition the wearer finds high energy levels to put into action his thoughts and ideas.


These are the two naturally joined Rudrakshas representing goddess Pervati & Lord Shiva. Its influence causes the development of the universe by providing fertility. It makes the husband and wife identify each other. Therefore it is regarded the best thing for peace and comfort in the family.

Worshipping Gauri Shankar relieves a man from his pains and sufferings destroying other earthly obstacles and thus increasing the peace and pleasure of the family members. In puranas the bead of Gauri Shankar is regarded as the best for happy family life.


Before Rudraksha is worn on the body it needs to be sanctified and energized . We at Rudra Centre sanctify and energize (awaken) your Rudraksha by full Vedic rites before sending to you . Since we are based in India ,  our overhead  costs are low . Thus we do not charge for blessings of Rudraksha which is  this is done in Traditional Vedic Temple in Nagpur and some amount from our profit donated for the welfare of the Temple .  In case you would like to sanctify the Rudraksha yourself , the simplest procedure is

Choose an auspicious day . Monday are Lord Shiva days and could be chosen .

Wash Rudraksha with unboiled milk and water .

Apply sandalwood paste on it . Offer Incense and flowers .

Chant "Om Namah Shivaya" 108 times .

Chant the specific mantra of the mukhis minimum of 9 times .

One Mukhi   "Om Namah Shivaya, Om Hreem Namah".   Two Mukhi   "Shree Gauri Shankaraya Namah", 'Om Namah'   Three Mukhi   "O Kleem Namah, Om Namah Shivaya"   Four Mukhi   "Om Hreem Namah".   Five Mukhi "Om Namah Shivaya","Om Hreem Namah"   Six Mukhi "Swami Kaartikeya Namah","Om Hreem Hum Namah".   Seven Mukhi "Om MahaLaxmi Namah","Om Hum Namah".Eight Mukhi   "Om Hum Namah, Om Ganeshaya Namah"   Nine Mukhi "Nav Durgayi Namah","Om Hreem Hum Namah".   Ten Mukhi "Shree Narayanaaye Namah"," Shree Vishnavai Namah","Om Hreem

Namaha"Eleven Mukhi   "Om Shree Rudraya Namah","Om Hreem Hum Namah". Twelve Mukhi "Shree Suryay Namah" "Om Krown Kshown Rown Namah".   Thirteen Mukhi "Om Hreem Namah".   Fourteen Mukhi "Om Namah Shivaye".  

                Upon completion of the above described steps wear your Rudraksha chanting Om Namah Shivaye . The Rudraksha thus becomes divine , and creates a a divine armour around it's worshipper and bestows health ,wealth and success.                 If you would like to enhance the effects of the different Rudraksha then the specific mantras for each of the Rudraksha could be repeated as often as you choose any time of the day . Also “Om Namah Shivaya “ or “Namah Shivaya” mantra energizes the Rudraksha beads when chanted with them .  Keep the beads as close to your skin as possible and not in sight or touch  of others .  Rudraksha can also be kept in Puja room and prayed for benefit of whole family . 


Acquiring an authentic Rudraksha is a challenge in itself. But the hunt doesn't stop there. If the bead has not been purified, sanctified and energized, it is of no use. The Rudrakshas are very rare to find. Obviously, something so rare will come to you at a price. Hundreds of Rudraksha beads grow on the same tree, but only one in hundred is the magical bead that you are looking for. What can make the Rudraksha even more powerful and effective is the power invested in it through prayers, through purification and energisation and through the ongoing process of retaining its sanctity. Utmost care and certain precautions should be observed in order to get the maximum benefit from it and maintain its sanctity.

Before wearing the Rudraksha for the first time, it should be blessed and sanctified by chanting the mantra associated with it and performing the right prayers and rituals.

Rudrakasha should always be kept oiled. It should regularly be cleaned, oiled and bathed with incense especially when you are not using the bead for sometime.

Ideally, keep them off the ground; they can be kept on or wrapped in wool or silk when you're not wearing them. Once a month, they can be cleansed by rubbing them with Sandalwood Oil.

The Rudraksha should not be worn at times when the energy is directed downward, i.e., during bowel movements, during sexual intercourse.

Rudraksha may create in some people a sense of aloofness or separateness from the world, which is one reason they are so wonderful for meditation, but it may depend on your type of work whether you choose to wear them in daily activity.

Rudrakasha beads should always be worn in a cotton thread or a gold or a silver chain. Rudrakasha should never be worn in form of a bracelet.

Always keep your Rudraksha clean. Remove the dust and dirt that settle in the pores of the bead. Clean these as frequently as possible with a soft brush. If the thread becomes dirty or worn out, change it.

After cleaning, wash your Rudraksha with some blessed holy water. This helps in maintaining its sanctity.

Rudraksha should not be worn while visiting a funeral ground or when visiting a newly born baby

Women must not wear the Rudraksha during their menstrual cycle.

ONE MUKHI The one mukhi rudraksha is blessed by Lord Shiva himself. One mukhi rudraksha washes away the sins as serious as 'brahma hatya' (killing of Brahmin). It enhances knowledge about the Supreme (Brahma Gyan) and the wearer is known to win over his senses. He then engages himself in Para-Tatva (Shiva Tatva). It is also known to give external bliss and nirvana (moksha) after death. At whichever place this rudraksha is worshipped, Goddess Lakshmi (Goddess of Wealth) bestows her presence. It is the most auspicious rudraksha among all beads and not only does it bring the wearer or worshipper closer to Shiva (spirituality and kindness) but also fulfils all his or her desires in the material world. The wearer also gains powers of concentration and enjoys inner peace.As per Shiva Puran, one mukhi rudraksha offers worldly pleasures and salvation and therefore has a unique place among all the rudrakshas. It gives leadership qualities and skills to cope with stressful situations and hence is a preferred choice for those who assume leadership roles or head any organisation.

The controlling planet of this rudraksha is Sun. All negative effects posed by this planer on a person are got over by wearing this rudraksha. It's use is said to cure headache, eye defects, piles and deseases of the liver and skin.

All adult persons can wear this rudraksha. It can also be kept in a puja room or altar, where regular worshipping can be done. One mukhi in Chndrakar form is a symbolic rudraksha especially for invoking the blessings of Lord Shiva and hence it can be worn by all or kept in a puja room. Chandrakar is an alternative for one mukhi rudraksha. A one mukhi bead is worn by

persons requiring favour of Sun as a planet or to remove its malevolent effects, or those seeking devotion to God, minimising attachments to the wordly things and ultimately hoping to attain nirvana.Mantras to be recieted for one mukhi rudraksha ::Om Hreem Naman(Shiva Puran), Om Om Drushan Namah (Mantra Maharnava), Om Rudra (Padma Puran), Mahamrityunjaya Mantra (Brahajjalopanishad), Om Namah Shivaya.  

TWO MUKHI: Two Mukhi rudraksha having a natural hole. Beads from Hairdwar/dhradun, where the hole is manually drilled, are of medium quality. It will be bigger, say up to 20 mm in length and average diameter of 15 mm. It has an oval shape with slightly flatter look. The two mukhi rudraksha is blessed by the Arddnareeshwar form of Lord Shiva, representing Shiva and Shakti.

Wearing two mukhi rudraksha frees one from the sin of cow slaughter. As per Padma Puran, this rudraksha is blessed by Fire God (Agni) also, and hence absolves the wearer from any type of sin. The wearer or worshipper is also known to get such benefits, which are normally attained through yajnas and homas or Agnihotra. This rudraksha is useful for good family life, good relationships with all people and to get married. It is known to bring in unity of all kinds- between freinds, husband and wife, father and son, father and son, buyer and seller. It is used for material gains as well as to attain nirvana and moksha. It is also known as Dev-Dev in view of its spiritual and material (dual purpose) characteristics.Those who are single and facing difficulty in getting the right match or those having relationship problems should wear this rudraksha. Also, people seeking happiness and material gains as wel as those spiritually inclined and aspiring for moksha should either wear it or worshipit. It is also useful in begetting children.

Mantras to be recieted for two mukhi rudraksha:Om namah (Shiva Puran), Om Om Namah (Mantra Maharnava), Om Khum (Padma Puran), Om Shreem Namah (Skand Puran), Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya.  

THREE MUKHIThree mukhi Rudraksha represents Agni (Fire). Like Agni, which burns and consumes everything, yet remains pure and full of power, three mukhi Rudraksha purifies a person from all sins committed in the past. Those suffering from inferiority complex or fear or those experiencing self-hatred or mental strain should use this Rudraksha. It is also effective in removing laziness and making a person energetic.. As per Shrimad Deveibhagawat, this Rudraksha condones the sin of performing an abortion. Being Agnisambhoot (produced from fire), it is useful in making the soul pure and enables one tolive a life without guilt.. Padma Puran assigns this Rudraksha to Brahm (the Supreme Lord) and it helps in solving all problems in life and brings in success. According to the old epics, the whole of universe is controlled by the power of three, particularly by the three stage philosophy of Shaivagam. Three mukhi Rudraksha is the symbolic seed for this aspect.

People suffering from any diseases, weakness, laziness or inferiority complex should wear three

mukhi Rudraksha. While children below six years can wear one bead, those above this age may wear three beads. Adults can wear nine beads of the Nepal . Mantras to be recited for three mukhi Rudraksha Om Kleem Namah (Shiva Puran), Om Om Namah (Padma Puran), Om Dhum Dhum Namah (Skand Puran), Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya.  

FOUR MUKHI:Four mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Lord Brahma, one of the Gods of the Hindu Trinity and is responsible for creation. He is the abode of knowledge and creativity. Brahma is also known as Prajapati, Hirangaygarbha, Brahmanspati or Vishwakarma. A person wearing a four mukhi Rudraksha is known to get shinning intelligent eyes and a balanced mind and he or she can use the power of speech to his/her advantage. This Rudraksha also absolves the person from various sins including sins like killing of humans and animals.

Four mukhi Rudraksha gives fame in all the four dishas (Directions) and is suitable for all the four stages of human (celibacy, family life, detachment from family or worldly life and finally renunciation of the world itself – Brahmacharya, Grahsth, Vaanprasth and Sanyas). Children can wear this Rudraksha to improve their concentration in studies and for better memory. Excellent testimonials have been received for this Rudraksha from students, teaches and those engaged in mental and skilled work.

Mantras to be recieted for four mukhi rudraksha ::Om Hreem Namah(Shiva Puran), On Hreem (Padma Puran), Om Hreem Hoom Namah (Skand Puran), Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya.  

FIVE MUKHI: Five Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Lord Shiba himself in the form of Kalagni Rudra. Wearing this Rudraksha can remove sins of various types committed through forbidden acts. In Padma PUran, it is said that wearing five mukhi Rudraksha is most important for all as it is blessed by Vaamdev (Shiva). A wearer is honoured by the Gods themselves for a long period. This Rudraksha is like devguru (Guru of the Devas) as it is controlled by the planet. Vrihaspati (Jupiter). In Shrimad Devibhagabat, it is said that Panchvaktraha swayam rudraha kalagnirnamatah; Agamyagamanam chauva tatha chabhayabhakshanam; muchyate naatra sandeham panchvaktraha dharanaat. (Five mukhi Rudraksha, known as Kalagni Rudra, removes the sins committed under forbidden laws in case of eating or in sex life).

The five forms of Lord Shiva-Sadyojaat, Ishaan, Tatpurush, Aghor, and Vaamdev- live in five mukhi Rudraksha. Some describe this Rudraksha as Rudra-Kalagni also. With respect to its medicinal values, it is widely used to control blood pressure and diabetes. It is also used for diseases of the ears, thighs and kidney. Several families in India for water therapy, wherein these beads are soaked in water at night, stored preferably on a copper vessel. The soaking time should not be less than 12 hours. This water should be taken daily, preferably empty stomach, for controlling blood pressure, diabetes and stomach disorders, or even as a general health guard against all diseases. The beads should be taken out of the water everyday, dried in the air for an hour or so and then used again.

Beads will be effective in water therapy one month. Any person can wear Rudraksha available in standard shops will be genuine as it is available in plenty. Malas should be 27+1, 54+1,or 108+1 in numbers.

Mantras to be recieted for five mukhi rudraksha:Om Hreem Namah(Shiva Puran), Om Hoom Namah (Padma Puran), Om Hreem Hoom Namah ( Skand Puran), Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya.  

SIX MUKHI:Shrimad Devibhagwat assigns the six mukhi rudraksha to Kartikeya. It is known for refining wisdom, improving power of expression and increasing will power. Using this Rudraksha also pleases the Goddess of wealth, Mahalakshmi. He remain brave like skand. Is is also known to purify a person from serious sins committed. Goddess Parvati also blesses the one wearing six mukhi Rudraksha.Wearer of six mukhi Kartikeya Rudraksha gets blessed with wealth, health and happiness. The controlling planet is Venus, which signifies luxury, pleasure and comfort in life. Leaders and actors who have to perform and give speeches, etc. can derive benefit by wearing this bead.Mantras to be recited for six mukhi Rudraksha Om Hreem Hom Namah(Shiva puran), Om Hoom Namah (Mantra Maharvana), Om Hreem (Padma Puran), Om Hreem Namah (Skand Puran), Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya. 

SEVEN MUKHI:This Rudraksha is assigned to the seven Martrikas (Seven Mothers), Sun, Saptarshis (Seven great sages), Mahasen (Kartikeya), Anang (Kamdev), Ananta( Vasuki, the king of serpents) and Nagrata (Nagraja). Most popularly, it is assigned to Ananta, Meaning the supreme lord (Brahm), who is dimensionless.

A person wearing this Rudraksha can find hidden treasure, get increased attention from the opposite sex and destroy enemies. As this Rudraksha is also assigned to Saptamtrikas, it is considered to please Goddess Mahalakshmi. As per Jabalopanishad, seven mukhi Rudraksha resembles Sapta Brahmi or Sapta Rishi. The controlling planet of seven mukhi Rudraksha is Saturn.

Seven mukhi Rudraksha can be used by people involved in all types of progessions or businessmen to gain wealth and prosperity. It is preferable to use eight mukhi (Ganesh).

Mantras to be recieted for seven mukhi rudraksha ::Om Hum Namah (Shiva Puran), Om Hrab (Padma Puran), Om Hreem Namah (Skand Puran) Om Hreem Shreem Kreem Soam, Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya.  

EIGHT MUKHI: Eight Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Lord Ganesh. As per Shrimad Devibhagwat, Padma Puran and Mantra Maharnava this Rudraksha is assigned to Ganesh. It is also gives the wearer an

analytical ming, great understanding and good writing skills. Sins committed while telling lies get condoned by wearing this.

People who confront obstacles in life and get failures, should wear this Rudraksha.

Mantras to be recieted for eight mukhi rudraksha:Om Hum Namah (Shiva Puran), Om Sah Hoom Namah (Padma Puram), Om kam vam namah (Skand Puran) Om hreem greem leem, Aam Shreem. Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya.  

NINE MUKHI:Nine mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Durga, the Goddess shakti, who took birth on Earth nine times in different forms to protect her followers. Sins committed by a person get condoned by wearing this Rudraksha. It also makes a person fearless and stress-free. Wearing it is like getting one's conscience purified through fire. It also makes the wearer powerful and self-confident. As per Rudrakshajabalopanisad, there are nine types of power in this Rudraksha. It protects the wearer from untimely death, as it is blessed by Bhairav. It is ruled by planet Ketu and nullifies all the negative effects of this planet.

Persons having fear of any kind, including that of death, should wear nine mukhi Rudraksha.

Mantras to be recited for nine mukhi Rudraksha Om Hreem Namah (Shiva Puran), Om Hum Namah (Mantra Maharnava), Om sum (Padma Puran), Om Hreem Veing Yun, Raim Laim, , Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya. 

TEN MUKHI:Ten mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Lord Vishnu. As per Rudraksha-jabalopanishad, it is blessed by Dashdigpal, the controller and guardian of ten directions. It eliminated sufferings caused by the influence of the nine planets. This Rudraksha is also used to correct Vaastu dosh (directional faults), which could adversely impact running a business. It is also very helpful in facing and solving court cases, disputes and acts of enmity. It can also be kept at the place or worship to get combined blessings of Hari-Har.

Om Hreem Namah Namah (Shiva Puran), Om Hreem Namah (Mantra Maharnava), Om ksheem (Padma Puran), Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya.

Mantras to be recited for ten mukhi Rudraksha Om Hreem Namah Namah (Shiva Puran), Om Hreem Namah (Mantra Maharnava), Om ksheem (Padma Puran), Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya. 

ELEVEN MUKHI:Eleven Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Ekadash Rudra. As per Padma Puran, the wearer of 11 mukhi Rudraksha is known to be bestowed with oratorical and negotiation skills, self-confidence, intelligence and physical and mental power. This Rudraksha has the power to control

the physical senses, make one fearless and it is therefore recommended for meditation purposes and to secure devotion to the God.

The wearer is expected to get the benefit of performing thousands of aswamedha yagnas (sacrificing horses) and donating hundred thousand cows (pasu dana) to Brahmins. It protects the wearer from all types of accidents and prevents untimely death. Skand Puran , Lord Shiva says that 11 mukhi Rudraksha is his own form of 11 rudras.

This Rudraksha offers protection and a wearer can become fearless in life and gain prosperity. It is also good for meditation and practice of yoga.Mantras to be recieted for eleven mukhi rudraksha ::Om Hreem Hum Namah (Shiva Puran), Om Shreem Namah (Mantra Maharnava), Om Shreem (Padma Puran), Om Room Moom Yoom Aum, Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya.  

TWELVE MUKHI: Twelve mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Sun. It is also called Dwadashsh-Aditya. According to Padma Puran, a wearer of this Rudraksha can free himself from the fear of fire and diseases, he can acquire wealth and happiness. It provides quality of leadership and control over people. It makes the wearer radiant like the Sun and gives inner strength to rule. It helps to remove all types of doubts from the mind and makes a person happy from within.

All persons who can obtain this Rudraksha should wear it, as it is an effective tool to remain healthy and prosperous. Administrators, businessmen, politicians and senior professionals should wear this Rudraksha to gain authority and power. It is also used for countering any kind of black magic.

Mantras to be recieted for twelve mukhi rudraksha:Om Kroam Kshoam Roam Namah (Shiva puran), Om Hoom Hreem Namah (Mantra Maharnava), Om Hreem (Padma Puran), Om Hreem Kshoam Eshranih Shreem, Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya.  

THIRTEEN MUKHI:Thirteen Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Kaamdev (Cupid)m it is known to fulfill all the desires including perfection in alchemy, research work and medicine. Thirteen Mukhi Rudraksha is aslo blessed by Lord Indra and as such the wearer gets the blessings of all he Devatas. It gives spiritual attainments as well as materialistic successes. After getting rid of all the sins, the wearer can seek death of his choice. Many consider 13 mukhi Rudraksha as blessed by Goddess Mahalakshmi. A person wearing this Rudraksha gets multifold benefits by offering prayers to Goddess Mahalakshmi.

All performing artists, actors, leaders and politicians, top executives and those in marketing profession should use this Rudraksha. People seeking wealth should use this Rudraksha as per guidance given above.Mantras to be recited for thirteen mukhi Rudraksha Om Hreem Namah Namah (Shiva Puran), Om Kshaam Chaum Namah (Mantra Maharnava), Om

Kshaum (Padma Puran), Om Kshayem Staim Namah (Skand Puran), Om Eem Yaam aap Aum , Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya. 

FOURTEEN MUKHI:This Rudraksha is blessed by Lord Shiva himself and is known to have been directly produced from his eyes. It is known as controller as Ajna Chakra (Medulla Plexus), which is located between the two eyebrows. One who wears this Rudraksha finally gets nirvana (freedom from cycle of birth). It helps in opening of the Ajna Chakra and thus improving visualization power. It is like the third eye of Lord Shiva and helps people to protect themselves and make correct judgment in every action they plan. The wearer purifies the ancestors and brings fame and purify to the forefathers. This Rudraksha not only improves the present, but sets right the past and makes the future completely foreseen and positive.

This Rudraksha is also known as Maha Shan, and those affected by planetary positions of Saturn (Shani Dasha of kal Sarp) should wear it. Those who are involved in share trading or any speculative business human resources management will find this Rudraksha helpful in judging people in a better and effective manner.Mantras to be recited for thirteen mukhi Rudraksha Om Namah (Shiva Puran), Om Namo Namah (Mantra Maharnava), Om Nraam (Padma Puran) Om Dum Maam Namah (Skand Puran) Om Aum Hasphrem Khaphrem, Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya. 

FIFTEEN MUKHI:Fifteen mukhi Rudraksha have similar qualities as 14 mukhi Rudraksha and therefore, fifteen mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Lord Shiva in his incarnation as Pahupati. It has all the virtues of 14 mukhi Rudraksha and additionally offers luck in acquiring wealth.

Mantras to be recieted for fifteen mukhi rudraksha ::Om Shreem Manovaanchitam Hreem Om Namah, Om Hreem Namah , Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya.  

SIXTEEN MUKHI: This Rudraksha is called Jai (Victory) Rudraksha. Its supernatural powers protect the wearer against any theft or cheating and render him victorious against his\her adversaries. It endowed with great human virtues like good family relations respect and fame. It is also helpful to people whose birth signs contain unfavorable planetary positions, this Rudraksha offers inner strength to overcome such situations.

Sixteen mukhi Rudraksha can be worn singly if necessary, along with other beads. It can be worn in order to overcome adversaries and to win over fear of death or for other reasons.

Mantras to be recieted for sixteen mukhi rudraksha:Om Haum Joom Sab, Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya.  

SEVENTEEN MUKHI:Seventeen mukhi Rudraksha is a popular bead because of its several properties. It is believed that this Rudraksha can make the wearer rich in a short span of time. It represents Lord VIshwakarma who is an expert in crafting and creativity. The wearer not only gets sudden wealth, but spiritual powers too. Wealth can come in the form of sudden rise in the share prices, in the value of property, unexpected inheritance or through games of chances. As per Katyayani Yantra, 17 mukhi Rudraksha represents Goddess Katyani. This Rudraksha gives all the four attainments of life –dharma, arth, kaam and moksha.

Mantras to be recited for seventeen mukhi Rudraksha Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya. 

EIGHTEEN MUKHI:Eighteen mukhi Rudraksha represents Bhumi (Earth) . The wearer of this Rudraksha remains wealthy and free of all diseases. Eighteen mukhi Rudraksha is recommended for those who are launching major projects, new works of any type or making a change in the business line. Those engaged in Gayatri Sadhna will find it very useful to meditate and to get concentration. Females who face abortions very often get relief by wearing this Rudraksha. It is also good for the health of small children. This Rudraksha can be worn singly, 18 mukhs in the house for proper progress in life and for purposes of protection.

This Rudraksha is also known as Maha Shan, and those affected by planetary positions of Saturn (Shani Dasha of kal Sarp) should wear it. Those who are involved in share trading or any speculative business human resources management will find this Rudraksha helpful in judging people in a better and effective manner.Mantras to be recited for eighteen mukhi Rudraksha Om Hree Hoom Eakatva Rupe hum Hreem Om, Om hreem shreem Vasudhaye Swaha, Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya. 

NINETEEN MUKHI:Nineteen mukhi Rudraksha represnts Lord Vishnu, it is a person to fulfill all materialistic desires. It also offers clarity to a person as to how he or she has to carry out a business. One can undertake any work- whether business, serving mankind, politics or social activity- without having to undergo much stress. A wearer gets generous blessing of Lord Vishnu and enjoys all luxuries, all the wealth and success in all actions. It is also mentioned in some epics that this Rudraksha facilitates one to lie a stress- free life.Mantras to be recited for nineteen mukhi Rudraksha Om Hreem Hoom Namah, Om Vam Vishnave Ksheershayayanye Swaha, Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya. 

TWENTY MUKHI:Twenty mukhi Rudraksha is an extremely rare bead, twenty mukhi Rudraksha represents Brahm. It is said to derive energy from various sources and is full of divine powers. The powers of nine

planets, ten Digpals and the power of the Trinity are all converged in this Rudraksha. The trinity of Gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The power of these 20 centers in concentrated in the 20 mukhs of this Rudraksha.

Mantras to be recieted for twenty mukhi rudraksha ::Om Hreem Hreem Hum Hum Brahmane Namah, Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya.  

TWENTY-ONE MUKHI: Twenty one mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Kuber, the wearer of this Rudraksha gets enormous wealth. He or she does not lose his or her fortunes as long as the Rudraksha remains with him/her. All luxuries of life, whether physical or materialistic, are available to him/her and the wearer always remains protected from all evil forces or legal tangles.

Mantras to be recieted for twenty-one mukhi rudraksha:Om Haum Joom SabOm Yashyaye Kuberaye Vaishrawananayae Dhandhaanyadhipataye,Dhan Dhanya Samraddhi me Dapay Dappay Swah, Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya.  

GAURI SHANKHAR :Two naturally joined rudrakshas are called Gaurishankar. It is regarded as unified form of Shiva and Shakti. Some people call this variety Ardhnareeshwar Rudraksha.

GS can be worn in order to improve the relationships between husband and wife, father and son and between friends. Those aspiring to get married or couple desirous of having children wear this Rudraksha.

Sometimes, this bead has different shapes and configurations and these are described below: Gauridhamkar with different mikhis: The most common Gaurishankar Rudraksha varieities will have a total of 9,10 or 11 mukhs, some Gaurishankar varities have up to 21 mukhs.

Garbhagauri: A twin bead in which one of the beads is much smaller than the other is worn by women for getting conceived, It has the name of Garbhgauri.

Gaurishankar Rudraksha can be worn singly or even in higher numbers to achieve desired results in improving relationships and/ or for meditation.

Mantras to be recieted for twenty-one mukhi rudraksha:Om Gaurishankarabhyam Namah, Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya. 

SAWAR:Sawar means rider one o fhte beads rides, essentially a one mukhi over the other bead, which can be of any much. In a sawar Rudraksha one of the beads will always be a one mukhi and it is considered to be next only to the original and rare one mukhi round Rudraksha in virtues. Natural holes exist in both the beads.


GANESH:Rudraksha of any mukhi gets a protrusion on its body similar to the trunk of an elephant, this Rudraksha is called a Ganesh Rudraksha, the bead resembles Lord Ganesh with his trunk.Eight mukhi or eleven mukhi Ganesh has special significance and are considered very auspicious. Ganesh Rudraksha is used alternatively with other beads in a sidha malla.  

TRIJUTI:Trijuti is a wonder of nature. Three Rudraksha beads get joined on the tree itself. A trijuti is also known as Tribhagi, Gauri Path or Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh and represents trinity. It is symbol of all the basic characteristics of the universe. It represents the complete personality and gives the wearer total control over difficult situations. It can be a very useful tool in leadership and in achieving total success.