Information for European Students - University of East Anglia

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Transcript of Information for European Students - University of East Anglia

Choose theUniversity of East Anglia

Study in EnglandInformation for European Students

“UEA is one of thetop universities inmy area of study.You love theUniversity themoment you see it – there is almosteverything you’llever need here.” Marinos Giagkou, BSc Mathematics, Cyprus


Why choose to study at theUniversity of East Anglia?

Your international study experience will show you as an academicallyadaptable and culturally awareindividual, and will be highly marketable,valued by employers and recognised by other academic institutions.

Rankings: Top 20 in the UK and top 200 in the world

Students: 14,227total with 11,689undergraduate and 2,538postgraduate

Internationalcampus: 2,200internationalstudentsfrom 110countries

Academics: 300+ degreeprogrammes infour Faculties and 23 Schools of Study

Personalisedattention: ratio of14 students: 1member of staff

Accommodation:3,500 studentrooms

Campus life: 133 clubs andsocieties and state-of-the-artSportspark

Speciality research centres: Over30, contributing to the University’sinternational reputation forworld class research

Setting: Self-containedcampus on 320 acres ofparkland situatedon the edge of city andcountryside

ContentsAcademic Excellence . . . . . . . . .2A Beautiful Location . . . . . . . . . .3Undergraduate Study . . . . . . .4-7Postgraduate Study . . . . . . . .8-9Accommodation . . . . . . . . . . .10Student Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Costs and Financial Aid . . . . . .12

Situatedapproximately twomiles from themedieval city centre,the safe and friendlycampus combinesthe history of one of

England’s oldest cities with some of itsmost unspoiled landscapes. The Universityborders a residential section of the city andis surrounded by over 320 acres of parkland.

Once the second largest city in England,Norwich has a wealth of architectural, socialand cultural history from pre-Roman timesto the modern era. Ancient buildings now

serve as cinemas, tea rooms, concert hallsand bohemian flats. The city centre, with itscobbled streets, riverside walkways, quietgardens, art galleries and cosy pubs, isoverlooked by a towering cathedral andNorman castle.

East Anglia as a region is known for itsmagnificent landscapes, and the NorfolkBroads are a popular holiday destination forsailing and pleasure boating. Twenty milesfrom Norwich, the North Sea coast is dottedwith quaint seaside villages and miles ofbeaches – perfect for a lovely day out.>

Choose UEA

Academic ExcellenceThe University of East Anglia is a highly acclaimed institutionwith an international reputation for excellence in a widerange of subjects.

Choose UEA

A Beautiful LocationThe University of East Anglia, set in the ancient city of Norwich,England, combining history, culture and progressive thoughtfor a remarkable educational experience.

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Founded by Royal Charter in 1963, theUniversity has been an educational pioneerin such areas as Environmental Sciences,American Studies, International DevelopmentStudies, Geosciences and Creative Writing.The teaching style is innovative and progressive,and interdisciplinary study has been a keyfeature since the University was founded.

Traditional lectures are complemented bysmall-group learning, including seminarpresentations, project teamwork andlaboratory-based practicals, all designed to encourage active student participation.>

In addition to being a partner in the NorwichResearch Park, the University houses overthirty specialist research centres including:

Arthur Miller Centre for American Studies,Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research,ESRC Centre for Competition Policy, BritishCentre for Literary Translation, Centre forEnvironmental Risk, Overseas DevelopmentGroup, Sainsbury Institute for Japanese Artsand Cultures and the East Anglian Film Archive.

We have a Study Centre, UEA London inthe heart of London’s financial district.Located in Middlesex Street, and just a fewminutes’ walk from Liverpool Street Station,it offers easy access across the capital andto our Norwich campus. The Centreprovides a base for the University’s activitiesin the metropolis and provides excitingopportunities for teaching and learning.>

Degree courses follow the traditional English modular structure, consisting ofself-contained academic modules, taughtand assessed by a combination ofcoursework (essays or other written work),group projects and examinations, with adissertation or independent research project undertaken in the final year.

Most classes meet once or twice a weekand have an integrated seminar orworkshop that meets every other week.Sciences and other modules with laboratorycomponents usually meet more often.Courses are highly structured in order tomeet degree requirements in three years.Many degrees are interdisciplinary or allowfor modules choices outside of the Faculty.

Undergraduate Entry RequirementsEntry requirements are competitive, as therigour of completing a full degree in threeyears must be considered. Applicants areencouraged to take the most challengingacademic course load available to them atthe high school level. Students completingan International Baccalaureate Diploma will find entry requirements listed in theUndergraduate Prospectus. For admissionsrequirements specific to your country anddegree course, please visit our website orcontact the Admissions Office.

Choose UEA

Undergraduate StudyUndergraduate degrees in the UK are generally completed in threeyears, allowing focused students to begin careers early or proceed tofurther study sooner than in many other higher education systems.


International Summer School Our four-week International SummerSchool, taking place from 1-27 July, 2012,provides the same academic rigour andprestige as our standard Study Abroadprogrammes. Take one 20 credit moduleand get a taste of everything UEA has tooffer. For more information, the full listing ofmodules and how to apply, visit our website. >

Study AbroadUEA students on degree programmes incertain Schools of Study are able to spenda year or a semester studying at a widevariety of universities and colleges in Europe(Erasmus), North America, Latin America orAustralasia. During these placements,students are fully integrated into the cultureof the host university and modules takencount toward your degree at UEA.>

How to ApplyUndergraduate applications are submittedto UCAS, the centralised system for all UK university entry. UCAS forwardsapplications to the Admissions Offices atyour chosen universities, who make theadmissions decision. Applications areaccepted from September to June, but the University does not guaranteeconsideration of applications received after15 January. More information about how to apply can be found on our website.>


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Faculty of Arts and HumanitiesAmerican StudiesArt History,Archaeology andAnthropologyDramaEnglish Literatureand Creative WritingFilm and TelevisionStudiesHistoryInternationalRelationsMedia and CultureModern Languages(French, Japaneseand Spanish)MusicPhilosophyPolitics

Medicine andHealth SciencesMedicineNursing SciencesOccupationalTherapy andPhysiotherapySpeech andLanguage Therapy

Faculty ofScienceActuarial SciencesBiochemistry andBiomedicineBiologyChemistryClimate ScienceComputingSciencesEcologyEnvironmentalGeophysics andEarth SciencesEnvironmentalSciencesEnvironmentalGeographyMathematicsMeteorology andOceanographyNatural SciencesPharmacyScience with aFoundation Year

Faculty of Social SciencesAccounting andFinanceBusinessManagementEconomicsEducational StudiesInternationalDevelopmentLawPhysical Educationand SportPsychologySocial Work

Choose UEA

Postgraduate StudyTaught Master’s degrees in the UK are generally completed in twelvemonths, allowing swift progression to higher study or continuation on a career path. Research degrees, especially those involvingcontinuation to PhD level, are three to five years in duration.


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“UEA caught my attentionwhen I read some reviewsonline. I searched the internetfor more information about thisuniversity which was describedas “such a great experience”.Its high rates of studentsatisfaction as well as theprestigious degree in BusinessManagement helped me tomake up my mind.” Georgios Mamantopoulos, BSc Business Management, Greece

Most taught Master’s programmes involvetwo semesters of taught academic work,followed by a dissertation to be written overapproximately three months. Researchdegrees are independent projectscompleted under the supervision of theUniversity’s esteemed academics.

Postgraduate Entry RequirementsAdmission to most graduate degreeprogrammes at the University requires aBachelor degree. For specific admissionsrequirements specific to your country anddegree course, please visit our website orcontact the Admissions Office.

How to ApplyFor taught degrees, please submit yourapplication online. Applications areaccepted on a rolling basis, but we strongly advise submission before 1 March,as competition for degree spaces and scholarships can be high. The application form and more information can be found here: >

For research degrees, including Doctorate,Master’s by Research and MPhil degrees,please consult our guidance notes before submitting an application: >

Faculty of Arts and HumanitiesAmerican Studies

Film and TelevisionStudies


Language andCommunicationStudies

Literature andCreative Writing



Political, Social andInternational Studies

World Art Studiesand Museology

Faculty ofMedicine andHealth SciencesAllied HealthProfessions

Norwich MedicalSchool

Nursing Sciences

Faculty ofScienceBiological Sciences




Food Research



Plant Science andMicrobiology

Faculty ofSocial SciencesEconomics

Education andLifelong Learning



Norwich BusinessSchool

Social Work andPsychology

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If students want on campusaccommodation, we encourage allstudents to apply but it is notguaranteed to all.

University rooms are fully furnished andgrouped around a shared kitchen. Each kitchen is equipped with storageand appliances for students to prepare their own meals as all accommodation is self catered.

All accommodation includes free internetaccess, and more than two thirds of roomsare en suite, with a sink, toilet and shower.There are campus and city centreaccommodation options, as well asassistance finding private non-Universityhousing. UEA accommodation was ranked first in the UK for studentsatisfaction in 2009 and 2010.

Choose UEA

AccommodationUniversity housing is guaranteed for European first yearundergraduate students that choose the University astheir ‘firm’ choice during the UCAS application process.

See For more about student clubs and societies at UEA,please visit

Choose UEA

Student LifeWith 133 student-run clubs and societies, there is somethingfor everyone at UEA. The Students’ Union also organises awide variety of events and entertainment.

StudentServices Support services areoffered by the Deanof Students Office.An International

Advisory Team provides advice on personal,cultural and visa issues, and the LearningEnhancement Team and DisabilityCoordinators help students access servicesand achieve academic goals. Students can also access Counselling Service and a well-equipped Career Centre.>

Campus Amenities You can find everything you need on campus:/ State-of-the-art Sportspark / Dining and coffee shops / LCR nightclub and The Pub/ Grocery store, post office and newsagent/ Bookstore/ NatWest and Barclays banks/ TravelShop/ Chaplaincy and mosque / Medical Centre and pharmacy/ Laundromats / Library/ 24-hour computing centres

Getting Here

Norwich International Airport providesworldwide links via Amsterdam (a 40minute flight). Travellers connectingthrough London airports are able tocontinue to Norwich via train fromLondon Liverpool Street Station or via National Express coaches, whichtravel direct to the UEA campus.Trains between Norwich and LondonLiverpool Street Station depart every30 minutes throughout the day andtake approximately two hours.


Estimated Costs 2011–12

Choose UEA

Costs and Financial Aid

Living Cost Estimate

Total living costs, including food, books,accommodation, transportation and social life,are estimated at £600 to £650 per month,totaling £5,600 for a nine-month academicyear and £7,500 for a full 12 months.

European Scholarships

The University awards numerous academicscholarships each year. Additionalinformation about fees and fundingopportunities can be found on our website.>

Undergraduate (Bachelor)Tuition Fees For undergraduate degree courses startingin 2012, the University of East Anglia will becharging a tuition fee of £9,000 a year forEU undergraduates. This fee has beenconfirmed by the Office For Fair Access(OFFA).This is not an upfront cost; there is a Tuition Fee Loan available.

Full time EU students can obtain a TuitionFee Loan from the Government to cover thecost of their course. The fee is paid directlyto the University on your behalf and isadministered by Student Finance England.You can borrow the full fee, part of the feeor none of the fee each year of your study.

You start paying back the Loan once youhave finished studying and are earning over£21,000 a year. >>

Postgraduate (Masters) Tuition Fees Full time EU students studying for mostpostgraduate (Masters) degrees or graduatediplomas will pay an annual fee of £4,500 in2011/12 (2012 fees to be confirmed in duecourse).

Part-time fees are generally half the annualrate of full-time fees, with special paymentarrangements for part-time candidates oncertain credit based Masters programmes.

For detailed information on fee levels andhelp funding postgraduate study, pleasecontact the relevant Admissions Office.>

Visit Us The University holds numerous Open Days andVisit Days. The events give students theopportunity to view the fantastic facilities andbeautiful campus that the University has to offer.>

The University of East Anglia’s Higher EducationAdvisory Team visits a number of EU countrieseach year. To find out when and where the Higher Education Advisers will be next visit:>

Admissions, Recruitment and MarketingUniversity of East Anglia Norwich Research ParkNorwich NR4 7TJ

Tel: +44 (0)1603 591963Email: