
Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Infographics

Aspects of Technical Writing

Infographics are a powerful tool for any writer to utilize while composing his or her work. Many

of today’s writers use infographics in their articles, web pages, and writings. What are

infographics you ask? Infographics are visual depictions of information and data. They are

arranged and designed in such a way that they convey information and knowledge in a visual

manner to let the reader see information clearly and at a single glance. They tend to hold the

reader’s attention and impart the most pertinent and important information clearly, readily and

easily. Remember that graphics, infographics to be more clear, helps customers have a greater

understanding of what you have to offer, and they will retain more information as well. It’s a

good bet infographics will help your target audience effectively understand the information that

you present, and will remember more of it! Your goal should be to change the readers and

visitors to customers and buyers. Infographics included with your project is the absolute best key

way to achieving this goal.

Why do infographics work so well? First most people seem to have a very short attention

span so getting and keeping the reader’s attention span is paramount. Second of all, the writer

needs to stand out amongst the many. Third the writer needs to understand that people only

retain about twenty percent of what they read. Fourth the writer needs his works to be visually

compelling and interesting, as that seems to engage the reader more. Finally a fifth reason for a

writer to employ infographics is because people seem to share them with their friends meaning

that one infographic might just manage to reach out to a much larger audience. Most good

writers seem to have a good understanding of how infographic designs can boost input, retention

and communicate your message or data more effectively. Consider your use of infographics

carefully; they are a powerful tool that every writer should utilize consistently. Infographics are

here to stay and a picture is worth a thousand words!

Aspects of Technical Writing

Some fundamental steps to help you in designing your own stand out infographics; Data

and information can be useful and look good only when it is presented in a visually attractive

manner. In a world where information seems to be everywhere infographics can help explain

complicated information more simply. First we start by gathering all the pertinent and relative

data by whatever means suit you excel spreadsheets, PDF’s, and many more resources. Then

read and understand the point you are trying to make, nothing could be worse than having a

colleague pick apart your infographic because you missed something. Make sure the facts always

support the story. As you progress through the process make sure you don’t lose sight of the

ultimate goal. Cold hard data has a funny way of telling the truth so plan accordingly. When you

get done if you’re second guessing your infographics message it probably needs further thought

and redesign.

Always create your infographic using hierarchy. There is always that one piece of data

that delivers the knockout blow, do find it! Use it wisely and organize the rest of your

infographic around the hero of your data set, and include supporting facts. Once you have

assembled the data get a good idea of the framework keeping hierarchy in mind. You should

choose an appropriate format, whether it be graphs, charts, bar line, pie charts, and many more

other visualization possibilities. The format decision is lead by the data which will determine the

format, or the combination of formats. There seems to be two major approaches towards visual

look and feel of your infographic, some prefer to make the data pretty. Others like to use

illustration or metaphor, where the data is partly hidden and delivered in a visual narrative with

very few charts and graphs. Finally you must test and possibly refine the infographic; there are

many ways to get feedback to make your infographic stand out in the crowd. Most writers would

be sure their end product is in line with original intent.

Aspects of Technical Writing

References; Lspr-educationcom. (2015). Lspr-educationcom. Retrieved 31 August, 2015, from

In-text citation: (Lspr-educationcom, 2015)

Sguunl. (2015). Sguunl. Retrieved 31 August, 2015, from Mol Master Thesis SC Final-small.pdf

In-text citation: (Sguunl, 2015)