Inflammation - Optimal Health SystemsThese include heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory...

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Transcript of Inflammation - Optimal Health SystemsThese include heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory...

Many Scientists and Doctors worldwide have come to the sameconclusion after reviewing thousand’s of studies and ground breaking new research

just released on disease and aging. We know that most ~ perhapsall ~ chronic diseases including aging have

the same trigger; inflammation.

It is now clear that the destructive capacity ofchronic inflammation is unprecedented among physiologic processes

(Karin et al. 2006 Accessed 2014).

InflammationThe #1 Cause of Disease

Read on to see thetop causes of chronic inflammation and the

top answers to eliminate the destructive fire within

Where Health Comes NaturallyWhere Health Comes Naturally

Stress-induced inflammationonce triggered by many lifestyle

choices, can persist undetected for decades, propagating cell deaththroughout the body contributing greatly to deterioration

associated with the aging process.

Inflammation is a natural process when we get hurt and is initially beneficial when,for example, your low back hurts and is swollen from working it to hard or an ankle sprain.

However, inflammation can be a bad thing if it is a low grade inflammation throughoutthe whole body and research proves that almost everyone has some form of

chronic low grade inflammation in their bodies.

Slow recovery from heavy work or exercise, Back and neck pain,Male prostate issues, Female hormone imbalances and early Menopause, Bloating, lack of

energy and focus, inability to maintain a healthy weight, diabetes, heart disease,bowel inflammatory diseases, allergies, cancers, chronic pain, ADD/ADHD,

peripheral neuropathy, migraines, Macular degeneration, thyroid issuesand even dental issues are all a small examples of conditions

and daily nuisances that can be caused by chroniclow grade inflammation in the body.

Even the United States Centers for Disease Control has come out and statedthat of the ten leading causes of mortality in the United States, chronic, low-level

inflammation contributes to the pathogenesis of at least seven. These include heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes,

and nephritis (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

Research shows that although some inflammation in the muscle after exerciseis important for growth, chronic inflammation can dramatically eat away at muscles causing

them to atrophy and cause a lack of performance. Reducing chronic inflammationis critical to not only stop disease and pre-mature aging but also to keep fluid

movement and athletic growth at its peak longer.

According to all the recent research, chronic low-level inflammation is threatening your health at this very moment, without you realizing it. In this protocol

you will learn the causes of inflammation and you’ll also discover novelapproaches that combat chronic inflammation to help

avoid age-related health decline.

Scientists from Stanford University, California, recently showed that people with heart disease, the leading cause of death globally, are most likely predis-posed to the disease because they have systemic inflam-mation that is caused by lifestyle choices. The prestige Lancet Journal of Medicine reported 2 studies showing that the inflammation within artery walls is the reason why people with normal or even optimal cholesterol levels suffer heart attacks or strokes, while others with very high cholesterol never develop heart disease. The U.S. National library of medicine and national

in our environment that cause inflammation that we cannot always control, but there are things that we eat and drink each day that either inflame our systems or reduce the inflammation that we can control. Based on the latest research studies, here is a list of what to do and not to do to get rid of damaging inflammation now.

institutes of health stated that “It is becoming increas-ingly apparent that certain types of inflammatory tissue injury are mediated by reactive oxygen metabolites” (free radicals). They found that oxidation from chemical exposure in the air, water and food along with stress, damages the cells causing inflammation. Specifically, the free radicals caused cell damage altering the protease balance that normally exists in the tissue. Oxidation (free radicals) dramatically speeds up the aging process which includes the skin, eyesight, joints and even your ability to metabolize foods so you can maintain a healthy weight.




Lack of Sleep


High Calorie Meals

Inflammation Stop the Fire Within


Specific blood and urine inflammatory markers have been tested creating an inflammatory index. It was found that certain foods and lifestyle choices increase inflam-mation while other foods, nutrients and lifestyle choices completely rid the body of disease causing inflammation. Stopping the inflammation is possible with a 2-step approach. First we must realize that there are things

Some causes include; Excess body fatespecially around the belly, High processedfat and High calorie meals, Obesity, Smoking,Alcohol, Excessive stress, Lack of sleep anda Lack of antioxidants ( less than 8 servingsof fruits and vegetables daily).Research shows that one of the biggestcauses of inflammation is the Non-digestion of foods because of heavyprocessing, Sugar, Cooking and Geneticmodification. Inflammation isoccurring in almost every individual atsome level. The higher the level, theincreased risk for disease.

(Singh et al. 2011). (Trayhurn et al. 2005; Schrager et al. 2007). (Fried et al. 1998), (Mohamed-Ali et al. 1997 (Ortega Martinez de Victoria et al. 2009, Weisberg et al. 2003). (Nappo et al. 2002) (Peairs et al. 2011). (Myhrstad et al. 2011, Poppitt et al. 2008, Payette et al. 2009 (Mozaffarian et al. 2004) (Lopez-Garcia et al. 2005 (Nielsen et al. 2011, Bendsen et al. 2011). (Ahmadi 2011; González 2012),(Arnson et al. 2010 (Lee et al. 2011).(Vgontzas et al. 1997). (Trakada et al. 2007) (Pervanidou et al. 2011).

Top ten worst foods/habitsthat create chronic inflammation

“During the past 25 years, the average person’s intake of sugar and othernatural sweeteners ballooned from 123to as many as 160 pounds a year. That breaks down to more than 20 teaspoonsof the added sweet death per person perday”.

The other problem is that when blood sugar is high, the body generates more free radicals. Free radicals stimulate the immune response, which can inflame the lining of the blood vessels leading to the heart. And the damage doesn’t stop there. Too much sugar can alert the body to send out extra immunitymessengers, called cytokines. Switch tostevia which is a natural sweetener thatdoesn’t cause inflammation.

4. Fried foods Fried foods create a neurotoxinchemical called acrylamide, which causes extreme inflammation. If you consume a fried food weekly, you will be keeping a constant supply of inflammation that wreaks havoc on your body. The only way to resolve that problem is to bake at lower temperatures. Same for potato chips. To avoid, bake fries in the oven and look for baked chips that don’t contain oil. Organic baked corn chips are a great substitute if it’s a crunch you’re after. When you do have a processed fat, make sure you take an enzyme supplement that has Lipase in it. Lipase digests fat which can then lower the inflammatory response (ask about the Fat Sugar Trim Formula that digests body and dietary fried fats and has patented Chromium and Cinnamon to help balance blood sugars).5. Animal Meat and Purine-laden Proteins This is a tough one for most people to hear but the latest research can’t be overlooked. A new study out of the University of Southern California shows that a high animal based protein diet can increase your risk of cancer 400%. Cancer is probably the most inflammatory disease known. The problem is the acidity and purine content from animal meats and the protein structure

Inflammation Stop the Fire Within


Inflammation Stop the Fire Within

1. Eating too much food / Poor digestion Too much food causes excess belly fat and when you consume excess calories, you do not digest the food properly. If you can grab more than a small handful of fat around your midsection, you are at risk for a variety of dangerous diseases linked to chronic inflammation. In a recent study, a team from Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and scientists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington found that when men and women lose excess body fat, they had measurable falls in levels of inflammation markers. The more body fat you have, the higher the amount of inflammation. Excess calories are hard to digest and the non-digestion of foods is the quickest cause of inflammation because the body imme-diately attacks the non-digested food causing inflamma-tion. Eating more raw foods and taking digestive enzymes with cooked food is your best defense.2. Processed white flour products White breads and pastas break downimmediately into sugar, and in turn leadto inflammation. In a 2010 study,researchers found that a diet high inrefined grains led to a greaterconcentration of a certain inflammationmarker in the blood, while a diet high inwhole grains resulted in a lowerconcentration of two different inflammation markers.3. Sugar Sugar in the form of candies, sodas and additives such as corn syrup raise blood sugar which can be converted to fat and creates a huge inflammatory response.

8. Soda Carbonated beverages containphosphoric or carbonic acid. Thisacid inflames the body and becausesodas are consumed consistentlythroughout the day, a constant stateof acidic inflammation burns throughout the body. In addition, sodascontain either sugar or worse yetsynthetic sweeteners like aspartame. Both types of sugars increase inflammation and so sodas actually are a double edge sword. The bottom line is that you need to cut out sodas altogether if you want to reduce chronic inflammation, lower your risk of disease and slow down the aging process.

9. Additives/food coloring/preservatives The additives,colors and preservatives put in the packaged foods we eat are lab created chemicals that cause oxidative damage to our cells. Oxidation is better known as free radical damage. These free radicals from these chemicals tear at our cells causing inflammation and a tremendous amount of disease and aging causing damage. A few names to look to avoid are; Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), sulfites, benzoates, and colors named FD&C #”X.” Unfortunately, many foods consumed by children are loaded with these harmful, toxic ingredients including most candies. Look at labels and try to avoid additives and colorings. Candies and other foods that have natural food coloring from vegetable sources and no additives are becoming more popu-lar and easier to find.


Inflammation Stop the Fire Within

Deli Meats are full of nitrites, additives and manyof them contain MSG

Although some research shows a limited amount of red wine a day is benefi-cial, the research is over-whelming showing that other forms of alcohol and even wine when consumed in excess (more than a glass or two a day) creates inflammation in the body linings starting

being hard to digest. The acidity creates inflammation and the non-digestion of the meat creates a digestive response that immediately creates system wide inflammation in the gut. Your animal meat consumption needs to be cut down and make sure you take a strong plant digestive enzyme supplement (such as Optimal 1 Digestion) containing proteases and peptidases to guarantee full digestion of the meat. Better yet, go vegetarian. Try it one day a week and progress from there. Genetically altered grains contain hard to digest purine proteins called gluten that can cause inflammation if not digested. The answer is to consume only non-altered whole grains and take a digestive enzyme that has plant protease enzymes designed to digest purine proteins.

6. Nitrates Nitrates are chemicals found in deli meats and most sausages including most bacon. Nitrates are a cancer-causing chemical that causes inflammation. Worse, we cook animal fats at hightemps on the griddle and thosecrispy black marks that crop upfrom overcooking, called creosote,are carcinogenic as well. If you doeat animal meats, avoid any meatsthat have nitrates in them andwhen cooking on the grill or athigh temperatures, use fresh citrusjuice (orange, lemon etc.) to eliminate the inflaming radicals that are easily created from high tempera-ture cooked meats.

7. Alcohol

with your throat all the way through the dozens of feet of stomach and intestinal lining. The Mayo clinic and others have shown that inflammatory markers are very high when alcohol is consumed versus not.


Inflammation Stop the Fire Within

1. Vegetables & Fruits that have high anti-oxidant and phytonutrient levels. There are 5 main free radicals that cause inflam-mation and it takes a mixture of high antioxidant fruits and vegetables to ensure the inflaming oxida-tion of your cells is stopped. Research is very clear that it takes 10 servings a day from a mixture of high antioxidant and phytonutrient rich fruits and vegetables a day to get rid of inflammation. The top fruits and vegetables are; Dark cherries, Blueber-ries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Kale, Broccoli sprouts, Spinach, Cranberries, Sweet potatoes, Onions, Pineapples and Carrots. Remember though that any fruits and vegetables can be benefi-cial so eat up. It is important to try and find organic fruits and vegetables. When unavailable, make sure and wash your produce very well to make sure any chemicals that could cause inflammation are washed off. If you have trouble consuming at least 10 serv-ings a day of fresh antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables, there is a raw organic and pesticide free extremely high antioxidant powder with over 35 fruits and vegetables you can use to help. Antioxi-dant potency is rated and the average American gets 1,200 units a day according to the USDA. The “Fruit & Veggie Plus” powder has 20,000 antioxidant units per serving which is the highest on the market per gram of powder. Go to, call

Scan here for PhytonutrientSpecial Health Report

Antioxidant Potency Units Per Serving25000









Fruit andVeggie Plus

Blueberries GreensFirst

Ruby Reds

Top 10 Anti-inflammatory foods,nutrients and lifestyle choices

10. Lack of sleep and too much stress Lack of Sleep - According to research out of UCLA, a lack of sleep, even for a few short hours during the night, can prompt one’s immune system to turn against healthy tissue and organs. Losing sleep for even part of one night can trigger the key cellular pathway that produces tissue-damaging inflammation according to new research. The findings show that you need 7-8 hours a night of good sound sleep. NOTE: chemical sleep aids are not the answer because they can cause inflamma-tion.

Stress - A new study provides a better under-standing of why chronic stress leads to high levels of inflammation in the body. Researchers found that chronic stress changes gene activity of immune cells before they enter the bloodstream so that they're ready to fight infection or trauma -- even when there is no infection or trauma to fight. This then leads to increased inflammation. This phenomenon was reported by researchers from Ohio State Uni-versity, the University of California, Los Angeles, Northwestern University and the University of British Columbia. Yoga or at least 10 minutes a day of meditation helps the body relieve stress.

1-800-890-4547 or click or scan the QR code with your smart phone for a full in depth report on antioxidants and phytonutrients.


Inflammation Stop the Fire Within

putting that bottle back on the shelf. Another good choice; Avocado oil has a fatty acid composition similar to olive oil and it is even better for cook-ing because it has a higher smoke point.

2. Salmon Salmon is an excellent source of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), two potent omega-3 fatty acids that douse inflammation. Be sure to include some oily fish such as wild Alaskan salmon in your diet twice a week. Additional choices: Anchovies, mackerel and sardines

3. Olive Oil Extra Virgin olive oil is the Mediterranean diets secret to longevity. It has a rich supply of polyphe-nols that protect the heart and blood vessels from inflammation. The monounsaturated fats in olive oil are also turned into anti-inflammatory agents by the body. Look for the harvest date. Remember that olive oil is the opposite of wine. It is not meant to age. Olive oil is good for about two years if stored in optimum conditions, which means in a dark, room-temperature cupboard. If the back of the label doesn't have the harvest date, you may consider

4. Plant enzymes (Proteases & Peptidases) You might not have heard about plant enzymes as anti-inflammatories while searching the webs long list of anti-inflammatory articles but you actually have in a way when you see recommenda-tions for papaya and pineapple. These fruits anti-inflammatory benefits come from theirenzymes that have tremendous researchshowing they reduce inflammation.Papayas enzyme is called Papain andPineapples anti-inflammatory enzymeit contains is called Bromelain. The exciting news is that plantenzymes specifically grown fortheir anti-inflammatory benefitshave even greater potent effects atreducing inflammatory markers inthe body than Papain and Bromelain.These enzymes are named Proteases and Peptizymes. When looking for anti-inflammatory enzymes, it is important to make sure the label lists all four of these enzymes (Bromelain, Papain, Protease and Peptidase) along with minerals to activate them and whole food vitamin C from Arnia or another food source to help deliver them.

NOTE ON ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS AND A PROVEN NATURAL FORMULA; Numerous published studies prove that prote-olytic enzymes reduce inflammation as fast as NSAIDs, but far more importantly, they speed up the healing process faster than the drugs themselves. Many studies are listed at the end of the article*. A study that proved this on a specific product called “Optimal Acute” was performed at the University of Alberta by Dr. Fisher, Ph.D., and Trethart. Three groups of athletes were used in the study. When injuries occurred, one group took drug-based anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), another group took nothing (placebo), and the final group took a specific blend of plant-based enzymes and nutrients found in a formula called ‘Optimal Acute’ . Below are the graphs depicting the important results from the study. Graphs on following page


Inflammation Stop the Fire Within

Research proves that the detrimental effects from NSAIDs come from the blocking of the ‘good’ prostaglandins as well as the ‘bad’ ones,** while the proteolytic enzyme blend in Optimal Acute helped the injury heal two times faster than the NSAID group—with no detrimental side effects. This is because it reduces the inflammation causing bad prostaglandins and boosts the good ones!Synopsis: The exact proteolytic blend of proteases, peptidase, bromelain and antioxidant co-factors found in Optimal Acute reduce swelling at the same speed as NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Aspirin, prescriptions) and promote full healing 200% faster than NSAIDs.5. Raw NutsRaw nuts are best but research shows nuts in general are a good choice. Nuts contain specific fatty acids

that squelch the inflam-matory fires that rage in our bodies.

Almonds and Walnuts are a rich

source of fatty acids that create DHA

and EPA which are two omega-3 fatty acids that help to calm the inflammation. Flax seeds, Macadamia nuts, Hazelnuts and Pecans are great choices also. The new rising seed “Chia” also has a great anti-inflammatory rating, so eat up.6. Herbs & Spices There are a number of spices and herbs that show extremely good anti-inflammatory benefits and the good news is that you can just start sprin-kling them on your food or drink more of these herbs and spices.Green tea has been the subject of much excitement in the research community as oflate. This great tasting drinkcontains a natural antioxidantcalled epigallocatechin-3gallate (EGCG) not foundin black tea. Studiessuggest that EGCG worksto stop the production ofcertain inflammatory chemicals in the body. Try adding some stevia or raw honey to the green tea for a sweet anti-inflammatory drink. Turmeric is being recognized in the scientific literature as the new king of anti-inflammatory nutrients. This herb contains the phytonutrient curcumin that smothers

are a good chothat sq


acidtwo omega-

Graph # 1 shows the time it took for injury-caused swelling (inflammation) to go down amongst the three groups.Graph #1 - Acute “Enzymes” Inflammation and Swelling Graph

Both the NSAID group and the Optimal Acute proteolytic enzyme blend group reduced swelling faster than not taking anything. The ‘bad’ prosta-glandins were reduced both with NSAIDs and the ‘Acute’ formula when taken orally. The specific enzyme blend used in the University of Alberta study shows that ‘Optimal Acute’ reduces swelling just as well as NSAIDs.Graph #2 - Depicts the time it took for the study participants’ tissues (muscles and tendons) to fully heal. The Acute Formula Group helped “heal” the damaged tissue 200 percent faster than the NSAID group.

The group that took nothing actually healed faster than the NSAIDs group!










No NSAIDS Acute Ingredients NSAIDS

*Acute ingredients reduce swelling as well as NSAIDS




n R














No NSAIDS Acute Ingredients NSAIDS

*Acute ingredients have the best healing time






Inflammation Stop the Fire Within

inflammation. Cinnamon is a great tasting spice that helps with inflammation and blood sugarlevels. Sprinkle on almostanything. Garlic containsAllicins which arephytonutrients shownto reduce inflammationand lower heart diseaserisk. Basil and Oreganoare easy to use herbs in almost any dish and are a great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory duo. Ginger is a favorite because it diminishes inflamma- tion and has scientific studies

backing its ability to relieve stomach issues. We love a

happy tummy. Try eating a small amount of fresh ginger at meals to

cleanse the palate and reduce stomach upset.NOTE: All of these herbs and spices are included in the Acute enzyme formula and the Fruit & Veggie powder mentioned earlier.

7. Dark chocolate This is a favorite healthy choice. 'Good' stomach bacteria break down chocolate and turn it into heart healthy anti-inflammatorycompounds, which expertssay could reduce your long-term risk of stroke, accord-ing to research presented atthe National Meeting &Exposition of the AmericanChemical Society. Pick a Dark Chocolate with at least 70% Cacoa and enjoy in the afternoon and right before bed for a healthy snack.

8. More sleep Getting 7-8 hours of good sound sleep a night reduces inflammation and interrupting that by more than an hour or two increases it. Here are the top tips for a good sound sleep. * Keep your bedroom completely dark during sleep times. Even a little ambient light can keep you out of deep REM sleep. * If you can’t sleep, immediately sit up and start reading a book. Make sure you can turn off the light without moving far when your mind is calmed and you are ready to sleep. *Don’t eat anything within 2 hours of bedtime and if you do, make sure and take a digestive enzyme supplement with it. * Exercise for at least 30 minutes during the day but not too


close to sleep time. Remember that prescription drugs are designed to force sleep. If you feel you need to take something, take natural nutrients like Tryptophan, Valerian root and Hops to help your body settle down for a good nights rest. To learn more about sleeping and the nutrients that help you get into deep sound sleep, ask for the free “sleep disorders” special health report or view by scanning the QR CODE below. You can also call1-800-890-4547 for a free report.


Amazingly, the latest scientificresearch shows that lack of sleepis causing our physical health,longevity, and emotional well-being to be diminished at asurprisingly fast rate! Researchfrom the Division of SleepMedicine at Harvard MedicalSchool shows that over time,chronic sleep deprivation can leadto serious medical conditionsincluding obesity, diabetes, heartdisease, and early death. A lack ofquality sleep causes anxiety,memory loss, fat gain, moodswings, high blood pressure, anda decrease in work and physicalperformance.


1 in 3 Americans are needlessly affected

by a condition that robs them of energy and vitality.

This problem also causes disease and leads to early death.


Special Report#102

Your body requires only one key factor that totally eliminates this condition.Your body tries to regulate this factor just like it does for eating, drinking, and breathing.

You would actually die sooner by depriving your body of this factor than you would by starving yourself.What is this disease causing problem that over 70 million Americans have

but most don’t realize the serious damage it is causing?(2)


Where Health Comes Naturally


Inflammation Stop the Fire Within

9. Whole body exercise and stretching Although excess exercising and serious muscle building can cause inflammation in the moment, a good sound exercise program actually reduces long term inflammation. Our recommendations are to do 30 minutes of resistance (weight) training three times a week along with 30 minutes of aerobic exercise 3 times a week also. This will keep the inflaming fires at bay.

10. Micronutrients Certain micronutrients have tremendous research associated with them showing their ability to lower inflammation or prevent it from happening in the first place. Here is a list of the top research proven ones.Antioxidants and Proteolytic enzymes These nutrients are the kings of reducing inflammatory reactions in the body and have loads of scientific research. Get more antioxidants by consuming more fruits and vegetables along with the potent Fruit and Veggie Plus Powder. All of the plant based proteolytic enzymes are found in the University proven “Optimal Acute” Formula. Refer to numbers 1 and 4 for more details.


Vitamin DVitamin D appears to exert anti-inflammatory activity by the suppression of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins, and inhibi-tion of the inflammatory mediator NFkb (Krishnan et al. 2010). Vitamin D deficiencies are more common amongst patients with inflammatory diseases (including rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, systemic lupus erythe-matosus, and diabetes) than in healthy individuals (Guillot et al. 2010). They also occur more frequently in populations that are prone to low-level inflammation, such as obese individuals and the elderly (Awad et al. 2012).Low vitamin D status was associated with elevated CRP in a study of 548 heart failure patients (Liu et al. 2011), and with increases in blood inflam-matory markers in a group of 46 middle-aged men with endothelial dysfunction (Jablonski et al. 2011). Optimal Longevi-D contains the only high dosage whole food form of Vitamin D available that is cultured in the proprietary OHS whole food media.

CoQ10Taking steps to support mitochondrial integrity and efficiency can help alleviate some of the systemic oxidative and inflam-matory burden caused by poorly functioning mitochondria. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and Vitamin D are powerful mitochondrial protectants (Sourris 2012; Tao 2007), and studies support an anti-inflammatory role for these compounds. Studies have shown that CoQ10 levels are low during inflammatory conditions. In one investigation, patients with septic shock were found to have CoQ10 levels substan-tially lower than healthy individuals, and, among patients, lower CoQ10 levels correlated with higher levels of an inflam-matory mediator called VCAM (Donnino 2011). Laboratory experiments indicate that CoQ10 modulates the expression of several hundred genes, many involved in inflammatory signaling (Schmelzer 2008). Both CoQ10 and vitamin D can be found in their potent whole food form in Optimal Longevi-D.

MagnesiumIn two large observation studies (the Women’s Health Initiative and Harvard Nurses Study), greater magnesium (Mg) intake was associated with lower inflammatory markers in the blood. (Galland 2010, Chacko et al. 2010). Data from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis did find a significant associa-tion between greater dietary magnesium and the lower levels of the inflammation-associated proteins homocysteine and fibrinogen (de Oliveira Otto et al. 2011). Magnesium was rated as the most anti-inflammatory dietary factor in the Dietary Inflammatory index, which rated 42 common dietary constitu-ents on their ability to reduce CRP levels based on human and animal experimental and observation data (Cavicchia et al. 2009). Magnesium can cause diarrhea if taken in the wrong form. (Muscle Rx is a good formula with three forms of Patented Magnesium and other nutrients to help muscle longevity)


Inflammation Stop the Fire Within

* Blanstein, T.G. “Oral Enzymes in the Treatment of Boxing Injuries”. Practitioner 198: 547-8 (1967).*Boyne, P.G;Medhurst, H. “Oral Anti inflammatory Enzyme Therapy in Injuries in Professional Footballers”. The Practitioner 198: 543-6 (1967).* Deitrick, R.E., MD. “Oral Proteolytic Enzymes In The Treatment of Athletic Injuries: A Double-Blind Study”. The Pensylvania Medical Journal 68(10): 35-7.** Eur J Rheumatol Infaslama 1993: 13 81: 7-16.

CONCLUSION Chronic low grade inflammation is the great “Silent Killer” that up till now wasn’t understood or talked about much. Thousands of new research studies on many different diseases have all led to the same conclusion that cellular inflammation either causes or seriously increases disease and aging in the body. The great news is that major studies have also identified the main inflammatory markers of foods and lifestyle that create inflam-mation and the things we can do to eliminate it. Follow the recommendations from this article by focusing on a happy attitude about life, a clean diet, exercise and supplying the body with the right nutrients. By doing this, we can all lower our risk of inflammation and disease while we slow down or even reverse the aging process.

Follow the lifestyle protocols shown and Call 1-800-890-4547 today or go to to order the whole food formulas consisting of the highest potency antioxidant powder available, “Fruit and Veggie Plus” along with the University researched and proven “Optimal Acute” proteolytic formula and start reducing inflammation now.

“Your Clinic’s Name and all the necessary contact information.”