Industrialization By: Shane Mills. A tenement house in the 1860’s.

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Industrialization By: Shane Mills. A tenement house in the 1860’s.


By: Shane Mills

A tenement house in the 1860’s

New York City

Child Labor

Poor Working Conditions


Assembly Line

• Henry ford started the first assembly line for automobiles.

New farm technology

On the right is a picture of a tractor in the 1860’s or 1920’s on the left is a picture of worker’s bailing hay into a

wagon pulled by a tractor

New technology used in the home

On the right is a picture of an electric stove. On the left is a picture of a incandescent lamp by Thomas Edison. On the right is a

picture of a carpet sweeper made by Melville Bissell.

In the middle is a phonograph made by Thomas Edison. On the right is a

picture of a phone made by Alexander Grand Bell.

Jane Addams

• Jane Addams started the first settlement house called the hull house. A hull house is where immigrants can get there education. Jane took her money and private donations to run the hull house.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

• Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a writer. She was a suffragist for women's rights. She was also for there freedom’s to vote.

Lincoln Steffens

• Lincoln Steffens was a journalist that specialized in the investing the government and political corruption. He made a book called The shame of the cities.

Ida Tarbell

• She exposed the standard oil company.

• She wrote two books on was the history of the standard oil company owner John D. Rockefeller.