Indonesian Tea Manufacturers World Ranking 8

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Indonesian Tea Manufacturers World Ranking 8 27 September 2013 09:48:30 0 Author: Indonesian Investment

Who did not drink tea? everyone must have been drinking the tea. No where tea gardens? most certainly exist in West Java. When the tea is the beverage most widely consumed in the world.Naturally occurring stunted trees tea comes from China which has long since they consume, in the 16th century when the Portuguese expanded powers, the tea imported into Europe and quickly gained popularity there. The rise in popularity of tea made of the Portuguese and the Dutch established a colony in the tea plantations in the tropics.Constant temperature and humidity requirements are needed to grow tea plants. The condition was only found in the tropical and subtropical regions in Asia where 60% of world production is produced. Highlands produce the best quality tea leaves. Harvesting is done when the tea plant was 4 years old. Only the young leaves (shoots) were picked manually.Indonesia currently occupies the 8th position in the production of tea. The main producers of tea world dominated by China and India.In the colonial era we are in the top position, but now times have changed conditions we have overtaken other countries in the affairs of tea. The number of commodities of tea over to palm oil or even vegetable has caused a decline in tea production in Indonesia. Statistics in 2012 indicated that about 77% of the land contained in tea Indonesian province of West Java. Followed by Central Java and West Sumatra.Approximately 65 percent of Indonesian tea production is exported. Countries main export destinations are Russia, Britain, and Pakistan. Exports are dominated by large estates, both state and private, while most farmers are more oriented toward the domestic market (Indonesia have high levels of tea consumption Low per capita). T er Indonesia which is oriented to the export market depends on the international market, especially regarding the price of tea.  When supply exceeds demand in the international market, domestic prices fell sharply. This affects small farmers, because they need to sell their tea with lower prices (which can hardly cover the cost of production). 

Similar to other commodities, Indonesia relies on bulk tea exports, which is the (upstream) of primary products. Lemahnya Indonesian tea industry in the downstream effect on the competitiveness of Indonesian tea industry in the international market. Tea exports of downstream products is only about 6 percent of the total tea exports.Source: Tea in Indonesia