Individual pitch

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Individual pitch

Gabija, Ellen and Leah


Idea by: Gabi Baksyte


THRILLER SUB GENRE• The sub genre I picked is psycho this is because it creates a lot of questions for the

audience and it is overall a thriller that you need to think about which makes it interesting. It is important to make the audience interested in the opening so they keep it keeps them wanting to watch more.

TARGET AUDIENCE • My intended target audience is teenagers and young adults. Ages from about 13-21. I

have picked this age group because it is the age group I think I could relate to the most. Making the opening relatable will make it better because the audience will know what is going on. My opening will be relatable to teenagers because they usually go to parks with friends and listen to music, therefore the audience will know what it is like.

SETTING• A calm atmosphere in a field with trees in the background until she gets dragged and then

there is an aspect of danger and suspenseful music starts.

DESCRIPTION OF WHAT HAPPENS• Two friends are chilling in a field and both have earphones in listening to music (calm vibes).

While they are listening to music one of them gets dragged quickly by their feet. Then by the time the other friend realises, there is an eye line match of her getting picked up by a guy in a black mask and being thrown in the back of a van. There are a couple cross cuts between the van and the other friend running towards the van screaming. Then the last shot would be a shot inside the van of the man laughing hysterically and taking off his mask but, before we see his face the screen goes black.


Idea by: Ellen Davis

• Sub-genre: Psychological thriller

• Target audience: teenagers/young adults

OPENING SCENE PLOT• Two women are standing in a middle of a field. They both

have guns and are wearing black suits, black heels and black shades. They’re both staring into the distance with no emotion. One says, “She’s gone” and the other replies “I know”. We then see Flashes of Lea’s thoughts and brutal memories from her life in the Asylum/secret laboratory and it shows how she escapes. She’s running down the corridor of the mental health asylum, the two women we see at the beginning are following her but they aren’t running, they’re walking. She escapes and runs out into the field, they don’t follow her. Over the whole scene we can hear the two women in the black suits talking about her.

• (voice over; “should we go after her”, “no”, “not yet”, “There's no point, she’ll die out there”)

• Lea’s body is laying in a forest. She opens her eyes, she's alive.


• Forest • Clinic(school)

• Field


Idea by: Leah Lawn


• I have chosen to create a Thriller opening of the Psychological subgenre. I have chosen this as I have watched many psychological thrillers, such as Donnie Darko, Black Swan and Gone girl and therefore have a vast knowledge of them. Additionally, I find them the least “cheap” in that usually, the characters are three dimensional and interesting. I also find that scares that come from the mind are far scarier than jumpscares, gore etc.


• I intend to aim my Thriller opening to older teens and young adults, typically between the ages of 16-25. I have noticed that subgenres that are more confusing, such as Psychological/Sci-fi/Political are not as easily consumed as horror, etc. therefore, while people in this young teens could watch my opening and enjoy it but many may not understand the concept of it.


• My opening will be set in the morning, around 6/7am, as if the protagonist has just woken up. It will be in a unruly forest, with leaves, branches everywhere and the protagonist will be isolated.


• My film will be called A Memory. A young girl of 16 wakes up in the middle of a forest, after a hectic night before. She is wearing torn up clothes with cuts and scrapes everywhere, and has messy make up on with matted hair. Unable to fully see, she begins to walk around the forest in order to take in the scenery. We get an idea that she is mentally ill, as she hears whispers in her head. Suddenly, she sees objects that remind her of what she did last night. For example, she sees a needle on the floor and it reminds her of being injected with pharmaceuticals. We see more of her visions, but we are not sure whether these actually happened or if they are in her imagination. Finally, something reminds her of her jumping off a building, but clearly this never happened as she is still alive. The opening ends here, and we are left with an enigma.