Inclusion of Places on the Local Government Inventory and ...€¦ · review of places for...

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Transcript of Inclusion of Places on the Local Government Inventory and ...€¦ · review of places for...

Ordinary Meeting of Council 13 April 2016


Ward: (All Wards) (Strategic Planning)

Disclosure of Interest: Nil

Authorised Officer: (Executive Manager Planning and Development)


• Local Government is required to compile and maintain an inventory of buildings within its district under Section 45 of the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 (the Act), which in its opinion are, or may become, of cultural heritage significance.

• Local Government is required, under Section 45(2) of the Act, to annually update its Local Government Inventory (LGI), and undertake a full review every four years after its completion.

• The City is required to maintain a Heritage List of places of particular heritage importance that are protected through Local Planning Scheme No.17.

• Each Heritage place on the Inventory is assigned a Heritage Management Category, and those in the two highest categories (Exceptional Significance and Considerable Significance) are automatically included on the City’s statutorily protected Heritage List. Heritage places remaining only on the Inventory have the status of a survey of heritage places.

• The implications of being on the Heritage List include that, for several types of development, places on the Heritage List are not considered to be ‘exempt’ from requiring planning permission and heritage consideration.

• The places for possible inclusion on the Local Government Inventory and Heritage List be advertised for a period of 30 days. A total of ten (10) submissions were received following the advertising period.

• Following the initial review of places, and consideration of submissions received, of the 14 places that have undergone review for inclusion on the Local Government Inventory and Heritage List, it is considered that two (2) places are of Exceptional Significance, five (5) places are of Considerable Significance, there are three (3) Significant places, and one (1) place of Some Significance. One place was not assessed, and two places were removed from consideration.

It is recommended that Council adopt the proposed changes to the Local Government Inventory and Heritage List, and inform property owners/occupiers, submitters, and State Heritage Council of its decision.

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Ordinary Meeting of Council 13 April 2016


A Local Government Inventory (LGI) contains a list of places and structures which, in the opinion of the Local Government, are, or may become, of cultural heritage significance. Local Governments are required under Section 45 (2) of the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990 to compile and maintain its LGI and in doing so undertake an annual review of places for inclusion, and a full review of all places on the LGI every 4 years.

The City is also required to maintain a Heritage List of places of particular heritage importance that are protected through Clause 7.1 of Local Planning Scheme No. 17. If a Heritage Place is assigned one of the top two (of four) heritage management categories then it is automatically included on the City’s Heritage List, which is statutorily protected.

The last full review of the City’s LGI was adopted by Council at an Ordinary Meeting of Council on 15 December 2010, and the next full review of the LGI and List is to be actioned as part of the City’s Heritage Strategic Plan 2013. However, annual reviews of places for inclusion are still required in the interim.

In February 2015 the City engaged a specialist heritage consultant (TPG Town Planning, Urban Design and Heritage) to review 14 places for possible inclusion in the LGI and Heritage List. Place records were compiled for each place, detailing the evidence provided for inclusion, the history of each place, assigned cultural heritage significance, and the reasons for its possible entry.

Elected Members were briefed on 26 August 2015 about the City’s intention to publicity advertise the inclusion of several places of heritage value to the City’s Local Government Inventory of Heritage Places and where applicable, the City’s Heritage List.


In February 2015, the City commenced with its first review of places for inclusion on the LGI by engaging heritage consultants (TPG Town Planning, Urban Design and Heritage) to review 14 places for inclusion. Of these 14 Places, seven were put forward at the request of landowners, three by City officers due to their State significance, one by the MRA, one by the Bullsbrook Residents and Ratepayers Association, one by the curator of Whiteman Park, and one by a ratepayer.

Four of the places are already on the LGI but have been reassessed at the request of City staff or property owners.

Research was undertaken by the heritage consultants including site inspections, meetings with landowners to investigate the history of the places, and their integrity, authenticity and condition, following which the consultant put forward recommended heritage management categories for each of the Places in question.

The recommendations of the consultant and accompanying information were advertised in several local newspapers, through relevant community groups, and directly to owners and occupiers of properties in question.

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Ordinary Meeting of Council 13 April 2016

Ten (10) submissions were received in response to advertising and are summarised in the schedule of submissions attached. Several responses supported the recommendations, with several opposed. In particular, opposing responses related to:

• Requesting additional information;

• The inclusion of 171 George Street, West Swan on the Heritage List;

• The inclusion of properties at 39-49 North Street, Midland on the Heritage List;

• Restrictions on future development;

• Time given to arrange site visits;

• Financial implications for property owners as a result of inclusion on the Heritage List.

As a result of the submissions and negotiation with the heritage consultant some changes have been made to the original recommendations advertised.

171 George Street, West Swan

Due to the extensive alterations to the dwelling and property impacting the originality and authenticity of the place, the recommended Heritage Management Category has been reduced from ‘Considerable Significance’ to ‘Significant’.

This has been discussed with the property owner, and his concerns have been alleviated.

39-49 North Street, Midland

This place has been removed from consideration. Several owners/occupiers of these properties have strongly opposed the placing of the properties on the City’s Heritage List.

Given the level of opposition to the Listing, in addition to the precedent set in approving a Development Application including solar hot water panels of the front roof slope of Nos. 47 and 49 North Street, it is considered that the heritage contribution to the locality and streetscape is appropriately recorded on the Local Government Inventory. Additional protection under the Local Planning Scheme (Heritage List) is not warranted given the extensive front and rear alterations already undertaken.

Research undertaken on the properties will be retained, and it is recommended that the Heritage Management Category for the properties at 39-49 North Street is recorded as Significant (no change from current classification).

70 Railway Parade, Midland

The property at this address, the Commercial Tavern, has been removed from consideration.

It was proposed that the property be given a Heritage Management Category of Considerable Significance, resulting in the Commercial Tavern being placed on the City’s Heritage List.

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Ordinary Meeting of Council 13 April 2016

Since the review was undertaken, the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority has undertaken its own review into Heritage places within their boundaries. The MRA have used a slightly different hierarchy of Heritage Management Categories, and have proposed to give the Commercial Tavern a Heritage Management Category with a desired outcome similar to that proposed by the City. The City considers that since the MRA currently administers this area, that their Inventory will take preference and it is not necessary to follow through with the Heritage Listing of the Commercial Tavern.

Therefore, the final recommendations put forward by the heritage consultant are summarised in the table below:

Address Name of Place

Construction Date


Original Use General and


Historic Theme General and


Management Category

12 Loder Way, South Guildford

Olive Farm Cellars


DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY; Rural industry and market gardening

Exceptional significance

39 Market Street, Guildford

Fairholme Group

1861 or 1890; 1901 or 1912

RESIDENTIAL; Single-story residence


Exceptional significance

2585 Great Northern Highway, Bullsbrook

RAAF Base Pearce

1936 MILITARY; other

MILITARY; World Wars and other wars

Considerable significance

2 Turton Street, Guildford

Cora Lynn 1900 RESIDENTIAL; Single-storey residence

DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY; Land allocation and subdivision

Considerable significance

15 Toodyay Road, Middle Swan

Elsinore 1898 RESIDENTIAL; Single-storey residence

DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY; Land allocation & subdivision

Considerable significance

Lot 99 Lord Street. Whiteman

Whiteman Park



Considerable significance

22 Turner Road, Bullsbrook

CWA Hall/West Bullsbrook Hall

1903 SOCIAL/ RECREATIONAL; Agricultural Hall

SOCIAL/ RECREATIONAL; Other community hall/centre

Considerable significance

171 George Street, West Swan


1841 FARMING/ PASTORAL; Single-story residence

DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY; Grazing, pastoralism and dairying


68 East Street, Guildford


DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY; Land allocation and subdivision


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Ordinary Meeting of Council 13 April 2016

55 Morrison Road, Midland

N/A 1933 RESIDENTIAL; Single-storey residence

DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY; Land allocation & subdivision


70 Great Northern Highway, Middle Swan

Jack Mann Oval


SOCIAL & CIVIC ACTIVITIES; Sport, recreation & entertainment

Some significance

Recommendations by the heritage consultants considered that two (2) places are of ‘Exceptional Significance’, five (5) places are of ‘Considerable Significance’, three (3) ‘Significant’ places, and one (1) place of ‘Some Significance’.

Three of the places were reassessed, having been already adopted on the Local Government Inventory, with one of these being on the 2010 Heritage List.

In accordance with this current review it is recommended that eleven (11) places be included on the Local Government Inventory, eight (8) being new entries. In addition, seven (7) of the 11 places would also be included on the City’s Heritage List, with six (6) of these being new additions to the statutorily protected Heritage List.

The above recommendations should be read with the Place Record Forms for each of the places, attached.


Initially during the review of the 14 places the consultants notified, by letter, landowners and occupiers of all relevant places to be included, and engaged in dialogue where found to be necessary. The owner of 70 East Street was not contactable and the consultants had no means to confirm the history of the place.

On 1 September 2015, public consultation of the draft recommendations commenced with placement of notices in the Midland Reporter and Eastern Reporter and on 2 September 2015 in the Bullsbrook Gingin Advocate for a period of 30 days.

At the commencement of the advertising period landowners and occupiers were notified by letter explaining the review process and confirming that the property/place is proposed to be included in the revised LGI and/or Heritage List, and a copy of the Place Record included in the notification. The City invited comments or suggestions about inclusion of property/place on the LGI.

The Place Record Forms were available on the City’s website for public viewing during the advertising period.

A number of responses were received, both in support and opposition of the proposed recommendations. Consideration was given to submissions and changes to the initial recommendations have been explained above in the ‘Details’ section.

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Ordinary Meeting of Council 13 April 2016


Schedule of Submissions

Place Record Forms – January 2016


B2.1.2 Maintain and Protect Heritage


Heritage of Western Australia Act 1992, section 45(2).

Local Planning Scheme No.17


Residential properties included on the heritage list qualify for discounted rates.


Simple majority

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Ordinary Meeting of Council 13 April 2016


That the Council resolve to:

1) Adopt the proposed changes set out in the table below, to the City’s Local Government Inventory and Heritage List:

Heritage List:

Address Name of Place

Construction Date


Original Use General and


Historic Theme General and


Management Category

12 Loder Way, South Guildford

Olive Farm Cellars


DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY; Rural industry and market gardening

Exceptional significance

39 Market Street, Guildford

Fairholme Group

1861 or 1890; 1901 or 1912

RESIDENTIAL; Single-story residence


Exceptional significance

2585 Great Northern Highway, Bullsbrook

RAAF Base Pearce

1936 MILITARY; other

MILITARY; World Wars and other wars

Considerable significance

2 Turton Street, Guildford

Cora Lynn 1900 RESIDENTIAL; Single-storey residence

DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY; Land allocation and subdivision

Considerable significance

15 Toodyay Road, Middle Swan

Elsinore 1898 RESIDENTIAL; Single-storey residence

DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY; Land allocation & subdivision

Considerable significance

Lot 99 Lord Street. Whiteman

Whiteman Park



Considerable significance

22 Turner Road, Bullsbrook

CWA Hall/West Bullsbrook Hall

1903 SOCIAL/ RECREATIONAL; Agricultural Hall

SOCIAL/ RECREATIONAL; Other community hall/centre

Considerable significance

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Ordinary Meeting of Council 13 April 2016

Local Government Inventory:

171 George Street, West Swan


1841 FARMING/ PASTORAL; Single-story residence

DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY; Grazing, pastoralism and dairying


68 East Street, Guildford


DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY; Land allocation and subdivision


55 Morrison Road, Midland

N/A 1933 RESIDENTIAL; Single-storey residence

DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY; Land allocation & subdivision


70 Great Northern Highway, Middle Swan

Jack Mann Oval


SOCIAL & CIVIC ACTIVITIES; Sport, recreation & entertainment

Some significance

2) Inform property owners/occupiers, and submitters of Council's decision.

3) Inform the State Heritage Council of its decision.


Page 8

Summary of responses we have received to the consultation for inclusion of places on the LGI and heritage list

Comments Statements Reasons given for this decisionNo. Submissions Received Contact Details Property Date of Submission Land owner Property Description


Nevan Pavlinovich M. 0419916836 and

171 George Street, WestSwan

Received via email on8/09/2015 at 9:52 AM

Lindlaw PTY LTD St LeonardsHomestead

Object to the heritage listing of 171George Street

Changes made to the property has dramaticallymodified the building over the years. The originalhouse faced west but after subdivision the westentrance became another property and the housewas reconfigured to face east.


Karen Tester M. Neville Tester 0434 630611 or Lance Booth 0412 771522

70 Railway ParadeMidland

Received via email on30/09/2015 at 5:14PM

Commercial Enterprises PtyLtd

Commercial Hotel Support the listing of 70 RailwayParade on the City's LGI or HL withreservation

They have concerns that the listing may affect anyfuture development that they are looking toundertake. This property falls under the MRADevelopment Scheme and in the new MRA designguidelines, Tavern and or Hotel is not listed as apreferred land use for this place but the currentCommercial Hotel occupies this site. Uncertaintyexists how the proposed Heritage Listing will bedealt with under the MRA guidelines.


Received via email on03/09/2015 at12:57PM

Private Residence not stated The owner acknowledge that the property hasheritage value based on its age (built in 1895) andone of the original terrace houses but the originalchimney in the kitchen area was removed.


Received via email on13/09/2015 at 2:13PM

Private Residence Object to the heritage listing ofNorth St properties

This is an objection to a decision made by Cityofficers to the removal of a chimney on a jointproperty of 43 45 North Street, Midland.

owever does object to thelisting due to the alterations to neighbouringproperties, and being forced to abide by heritagecolours.


S 29/09/2015 at

Private Residence not stated They wanted more detail about the property beforemaking a final decision.


E.E. 7:44AM

5/10/15Private Residence Object to the heritage listing of

North St propertiesClaims she did not know the property was on theLGI when purchasing in 2010 (Property has beenincluded since at least 1995 ). Significant alterationshave been undertaken at 43, 47, and 49, which aresympathetic to heritage values. Property at 45 hashad painting to alter the frontage, and is not inkeeping with the rest of the properties. Verge treeplanting is not consistent between the properties.No schemes are available to assist with heritageconservation maintenance, and heritage listingwould inhibit plans to renovate in a similar mannerto aforementioned properties.


E. Received via email on08/09/2015 at10:02AM

Private Residence not stated Did not receive sufficient time (5 days) for TPG toassess the property for potential inclusion in theCity of Swan heritage list.

Information supplied by the submitter


M. Received via email on30/09/2015 at 8:14AM

Several owners are represented in this objection

Private Residence Object to the heritage listing ofNorth St properties

Significant development has occurred at thedwellings in question. Hot water systems are visiblefrom the street. Planning and building permissionwould be required for security screens on thefrontage of the dwellings. Costs for repairs andmaintenance would increase, becoming prohibitive.Heritage listing would affect future salespossibilities. Owners would not have bought if theyknew the properties would be heritage listed. Didnot receive sufficient time (5 days) for TPG to assessthe property for potential inclusion in the City ofSwan heritage list. Only limited information wasavailable on the City's website for owners on whatthe potential heritage listing involves andimplications in terms of additional requirementsand fees if listed.


Dr. Anne Sibbel onbehalf of the BRRA

m: 0418 940 848 I

West Bullsbrook Hall andthe RAAF Base Pearce

Received via email on22/09/2015 at 8:31AM

N/A Community Group Support the inclusion of bothBullsbrook places

Both the Hall and the Base are important places inBullsbrook’s history as detailed in the report and weare really pleased that once listed they will be giventhe protection they need for the future. BRRAmembers also asked to consider the old Warrenhome on the Great Northern Highway in Bullsbrookin the Inventory

10 Helen 68 East Street, Guildford Email on 12/1/16 Helen Appleyard Private Residence

Support the inclusion of 68 EastStreet on the inventory

Supplied additional information regarding thehistory of the property, use of tennis court, andassociation with early Guildford sporting and sociallife.

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Local GovernmentHeritage InventoryUpdateFor the City of Swan

(January 2016)

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion



Exceptional Significance

Olive Farm Cellars 12 Loder Way, South Guildford WA 6055 ................................................. 4

Fairholme Group 39 Market Street, Guildford WA 6055........................................................ 8

Considerable Significance

RAAF Base Pearce 2585 Great Northern Highway, Bullsbrook WA 6084 ............................. 13

Cora Lynn 2 Turton Street, Guildford WA 6055 .................................................................... 16

Elsinore 15 Toodyay Road, Middle Swan WA 6056 .............................................................. 19

Whiteman Park Lot 99 Lord Street, Whiteman WA 6068 .................................................... 23

West Bullsbrook Hall 22 Turner Road, Bullsbrook 6084 ....................................................... 27


Outbuilding 68 East Street, Guildford WA 6055 ................................................................... 31

House 55 Morrison Road, Midland WA 6056........................................................................ 34

Springvale 171 George Street, West Swan WA 6055............................................................ 37

Some Significance

Jack Mann Oval 70 Great Northern Highway, Middle Swan WA 6056 ................................. 42

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Exceptional Significance

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Place Details Name of Place

Former Names:

Local Government Inventory Number

Assessment Number:

Property Key:

HCWA Number:

Site Details


Lot/Plan Diagram:

DatesConstruction Date:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Use/s of PlaceOriginal Use General:Original Use Specific:

Current Use General:Current Use Specific:

Historic Theme General:Historic Theme Specific:

DescriptionConstruction MaterialsWalls:Roof:






Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Statement of Significance:

Olive Farm Cellars, South Guildford, comprising a c.1830 underground stone and renderlined cellar with timber roof supports (incl. some of the original c.1830 timbers), a bricklined well in the floor, and in situ archaeological deposits, situated between the south eastbank of the Swan River and Great Eastern Highway in South Guildford, has culturalheritage significance for the following reasons:

The place is rare as the earliest surviving physical fabric associated with the firstsuccessful wine production in the Swan River Colony, an industry which continuesto be an important part of Western Australia’s economy and identity, and the siteof the first market garden;

The intact well, and original dirt floor surface beneath the current concrete floor,are likely to contain in situ archaeological deposits dating to the early nineteenthcentury with the potential to provide important information about one of theearliest settlement phases in the State;

The place provides valuable information about the material conditions of earlysettlers and their attempts to establish profitable industries in the newlyestablished colony;

The place is associated with botanist Thomas Waters, an early settler andbusinessman, who was responsible for growing some of the colony’s earliest grapevines, producing the first wines, and for establishing the first market garden in theSwan River Colony; and,

The place is associated with three generations of the Yurisich family who ownedand operated the place as a successful winery since the 1930s.

The metal clad shed situated above the cellar, and the function centre adjacent, are of littlesignificance.

Management Category:

Category Description:

Desirable Outcomes:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion



Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Place Details Name of PlaceFormer Names:

Local Government Inventory Number

Assessment Number:

Property Key:

HCWA Number:

Site Details


Lot/Plan Diagram:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


DatesConstruction Date:

Use/s of PlaceOriginal Use General:Original Use Specific:

Current Use General:Current Use Specific:

Historic Theme General:Historic Theme Specific:

DescriptionConstruction MaterialsWalls:Roof:






Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Statement of Significance:

Fairholme and Old Fairholme together with the associated driveway, service court andassociated areas demonstrate a way of life rarely practised, characterised by a mainhousehold served by servants occupying adjacent servants quarters;

Fairholme is a fine example of a mansion designed in the Federation Queen Annearchitectural style incorporating fine examples of Art Nouveau decoration in the stainedglass windows and the carved fireplace surround in the ballroom;

Fairholme is associated with wealthy pastoralist Charles Smith, who built it in the early1900s, and with renowned philanthropist Nathaniel Harper, who purchased Fairholmeand adjacent Earlsferry in 1950 for the purpose of establishing the Nathaniel HarperHomes;

The site and buildings have landmark value when viewed from the street, from the riverand from the railway. Together with Earlsferry on the western bank, Fairholme marks thewestern entry to Guildford when viewed from the river;

The buildings and site features together with the mature street trees of the adjacentMarket Street, contribute to the sheltered, mature quality of the streetscape;

The site has potential to yield through archaeological excavation information on colonialelite domestic material culture, the material culture associated with servants and themaster servant relationship and changing gardening activities through time; and,

The site and buildings are valued by the Guildford community, by the descendants of thefamilies who created them and by the staff and clients of the Disability ServicesCommission and their families for whom the place is and has been home.

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Management Category:

Category Description:

Desirable Outcomes:


Additional Images:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Considerable Significance

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Place Details Name of Place

Former Names:

Local Government Inventory Number

Assessment Number:

Property Key:

HCWA Number:

Site Details


Lot/Plan Diagram:

DatesConstruction Date:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Use/s of PlaceOriginal Use General:Original Use Specific:

Current Use General:Current Use Specific:

Historic Theme General:Historic Theme Specific:

DescriptionConstruction MaterialsWalls:Roof:






Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Statement of Significance:

The red brick buildings dating from the 1930/40s represent the form and aesthetic that isassociated with the significant history of World War II associations in the district. Theformer red brick entry gates are a landmark feature along Great Northern Highway;

The place was established in the Inter War period, in order to train Army and Air Forcepersonnel, and provide security against any future seaborne attacks on Western Australia;and

The place remains the primary facility for the training of RAAF personnel in WesternAustralia.

Management Category:

Category Description:

Desirable Outcomes:


Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Place Details Name of Place

Former Names:

Local Government Inventory Number

Assessment Number:

Property Key:

HCWA Number:

Site Details


Lot/Plan Diagram:

DatesConstruction Date:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Use/s of PlaceOriginal Use General:Original Use Specific:

Current Use General:Current Use Specific:

Historic Theme General:Historic Theme Specific:

DescriptionConstruction MaterialsWalls:Roof:






Teaching in Three Continents

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Statement of Significance:

Cora Lynn has aesthetic value as it exhibits the characteristics of a fine Federation QueenAnne style residence. It retains many fine details, including decorative lacework andbrackets; and turned timber posts. It is located on a large landscaped block that datesfrom the early period of the area’s development and it positively contributes to the historiccharacter of Guildford; and

Cora Lynn is associated with well known and influential agricultural journalist andeducationist Mr William Catton Grasby, who lived in the house from 1908 until his death in1930.

Management Category:

Category Description:

Desirable Outcomes:

References: Grasby, William Catton (1859 1930)

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Place Details Name of Place

Former Names:

Local Government Inventory Number

Assessment Number:

Property Key:

HCWA Number:

Site Details


Lot/Plan Diagram:

DatesConstruction Date:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Use/s of PlaceOriginal Use General:Original Use Specific:

Current Use General:Current Use Specific:

Historic Theme General:Historic Theme Specific:

DescriptionConstruction MaterialsWalls:Roof:





Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion



Statement of Significance:

Elsinore has aesthetic value in exhibiting the characteristics of a fine Federation Bungalowstyle residence. It remains many fine internal details, including fine cornices, timber floorsfireplaces and ceiling roses. It is located on a large landscaped block that dates from theearly period of the development in this area;

Elsinore has aesthetic value as a relatively substantial, well composed residence from thelate part of the Nineteenth Century has a landmark quality on the Toodyay Road andViveash Road intersection in Middle Swan;

Elsinore is associated with well known Midland businessman and former Councillor, MrHenry Spencer Osborn, for whom the main house was constructed, and with a formerMayor of Midland, Mr E J Halpin who designed the dwelling; and

Elsinore has some rarity value as the white bricks used in the string courses were part of asmall number of special runs of bricks made from white clay in Western Australia.

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Management Category:

Category Description:

Desirable Outcomes:


Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Mussel Pool

Place Details Name of Place

Former Names: -

Local Government Inventory Number

Assessment Number:

Property Key:

HCWA Number:

Site Details


Lot/Plan Diagram:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


DatesConstruction Date:

Use/s of PlaceOriginal Use General:Original Use Specific:

Current Use General:Current Use Specific:

Historic Theme General:Historic Theme Specific:

DescriptionConstruction MaterialsWalls:Roof:





Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion



Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Statement of Significance:

Whiteman Park has aesthetic value as a natural setting of Swan Coastal Plain flora andtall exotic trees, which contrasts with Mussel Pool a permanent body of water, embellishedwith islands and low key 1960s parkland architecture, surrounded by verdant lawn shadedby a blend of mature trees;

The place has historic value through its association with Lew Whiteman, a prominent localidentity in the Swan Valley who was instrumental in the development and publicpromotion of the park;

The purchase of Whiteman Park in the 1970s 80s from Lew Whiteman demonstrates theWestern Australian Government’s endeavour to secure open space for community uses andfor the protection of the environment as Perth’s north eastern corridor expanded;

The water level of Mussel Pool is a visible point of connection with the Gnangara Mound, amajor component of the regional water supply and an important reference site; and

Whiteman Park has social value as a place of recreation for Western Australians, wherethe community can amongst other activities, picnic at Mussel Pool, visit one of thetransport related museums and bush walk through the Park’s bushland and wetland areas.

Management Category:

Category Description:

Desirable Outcomes:


Additional Images:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Place Details Name of Place

Former Names:

Local Government Inventory Number

Assessment Number:

Property Key:

HCWA Number:

Site Details


Lot/Plan Diagram:

DatesConstruction Date:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Use/s of PlaceOriginal Use General:Original Use Specific:

Current Use General:Current Use Specific:

Historic Theme General:Historic Theme Specific:

DescriptionConstruction MaterialsWalls:Roof:






Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Statement of Significance:

West Bullsbrook Hall, a single storey brick and iron building constructed in 1904, with anextension in 1925, has cultural heritage significance for the following reasons:

The establishment of the place through community fund raising represents the optimismand community spirit of the early twentieth century, and its subsequent additions andchange of use indicate changing patterns of community life;

The place represents the practice in regional areas of adapting civic buildings forvarious uses over time, having originally been built as an Agricultural Hall, serving as atemporary school (1924), an RSL Hall (1940s), a CWA Hall (1963 2003) and for regularreligious services;

The building is an example of the trend for local communities, during the late nineteenthand early twentieth centuries, to construct public halls for community use with theassistance of the State Government 'Grant in Aid' Scheme;

It has historical associations with the early development of Bullsbrook and with earlypioneers of the district; and

The hall contributes to the community's sense of place, as it has remained in use as acommunity based facility associated with the working, social and recreational life of thelocal community since 1904.

Management Category:

Category Description:

Desirable Outcomes:


Additional Images:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion



Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Place Details Name of Place

Former Names:

Local Government Inventory Number

Assessment Number:

Property Key:

HCWA Number:

Site Details


Lot/Plan Diagram:

DatesConstruction Date:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Use/s of PlaceOriginal Use General:Original Use Specific:

Current Use General:Current Use Specific:

Historic Theme General:Historic Theme Specific:

DescriptionConstruction MaterialsWalls:Roof:






Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


In 1985 the land comprising No. 68 East Street was subdivided off from No. 70 East Street, Guildford, sold and a new dwelling constructed. The redevelopment of No. 68 East

Statement of Significance:

The shed at No. 68 East Street demonstrates the former agricultural activities associatedwith the historic town site and is a representative example of a corrugated sheet shed fromthe late nineteenth century.

Management Category:

Category Description:

Desirable Outcomes:


Additional Images:

View of place from Gibbons Avenue (2015) Internal view (2015)

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Place Details Name of Place

Former Names:

Local Government Inventory Number

Assessment Number:

Property Key:

HCWA Number:

Site Details


Lot/Plan Diagram:

DatesConstruction Date:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Use/s of PlaceOriginal Use General:Original Use Specific:

Current Use General:Current Use Specific:

Historic Theme General:Historic Theme Specific:

DescriptionConstruction MaterialsWalls:Roof:






Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Statement of Significance:

The subject place has aesthetic value in exhibiting the characteristics of a FederationBungalow style residence, which was built in the Inter war period. It retains many fineinternal details including fire places, art nouveau ceilings, cornices, timber floors, skirtings,light switch plates and timber doors.

Management Category:

Category Description:

Desirable Outcomes:


Additional Images:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Place Details Name of Place:

Former Names:

Local Government Inventory Number:

Assessment Number:

Property Key:

HCWA Number:

Site Details


Lot/Plan Diagram:

DatesConstruction Date:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Use/s of PlaceOriginal Use General:Original Use Specific:

Current Use General:Current Use Specific:

Historic Theme General:Historic Theme Specific:

DescriptionConstruction MaterialsWalls:Roof:





Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion



Statement of Significance:

The place is rare as a farmhouse from the early period of the development of the State, andis one of a small number of very early residences remaining in the Swan Valley and hasbeen one of the leading farms in the viticulture industry in the Swan Valley;

The place demonstrates the type of accommodation provided for workers on large estatesin the mid 19th century;

The place is evidence of the patterns of settlement and development of the Swan Valley, byshowing the types of agriculture that have been present in the Swan Valley from farms of

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


large landholding growing broad acre crops to the viticulture industry, orchards, poultryfarming and finally the growth of smaller ‘hobby’ farms; and,

The place is associated with the Barrett Lennard family, a significant family in thedevelopment of the Swan Valley, and most significantly with George Hardey BarrettLennard, who was instrumental in establishing the viticulture industry in the area.

Management Category:

Category Description:

Desirable Outcomes:


Additional Images:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Some Significance

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


Place Details Name of Place

Former Names

Local Government Inventory Number

Assessment Number:

Property Key:

HCWA Number:

Site Details


Lot/Plan Diagram:

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


DatesConstruction Date:

Use/s of PlaceOriginal Use General:Original Use Specific:

Current Use General:Current Use Specific:

Historic Theme General:Historic Theme Specific:

DescriptionConstruction MaterialsWalls:Roof:






‘A very sad and sudden death from sunstroke occurred at Middle Swan nearHoughton on Saturday afternoon. A number of the Swan boys were playing cricketwhen Frank Viveash, who was in and was standing in front of his wicket while hiscompanion at the other end was being bowled, fell forward suddenly on his face….

Local Government Heritage InventoryUpdate of Places for Inclusion


The poor fellow, however, never moved again, and when Dr. Stewart arrived hepronounced him dead, and stated that the cause of death was sunstroke, and thatthe death no doubt occurred directly he fell.’

Statement of Significance:

Jack Mann Oval as a whole has moderate aesthetic value as an open space partiallysurrounded by mature trees;

Jack Mann Oval is valued by the community for the social and cultural associations it haswith various sporting groups over the years; and

The Oval is associated with Jack Mann, who was the former President of the Middle SwanCricket Club and a senior winemaker at Houghtons. It is also associated with the Viveashfamily an old and widely respected family of the Swan district area.

Management Category:

Category Description:

Desirable Outcomes:
