Inbound Marketing: Your Path is Your Power!

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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What's the point of generating leads from inbound marketing to your destination if you haven't mapped your ideal client's journey? Understanding your prospect's "consideration path" is the hidden secret to crafting lead nurturing that converts. But the journey doesn't stop there; you also need to define a customer progression plan and product path after conversion.

Transcript of Inbound Marketing: Your Path is Your Power!


Women’s Success Summit VIII

Karen Talavera, Synchronicity MarketingNovember 13, 2013

• Nationally-known email marketing expert, speaker, educator, coach and consultant

• The DMA’s premiere email marketing instructor since 1999

• Member Email Experience Council (EEC), Florida DMA,Solo-Entrepreneur, Only Influencers

• Top 100 Women in Ecommerce 2012 by WE magazine

• President of

– Founded in 2003

– Digital Marketing Training, Coaching & Consulting

– Based in south Florida serving clients worldwide

Meet Karen Talavera

Your Power Lies in Your Paths

What do I mean by a “path”?

Three kinds of paths

1. Consideration Path – the decision-making journey your prospect takes toward becoming a customer

2. Product Path – the intentional sequence and logical order of products/services to offer

3. Progression Path – the acceleration and relationship-building journey you invite your customers to take with you


• What triggers the consideration process (what sparks interest or need)?


• The type of consideration path your product/service fits into

3• What encourages people down the path?


• What discourages, stalls or stops them on the path?

All Successful Sales and Marketing Depends On Knowing:

Do you know which purchase consideration path your customers take – or that your product/service requires?

Craft your marketing to accelerate, enable, or streamline the consideration/buying process along one of these four types of paths



Long &



The 4 Types of Consideration Paths

Quick Path

Low decision time Low price/investment Little or no comparison-shopping No need to be approved or

qualified Universal or broad market appeal Minimal consensus-building Often a commodity

Examples: Song, book, subscription, food item, office item, restaurant reservation

Winding Path

Low-to-medium price/investment Medium time investment Often involves comparison-

shopping Requires review of details, specs,

terms, facts, figures, etc. May need approval or qualification Broad market appeal Some consensus-building

Examples: Cell phone, computer, television, business trip, conference/event, insurance, jewelry

Long Path

Medium-to-high price/investment High time investment or time-to-

complete Requires comparison-shopping Requires review of details, specs,

terms, facts, figures, etc. Often involves approval or

qualification Often consensus-building

Examples: Mortgage, car, financial investment, consulting, weight loss, coaching, many business services

Long & Winding Path

High price High time investment or time-to-

complete Definite comparison, detail review

and research Usually involves approval or

qualification Often involves changing

circumstances, dependencies or shifts in direction of decision Examples: Home remodel, long-

term business services, annual coaching or mentoring programs, real-estate investing, injury recovery, etc.

Product Path

After initial purchase, what logically comes next?

Entry Product

Other Product Family


Related Product/Ser


Next Level Product/Ser


Other Product Family


Related Product/Ser


Highest Level


Product Path Example #1 Cupcakes

Chocolate Cupcake

Strawberry Cupcake

Combo Pack (Volume Discouts)

Frequency Program (Reward Loyalty)

Cupcake Monthly


Monthly/Annual Gift


Corporate Gift Program

Product Path Example #2 Nutrition Coaching

Initial Health Assessment


Custom Diet Plan

90-Day Weight Loss

Coaching Program

Progress Monitoring


Webinar/Education Program

6 Month Optimal Wellness Program

Remember:• Referral points• Renewal points

Every Product Path Should Have A “problem/solution” sequence Price escalation Commitment escalation Value that increases as price/investment

increases Value that increases proportionately

greater than price Rewards for long-term loyalty and repeat

business Referral opportunities

Progression Path

You’re not just taking people on a marketing and product journey, you’re taking them on a relationship journey




Map Your Progression Path

• Low price, involvement, personal contact, value

Entry-Level Product/Service

• Higher price, involvement, personal contact, service level

Intermediate Product/Service

• Highest price, involvement, 1:1 contact, service level

Premium Product/Service

Interested in More?

Synchronicity Marketing offers no-obligation complimentary Marketing Breakthrough Sessions to qualified businesses

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What can a free Marketing Breakthrough Session do for you? Create a sense of CLARITY around the

marketing you’d really like to have, the results you’d like it to deliver, and the digital channels right for your business

Uncover the NUMBER ONE thing stopping you, your company or your marketing from getting the results you really want

Identify the most powerful actions that will move you toward ACHIEVEMENT of the digital marketing goals you desire

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Women’s Success Summit VIII