In the word. One “One LOVE” ~Key of David~ Attitude TOWARD Attitude TOWARD the word of God ...

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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Transcript of In the word. One “One LOVE” ~Key of David~ Attitude TOWARD Attitude TOWARD the word of God ...

in the word

in the word

“One LOVE”

~Key of David~Attitude

TOWARD the word of God

Love FOR the word of God

• Gods WORD (Authority) *Eyes of Understanding

• Gods WORK (Access) *Doors of Opportunity

in the word

“One LOVE”

in the word


in the word

“One THEME”… Christ’ Kingdom Glory

Is it the theme of you?

Preaching of O.T. Prophets God’s 1st Geneology

God’s Creative Week (7)

Preaching of N.T. Creation “That Day” and “Selah”


in the word


•2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be

ashamed, rightly dividing the word of


in the word


•1 Corinthians 10:32 Give none offence,

neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:

• Obadiah 1:1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We

have heard a rumour from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against

her in battle.

•1 Corinthians 10:32 Give none offence,

neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:

• Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and

poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of

them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the

synagogue of Satan.

in the word


• Colossians 3:1-2 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those

things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on

the earth.

• Philippians 3:18-19 (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even

weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose

God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind

earthly things.)

• Ephesians 1:3-4 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with

all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of

the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in


in the word “One CONTEXT” Audience

in the word “One CONTEXT” Audience Content

in the word


Content Verse

Passage Chapter Book Bible



From The Gospels structure to Romans.


From an Old Testament structure to a New Testament



From God working primarily with the Jew,

to God working primarily with the



From God’s headquarters in the church at

Jerusalem to the new base of operations, the

church at Antioch.


From the Nation of Israel to the Body of Christ.


From the ministry of Peter to the

ministry of Paul.


From a Kingdom of Heaven (literal)

message to a Kingdom of God (spiritual)


in the word


Content Verse

Passage Chapter Book Bible


•Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved

through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man

should boast.

in the word


Content Verse

Passage Chapter Book Bible


• Romans 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be

ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the

fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

in the word


Content Verse

Passage Chapter Book Bible
