In the Name of Alla1

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of In the Name of Alla1

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In the name of Allah,Most beneficent-

Most Merciful.دعب ام یرکل لوس صن دحن لدحل۔ ھ ہ ھ

O God I humbly and submissivelyneed your help and guidance tocomplete this noble cause. I would

like to name this work “TheHoly Quran In The Light

Of The Holy Quran”

The Holy Quran is a unique book with asupreme Author, an external massageand a universal relevance.Allah Almighty has taken uponHimself the duty of preserving theQuran forever in its entirety. Nonecould change even a word of it andwould never be able to changeI would like to mention thechallenge that no body hassucceeded in meeting this challengeof the Almighty to this day andnever be able in future. It is Allah’s



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eternal miracle revealed to the

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for allsucceeding generations.May Allah shower kindness, mercyand help to complete this spiritualtask.رل رل ل ب ھ  

قتل د ف ی تکل لذ لھ ھ

 “A.L.M. This is the book; in it isguidance sure, without doubt, tothose who fear Allah.”*Taqwa means(1) The fear of God

(2) Restrain or guarding one’stongue, hand and heart from evil.(3) Hence righteousness, piety and

good conduct. There is no doubt inthis book at all.د ف کی ف ل زن ت °ل

مول رذ ب تل م جر ھ ھ

 Alif, lam, mim, sad.A book revealed unto the, so let thyheart be opposed no more by any



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difficulty on that account-that with

it thou mightest warn the (theerring) and a reminder to the believers.* (1) This book consoles all thedifficulties which a preacher faceswhile preaching. It is clear 

guidance.(2)This book is clear warning to theevil doers.(3)This book is reminder for the

 believers.°کحل تکل ی رل:نوی ۱

“A.L.R. These are the ayats of the book of wisdom.”(1) This book is a nugget of 

wisdom.(2)It reminds us Allah’s wisdom and

 power as well.

ک دل م صف ث تی ک ت رلھ

 :و °رخ  ھ۱“A.L.R. This is a book of versesfundamental (of established



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meaning) further explained in detail,

from One Who Wise and Well-Acquainted (with all things).”* (1) In this book, every basic

 principle is included in Allah’sRevolution.(2) All these principles are further 

illustrated and explained in detail inthis book.ھلر ی لکت ل °نا نزل رنا ربا  سوی °وقع کعل :۱ّ۲

“A.L.R. These are the verses of the perspicuous Book. We have sent it

down as an Arabic Quran, In order that ye may learn wisdom.”* The predominant meaning of “MUBIN” here is: one that explainsor makes things clear. In generalthis book explains, illustrates and

elucidates its meaning in differentways and by different- very clear examples. This book is the BiggestSource to learn wisdom. This Book 



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has been sent by Allah Almighty to

his last Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) in Arabic language.م ل زن ل تکل ی رل° وموی الر کل حل ب 

 ۱د:“A.L.M.R. These are the verses of 

the book which hath been revealedunto thee from thy lord is the truth.But most men believe not.”* Nobody has revealed it but AllahAlmighty and it is truth. This book is purely Allah’s revelation of 

Himself to man. People may believeit or not, this book of revelation istrue to its extreme.ظل م ال جرتل ل لزن ت رلھ   ل رط لعزیزلحد° ھل لو باذ ب  

: رب ہ ۱

A.L.R. A Book which we haverevealed unto thee, in order thatthou mightiest lead mankind out of depths of darkness into light by the



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leave of their lord to the way of 

(Him) the exalted in power, worthyof all praise.It is insisted that every prophetspeaks not himself but from Allah.His leading into the light is but bythe grace and mercy of Allah, not by

any other power of his own or byany merit of those who hear Him.This book leads out the mankind out of the

depths of darkness into light and this isdone by the leave of their lord to the wayof him, the exalted in power, worthy of 

all praise.رل ° م ر تکل ی  “A.L.R. These are the ayats of revelation of a Quran that makesthings clear.”* This book makes things clear or 

 perspicuousAn important note on six A.L.M.suras.



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How appropriately the different

 phrases in which the Quran ischaracterized bring out itsdifferent aspects as a revelation.Let us just consider the phrasesused at the beginning of the sixA.L.M. Suras of which this is the

last in order to arrangement. InSurah Younis , “ Ayats ( or versesor signs) of the Book of Wisdom,”the theme being the wonders of inSurah Hud, “a Book with verses

 basic or fundamental, further 

explained in detail,” the theme isAllah’s justice and punishment, to preserve the fundamental schemeof His Laws. In Surah Yousaf,“the symbols phrases of 

 perspicuous Book, “the wonderful

unfolding of Allah’s plan isexplained in Joseph’s story. InSurah Ibrahim, “a Book revealedto lead out of darkness into light”



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the theme being Ibrahim’s prayer 

for man to be rescued from thedarkness of false worship into thelight of the unity. In Surah AlHijar, “ayats or verses of revelation of Quran that makesthings clear (or perspicuous)” the

theme being an explanation of evil, and how Allah’s truth is protected from it.ل تکل د زن ل لدحلہ ھ  

ہھ یع ل وا° فا لبا ن د ل م د ی د ش ا س ھل تحصل وعی یذل مولربی

۳۔۱لکھف:°جراPraise to be Allah who hath sentto His Servant the Book, and hathallowed therein no crookedness.He had made it straight (and clear)in order that He may warn (the

godless) of a terrible punishmentfrom Him and that He may giveGlad Tidings to the Believers who



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worth righteous deeds, that they

shall have a goodly Reward.* (1) “The Quran is above allthings straight, clear and

 perspicuous”.(2) Its directions are plain for every one to understand.

(3) “There is no where anymystification any desire to wrapup things in dark sayingsrepugnant to human reason inThis Book”.(4) “Allah’s purpose is to give

clear warning of spiritual danger and lead up to the highest bless”.Some people’s idea of a sacredBook is that it should be full of mysteries dark corners,ambiguous expressions, words so

far removed from human speechthat they cover anything or nothing. Pagan oracles werecouched in language which



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suggested one meaning to the

hearer and claimed to have thevery opposite meaning in the lightof events which actually happenedsubsequently. They weredistinctly crooked, not straight. Inthe next verse the word straight is

used to characterize the Quran Incontrast to this world “crooked”.In This Book there is nocrookedness or crookedsuperstitions found inmetaphysical sophistic.

°ما نزلا لقر لتق °ر  ھ ہ

 : °شی ل  ھ۱-۳Ta, ha, we have not sent down theQuran to thee to be (an occasion)for thy distress. But only as anadmonition to those who fear.

(Allah).* “This book does not causehuman trouble or distress. Let usexplain this point.



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“Allah’s revelation may cause

some human trouble for tworeasons: (1) It cheeks man’sselfishness and narrowness of view. (2) It annoys the wickedand causes them to jeer and

 persecute. These are more

incidental things. As far as thetrouble is concerned, therevelation is meant to give awarning, so that persecutors may

 be reclaimed land of course for men for men of faith it is comfort

and conciliation, though that pointdoes not arise in this context”.وکل د ارقل زن ل ا ہ   

:ارل °رین عل ۱Blessed is he who sent down thecriterion

To his servant that it may he anadmonition to all the creatures thisis the book in which we can judgeclearly between right and wrong.



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We can distinguish between the

true and the false by Allah’s light,specially the contrast betweenrighteousness and sin,

 °:رعشل ° ل تکل ی  ۱-۲

“Ta, Sin, Mim, these are verses of 

the book that makes (things) clear.*Allah’s message is very clear inHis Book. د °م ات رقل ی ° ھ  

:ل مول رشب ۱۔۲“Ta, Sin, Mim, there are the

verses of Quran“A Book that makes things clear,a guide and glad tidings for the

 believers”(1)This book explains things, theattributes of ALLAH, our own

 position, and the world around.(2)This book directs us to rightconduct and keeps us away fromevil.



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(3)This book gives the good newsof forgiveness, purification, andthe achievement of salvation tothose who have faith in it andaccept its guidance.

:صقل °ل تکل ی ° ۱۔۲“Ta, Sin, Mim, these are verses of the Book that makes (things)clear”.

ت د °کحل تکل °لھ ھ  

:اقل °حل ۱۔

۲“A.L.M. These are verses of theWise Book. A guide and Mercy tothe Doers of Good”.* The Holy Quran is a Book of Wisdom.

°عل م ف ی تکل یز°لھ




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“A.L.M. this is the revelation of 

 book in which there is no doubt,from the lord of the worlds”.“There is a book without anydoubt or dispute by the time of theholy prophet (PBUH) the earlier 

 book of revelation had been

corrupted by human ignorance or selfishness or fraud, or misinterpreted or lost altogether.There were seets violentlydisputing with each other as totheir true meaning. Such doubts

had to be set at rest and they wereset at rest by the revelation of theQuran. The Quranic inspirationcame direct from Allah, the Lordof the Worlds and did not consistmerely of human conjectures, or a

reconstructed philosophy, inwhich there is always room for doubt or dispute”.

:ی °کحل رقل°ی ۲۔۱



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“Ya.Sin.By the Quran, full of wisdom”.* This book is full of wisdom.

: °رل ذ رقل  ۱

“Sad. By the Quran full of 

admonition”* This book is a complete “ZIKR”.ھ زی لکت م ل لعزیزلحک °لزمر

“The revelation of this Book is fromAllah, The Exalted in Power, Full of 

Wisdom”.رفاغ °علزیزعل ل م تکل یز ° ھ


“Ha–Mim. The revelation of this book is from Allah, Exalted in

Power , Full of Knowledge”.



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°زی م لر لر °ص۔۔ت

و۔۔س °وعی وقل ار انر ہی۱۔۳صت

Ha-Mim, A revelation from themost Gracious , Most Merciful , A

 book , where of the verses are

explained in detail , A Quran inArabic, for people who understand.”* this book describes the qualities

of allah from whom it came.ھ  °لکت ل °نا ع رنا ربا  عل ایدل تکل ف ن °وقع کع ھ ل  

رزل وس °ک ہ ۴۔۱

“ Ha-Mim. By the Book that makesthings clear, We had made it AQuran in Arabic, that ye may be

able to understand . And verily it isin the mother of The Book with Us,High ( in dignity ) full of Wisdom”



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* The mother of the Book, the

foundation of Revelation, ThePreserved Tablet (LAUHMEHFUZ) is the core or essence of revelation.From that fountain head are derivedall streams of knowledge and

wisdom that flow through time andfeed the intelligence of createdmind. The mother of the Book is inAllah’s own presence and its dignityand wisdom are more than all wecan think of. This Book appeals our 

knowledge and wisdom and adds toit.وس °ل تکل ° ہ   


“Ha-Mim, By the Book that makesthings clear.”°کحل زیزعل ل م تکل یز ° ھ  

: ث ا ل وس ھ ہ ۲۔۱



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“Ha-Mim, The revelation of TheBook is from Allah, The Exalted inPower , Full of Wisdom .”وس°کحلزیزعل ل م تکل یز ° ہ ھ  


“Ha-Mim, The revelation of TheBook is from Allah, The Exalted inPower, and Full of wisdom.”وس °ر ق  ہلر °ل  



The Most Gracious, It is He Whohas taught The Quran.* The revelation comes from Allah

Most Gracious, and it is one of thegreatest signs of His grace andfavour. He is the source of all light,



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and His light is diffused throughout

the universe.ولاقف ل م رن تس ن ل  ھ  د ل ل لرد فاما ھ سعا رنا ا° ی  

:ل وس °د ابرب رشن ل ہ ۲۔۱

Say: It has been revealed to me thata company of Finns listened (to thequran) the said, “we have reallyheard a wonderful recital! It givesguidance to the Right and we have

 believed therein: We shall not join

(in worship) any (gods) with our Lord.*(1) This book was a wonderfulrecital for the jinn.(2) This book is complete guidanceto the right for men and jinn.

وس °دقل ل ف لز نا نھ ھ ہ




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We have indeed revealed This

(Message) in the Night of Power. Itis all the very brief introduction of the Holy Quran revealed by AllahAlmighty in His Book. I have triedto jot it down altogether: in thename:

The Holy Quran in the Light of TheHoly Quran. The net thing, I wouldlike to discuss in this booklet is thechallenge of the Holy Book to thedisbelievers to the very day it wasrevealed to the day I am writing and

to the time to come in future.واف اند الزن ام ی ف ت  ل م ءد و م م وب ھ ھ ھ ہ  

 ۲۳ہ ہ ت دیق °سو لقر :

“And if ye are in doubt as to whatwe have revealed from time to timeto Our Servant then produce a surahlike there. Unto, and call your 



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witnesses or helpers (if there are

any) besides Allah, if ye aretruthful.”*how do we know that there isrevelation, and that it is from Allah?Here is a concrete test. The teacher of Allah’s truth has placed before

you many suras. Can you one likeit? If there is any one besides Allah,who can inspire spiritual truth insuch noble language, produce your evidence. Or it is that your doubtsare merely argumentative,

refractory, against your own inner light or conscience? All truerevelation is itself a miracle, andstands on its own merits.” It is agreat challenge to everybody in thewhole universe for those who are

doubtful about This Holy Book رتی رقل ا ام ھ   یدی ب ل یدص کل ل م ھ ھ   °عل م ف ی تکل ص ھ  



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م و م م وب واف رتف ولوقی ھ ہ ہ   

°قید ت ل م تعتسھ

 نوی وس ہ ۳۸۔۳۷  

“This Quran is not such as can be

 produced by other than Allah. Onthe contrary it is a confirmation of (revelation) that went before it, andfuller explanation of the book – wherein there is no doubt from ThyLord of the Worlds. Or do the say,

he forget it”? “Say bring the surahlike unto it, and call (to your aid)anyone you can, besides Allah, if it

 be ye speak the truth.”

Again the same challenge because

the books before it were portionsand the holy Quran completes therevelation and is par excellence the



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Book of Allah. The Quran confirms

fulfils, co mpletes, \\\

explains the one true revelationwhich has been sent by one True

God in all ages. There is no doubt atall in this Book.م وس رشعب واف رتف ولوقی ھ ہ   

ل م تعتس مو یرتقم ھ  



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 ت د یق °فال یتولک فاو نا

تن ل و ف ل عب زن ھ ھ ھ ھ  : و وس °وم ھ ہ ۱۴“Or they may say, “He forget it.”say“Bring ten suras forged, like unto it,and call (to you aid) whomsoever ye

can, other than Allah! - If ye speak the truth. If then they (your falsegods) answer not your (call), knowye that this revelation is sent down(replete) with the knowledge of Allah and that there is no god but

He! Will ye even then submit (toIslam)?”ب وای ل ن عت ئل    ھ ھ ھ لقر یاو ب لو ا بعض:رس ب وس °ر عل ہ ھ


“Say if the whole of mankind and jinns were to gather together  produce the like of this Quran theycould not produce this the like



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thereof, even if they backed up each

other will help and support”*The proof of the Quran is in itsown beauty and nature, and thecircumstances in which it was

 promulgated. The world ischallenged to produce the book 

like it and has not produced one. Itis the only revealed book whosetext stands pure and un-corruptedto-day because°وظحل ل ان رل الزن حن انھ  

 ۹ہ سو لحر:

“We have, without doubt, sentdown the message; and we willassuredly guard it (fromcorruption)”*the holy quran is Allah’s pureand holy truth that will never 

suffer eclipse even though thewhole world mock at it and were bent on destroying it.



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°وموی ب لوق ولوقی ھ  

°قیدونا م یدحبواف ھ

 :ول وس ہ ۳۴۔۳۲“Or do they say, he fabricated the(message) nay, they have no faithunto it. If (it be) they speak thetruth!”

As an alternative to the chargesof being a soothsayer or amadman or a disgruntled poet,there is the charge of a forger or fabricator applied to the product

of Allah when he produces hismessage. This implies that therecan be no revelation or inspiration from Allah. Such anattitude negatives faithaltogether. But if this is so, can

they produce a worth of manthat can compare with theinspired word of Allah?



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They cannot, so hypocrisy

deception, arrogant, compromisewith evil, cynicism or duplicitymany win temporary applause buttrue light of faith and sincerity is inadoration. Our whole life dependsupon Allah. He has produced the

truth plainly before us and now it isour duty to accept it whole andheartedly and act upon diligently.For this we must pray God. MayAllah do so. May Allah save usfrom all kinds of ill will.

Some important things to abide by before reciting the Holy Quran.شل م لابعتساف رقل ر ذاف ھ  

:حل وس °رلہ ۹۸When thou doest read the Quran,seek Allah’s protection from

Satan the rejected one.*Before starting the recitation of thequran we must say:رل شل م لابذوھ °



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I seek Allah’s protection from Satan

the rejected one.“Evil has no authority or influenceon those who have put their trust onAllah. It is good to express that trustin outward actions, and a formalexpression of it- as in the formula

I seek Allah’s protection from evilhelps us. Man is weak at best andhe should seek strength for his willin Allah’s help and protection.”کعل وتصن لوعتساف رقل رذ ھ  

:ر وس °ور ہ ۲۰۴

“When the Quran is read, Listen toit with attention, and hold your  peace that ye may receive mercy.”*When it is read or recited, we mustnot talk or gossip or discuss ortaffairs at all and must keep quiet so

that we may receive Allah’s Mercy:مزل وس °ر رقل  ہ ۴“And recite the Quran in slow,measured rhythmic tones”



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*“the word of the quran must

not be read hastily, merely to getthrough so much reading theymust be studied, and their deepmeaning pondered over. They arethemselves so beautiful that must

 be lovingly pronounced inrhythmic tones.”: لوع وس °ر ال یھ ہ ھ ھ

۷۹ None shall touch the Quran butthose who are clean.“Cleanliness and purity is veryessential to touch, read andrecite This Holy Book.”

“It is a revelation described byfour characteristics:

(1) It is most honourable which

implies besides the fact that it isworthy of receiving honour, that itconfers great favours on those whoreceive it.



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(2) It is well guarded, precious in

itself, and well preserved in its purity.(3) None but the clean shall touchit,- clean in body, mind, thought,intention and soul; only such canachieve real contact with its full

meaning.(4) It is a revelation from theLord of the Worlds, and thereforeuniversal for all. None can ignore itsmessage or treat it with contempt or refuse to allow it to improve one’s

life.”:مزل وس °رقل مر ءراف ہ ۲۰

“Read ye, therefore, of thequran as much as may be easyfor you.”

The reading of the Quran here isa part of prayer and religiousdevotion. This is not to be madeinto an obsession or a burden.



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“We have not sent down the

Quran to thee to be an occasionfor thy distress.” (Surah Taha: )We must do it whole mindedly,

 but not by formal mechanicalformulation. ءا و ھ ھ نز م لقر ما  

°اخ ظلدیزی مول :رس ب وس ہ ۸۲

“we send down(stage by stage) of the Quran that which is a healing

and a mercy to those who believe.To the unjust it causes nothingloss after loss.”“In Allah’s revelation there ishealing for our broken spirits,hope for our spiritual future, and

 joy in the forgiveness of our sins.All who work in faith will sharein those privileges. It is only therebels against Allah’s Law who



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will suffer loss. The more they

will oppose truth the deeper down will they go into the mire-the state of sin and wrath, whichis worse than distinction. TheHoly Book teaches us to seek refuge of our Lord from physical

dangers with in us and physicaldangers from without us. Peopleare afraid of physical injuries,accidents and calamities andmany kinds of ill-ness that can becured with the help of reasonable

 precautions and have full trust inGod. We must with Allah seek refuge from all inner ill. ThisBook is a healing and mercy for all kinds of diseases.

Let us conclude this noble

work with this prayer thatGod (almighty) may help usto understand the Quranicmessage full and may help us



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to act upon according to the

messages diligently under rules and religious mentionedin This Perfect Book, becauseit can only be done with thehelp of Allah Almighty. Maythis be the source of our 

success in this world andhereafter! Ameen.

Let us now write some salientcharacter of the gloriousQuran, unique to it alone.

It is actual word of Allah,not created but revealed for the benefit of all mankind.

وکل د ارل زن ل ا ہ   :ارل °رین عل ۱

Blessed is he who sent down

the criterion to his servant that itmay be an admonition to allcreatures:



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So The Holy Quran is the

standing criteria for judgment between right and wrong.

(2) it is complete andcomprehensive.

:اعن °ء م تکل ف ارف ام ۳۸

nothing have we omitted fromthe Book In another place we read:

:حل °ء کلا تکل لالزن ۸۹And we have sent down thee the book explaining all things.

So The Holy Quran which the holy prophet (PBUH) brought will be anexplanation, a guide, a mercy and aGospel. This Holy Book explains for us the highest issues of our life.

(3) The Holy Quran is a theoreticaland practical Book:Allah almighty says:



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و ت ن ا ف ک ان م ف وسرل ک ام ھ ھ ھ ہ    

۷“So take what the messenger givesلحشر:you, and refrain from what he prohitsyou”*the glorious book is a theoretical and

 practical book, not only moralizing

 but also defining specifically the permissible and forbidden. Theimportance of understanding themessage of the Holy Quran isundeniable, but simply reciting it withintention of seeking Allah’s pleasure

and reward is also an act of worshipand meritorious in itself. We are bound to act according the HolyProphet (PBUH) through out our lifewithout adding our own wills andwishes. We must follow the foot prints

of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and enter into Islam whole heartedly. We mustobey the orders of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) and must give up what the



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Holy Prophet (PBUH) says to

leave. We should leave the theory,understand it and act accordingly andwe must practice its good and leavewhat it advises us to leave.(4) A perfect religion for all mankind.Allah says:

تعن ک کی کل ول:  ۳ہ  لک س یا لاند

This day have I perfected your religion For You, Completed Myfavour upon you, And have chosen for 

you Islam as your religion.* The best verse revealed chronically,Marking The approaching end of Al-Mustafa’s ministry in his earthly life, Bythis Allah Almighty has perfected hisreligion for all mankind with the

revelation of this Glorious Book.(5) Allah’s eternal miracle:Allah says,



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ب وای ل ن عت ل  

عل ر °ب سری :ھ ھ ھ لقر یا و ب لو ا بعض  ھ۷۷Say: If the whole of mankind and JinnsWere to gather together to produce thelike of this Quran, they could not

 produce The like thereof, even if They

 beaked up each other with help andsupport,

It is Allah’s eternal miracle revealedto the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)for all succeeding generation. In

response to those who doubt theauthorship of The Quran. AllahAlmighty has challenged the mostarticulate Arabs to produce a whole

 book, the chapters or even onesolitary chapter which can be

remotely comparable to The Quran.But to this day, no one has succeededin meeting the challenge of theAlmighty. The critics of The Quran



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have been struck dumb by its

ineffable eloquence and surpassing beauty. I have written all the chaptersavailable in the Holy Book a few

 pages back about this challenge.(6) A revelation to re-establish the

sincere worship of Allah alone

ک دل م صف ث تی ک ت °رلھ

ھ ھ خر° نعدل ن لک م نیر بشر  °:و ھ۱۲

A.L.R. This is a book with versesfundamental (of established meaning)

further explained in detail, From OneWho is Wise and Well- Acquainted(with all things).(He teaches) that ye should worshipnone of but Allah. Say verily I am sentunto you from Him to warn and to bring

glad tidings.*every basic principle is included InAllah’s revelation and it is further illustrated and explained in detail.



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Allah says:

ھ ھ ما مر لعدل مص ل لدی ا  قل ی لذ وزلووی وصلوقی ھ ہ ہ  °: ل ھ۵

And they have commanded no morethan this to worship Allah. Offering himsincere devotion, being trice (in faith) to

establish regular prayer and to giveZakat and that is Religion Right andStraight.*It has been revealed at many time intoholy book to worship Allah alone and itwas the duty of all the messengers to tell

their nation that Allah is alone and Healone must be worshipped. It has beenrevealed many times in the holy book tore-establish the sincere worship of Allahalone, without association of any partner with Him. But unfortunate the previous

nation and even this nation ascribedmany partners in the sincere worship of Allah Almighty. They must know that



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allah does not forgive those who set up

 partners to Him(7) A complete code of life:Allah says::یرس ب و تل د ی رق ل ھ ھ ھ

۹Verily this Quran doth guide to that

which is most right (or stable)

The holy book contains a completecode which provides for all areas of life, whether spiritual, intellectual,

 political, social or economics. It has a

code which has no boundaries of time, place, or nation. The messageof the holy Quran is for all. Peoplehaving true faith and following it intheir conduct must reap their spiritualreward, but those who reject faith

cannot escape punishment. It is our faith that there is hope, and a danger for every soul.



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Which we have embraced Islam, it is

our first and foremost duty fullyembrace it and when we have fullyentered to Islam, then we must actupon the code mentioned in the holyQuran to avail its benefits in thisworld and the hereafter, may Allah

Almighty help us in this connectionand save us from the satan. Ameen!(8)Preservation of the Holy Book 

Allah Almighty has taken upon himself the duty of preserving the Quran for ever in its entirety, as he says:

نا نح نزلالرنا ل لحظو °لحر:ھ

۹We have, without doubt, sent down themessage; and we will assuredly guardit(from corruption)*so well it has been preserved, both inmemory and in writing, that the Arabic

text we have today is an identical to thetext as it was revealed to the Prophet.not a single letter has yielded tocorruption during the passage of the



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centuries. And so it will remain so ever,

 by the consent of Allah.(9) The Holy Quran is a unique book with a supreme author, (It is arevelation) sent down By (Him). Theexalted in might most merciful.

:ی °رلزیزعل یز ۵

* Before reading this Book, We mustthe realize that sss like unlike all other writings, this is a unique Book with asupreme author, an eternal massage anda universal relevance.(10) Style or theme of the Holy Book :“ The contents of the Holy Book are notconfined to a particular theme or style,

 but contain the foundation for an entiresystem of life, covering a wholespectrum of issues which range formspecific articles of faith and

commandments to general moralteachings, rights and obligations, crimeand punishment, personal and publiclaw and a host of other private and



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social concerns these issues are

discussed in a variety of ways, such asdirect stipulations, reminders of Allah’sfavours on His creation, admonitionsand sss stories of past communities arenarrated, followed by the lessons to belearned from there actions and

subsequent fates.”So this is the Holy Book of AllahAlmighty. Every time you read it, youwould like to read it again. If you go onreading it understanding its meaningsyou will feel much pleasure in reading it

again and again and if act upon itsverses you are must to join the paradise.May Allah help us to do so. Ameen !