in honor of my parents Marian and Howard Johnson and my ... · Our bones, joints and spine can...

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Transcript of in honor of my parents Marian and Howard Johnson and my ... · Our bones, joints and spine can...

in honor of my parents Marian and Howard Johnson

and my brother David Johnson

Introducing Nameofthelord777 Ministry Short History and Focus

Short History of our Ministry we are non denominational Selffunded Ministry. We started in 2013 January with two branches onein Mandaue Cebu and the other in Palawan Philippines. We Seek toreach the Lost and edify the Saved through the PROMOTION OFBIBLE READING AND SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION. We also have aBible Teaching Ministry with Practical Edifying You Tube Power pointstudies of Various Topics Relevant to the Bible and Christian Living.Our Emphasis is to prepare and alert the World’s Christians to theimminent danger in our perilous End Times and the fact that allsigns point to Tribulation and at its end the Rapture.Nameofthelord777 Ministry can be contacted in Philippines by cells09998461315/09497715707 you can contact us easier by ouremail

Nameofthelord777 Ministry

“ Daniel Diet Part 1-Fighting Disease With

Natural Foods”

This is the short version for general publicIf you want to see the long version with many references and

you tubes let us know via email at

Blood Pressure facts

• High blood pressure is a major risk factor for stroke and on of the major risk factors for heart attacks and cardiovascular problems and kidney failure

• Several factors show you may be included to high blood pressure. I.e. hereditary

• Some environmental factors increase your likelihood of getting high blood pressure. I.e. Stress, obesity , and sedentary lifestyle, low potassium in take , to much fat, salt, and alcohol• A simple way to reduce your blood pressure is to lose weight, reduce

salt intake to less that one tenth of an ounce, Cut back to no more than two alcoholic drinks a day, Exercise for 30 minutes three times a week.

• Two important factors showed up when studying blood pressure deaths.• If you have high blood pressure and your creatinine level to be

greater than 2.5. Creatinine is a waste product of metobolicprocesses in muscle cells. Normally kidneys filter out the creatinine.

• People in this state with High Blood pressure and high creatinine levels were 50% more likely not to live past 8 years said Dr. Shulman associate of medicine at Emory University in Atlanta.

Blood pressure facts continued

• Exercise and Weight loss are the two big things you can do to try and control your blood pressure.

• Next learning to like a low sodium diet. Once you start a low sodium diet it will take around three months for your body to adjust.

• Fiber lowers your blood pressure. I.e. Wheat bran, oat Bran, fruits, vegetables with skins, whole grain breads and cereals.

• Vitamin C lowers high blood pressure. It has been found a correlation with the amount of vitamin C in your blood equates to a proportionately low blood pressure.

• Potassium from bananas and Potatoes will lower your blood pressure and your cholesterol.

• Fish oil also has a blood pressure lowering affect.

• If you eat Licorice you may be at risk fo HBP. Licorice casues the body to store salt.

• Marriage helps lower blood pressure.

• Taking deep breaths lowers your blood pressure.

Colon cancer

• Stress causes cancer.

• You need enough calcium recommend 1500 milligrams per day . Average American only gets 500-600. Eat milk cheese yogurt and molasses.

• You need Vitamin D. You body uses the vitamin D to absorb the calcium. You can get this from egg yokes, organ meats, and bone meal. However just a few minutes in the sun every day give you your rda.

• To much phosphorus in relation to calcium is a a bad combo. You need 800 milligrams of each however many Americans get more phosphorus from meats poultry, fish , eggs, grains.

• To much fat is the next big problem.

• Taking calcium carbonate antacid tablets daily might prevent 75% of all colon Cancer.

Colon Cancer fact continued

• The highest death rate from colon cancer exists from Maine to Iowa. Here the correlation was lack of sunlight to create natural vitamin D.

• Sitting down to a steak dinner is dangerous to your health. The issue is the saturated fat along with physical inactivity make you 60 percent more likely to develop colon cancer.

• Fruit fibers seemed to have the greatest protective effect for colon cancer.

• High fiber diet can slash the rectal cancer rates in a four year study reported in the Journal of National Cancer Institute. The fiber levels of one ounce a day has been found to fight the formation of benign rectal polyps.

• Legumes in general beans and peas create and anti cancer agent called protease

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is always fatal in which portions of the brain responsible for thinking, memory and routine physical functions stop working so well.

Smokers are four times more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.

Another factor is aluminum may be at the root the thought is that aluminum leaches form the cans and utensils we use to eat with. Autopsies have revealed abnormally high amounts of aluminum in characteristic tangles of diseased tissue in brains of people with Alzheimer's. Lou Gehrig's disease also is similar in its affect and the same high aluminum levels are found in the brain.

NGF treatment may be a cure for Alzheimer's disease. This is a naturally occurring protein that helps healthy nerve cells live and not die.

Aspirin therapy is another idea being tested.

The Heart of Good Health

Common problems of the heart and circulatory system include the following.

Hypertension ( Contracting of small arteries causes the blood pressure to increase.)

Atherosclerosis (which occurs when arteries are blocked by high cholesterol and sludge.)

Stroke, caused by a major blockage of blood flow to the brain.

Thrombophlebitis a condition marked by clots in the deep veins, usually in the legs

Angina disabling recurrent pain that can be a prelude to a heart attack

What those numbers mean.

White Coat Hypertension

Tense up to relax

Interesting Facts to consider with Hypertension

To help cut salt intake. I.e. Sodium

Potassium is the answer to helping lower blood pressure further. As you eat more potato's and bananas high in potassium you fight the bad affects of Sodium. Magnesium has a similar affect but not as pronounced as potassium.

Shed pounds it is common for blood pressure to rise as your weight rises.

Cork the Bottle-Drinking alcohol raises blood pressure.

Snuff the cigarette- Smoking also raises blood pressure.

Have Fun- relaxing and enjoying life tends to make blood pressure go down.

Handle stress-Constant stress is not good. Suppressing anger is not good let it out.

Use Drugs as a last resort to lower blood pressure.

Food Sources of Potassium

Interesting Facts to consider with Atherosclerosis

Controlling your cholesterol is the first major item you

Stop smoking

Change Diet-Eat lower amounts of fats and cholesterol. Eat less beef and pork and more veal, fish, fowl. When cooking broil bake and stew don’t fry.

Eat more EPA oils. Notably salmon mackerel, sardines, trout and haddock are highest in EPA oils.

Cold Orient Black Sea Bass Recipe

A New Theory of Vitamin B6 and Atherosclerosis

Interesting Facts to consider with Atherosclerosis

In addition some vitamins and minerals, Lech in Granules help keep your arteries running smoothly.

Cigarettes use up Vitamin C leaving the blood low and deficient thus leading to development of heart disease.

Doctors believe that vitamin C helps reduce heart disease. Its lowering blood fats by making platelets less sticky and by increasing fibrinolysis activity.(rate at which blood clots are dissolved.)

Exercise can strengthen the heart muscle and make it pump more efficiently. Walking is as good as jogging. Dr. Dan Streja M.D. of department of medicine at he Univ. of Manitoba in Winnipeg Canada.

Type A’s need more Magnesium

Sex and your Broken Heart

High Calcium Recipes

Take two Onions

Watch for stroke symptoms

Sudden, temporary weakness or numbness or the face, are, leg on one side of the body.

Temporary loss of speech or trouble speaking or understanding speech.

Temporary dimness or loss of vision, particularly in one eye.

Unexplained dizziness, unsteadiness or sudden falls.

Pollen Concentrations in the United States

What triggers Restaurant Asthma

Air Filters for easy Breathing

Relax away Asthma

Hay Fever in all four Seasons

Immunity for your Lungs

Anti Oxidants and other resistance


Vitamin E is the best at protecting your cells from over oxidation of fats. Etc.

Vitamin A fights infections by building up some feisty members of the immune system call Lysozymes. These are plentiful the mucus located in the lungs.

Vitamin A is best gotten straight from the food you eat. I.e. potatoes, carrots, spinach, kale, winter squash, and mustard greens.

Vitamin B i.e. B6, Folate, pantothenate are the best to increase resistance. Eating liver or brewers yeast are the easiest sources.

Lung problems come from tobacco not pollutionwas more than twice that or not smokers.

Hot Chili eases C.O.L.D.

Freeing the JointsOur bones, joints and spine can retain the fluid.

Arthritis a mystery illness that afflicts on our of every seven Americans

Gout, a disease with a medieval image but a modern day revelence. An estimated 1.6 million Americans.

Osteoporosis , a condition that epidemic among older Americans. Especially woman

Osteomalacia, a disease of bone and muscle weaknesses due to the lack of Vitamin D

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, a disease of the bodies connective tissue or collagen

How to bag the pain

Pain a sure sign of rain

Zapping RA with Zinc

Interesting facts about RA

Use a low fat diet to help alleviate symptoms.

Exercise in hot water and a regimen of ice bag treatments sandwiching the joint works wonders.

Aspirin is the favorite treatment of RA with its pain killing and anti inflammatory qualities.

Gout issues

Gout originates from crystals of excessive uric acid, a waste product of the body, which get into the little space in the joint between the ends of the bones.

Gout starts small with excess uric acid but then makes crystals and almost always attacks the big toe first in the middle of the night.

Normally gout attacks only one joint and lasts from three to eleven days.

To avoid gout avoid Purine diet items.

Guidelines for a Low Purine Diet

It is never to late to strengthen your bones.

Swiss Goatherds Fondue

Winter Sunshine: Boning up on

Vitamin D

R.I.C.E.: Sports First Aid Boiled Down

No Tennis Elbow

When the Bones Say”I cant take it”

Athletic Injuries: Are Females the weaker Sex.

Facing the Cancer ChallengeSimple changes in lifestyle and diet may well be

our best weapons against the disease

Cancer may be the most feared word in our language. Uttered by a doctor as a diagnosis, it is received by the patient as a death sentence.

Much of our fear is unfounded. In recent years we have learned sure ways to prevent various forms of cancer , and even ways to cure others.

Things in our environment can cause cancer. I.e., smoking, asbestos, saccharin, even a virus

The Diet/ Cancer link

Foods fall into two categories. Those that are linked to cancer. And those that help prevent cancer.Eat less fatty foods. Especially to prevent colon breast and prostrate cancer.

Eat fruits and vegetables and grains daily. Especially citrus fruits and those rich in vitamin A. I.e. Oranges, grapefruits, dark green , leafy vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, winter squash sweet potatoes, and cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. And the mineral Selenium i.e. fish and whole grain cereals.

Eat very few salt cured, salted pickled or smoked foods. These include ham, sausage, hotdogs. Smoked fish and bacon. Cancers of the stomach, esophagus are linked to these foods

Avoid Excessive alcohol and cigarette smoking. Cancer of the respiratory tract and upper GI linked here.

Sexual Inequality

You’ve come a Lung way, Baby

Issues with Vitamins and Cancer

When there is little vitamin A in your system. The epithelial cells lose there ability to form and secrete mucus. They become dry and cells lack cilia, so that toxic matter and foreign substances may begin to settle on their undefended surface.

Large does of Vitamin A can help the white blood cells to grow and fighting cancer. At high does vitamin A can be toxic so monitoring is important if you are fighting your cancer with this technique.

Many studies also show that deficiencies in vitamin A, C and E show up in cancer patients.

Selenium is an not understood factor in all cancers. IF the soil is rich in selenium then there is a low cancer risk with the residents of that area.

Lessening the risk to Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is second only to Lung cancer in the USA. 126,000 new cases each year and 56000 die annually in America.

The main reason is they eat so much fat which averages 40 percent. Eight times more than Japanese and African diets. Excessive fats in the blood stimulate the production of bile acids in the intestine. Bacteria then may metabolize these acids and change them to mutagens- substances capable of altering cells to a cancerous form.

A tale of Tucson: Sunny Sky blues

Skin Cancer the most Preventable Malignancy.

An estimated 400000 new cases of skin cancer every year.

The suns damage is cumulative and those with fair skin from European origins get the most skin cancer.

Skin cancer normally occurs only in the elderly.

Recognizing Skin cancer

Melanoma most frequently shows itself by a change in color , a darkening of an increase in size of a mole or pigmented patch of skin that has been present for years. Sometimes a new mole like growth signals skin cancer.

A Cancer protector in a Bra

For early Detection, Step by Step Breast Self exam

Avoid chocolate and coffee teas and cola, all that contain methylaxanthienes.

The Pill more implications

Women's issues with women’s cancers

99000 new cases of uterine cancer every year.

Much higher chance you get this if when facing menopause you are treated with Straight estrogen. The new found solution is to treat with estrogen but counter that treatment with Hormone Progestin.

Avoid eating fatty foods and lose weight reduces your risk for Endometrial cancer.

To avoid cervical cancer a woman must eat High Vitamin A foods and Vitamin C foods.

Saccharin’s Confusing History

Men's Issues with men's cancer’s

North American men are ten times more likely to have prostrate cancer than their South African men with vegetarian diets. North American me typically have high fatty diet which includes a lot of meat.

North American men with low testosterone levels are those with a vegetarian diet. High levels of this hormone are typical of those with Cancerous prostrate issues.

Your zinc level is very important to determine whether you will develop prostate cancer says a study from Univ. of Edinburgh.

TO avoid bladder cancer avoid cigarettes, drink bottled water. And unsafe sweeteners.

Upper Digestive problemsTake the heat out of heartburn and ulcers. Using diet, combat gallstones and kidney


The most common ulcers in the Upper GI is the duodenal and gastric.

Duodenal are four times more likely. They cause gnawing, rhythmic pain in the upper middle abdomen and usually occurs a few hours after a meal.

Gastric Ulcers are unpredictable painful performances. The reason is self cannibalization.

Bosses give ulcers not get them.

Issues with Ulcers

Smoking is a big contributor of Ulcers.

To much aspirin can also lead to ulcers.

Anxiety and stress also figure predominately in the development of ulcers.

There is a strong potential to have an ulcer if others in your family have this issue as this weakness is inherited.

Don’t blow off steam cool it off instead

Cure for ulcers

Dr. Batmangheilidj was in prison in Iran and saw a lot of ulcers. His solution was simple take one glass of water half hour before each meal and one 2.5 hours after each meal. (Seems to work.)

Dr. Garrett Cheney M.D. fed ulcer patients 4 to 5 ounces of cabbage juice and 1 to 2 ounces of celery juice five times a day. In his study almost 85 percent of the subjects with ulcers were healed in 6 to 9 days.

Another solution for heartburn before you try antacids. Try dried grapefruit peel, papaya, parsley or celery.

How Aspirin Ulcerates the Esophagus

Anatomy of Hiatal Hernia

The gentleman on the left has a normal esophagus leading through the lower esophageal sphincter and into the stomach., The man on the right is suffering form an Hiatal Hernia. His stomach has been forced up through the diaphragm so that it balloons into the chest cavity. This condition will cause acid backwash or heartburn.

High fiber Recipes: Blue berry Corn Bread

High Fiber Disease fighters.

Pima Studies show cause of Gallstones

A cheap cure for kidney stones

Vitamin E for Jaundice Puts Babies in the Pink

Calming a stressed intestineSorting the truth from the myths of digestive problems can spare you a lot of pain and


Lower GI ailments vary and include celiac disease, colitis, Cron’s disease, hemorrhoids, polyps and diverticulitis

Celiac disease seems to be an inherited tendency. In this disease the body can not tolerate the gluten in the wheat. And the intestine goes into a fit this evolves to a lack Zinc being absorbed. This is a big problem as Zinc is crucial to the healing process.

So people with celiac disease commonly have deficiencies in Zinc and Iron and b vitamin Folate. This can cause anemia.

Once again, Breast is best

Incidence of Ulcerative Colitis

Is it an Allergy

Honey Bran Cookies

Take me out to the Ball Game

Shrink Polyps Safely

Milk intolerance

Lactose intolerance is normal a more of inconvenience than a disease. 70% of the world is lactose intolerant.

99 out 100 Asians cant drink milk. Many blacks and American Indians, Mexicans, Jews Italians and other ethic groups descended from people living in Asia, Africa, and Southern Europe

Appendicitis Alert

Appendicitis Issues

Appendicitis results from pebbles of feces that irritate and contaminate the organ.

From here the 3 to 6 inch 1/3 inch in diameter organ can become inflamed to ten times its size and will not subside by itself.

It normally takes a week to heal from surgery. However you can supplement your diet with Vitamin A, C, and Zinc to increase healing.

C sparks collagen formation, and vitamin A influences the rate at which the collagen is lad down between cells. I.e. repairs tissues.

Saturday night feeder

Symptoms of Cystitis

Avoiding those Cystitis Traps

Diabetes: The Sugar DiseaseInsulin isn’t the whole answer. A long with medication, don’t over look the benefits of fiber

rich foods and exercise.

Diabetes : A disease on the Rise

Pregnancy: A safe and healthy Diet

Exchanging Foods (Restaurant Style)

Sugar Substitutes : The Real Scoop

Blood Sugar of Diabetics on Low and High Fiber Diets

Special Care of the feet

Diet Rules the Skins HealthWhat you eat plays a big role in preventing skin diseases like

psoriasis shingles and acne.

Psoriasis is characterized by scaly patches that usually first appear on the arms and legs or head. IF plaques(patches appear)your skin cells are multiplying at a rate about seven times faster than normal.

French researchers may have found a link between psoriasis and problems digesting Gluten from grains such as whieat , try, barley and oats.

Ultraviolet lights that come naturally from the sun is effective in treating psoriasis.

South of Jerusalem in the Dead sea. Six times more deep than death valley. Therefore the atmosphere filters out the burning rays of the sun. And soaking in the dead sea also helps as the salt from the sea repairs the skin also.

Many people with psoriasis also develop arthritis and this can be healed from Zinc.

Good health is Skin Deep

Ichthyosis and Shingles

Ichtheysis is a congenital disease usual name but fairly common disease affecting 1 in 250 Americans.

Shingles If you have had small pox when you were a kid. You are a candidate for shingles. However 90 percent of population is infected with the virus and only 10percent of them will get the disease.

Shingles responds well to Vitamin C treatment. 10 grams of Vitamin C daily the lesions usually dry up.

Black and White Skin disease

Your skin a target of side effects


Zinc versus antibiotics.

Zinc at 135 milligrams a day versus 750 milligrams of tetracycline and after 12 weeks the results were astounding for Zinc.

We have personally found in our family if you was with what we call calamansy. (lime in America) Your pimples dry up and your oil is removed.

Fallout from Acme Therapy

Bees Beat bedsores

Caring for the health of Women

Women are learning to apply right to know about their health.

Abortion is not politically correct but statistically is devastating on the woman and her body physically and emotionally.

Women are learning to apply vitamins to their PMS issues.

Do’s and Don'ts of Cramps

Issues with reducing PMS

Cut down your intake salt

Eat Complex Carbohydrates and High protien Diet. Including whole grain breads.

Eat smaller More frequent meals. This stabilizes the bodies sugar.

Cut out caffiene and alcohol.

Exercise can reduce cramps

Lean Bodies and Late Menstruation-A


Toxic Shock Syndrome

Hysterectomy: Too Often Unnecessary

Going the Nutrition Route to Curb Cervical Abnormalities

Problems with Hygiene Products

The Bane of Career women

The Plummeting Sperm Count

Tips to Aid Fertility

The Mind and the SensesA Sound body and a sound mind are one. If Diet heals

the body, then it also can heal the mind.

A brain is a marvelous creation of God.

Short circuits due to various reasons cause such abnormalities as mental illness.

Dissolving the clouds called cataracts. Vitamin A and E act as scavengers in the eye eating the free radicals. Other doctors are professing reversing this issue with a good diet of vitamin a and e and fish and fowl.

Marijuana for Glaucoma: Just Blowing smoke

Focus on extended wear lenses

Cigarette Smoke can cloud hearing

Nutrition enhances sound

The West Virginia Medical Journal reported that 87 percent of his patients with hearing problems were pre diabetic and 80 percent were obese.

Vitamin B6 is known to act as a natural diuretic to stabilize the balance of electrolytes that are found in the inner ear fluids.

Vitamin A is also very important to the celia.

Sounds that damage hearing

A Map of your taste buds

Sunburgers-A Taste of Zinc

A story of an Anerexic

How thin is too thin?Warning signs of Anorexia Nervosa

Dr. Diamond’s Fascinating Rats

Overcoming Mock Senility

Senile people often lose their ability to take care of themselves and can become dependent on others.

Many other causes than age can cause senility and are reversible. I.e.. Drugs, and poor nutrition.

If some one you know is showing signs of disorientation, memory loss, depression, irritability .Check any prescription drugs they are taking and then see if any by their bodies not processing the pills like when they are young could be causing any side affects?

The simple cure is vitamins. B vitamins in particular have a direct effect on Senility. I.e. irritability, memory loss, insomnia, mental confusion and distractibility.

Also Thiamine B12 deficiency can cause the following symptoms. Fatigue and insomnia, irritability, depression, and confusion.

Causes of Mock Senility

Relaxing the Seizures of Epilepsy

Food Sources of Manganese

Schizophrenia Causes Now Identified and Treated

Summary of the Cure for Schizophrenia

Dr. Pfeiffer Director of the Brain Bio Center in Skillman calls a schizophrenia is caused by chemical imbalance.

Pyro Luria a person eliminates abnormally high chemical Kryptopyrrole. Unfortunately on its way out it takes Zinc and B6. The treatment for this form of schizophrenia is easy just supplement zinc and B6 and immediate recovery.

Sixty percent of schizophrenics suffer from histamine disorder, according to Dr. Pfeiffer. One of the functions of histamine is as a neurotransmitter, But when the histamine levels go to high or to low the neurotransmitter relays in the brain tend to relay false information.

For patients with High histamine. The doctor prescribes calcium, Zinc, Manganese and the amino acid Methionine

For patients with low histamine, large doses of Niacin and Vitamin C.

Nobel prize winning scientist Linus Pauling PH.D. deduced that high dosage vitamin therapy may reduce hours of therapy as a patient of schizophrenia and countless pounds of poisoning drugs.

He found in his studies that 94 percent of diagnosed Schizophrenics were deficient in t Niacin amide, vitamin C , B6.

Gluten Unmasked

Bright light conquers the Depression of Gloomy days.

Vitamins counter Drug-caused TD

Getting the Lead out

Freedom from Smoking Addictions

Smoking contributes to so many diseases. Ie Lun cancer, diseases of emphysema and bronchitis. And important contributor to asthma.

Quitting Cigarettes is easier than done. Nicotine is powerful. Smokers have a very high acid content in their urine and body.

To help a smoker quit you must create the opposite of acidic alkaline. I.e. eat molasses, dried beans , raisins, figs , beet greens, spinach, brewers yeast, spinach , almonds and carrots. Smokers wanting to quit should avoid foods with wheat germ lentils , macaroni or spaghetti, chicken , eggs, steak liver .



Around 50 percent of all alcoholics have high blood pressure.

Brains of Alcoholics have shrunken.

Alcoholism can be traced to differences in the way a body metabolizes the alcohol.

With talk therapy only one third of dried out alcoholics don’t go back to drinking. However add nutrition therapy and the success rate sky rockets.

There are some supplements to reduce the desire for alcohol. Vitamin A, and all B Vitamins, and Glutamine.

At Work, Home or at Play, Drinking Leads to Accidents

Gusto Ads Hype Booze

Sexism and Tranquilizers

Tranquility and Peace with out Drugs

Pot targets the brain

Vitamin C and Heroin Addiction

Legalized Marijuana in Colorado has proved to be a disaster but liberal

government will not recall

Marijuana increases blood pressure, reduces sperm, decreases ovulation in women. Impairs memory with chronic use.

Young people who try marijuana have the following changes to there attitude. I.e. Abrupt changes in mood, decline in attendance at school, resistance to discipline, heightened secrecy, association with drug using friends.

Source Notes

Source notes

Would like to thank you for taking your time

to see our study on

“Daniel Diet Part 1-Fighting Disease With Natural Foods”

All of these studies are done because

they have had a profound effect on my life.

Nameofthelord777 Ministry

Nameofthelord777 Ministry wants Thank you for your


May God bless us with Wisdom in these End Times and Peace to share the Gospel with the
