iMusic Overview Paper

Post on 04-Apr-2015

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Transcript of iMusic Overview Paper

iMusic overview reportcopyright Volition Thought House Inc.


Science, Research & Testimonials

iMusic overview reportcopyright Volition Thought House Inc.


The Brain• The brain is powered by a vast network of neurons that discharge waves of electrical energy in dif-ferent frequencies and patterns; a phenomenon called brainwaves. With brain observation equipment, neuroscientists and field experts are able to match peak performance/experience states with the ac-tual neurological brainwaves that allow them to occur. • The brain experts behind iMusic know the exact frequencies/amplitudes of brainwave activity that are present when artists such as Picasso create brilliant art, when visionaries like John D. Rockefeller plan their empires, when grandmasters such as Bobby Fischer mentally play out a chess game �0 moves ahead and when an observer is engaged/enthralled by a motion picture. With iMusic, these states can be artificially replicated. But peak performance/experience creation is just the beginning. The Studies

As tried and true as the law of gravity, iMusic enhances and tunes up the brain like nothing else avail-able. We’ve been boosting performance among the best and the brightest; working with the top people at global leaders like Motorola, BMW and American Express because they trust iMusic to deliver a mental edge for mission critical tasks. Fortune 500 executives, doctors and professionals in every industry know to turn on iMusic to work, learn and think in the high performance zone. And because each iMusic release is subjected to clinical trials and a battery of real world tests, it’s proven to work.

24 point IQ Boost• In a 2006 study, participants experienced IQ increases of as much as 24 points, and as little as 7 points, after using iMusic over a �5 day period. Participants also reported an increase in mental en-ergy, clarity, creativity, spatial awareness and an overall improvement in well being.

24% Focus Improvement• Clinical testing found iMusic improves focus by 24.6% on average, among many other noted im-provements.

• Field leader Dr. Siegfried Othmer led a controlled clinical study & found brainwave training to in-crease IQ by as much as 33 points (23% on average), in addition to causing remarkable improvements in memory, reading, spatial skills & concentration. Brainwave expert Michael Taney concurs; his con-trolled study found brainwave training to yield IQ gains of 19 points on average. And a study

iMusic overview reportcopyright Volition Thought House Inc.


executed by Thomas Budzynski Ph.D found brainwave training gave college students a tre-mendous competitive edge: the group that used brainwave training technology watched their GPA’s sharply rise & improve even after the training, while the group that did not continued to struggle & watch their grades decline.

• Each and every iMusic product that is publicly released goes through rigorous clinical trials using a brain observation instrument called the Electroencephalograph (EEG), that allows us to document iMusic’s effect on the human brain. The EEG provides the precise data that we need to ensure that our patented IMAGINCE technology is creating just the right brainwave changes necessary, so that the desired performance improvements take place. • The studies. The tests. The research. All conclude one thing. Using iMusic enhances cog-nitive abilities, accelerates intellectual processes and triggers peak performance/experience events on demand. For more information visit:

The TechnologyWith Volition’s groundbreaking IMAGINCE digital audio technology, music can be re-mastered to give it powerful mind activating and brain training characteristics, making it iMusic.

iMusic works because of a scientifically documented, physiological process called brainwave entrainment. Your ear drums are the super highways to your brain, and it’s this channel that the sub-audible digital beats and pulses in iMusic travel through—sending slight vibrations echoing through to your sensory cortex. This creates a precise cortical evoked response that activates and optimizes the frequency and amplitude of your brainwaves, eliciting an immedi-ate and very powerful change in your mental state. Within minutes your mind is guided, or “entrained” into the perfect state. What comes next is peak performance.

The ProofThe science behind iMusic and brainwave entrainment is as documented and verified as the law of gravity. Many doctors, institutional clinics and governmental organizations rely on brain-wave optimization technology to train, empower and treat their employees, clients and pa-tients. Each and every iMusic release is subjected to intensive laboratory trials, and a battery of real world tests, with real people, in real situations. iMusic’s effectiveness is guaranteed, with the hard edged quantitative results and empirical data to prove it. []

The SimplicityUsing iMusic is easy. Just choose the appropriate iMusic release that corresponds with your situation, load it into your music player and press play—within 6 minutes iMusic will gently and precisely orchestrate your mind into its peak performance state. iMusic does not require headphones or a special speaker setup: You can load iMusic onto an MP3 player or stereo for personal use, or you can play iMusic over an intercom or networked speaker system for en masse peak-performance stimulation. And the best thing about iMusic, is you don’t even need to listen to it. Just hear it… a quality that makes iMusic the easiest way to improve your performance.

iMusic overview reportcopyright Volition Thought House Inc.


Organizations using iMusic

Leading knowledge workers in Fortune 500 organizations listen to iMusic and by doing so, say yes to peak performance. Employees and executives play iMusic during office work, in brain storming sessions and on the go to increase energy, focus, intelligence, creativity and train their brain. And with time never being more of the essence than in todays fast paced economy, they do it all without delay by just pushing play.

Often organizational units and teams will informally and formally adopt iMusic amongst their ranks, casually playing the different selections throughout their work day.

Regardless of whether an employee works the companies front lines, think tanks in the lab or executes decisions in a board room, the peak performance state is the same.

iMusic Grade School Study

With over �� public schools taking part throughout North Eastern USA and South Western Canada, 110 teachers of grades 3 through 8 were requested to play iMusic for their class over a � week period. After this � week period, the teachers were asked to complete a quali-tative survey to help us better understand the effects of iMusic on school aged children. The following summation presents the teachers responses regarding their experience with iMusic.

Survey Results Overview:

• 98.7% of the teachers surveyed felt their class was better poised for learning while iMusic was played.• 89% of the teachers surveyed observed their classroom to be quieter and less noisy while iMusic was played.• 100% of the teachers surveyed observed their students to be more focused and attentive while iMusic was played.• 95.3% of the teachers surveyed felt their students were more productive and made better use of their time while iMusic was played.

Conclusion:The results point to a dramatic change in the behavior and dynamic of classrooms that play iMusic—showing that iMusic benefits students in a classroom environment. We hypothesize that continued use of iMusic will lead to improved student performance.

iMusic overview reportcopyright Volition Thought House Inc.


iMusic K-12 Study

Introduction With over �� schools taking part throughout North Eastern USA and South Western Canada, 110 teachers of grades 3 through 8 were requested to play iMusic for their class over a � week period. After this � week period, the teachers were asked to complete a survey to help us better understand the effects of iMusic on school aged children. The following summation presents the teachers responses regarding their experience with iMusic.


- 98.2% of the teachers surveyed felt their class was better poised for learning while iMusic was played.- 89.1% of the teachers surveyed observed their classroom to be quieter and less noisy while iMusic was played.- 100% of the teachers surveyed observed their students to be more focused and at-tentive while iMusic was played.- 95.5% of the teachers surveyed felt their students were more productive and made better use of their time while iMusic was played.

ResultsThe results point to a dramatic change in the behavior and dynamic of classrooms that play iMusic—showing that iMusic benefits students in a classroom environment. We hypothesize that continued use of iMusic will lead to improved student perfor-mance. Further research should be pursued to better document the full extent of improvements iMusic will have on student test scores and overall academic perfor-mance.

iMusic overview reportcopyright Volition Thought House Inc.


iMusic + IQ Study

Introduction This is a randomized, controlled study investigating the effects of iMusic on IQ.


Group 1: This first group of 20 participants listened to iMusic for a minimum of 70 minutes for 25 consecutive days.

Group 2 (control): This second group of 20 participants listened to un-enhanced modern texture music for a minimum of 70 minutes for 25 consecutive days.


40 participants, subdivided into 2 groups of 20, performed a standard IQ test, providing a baseline test score. Over the proceeding 25 days, the first group listened to iMusic BrainAmp for a minimum of 70 minutes each day during var- ious random tasks. The second control group listened to normal music that did not contain brainwave entrainment technology, with the same instructions as the first group.

iMusic release used in this study: iMusic BrainAmp

ResultsAfter the 25 days, each participant took another IQ test. Among group 1 (the iMusic using group), an average improvement in IQ score of 18.9 % was found to have occurred, representing a signifi- cant increase in intellectual quotient. Every member of the iMusic group experienced an increase in IQ, with an increase of as much as 24 points, and as little as 4 points seen.

Participants in the iMusic using group also reported an increase in mental energy, clarity, creativity, spatial awareness and an overall improvement in well being.

The second group that listened to regular music saw no measura- ble improvement in score. Some participants scored slightly better, and some scored slightly worse.

iMusic overview reportcopyright Volition Thought House Inc.


iMusic + Focus Study

Introduction This is a randomized, controlled study investigating the effects of iMusic on Focus. Method

The sample size of the study was 36, were subdivided into 2 groups of 18 participants—the first an iMusic using group, the second a control group with normal, un-enhanced music.


Each participant performed the TOVA focus measurement test, to pro-vide a baseline test score. Over the following 3 week time period, the first group of 18 were given iMusic CDʼs, and were instructed on how to listen to them as they worked, read and learned at home and at the office. The second control group listened to normal music that did not contain IMAG-INCE brainwave entrainment technology, with duplicate instructions.

The T.O.V.A. test is an objective, neurophysiological measure of attention, not a subjective rating of behavior.

iMusic releases used in this study: iMusic IvyFocus, PeakRead &ThinkFast.

ResultsUpon completion of the 3 week usage period, group 1 performed a follow up TOVA test while listening to iMusic (group 2 listened to reg-ular music), to identify the kind of change in focus that took place. Among the iMusic using group, an average improvement in TOVA score of 31.26% was achieved, representing a very strong boost in attention and concentration. The second group saw no measurable improvement in score.

Participants in the iMusic using group also reported feeling more aware, attentive, intelligent, mentally clear anlearned and interacted so-cially.

iMusic overview reportcopyright Volition Thought House Inc.


Introduction This is a randomized, controlled study investigating the effects of iMusic on sleep.


The sample size of the study was 18, split into 2 groups of 9. Each partici-pant communicated a desire for improved sleep, and underwent a prelimi-nary polysomnogram (sleep study), creating a sleep quality baseline.

Over the � weeks following, group � listened to iMusic SleepTrainer for a minimum of 60 minutes each day to increase SMR brainwave activity, and improve their brain for better sleep. At bedtime, they listened to iMusic BodySleep(for restless legs) or BrainSleep(for mental chatter), depending upon the sleep deprivation issue they faced. Group � was given identi-cal instructions, butweregiven“placeboCDʼs”withouttheiMusic IMAGINCE technology.

iMusic releases used in this study: iMusic DeepSleep Suite

ResultsA follow up polysomnogram was performed after the � week period of usage. 88.9% of the participants in group 1 experienced notable improve-ments in sleep quality. Falling asleep faster and feeling more refreshed in the morning, were the hallmark improvements. One group � participant felt the music to be distracting over the initial time period, but it was reported that after the study ended, a different genre choice was provided that was more comfortable for this person and improvements were noted. 7 out of 9 participants experienced dramatically longer sleep cycles, quicker times to sleep, longer periods in stage 4 deep sleep and less time in the REM sleep state. 1 participant fell asleep faster and experienced less REM sleep, and � participant fell asleepGroup � participants saw no measured change in sleep quality.

iMusic + Sleep Study

iMusic overview reportcopyright Volition Thought House Inc.


The Peak Experience EventWe’ve all experienced a moment when we seemed to be at our best, a moment when our mind and body functioned together with the precision of a perfectly calibrated machine, churning out an exceptional effort: A truly peak experience event. What happens in the brains of people who encounter a peak performance event and experience illumination, extreme clarity, enlighten-ment, flow and ingenuity?

Finally, science has allowed us to fully explore these distinctive states of peak performance. Neuroscientists around the globe have investigated the brains of celebrated artists, monumental geniuses, mathematicians, top physicists, monks, yogis, top performing athletes and numerous field-leaders using cutting edge brain observation equipment such as the EEG (electroencepha-lograph), PET (positron emission topography), SPECT (single photon emission computerized tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and SQUID (superconducting quantum inter-ference device); watching with full attention as these very special subjects experienced rapid brain state changes and entered amazing states of cognition.

These observations have been integrated with clinical studies, anecdotal and empirical research by psychiatrists, psychologists, educators, therapists, physicians, sports trainers, counselors, re-searchers and clinicians, leading to this universally accepted and unified conclusion: heightened states of mental functioning are consistently linked to specific and clearly defined patterns of activity and events in the brain and more specifically, changes in the brain’s electrical activity.

The High Performance StateThe brain is powered by a vast network of neurons that discharge waves of electrical energy in different frequencies and patterns; it is this phenomenon that we call brainwaves. Brain observa-tion equipment allows us to read and monitor every tiny electrical signal and flash that happens within the brain much the way an anemometer records the currents and gale forces of the wind. We can accurately measure the electrical patterns within the millions of neurons that comprise the vast neural network of the human brain and determine the frequency and intensity of the pulsations that occur. With this ability, experts in the field have been able to match peak perfor-mance states with the actual physiological brainwaves that allow them to occur.

Exceptional performers have been monitored, and it has been found that certain brainwave fre-quencies and states are associated with high performance in certain tasks. We know the exact frequencies of brainwave activity that are present when geniuses such as Einstein and Edison conceive amazing new ideas, when artists such as Da Vinci and Picasso paint brilliant art and when grandmasters such as Bobby Fischer mentally play out a chess game 8 moves ahead.


iMusic overview reportcopyright Volition Thought House Inc.


EntrainmentHow do I optimize my brainwaves, enter the ideal mental state and perform at my best? The answer can be found by looking at the principle of entrainment. What is entrainment? If you have ever jogged in pace with another, rowed a boat at the same tempo as another, marched in rhythm with another, or sung in harmony with another, you’ve experienced the universal force of entrainment.

CASE IN POINTIn 1656, a Dutch scientist named Christian Huygens patented the first pendulum clock, greatly increasing the accuracy of time measurement. About �0 years later, Huygens discovered that mounting two of his pendulum clocks side by side created a strange effect. The pendulums would slowly synchronize with one another and form a mutual rhythm;a shared beat and con-current cadence that was so precise, not even mechanical intervention could more accurately calibrate them synchronously. According to George Leonard, this occurs due to nature seeking the most “efficient energy state and it takes less energy to pulse in cooperation that in opposi-tion”. This phenomenon has come to be known as mutual phase-locking of two oscillators, or entrainment.

Solar systems spin and twirl in accord, dust flies through the air at the same speed as the wind blows and a stick floats down river at the speed of the current because it’s more efficient, so says the principle of entrainment.

Entrainment affects our brain and more specifically, our brainwaves in much the same way. It is called brainwave entrainment. If you apply a stimulus to the brain at a certain frequency or tempo, the brain will be entrained as the neurons start to fire a response and vibrate at the same frequency. This occurs because of a powerful Frequency Following Response within the brain.

For instance, if you listen to music containing beats at a frequency of 10 Hz it will feel very relax-ing, because your brain will begin to follow this frequency and reproduce the rhythm in the music. You will automatically generate more brainwaves at a �0 Hz frequency and effortlessly enter a relaxed Alpha mental state (See Your Guide to Brainwaves to learn more about the different brain states).

Virtually any repeating stimulus that is applied to your brain or body, whether it be sound, lights, visual images, vibrations or electrical sensations, causes the electrical activity in your brain to change. If you watch the intense pyrotechnics of a rock concert or the strobe light in a night club, your brain will respond in a different way and produce different types and frequencies of brainwaves, than if you are watching a ceiling fan. You’ve probably experienced brainwave en-trainment without ever realizing it, if you’ve ever stared at a camp fire, felt the physical rush and natural mental high from night club dance music, or felt relaxed by the vibrations felt while sitting in a car.

iMusic overview reportcopyright Volition Thought House Inc.


The principle of entrainment has been applied, knowingly or not, among civilizations of the past and super achievers of the present. Even politicians and statesmen benefit from entrainment. How? The most basic and well understood way many of us benefit from entrainment is to focus our mind and attune our body by taking slow, steady and deep breathes that bring us into a more relaxed and centered state, readying our physiology before doing anything important such as a public address or performance. We’ve witnessed brainwave entrainment as professional sports teams form together and chant fast paced team mantras to charge their minds and entrain their brains into a high energy state, in preparation for intense physical action.

For thousands of years, primitive cultures have relied upon entrainment through breathing tech-niques, visual stimuli, music and ritualistic dances to lift the spirit, galvanize the soul and repair the body. The repetitive chants, mantras and rhythmic drum beats of Tibetan monks, Native American shamans, Hindu healers, Sufi dervishes, and practiced Yogis are central to their cul-tures and have been chronicled by anthropologists for centuries. Many believe such primitive, ancient cultures were aware of brainwave entrainment and the power it has to alter the state of the mind before modern science did.

The Power of MusicMusic has a powerful influence on our thoughts, mood, state of mind and even attitude. Amid the vast variety of consumptive activities and pop-culture experiences that vary from delightful to euphoric rapture, few modern day experiences can match listening to music in pure evoca-tive power. It can soothe the most savage of beasts, captivate the soul, promote order within the mind, stir our emotions, incite energy in our loins and cause a broad range of intense emotions from cloud 9 level euphoria to abysmal sadness.

“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” Confucius

Music has a scientifically documented ability to diminish the electrical resistance of our skin, cause the pupil of our eye to dilate, quicken or slow down our respiratory system, increase our heart rate and blood pressure, increase our muscular tone, entrain the brain and change the am-plitude and frequency of our brainwaves. But with the advent of iMusic, never before has sound elicited such a precise, powerful and performance enhancing response from the brain.

People of the past and present have uncovered countless ways of arousing, stimulating and en-training the human brain, but none are more effective, convenient and more simply applied than iMusic.

iMusic overview reportcopyright Volition Thought House Inc.


Brainwave entrainment was first identified in 1934, although its effects had been noted as early as Ptolemy.

Not long after the discovery of the Alpha brainwave by Hans Berger in 1929, researchers found that the strength of the wave could be ”driven” beyond its natural frequency using flickering lights. This is called ”Photic Driving”, which is another word for brainwave entrainment using photic (light) stimulation. In 1942 Dempsey and Morison discovered that repetitive tactile stimulation could also produce entrainment and in 1959, Dr. Chatrian observed auditory entrainment in re-sponse to clicks at a frequency of �5 per second.

By the 1960s entrainment started to become a tool rather than a phenomenon of the brain. An-esthesiologist M.S. Sadove, MD, used photic stimulation to reduce the amount of anesthesia needed for surgery. Bernard Margolis published an article on brainwave entrainment used during dental procedures, noting less anesthesia required, less gagging, less bleeding and a general reduction in anxiety.

In a 1973 issue of Scientific American, Dr. Gerald Oster examined how combining 2 pure tones resulted in a rhythmic beat which he called Binaural and Monaural Beats. In comparing Binaural beats against Monaural beats, Oster noted that Monaural beats were shown to elicit extremely strong cortical responses, which is the electrical activity responsible for entrainment. Oster con-cluded that while Binaural Beats produced very little neural response (because the depth of a Binaural Beat is only 3db or 1/10 the volume of a whisper), they could be useful in diagnosing certain neurological disorders.

In the 1980’s studies continued with Dr. Norman Shealy, Dr. Glen Solomon and others research-ing entrainment for headache relief, Serotonin and HGH release, as well as general relaxation. Michael Hutchison wrote his landmark book MegaBrain in 1981, outlining the many possible uses of entrainment from meditation to super-learning. In 1980, Tsuyoshi Inouye and associates at the Department of Neuropsychiatry at Osaka University Medical School in Japan found that photic stimulation produced ”cerebral synchronization”. Dr. Norman Shealy later confirmed the effect, finding that photic stimulation produced synchronization in more than 5,000 patients. In 1984, Dr. Brockopp analyzed audio-visual brain stimulation and in particular hemispheric synchronization during EEG monitoring. He said ”By inducing hemispheric coherence the machine can contribute to improved intellectual functioning of the brain.”

In 1981, Arturo Manns published a study which indicated the amazingly strong entrainment value of Isochronic Tones, as opposed to Monaural or Binaural beats. This was later confirmed by oth-ers such as David Siever.


iMusic overview reportcopyright Volition Thought House Inc.


Studies continued into the 90’s with researchers such as Dr. Russell, Dr. Carter and others who explored the vast potential of using entrainment with ADD and learning disorders. Re-search has also been conducted into PMS, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain, Depression, Hy-pertension and a number of other disorders. Steady research continues today with the work of Dr. Thomas Budzynski, David Siever, psychologist Michael Joyce and many others. The results of entrainment have been so promising that many modern clinical EEG units presently come with built in entrainment devices.

There is over 70 years of solid research behind brainwave entrainment . So why hasn’t it be-come more well known? Mainly because our culture is very much dependent on drugs, and, in comparison to the pharmaceutical giants, there is not a lot of money to be made in entrain-ment: it is inexpensive, easy to use at home and can be a viable solution to a huge variety of problems. Also, our patented IMAGINCE technology which has made audio entrainment a true high powered realization has only been available to the public in the form of iMusic since 2004.

For most people the idea that music is able to directly affect the brain sounds preposterous at first, until you read the research and discover the science behind it. We have found that most people are skeptical until the day they actually use iMusic. Despite the combination of solid scientific, empirical and a huge amount of anecdotal evidence, the world is still very skeptical of entrainment and brain training. But the word is spreading. Every day more psychologists, mental health clinics, coaches, teachers and professionals are discovering iMusic, and find-ing it remarkably useful.

iMusic overview reportcopyright Volition Thought House Inc.



Here’s a sampling of the many user reviews we’ve received from people around the globe benefitting from our many iMusic releases.

“iMusic is an unprecedented psychobiologic and psychoacoustic breakthrough. Millions of people will soon be using this brain stimulating and high performance coaxing technology to increase their mental abilities, quickly enhance their senses, make them smarter and expand their influence on our world… iMusic is a solution we’ve all been searching for, we just didn’t know it.”Dr. John Petersen, UK

“The best way to describe iMusic is to call it mental software. All I have to do is listen and my brain is purring like an Intel driven machine. In what seems like a matter of moments, I’m whizzing through my text and readings. I run on iMusic, what do you run on?”Mark Jacobsen, Ivy League Graduate Student

“Before, it was the same old routine. I’d get my books out, and begin to study. I would try to focus and be rapt by the captivating material I was studying (can you sense my sarcasm?). It was always a battle to maintain concentration; a battle I was never winning. With the iMusic Intelligence Suite, the battle has been won. Game over, I win.”Hayden Lucson, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology

“It sounds like hyperbole, but I have to say, everyone I know can radically benefit from iMusic! Nothing has got my at-tention like this since Napster hit my desktop in the spring of ’99.”Jay Zeiter, News Magazine

“Using iMusic is akin to plugging yourself into a machine that instantly transforms you into a productive, effective and energized android with amazing capabilities. For those non sc-fi fans, hear this: iMusic will unsheathe your best self.”Duncan Reynolds, Movie Executive, USA

“You’ve read, you’ve thought, you’ve learned. You’ve done it all before. But never like this. iMusic will get your brain clipping along like a fine Swiss watch. Whether you’re a student, an established professional or a hope-to-be entrepre-neur, iMusic will give you the steady focus to buckle down and follow through on your goals.”Michael Chan, Executive VP Sony

“I often work late into the evening, and while I love using iMusic Intelligence Suite to get sharp and focused, it often leaves me wired and alert when all I need is sleep, compounding the sleep deprivation problem that I already had. I for-got what deep sleep felt like. iMusic DeepSleep has reminded me. I no longer worry about late nights at the computer, and my productivity is higher then ever as a result.Susan Lipsher, Software Engineer, WA

“ The truth is that iMusic is for everyone, no matter what your IQ, age, ethnic background, or belief system. Peak performance can be achieved regardless of whether you’re a business executive, an artist or a university researcher. Everyone can achieve the same stress-free state where the brain works double-time without effort.”

“iMusic brings me to a place where total brilliance reigns. When I want to tap into my very best ideas I play a selection from the iMusic Creative Suite as I think. When I want to come up with my very best designs I play iMusic CreAction as I work. I’ve experienced such tremendous improvements in my creative ability and work performance, that I now consider iMusic to be the most important asset that I own. Take away my software, my workstation, even my car... but don’t even think about taking my iMusic.”Milton Greenspan, Chief Creative Officer, T-Idea Inc.

iMusic overview reportcopyright Volition Thought House Inc.


“After a serious car accident left me in a coma for nearly 3 weeks with a serious brain injury, I awoke with almost no short term memory, terrible focus and diminished mental capability. I began using iMusic and the immediate improvements in my concentration, attentiveness, and mental acuity were powerful. After a week of use I could feel noticeable changes in my intelligence and mental sharpness... I was thinking faster, feeling more energized and even talking with more confidence. I am now an honors economics/mathematics university student and with iMusic, I know I am going to continue achieving and improving.”David Solomonian, Coma and Brain Injury Survivor

“I don’t need to try harder? I don’t need some sort of high level of commitment? I don’t need to read something? All I have to is push play? And it’s proven to improve my performance and intelligence and put me in what is called an optimized state of mind? How could I say no. So now I’m an iMusic user. Yah, it really works. REALLY.”Jean Porneau, Université de Paris

For focus and a striking brain boost,iMusic makes the grade. I felt my brain’s juices turn up my first time listening, which I didn’t expect at all. After continued use, my ability to concentrate for long periods of time has multiplied exponentially, and I’m just more acute and on the ball than usual. Amazing product!”Tom Dindorf, Chemical Engineer, USA

“The Intelligence Suite has been great for working and learning, but I’ve also bought quite a few other CDs from Volition Thought House. I received some of my best results with Thrive & Flow, I was amazed at the increase of my intelligence. My other favorites are Mind Accelerator; Brain Amp; Ivy Focus, the fitness FitDrive CDs and the DeepSleep suite.”Patricia Gibson (

“I downloaded the Intelligence Suite the other day. I can honestly say it was one the best desicions I’ve made in quite some time. I didn’t get the immediate “bubbling brain juice” experience that some have reported. I did however, notice an incredible amount of focus and mental stamina.”Gary Spivey

“The Intelligence Suite has a variety of benefits, one that every one could benefit from is the combination of 3 marvelous and captivating pieces that are designed to stimulate brain function during the coarse of various tedious and difficult tasks. The Intelligence Suite is financially benificial, an excellent deal. Once I had used this, tasks such as memorizing a section of a textbook would have usually taken me quite a while, however in this case, it took me a minimal amount of time, leaving much more time to do more enjoyable tasks or aspects of life. The Intelligence Suite is excellent and sublime, when it comes to memorizing, increasing IQ, reading, studying and working, an excellent combination found no where else on the planet, except here. It just makes tedious and boring tasks that require mental concentration so much easier.”Hien Nguyen

“Ever since my father made me a gift of the suite, I thought little of it since i had other things to listen to. I find it easy to distract myself and even hard to start working at all, but after deciding to give IvyFocus a go, my atten-tion was all focused on my work and efficiency improved drastically, and quite honestly, when I first got it, I was a little doubtful that it actually works at all. Now I’m a believer, 100% convinced.”Persephone

“I am a 51 year old woman returning to college for the first time in 23 years. I have some learning disabilities, particularly with focusing and retention of a lot of scientific facts. I am going into the health care field. I found your products online while searching for help with short term memory problems. I was hopeful with your information about and purchased the intelligence suite and have to say I am amazed at how much it has helped. The focus one is excellent for a lot of straight memorization and the reading one for, well, just that. I am able to not only retain the information but also truly understand it, which imprints it into my long term memory. Thanks for making such a great product.”Regina Roberts

iMusic overview reportcopyright Volition Thought House Inc.


“This is an excellent suite and I can not recommend it enough! I’ve always been the type that hasn’t been able to concentrate for long periods of time, with the Intelligence Suite however, I’m able to study for hours on end and retain the information much more easily than before. It is making a huge impact to my life as now I am getting better grades at University and will be better able to get the job that I want.”Michael Hall

“Excellent intensity and brain workout with iMusic BrainAmp. The initial brain pump is almost overwhelming, but very comfortable as well. I could really feel the extra blood rushing to my head, giving me an almost heightened. floating state. I started using on a Monday for 2 to 3 full listens of the CD, and by the following Monday I felt some major changes in sharpness and mental speed set in. I highly recommend BrainAmp, just take the time to listen and you’ll feel the improvements.”Tim Starkman PhD, Professor

“Been using BrainAmp just in the car for over a month, great!”Mark Morrisey

“With consistent use it has proved to be an effective asset in nearly all of my ventures. No chemical supplement can give you the same brain enhancement as this with the same yield to cost ratio. In todays world it is a neces-sity to be on your A game. BrainAmp simply makes it easier for you to consistently achieve this.”Donald Johnson

“FABULOUS. iMusic has worked extremely well for me and I highly recommend it.”Hraesh Kumar Drepaul

“The first iq test I did was one week ago today on the 8th of december 2007. Note I am 16 years old, of average or what I call average intelligence with a baseline IQ of 128. After listening to BrainAmp and various other prod-ucts of iMusic, I have come to the inexplicable conclusion that iMusic is incredible! My IQ was measured today, on the 15th december 2007 at 139, not a mind blowing achievment I grant that. But I have experienced longer, more attentive study times, and I find my brain beginning to work faster, and altogether much more satisfactory. I am passing tests Ii would normally fail! I now listen to iMusic throughout my day as it gives me the mental capac-ity to be better than all the rest!”James Stott

“I was always considered by my friends and family an intelligent person, however I have always sought after the edge. Using BrainAmp, I’m feeling closer to it. Thank you! Keep up the good work, I hope more titles will be out soon!”Tom Cohen, Israel

“I really not only enjoy the music, I also enjoy the zone creates. A relaxing comforting place to transform and glide among tracks in my mind.”Talia Hoory

“Im the head of cardio thoracic surgery in Penang. Just simply listen to this remarkable,outstanding and extraor-dinarily sound wave that will change your day and remarkably will sharpen your memory. I started listening it for only 4 days and the result is outstanding!!!!”Dr. Han

“I have been using BrainAmp for about a year now, my IQ back then was still around 90. But now, it raised up to a whopping 120. This proves the magnificence of iMusic technology. Usually a week before my exams I would boost up by listening to BrainAmp, then followed by iMusic intellect suite. Which gives me tremendous powers of concentration, focus and memory. With this, every exam that I went through was like a breeze.”Ivan