Improve your UX with personification

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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How to improve your product's UX with the next big thing in UX era - personification!

Transcript of Improve your UX with personification


Improve Your UX with


What isUX

UXThe feelings and impressions

one experiences whenusing your product


The Pillars ofPersonification

Show your Face!

Don’t hide your identity, show your customers that you are a realbeing!


Upon downloading the Circle app, I recieved an e-mail straight from the CEO, not some no-reply robot-like e-mail.

The Agency Bubble has on its website a livefeed of the online activities of all its employees.


Bring your Brand to Life!

Embrace the human factor, don’t communicate as a nonliving thing


The Agency Melon marketing has a “living“ mascot that depicts all services it offers.

General Electric produced a serie of videos called “GE Stories“ depicting the daily routine of its several employees.


Adjust forThe Individual

Don’t forget the individual, everyone is unique!


Amazon sends customized offers based on your activity on its website. has its whole business model built around personified film recommendations.


Allright,but Why do it?

DifferenceIn the new, post-tech, UX era,

personification is going to play a big role in the success of your product as the

difference maker


RecognitionEveryone strives for his recognition.

Show your customer that you know about them and make

them feel special!


The Feeling of Being in

ControlPeople want to be in control.

With customization you allow them to take control over your product

and be part of it.


The MessagePersonificate, humanize, adjust!You end up helping yourself, your

business and your customers.


The End

Ján JaďuďUX Consultant


