Post on 03-Aug-2020

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Transcript of IMPORTANT NOTICE! ·...

iifti miriii

d u c k up rCopoco

r T » « i . r . W y 20, 1926 " SANTA re NEW MEXICAN

« « * « * P H H > M * f t » k l i « « « I H I * f t t t * « * * « « * '

[ l y f k m i r T M w i r n I

-Page Pive-


. B«M|er S«yi U i Ve|ii "fiU Cmtafi to U K

, t( Malba


T i f U BO Brouiid* BH whtoh

• r n i t him-

AbtrU'a h t l i T follow*: Mr. BtMHam-nl UDd«»Ui>d

- It—rtflb,

I I I ie1t>n:r tiarrntt that Molina wan loo |0iiJ,a l>layer I</"»lt on IIIM twni-h. Qarrelt airood with Orlla aii'l (old bim (t woQld he hll rlsht, •nd ha (Oar-red (Old OrlU thai Ve«aa had uaed Donovan, on« of the Oamerco flayera In Albnqueniua to laelp lham out. tia rol l told ma after the Ka>ne that lhai would bo no protest and not to pi any atlaatloa It anybody said Ihei

uuld be t DrOlaat. Mr. Conway'a proieat ia not valid

I ha dtaa't Dnttly the uranlra 1i*r»>«

•pSiW PlTchw Jnltololina on l^or -ahort-. - I - . t year Ihoy .•"'.'r?. .— -to-.-. .. Played aialoft Sapla Fe pla;

w«r* not et i irt i l f . OH luhtwr Dny Ibey had no ellclhl* pltcbei* aa they ncty bad DM twlTler «od they uaed him Sunday ac t lh i t our team here and oa .ijieufoUowtiit ilaV. .Uoiiitay.-lwbDr M y , they ailted permUnioti to u n a boy In (be bok who

MKhth—Don't fr>.yl on Ihfl rour l ; oncmtrMe on -aUoi«-yoiiy bwL Ninth—Relax couiplotely l«fureand

Tundi—and moat Importaiil—Never

"How 30 you (are champlor

h it< pmldant. VT. D. A. C<m̂


th*y (La» Voaaal •MkllBtJL Jtof f . ̂ QBllgf^'.uj' ' i3 ^ K e t ellAiaU - to iJay And .wnntAd 'HNul i l L ' IWraXeBloB. Srooki tnld

. ^ •^H i t , t h e r e were no objecdon* and j U i ^ U . b * d ao ablertlona that H«hia • H d A tew) ptaynr In JuTIo Molina.

. ^ ^ ^ H u y ^ W U t e d - m uaa K Vafaa H^^^FperAUaetofi. aarrel l . aa mau-

V t e l i T pfMhe W t o Bhend and nee l^kd^lbere V M M be no proUaia

•pttlw'wldB o » «y-player . In ' Ottrrett and Mr. Daniel My.of l b " OM'ral Ma-»-t» Mdtpt eerrwtan' of

pedl AaaetaU otMW l i a l . n talk l.tte^pmnta* •Vawa-f


. a ikey wontd like to aa I re team bad been golna • icb a font time AIM xokMbai

i a (ood flub would "l ike to o v ,n . _ » -A »»»» ihelr-iftoney-i worlh by U I j i l i ^ l tojjbeil uiaterMl al. hand, Or-|-

whan (hey played h*TJ llia (Imt time W A i n r t l . thay tiad w-T*"y»r wlm -waw BDt Allalble end Ihey beet iia and we

Id It they had Wat « » we would _ .ye tffc^n ni.| medlMnp and not "cried like l l l l le bablaa." • The Santa ra 'taam hai been loMm tame* hyj Boaton at PHtibttrgh

.iiy of them by clove icoroi to " lewM«. * t o had unallklble player*, aod » * never "klcknt).- .Now that we have built ua OHT M " ! " . "^ flnanolai axpnnie . i i t r i f k . we w l n > , aame and the loiloa team waAta to lorn arotuid and ha** the leaf in dlr-eotor* and prMldenl throw the aame out. I den'i Ihlok the (an* wmtM-aland for It. Itavlna used Molina with, the rfppoalna manaier'a permli

wtoa ihe-lame etanda, • -' due dlrectnra

" I never plan ahead for •ml I never remember tl.em after-wanU, I never maktf a (etieh of IrainltMt, I merely no to bed early, durliiy tmirnament weeKe, eat el in pie fmm and take care not to latcti cold —ihal'a alHiut all,

" Im y.m think/ Dial a rhaniploB' womi^n player ever will bw prixluned-alroiktf etioiiKli and Roud ennuah. 10 beat thu Champion tnnnT" aba waa • eked.

'No, I d<in't think the belt wtnnnr win ever beat the beet man" Bbo re­plied prnmpily, "Rut T don't aoe any

1 why women thooldn't cun-. to lie heller and beltnr playnra

BM mara of (ham . heeome reaHf chauploaahlp

k the lea-__iw H dlfforanl there

wmild have to be a hooch of tamea thrown-oMt aa-.aeeeral-ofOha- '

Slacaraly, . A U T I I U H M . AI.ARID.

.DtiBlnria Uinaaar. Sanu Do DaaebaU Club, UanU kX N. U.

m »

' ^ C « « StMl it F«t '

. - • i * a a , .T*U J*ly-»- ' ' - ' « 'rt" '<« '< ' t i w B ^ f *• 9*rfm trf tanU ra

r ff thn , (H lwa ' mnunted

l u r iwt ru i e-M W " . « ) ) » l e i •*» " " " " " "

IIBUTHiimpS)«W|i m«tin<r,-Hiw-wh« impe wmm may a* meg glrin (nay t i * a ap th# MiW*. • • . • . -* . k .

tope for a» twnwolBf htmwat


i R N E S i A L A N D t M E R S t N ? - M O U N T E D HURDLES EVENTS

r-tolVM • trtp./ • i t t o u i U T e " ' -

' toafiiK * , m i , . 1 « « « . I . flr.1 In lh« nnruud nwn-i h u r . ! . . . ... t.r^.f I IU WU., oMfM tURn r , atan tn-k IhrM Mk.r pkto-In tiu «nnl l i e . . « • » "


I ' A m W i w H » r * o « i In fhd W M M vtarvlidr o. » . KaWmrMiptwf* f f A

York. It: Y,

. wurrMat tor iU fthns to Uk» np teanla--1 -a kn • • Ik -1 T i l 1 ka I -a •. 2

I'O* en, Mt>d{ -M in iT^ l l ia i Bori la flwa ot nncQuratenikTit to hUyam who fcaU the dledpflM,

i'Uuttlon for, Ilka Topay, ahe be-- she "luat^^rowedMmp n tonnia

_ _ k e * a r hmineed l « * bAU'-nrtlnirt - ^ P r w a r t . , dooN-.. I -»lWML.agralMt

~ " who could .how me tbn .imiiJt " 'pl* of poalthm a h d - i u v h n &4

- I f f imtint (enhfa H K ^ -anlckly .aai Into t o w M m m t playlo*.

Iter how Modeet the tuuma-Uf t\n\r Ik t i e BmWrtW

thMU ihnt flret toumaaiaiM «kva me.

of the *ould-b4 e» «rt M-feUewi;

FlraU rM plenty of practice., Seoond, choeae a variety of op-


Thla meana a pmd rart iMt. wejl alrunk. rood balla. a decent court and, Domfortahle clotbea. . . FUH^Walf lh -n-coad—Playei

I pwrlWd (Mt tnj iiifl out that « y larva waa about

tw*lUBM^fer.iMan«.I,workr , V t f f l n t tn-parfoet UtoJBut. ' h o t do thla by Mrvtnat-n lot-•J^^dT^lha Wt M « M t ; I ditf!

. T i a w

t (JBilcaao. i

AMBRICAN LEAGUE fSilcaao at Umilon. St.- UiUa at New Y o r t ~ ~ Mt ro l t at Philadelphia (3). Cleveland^.t Waaliln^on. lYANKEES HOLD LEAD OF SEVEN


NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati b, Brooklyn 1. Pltlebursb HI. Boaton 1. Chicaeo », New York 5. PhlUdolphla i. fit. Loul . 3 (10 loo-


- A M f h l C A N LEAGUE;:: Chlca«o B, UoMoa i. WB.hloBion L aeveland 1. New York I , iH. 1» »U li ... Detroit B, Philadelphia 3.

-WEaTERN LEAGUE ™r 17. (M.I Jo.rp<v 8. M'llne* t, ffitlah'wna CtijfJI, _

V "AMERICAN ABSOCtATION Nu lamea acbedulAu.


Hack M>klM>n Mrf-lbe -CAibe ni^liiad tlea.llttvke-1 -Willi -ikat-i^uhir

boine run liom.ra when he ranU-id • clrcdlt dilva dudoa—a—kit

fw«t that i «ve Iho Cube • • m S j l u liver hie old leamtBalel. it-J

UlunUi. Stepbnoaoa.of the Cub* t i"d

'TEXAS LEAGUE BwaatnOQl T, Dallaa I . &ta Anloolo S, Wichita ' P B I I . 6.

, Honaton E Yt. Worth 4. Waco 1, Shrevopoit E.

WT«IW*ATtO#aAl. t l A O U E TorMto 44 , Newark M .

• aoohoaaar i i . neadinr s . — — _ Bortelo 11. Baiumora 8.


NATIONAL. LEAGUE Battint—Breeiler, Jtede, .171. KUhe—Siladea. Cardlnala. M . Hlia—MrowH. Dravea. tlO.

Whm Trlplae—Wrlahl. Plratmr aiul Waa<

•r. Klratae !<. Homer*—wuaos.' Cuba, and flob.

temley. Verdlnal*. H. K-awolew-baeee—Yonnt. Otanta Cuylur. PIratea IS.

Plichlna-Jonda. Cub*.'won G; loat

'AMERICAN LEAGUE Battlna—yiDtUerHlU. TUtJi'*, .40>.

' Huns—GehriK, Tank«e«, 83. "Hlfa—rwik. White Sos. JM.

-^ThTOMmPr-lhime. IndUna 38. • .TjJnlntTTijcbrls^" " '

Mom nmh, v . , . 8,toJon-^B8M —Hunnefe ld. . AMilie

AT THE rA/m Tpil|(|iitr.


WJ7/ be announced in. just a. few days. It will pay you to save your money lor the Great Bargains we are^of-— feting at our Opening Saii. '

look tcffl'ine Bcii on Our Sign

l i fe the ^ i q i r o T ^

Carl Maya. vMcran of toer world'* lertca. I * NtvmK Clncluoatl hope [or

'11* (lr*( t hU upportunlty alimo 1313. Yetlerday the BuUmarlno aervor ma»-t*red Brooklyn. C to . I . Only (be veteran. Zick Wheat) penetrated h i * deceptive dollvery to auy extHBt. Wheat r ecordnJ^y " doulil.-. ap-t •insle for a perfect day "at but. ' r to , I'lrataa BIUHR t » aecoiid poulUim - m 1 he Nntloiml le*«ue race, w l l h ' i u , iilburnl o[ hlitlMK (bat humbled the iruvv*. 10 to L • -Only after 10' Innlnsii of heated

Btlle did the Cardlnala. Ihtrd pUc* gam. i>uw to i'hiladclphin, 4 to 3. killiimlay. first twaeiiian of thu • ritliiala, niadu bla fourleelilb iKniie

t r l H "

plate, with (oui a perfect day hit*. . •" TDe .. Tankaei _batterBd. ti LtMila pitchera Into aubrntiBlt QiiierBoI with a 10 10 a Bight runa were acurud la Ih

r of the ynar. alonx With 1 t a •luBlu.

"ilowh'before ihe^'riBi'n Bred'Marherry. (dant relief burler:

Btarled lila »ecoii(l Rame of the see-•on for the fisiialuri and allowed (ribveUDd ouly three hit*, to win by 4 to 1.

Chlcato, afler loilng two NtralKhl •• the IHxt Boa. •.|>m-uml out u i , ( vlulury, ItulUtoR a oluti. luulua dly atlur (wo run* !>•<! IH-UU •oorud.


DhlUlpe la W aatoaWDtrilm , I l « * » - - M y -U i eT - f t r a iu t - i e - p l i i t r

DtnTer Mud Affcfcd la B< Ejwhirtrr la the

for *>4«Pthir N Uw bwMBeea at rw*. -DIDR^ DHUUT. aad thew Mat back Is.. ' Denrtc. aa a recBjariy eodaoiala*^ aRsnt of the DBB*erA;kMaso rlBR. ":

l^ck_ I .a lea8^^ af, HiM fry mUlew . , To be an "tdd haad" la the boMle*. RIUR - bualueaa. waa errauled w k k - r

or- :

Gr&daatE of Booif Scbool i s

w«dr cap


Three moBtha a«o, eccordlBR t » -police, HUa DhJDlpa waa a tetephoee operator here. They aaaert aba hAa "

-frocn 880. to 8100 a— week aluce tier retara from CUc««o. .

,.Km ""J-iCOVIRNOR H A N H E T T T O - —

:f^'r:t::i.:;it"c!:ri."R.^t , ; C O V E I W O R S ' C O N F A B ^ Chlcayo, who w». arreted, last hUht

'h*riiv of IMeRal poaueuilon and j ' • 111' g i t - i j»r». !•

plek«l ^ kerw .ent to (TACMO

Wyo. rbuntdey (or Ctieyei

le will make the trip by auLo aad it l l tm aucomeaaWd by M n . llaa-lett.- arm - Tinir and Wrw," a n r t J * -TMilalJ. « r » . ItaaBtoU'B owtbar.


TO BE W I T N E S S Onniiton Ujt W$ Refan to l U

Cok^ Wssto Bs srfy • , W a r t U m F m u J .

Ixw Angela". t^Hf-, Jaly » Ketuielh f l . DrwHstOB wboa* wbeVe-.Ini'lHf .hai W V ' nffVUeJa iBYeStl-j :.:. mtiBE, the dleapiMaraBce of

HempIO McPberaoB mnrJi few we.*. . fiadMr refpaeOi

to Loa .AaRelee aad apiamf twiore 4ka «ra<ut Mry. lo • I f l tar tm* to that body by iJtMrtct AUorwey KeynaL aTha leUer. wrttlea by Ormlw ton and mailed from New Tork a i y . WW* handed to the mfTtitmni Of tJtd Jiij y at Ibp Hon thla Diontlaff public hy tlm dlatriatBtwnMty,. , .

IB faia mlaalva Orif iMlr* Mafod tWf hh waa traveltw uador BB auumied

jitrjkjjr-MEaHOHiJttrBnsn panrlnjr twronir - The—ETtoM "GoithleBB erraroL"

U» t Night a New* Federal ooiirt to Kaaaa* OKy

BlralnH JaOaraon City. Me., mul from-meaopelUlBH -wave lengtba •Uned to knothi-r; ' •; " '


T I R E S ; Y' -''M j'YjcL

- . - iMe tu buy tire nUleige ar lO low A toat per i n i i e » < ^ ttey CEO buy Hrestone Gum-Dipped Tire* today. And n«vcr be&>re have they bMn aidt co-buy tlrtt -*o comfoytablcr fStc ftikd trouble free. j o f t h e h i c f i l y ( k i l l e d

'~'f«4«N!he«M|*iiemtofiGliiu>ed«imlopMl(p^ - tyarhinerr .and'procejia« for maimfacturina • Ottm-Dippfd TtoUf txjmbloed with economi-

._ <fl ttadotud dUtrlfautlon throuEh cfiicieRf ScrYice Pdalera, m a a y equipped with the latMt Flmrot ie methoda of r cpHtr ln i HiRh .Pgj4t», jUl-Sirt BBlioon, Bus « id Truck

^^Plreitont'i ' loog fight BgntturfK^Brlf] ; Tiiti^.^mtfkfioa Act h » »«<>d

We Abo Sell

dOtDFIESJ} T I R E S : ., A t - T W Kedoced PrfceE ,