Important Achievements of Track Design Directorate...

Post on 31-Mar-2018

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Transcript of Important Achievements of Track Design Directorate...

Important Achievements of Track Design Directorate during last five years

Sl No.

Financial Year

Broad Area of Achievement

Title of Achievement Description of Achievement Likely Benefit Current Status of Implementation

1 2008-09 Safety & Reliability

Development of Design and Specification of Improved Switch expansion Joint (SEJ)

Drawings and specification for Improved SEJ for 80mm gap (max.) and 65 mm gap (max.) for BG (1673mm) for 52kg & 60kg (UIC) on PSC sleepers were issued to all Zonal Railways for use.

The existing design of SEJ has been improved upon for more service life, better riding quality and lesser maintenance efforts.


2 2009-10 Economy Field Trial of 22.5T optimized Sleeper

RDSO had optimized existing design of PSC sleeper for 22.5T axle load (Drg. No. RT- 7013) with M 60 grade of concrete and 16 no. prestress strands.

Saving in cost of sleeper Under Trial

3 2009-10 Safety & Reliability

Development of Nylon cord reinforced GRSP

The specification of Nylon cord reinforced GRSP have been developed and sent to zonal railways for trial for using under CMS crossing to judge the performance.

To increase the life of pad under CMC crossing.

Under Trial

4 2009-10 Safety Development of digital ultrasonic rail testers.

RDSO successfully developed digital single and double rail testers and dedicated AT weld testers with digital technology in association with industry. This will facilitate recording of A-scan and monitoring of growth pattern of flaw.

Reliability of USFD testing of Rails/Welds


5 2010-11 Safety Development of specification for ultrasonic rail testing using vehicular system .

On account of increase in traffic and introducing of heavier axle load, the work load of USFD testing has increased considerably. The USFD testing is required to be undertaken more frequently, as frequency of USFD testing is dependent on GMT of the section. RDSO developed technical specifications for ultrasonic testing of rails/welds using vehicular system in order to mitigate the increased work load of USFD testing and to bring in state–of-the-Art vehicular systems of USFD testing on Indian Railways

Introduction of state-of-the Art Vehicular USFD testing system on Indian Railways. These will also help in effective monitoring of flaw growth pattern.

Tenders invited by NR.

6 2010-11 Safety Development of Forged Junction Rail

At locations of change of Rail Section in track, the junction fish plate were used. It was not fisible to continue LWR at such locations. RDSO developed the drawing and provisional specification of 52kg and 60kg forged junction rail. This will reduce instances of failure of junction fish plate and facilitate continuance of LWR.

Reduction in junction weld failure


7 2010-11 Safety & reliability

Revision of Specification of Retro-Reflective Engineering Indicators as per

Specification for retro –reflective Engineering Indicators has been revised after conducting literature survey & studying IRC and International Specification. The provisional specification for retro –reflective May -2011 was approved by Railway

Improved visibility of engineering indicators specially during night.



Board and issued to zonal railways for implementation. Revised specification includes both Type III (encapsulated lens type) and type IV (micro-prismatic type) of retro-reflective boards.

8 2010-11 Safety & Reliability

Design of 1:16 thick web switch with ZU-1-60 asymmetric tongue rail

The design of 1:16 thick web switch on PSC sleepers was developed by modifying the existing 1:16 turnout to suit the ZU-1-60 asymmetrical thick-web tongue rail.

Improvement of service life, better riding quality, lesser maintenance effort

Prototype set is being developed.

9 2010-11 Safety Development of Drawings for modified Special Bearing plates for 1 in 12 PSC fan shaped layout

Drawings for modified special bearing plate to be used on sleeper No.24,25, 26 & 27 in 1:12 BG 52 kg turnout were issued to all Zonal Railways for trial. The performance of above modified plates was found to be satisfactory as indicated by CTE/SWR in TSC meeting in Dec 2010.

Improved safety Implemented

10 2010-11 Throughput Development of Drawings for 1 :8.5 Symmetrical split derailing switch

Drawings for 1:8.5 derailing switch (symmetrical split layout) for both 52 kg and 60 kg rail sections were issued to Zonal Railways.

This layout shall help in increasing speed up to 30 Kmph in loop lines


11 2010-11 Throughput Development of Drawings for 1 :12 derailing switch

Drawing for 1:12 derailing switch BG 60 kg (UIC) and BG 52 kg on PSC sleepers were issued to Zonal Railways.

This design will help in increasing speed of loop lines.


12 2010-11 Economy Development of technology for in-situ reconditioning of CMS Crossing

In-situ reconditioning of CMS Crossing by Translamatic Robotic Welder was adopted for regular use in October, 2010. Another technology of Inweld Canada has been approved for extended field trial. Expression of Interest (EOI) was called for development of more technoloies. The offers received are under technical evaluation.

Improved service life of CMS crossing and elimination of requirement of traffic block for removal and insertion of CMS crossing

Implemented. More technologies are under development.

13 2010-11 Safety & Reliability

Field Trial of Under Sleeper Pads

Field trial is to be carried out on sleepers fitted with Under Sleeper Pad(USP) to study its effectiveness in ballast protection, reduction in ballast pressure, reduction in overall track maintenance & vibration control etc. RDSO has formulated trial scheme for field trial of the same in NR & SCR.

Ballast protection, reduction in ballast pressure, reduction in overall track maintenance & vibration control

The trial of this item is in progress in NR & SCR. Field observations completed. Cost analysis & savings awaited from NR & SCR.

14 2010-11 Safety & Reliability

Development of ERC Mk-V

ERC MK-V with toe load of 1200-1500 has been designed & developed by RDSO and same has been approved for adoption in Indian Railways for regular use.

Increase in toe-load. This item has been adopted on Indian Railways.

15 2010-11 Safety & Reliability

Development of Composite GRSP

To improve the life and performance of existing 6mm GRSP, RDSO has developed Composite GRSP. After successful lab tests and satisfactory field performance, composite GRSP has been approved by Railway Board for regular adoption.

This pad is expected to have minimum service life of 8 years / 300 GMT.

This item has been adopted on Indian Railways.

16 2010-11 Throughput Technical scrutiny and

inputs for Operation of AC Double Decker Coach on Howrah – Dhanbad section

The operation of first rake of AC double decker coaches was planned on Howrah-Dhanbad section. Necessary technical scrutiny was done on aspects related to track and SOD for Operation of AC Double Decker Coach on Howrah – Dhanbad section and further inputs were provided for regular operation.

Increased throughput Implemented. Running successfully

17 2010-11 Consultancy Scrutiny and finalization of Standard Gauge SOD of Air port express Metro Line of DMRC and operation of trains.

The Standard Gauge Schedule of Dimension for AEML was scrutinized in consultation with all concerned directorates. This facilitated Operation of trains on Standard Gauge first time in India.

Fast and economical public transport in Metro city.


18 2010-11 Consultancy Scrutiny and finalization of DMRC Standard Gauge SOD

The Standard Gauge schedule of dimension by DMRC was on consulted with all concerned directorate processed to Railway Board for approval. This facilitated operations of Metros on Standard Gauge.

Fast and economical Public transport system in metro city


19 2011-12 Safety & reliability

Revision of Manual for Flash Butt Welding of Rails Revised-2012)

Taking into consideration latest developments in the field of flash butt welding world over, the flash butt welding manual 1972 has been updated and revised. The Manual for Flash Butt Welding of Rails Revised-2012 has been approved by Railway Board and issued for implementation by FBWP.

Production of flash butt welds of greater quality & reliability by both fixed and mobile plants

Revised manual circulated to all zonal railways for implementation.

20 2011-12 Safety & reliability

Development of track based gauge face lubricating system.

The gauge face lubrication is required to enhance service life of rails particularly on sharp curves. In order to assess suitability of mechanized lubricators, 12 imported & 8 indigenous lubricators were installed in CR, WCR and ECoR in 2008 with trial of two years. Based upon the experience gained, Final specification No. IRST-48 of 2013 has been approved by Railway Board on 7/6/13.

Reduction in wear of rail gauge face specially at curved locations.


21 2011-12 Safety & reliability

Revision to specification of fish plates (IRST-1-2012)

The IRS specifications for fish plates needed revision due to deletion of approved sources of raw material by QA/Mech Dte, inclusion of dimensional tolerances etc. The existing Specifications IRS-T-1:2012 & T-6 were reviewed and comprehensive specification has been issued.

Comprehensive specification issued.


22 2011-12 Safety & Reliability

Design of 1:12 Scissor Cross over with 60 Kg UIC rail with PSC

Design and drawings for 1:12 Scissor Cross over with 60 Kg (UIC) rail with PSC sleeper layout with 4.725 m c/c spacing of track have been developed with new concepts having curved

Improved service life, better riding quality and lesser maintenance effort

NR has placed a purchase order for procurement of

sleepers CMS crossings up to tangent point and hollow CI block. Drawings have been issued for trial.

1:12 scissor X-over.

23 2011-12 Economy Development of Weldable CMS Crossing

Drawings and Specification for 1:12 & 1:8.5 Weldable CMS Xing BG 60 kg were developed by RDSO to bridge the technological gap between IR and world railways• Field trial of 1 in 12 and 1 in 8.5 60 Kg weldable CMS crossings of RDSO design has been ordered in N.Rly and C.Rly respectively manufactured by firm M/s VAE VKN Sonepat.

Improved service life of track components at crossing , better riding quality , lesser maintenance effort and feasibility of continuation of LWR through turnouts

Under trial

24 2011-12 Economy Development of technology for repair/reconditioning of rail top defects

Technical evaluation of technology has been done by RDSO for repair of rail top defect by Translamatic Robotic Welder has been done by RDSO. Field trial of technology has been ordered in two zonal railways under supervision of RDSO

Improved service life of rail/weld, lesser maintenance effort

Under trial

25 2011-12 Economy Improved SEJ for curves up to 4 degree

Technical evaluation of Design and drawings for Improved SEJ to be laid at curve up to 4 degree was done by RDSO. Field trial has been ordered in three zonal railways for validation of design and drawing.

Elimination of fish plated joints resulting in better ride quality and lesser maintenance effort

Under trial

26 2011-12 Economy Development of Composite Sleepers

Extended field trial of composite sleepers of M/s Tietek, USA design and limited field trial of Composite FFU (Fibre reinforced foamed urathane) sleepers of M/s Sekisui, Japan's design were started for development of composite sleepers for bridges. Composite Sleepers of two more technologies have been approved for limited field trial.

Composite Sleeper, made of recycled materials is eco friendly and ideal solution to bridge timbers. It will also reduce maintenance effort.

Under Trial

27 2011-12 Consultancy Scrutiny and finalization of Standard Gauge SOD of BMRC.

The Standard Gauge Schedule of Dimension for Bangalore, Chennai, Jaipur & Gurgaon Metros was scrutinized in consultation with all concerned directorates and forwarded to Railway Board for approval. This facilitated Operation of metro trains on Standard Gauge.

Fast and economical Public transport system in metro city.


28 2011-12 Throughput enhancement

Schedule of Dimension for Eastern and Western Corridor

The Schedule of Dimension for Eastern and Western Corridor for DFC was finalized. The same has been approved & issued by Railway Board in Jan.-2013.

Enhanced freight operation capacity.


29 2012-13 Economy Development of Explosive Depth Hardened (EDH) CMS Crossing

EDH CMS crossings developed by a firm were put in limited field trial in NR and SCR after inspection by RDSO. The performance of above crossings were found to be satisfactory and extended field trial has been ordered in six zonal railways

Improvement in service life and reduction in the requirement for reconditioning

Under Trial

30 2012-13 Safety Revision of ‘Specification for fusion welding of rails by Alumino-thermic process, IRST-19’.

Specification for fusion welding of rails by Alumino-thermic process, IRST-19 has been revised incorporating all 16 nos. of A&C slips issued. Theses A&C slips were issued for various improvements made in quality of AT welding and advancements made in this area.

Improvement in quality & reliability of AT welds.


31 2012-13 Safety Revision of ‘Manual for fusion welding of rails by Alumino-thermic process, 1998’

‘Manual for fusion welding of rails by Alumino-thermic process, 1998’ has been revised and issued as ‘Manual for fusion welding of rails by Alumino-thermic process, 2012. All 13 nos. of A&C slips have been incorporated which deal with various improvements made in quality of AT welding and advancements made in this area.

Improvement in quality & reliability of AT welds.


32 2012-13 Safety Revision & printing of ‘USFD Manual’

‘Manual for Ultrasonic testing of rails & welds, 2006’ has been revised and issued as ‘‘Manual for Ultrasonic testing of rails & welds, 2012’. All 09 nos. of A&C slips have been incorporated which deal with various improvements made in area of USFD testing.

Improvement in reliability of USFD testing


33 2012-13 Safety Development of AT welding technology with Compressed air petrol preheating, three piece moulds and Automatic tapping thimble.

In order to reduce human element in AT weld to improve reliability. As welding techniques with Auto tapping thimble was developed by RDSO in association with approved vendors for AT portions. RDSO has successfully developed vendors for the AT welding technique with Compressed air petrol preheating, three piece moulds and Automatic tapping thimble.

To improve quality and in service performance of AT welds.

Implemented w.e.f. 01.02.2013

34 2012-13 Safety Revision of specification for ultrasonic rail testing on outsourcing basis

‘Indian Railway Standard Specification for Ultrasonic Testing of Rails/Welds (Provisional) Revised, 2007’ has been revised so as to incorporate the provisions for outsourcing of welds and issued as ‘Indian Railway Standard Specification for Ultrasonic testing of rails/welds (Provisional) - Revised, 2012.

Introduction of state-of-the Art USFD rail and weld testing m/c on Indian Railways.


35 2012-13 Consultancy Scrutiny and finalization of Standard Gauge SOD of Chennai Metro(CMRL)

The Standard Gauge Schedule of Dimension for CMRL was scrutinized in consultation with all concerned directorates and forwarded to Railway Boar for approval. This facilitated Operation of metro trains on Standard Gauge.

Fast and economical Public transport system in metro city.


36 2008-13 Safety Amendments in IRSOD, BG- 2004

07 No. Amendment and corrigendum slips proposed to address issues related to safety and enhanced capacity and mobility.

Increased mobility with enhanced safety.

05 out of the 07 amendment/implemented. Remaining 02 are under consideration of Railway Board.

37 2008-13 Mobility & Throughput enhancement

Scrutiny and vetting of speed certificates.

More than 500 No. speed certificates were vetted from track point of view including some very important operations as mentioned below: 1. Operation of 22.32t (CC+6t+2t) axle load wagons. 2. Operation of 22.82t (CC+8+2t) axle load wagons. 3. WAP7 class of locomotive up to a maximum speed of

140kmph. 4. Multi-operation of 3WDG3A/3WCG2 locomotives and 59

BOXN wagons (loaded to CC+8+2t) over Lonavala-Palasdhari Ghat Section

5. Operation of MEMU Coaches fitted with pneumatic suspension up to a maximum speed of 110kmph.

6. Operation of Shatabdi express and other similar trains with 18 numbers of LHB AC EOG coaches at 140kmph.

7. Operation of BG AC EOG Double Decker Chair Car coaches (width 3050mm) at maximum speed of 160kmph.

8. Operation trials of long haul train-two freight trains amalgamated into one train (python).

9. Operation of WDP4D twin cab class of locomotive up to 135kmph.

10. Operation of second class Non AC EOG LHB variant coaches (LS2) up to a speed of 135kmph with pay loads upto 16T maximum.

Increased Mobility and Throughput.


38 2013-14 Economy Grooved Rubber sole plates (GRSP) with horn for turnouts

RDSO has developed new designs of GRSP with horn for lead portion, under check rail at crossing, beyond crossing and for approach and exit sleeper for 1 in 12 & 1 in 8.5 turnouts and the same issued to all Zonal Railways for trial.

Solution for working out of rubber pads leading to increased service life of sleepers and other track components.

Under Trial

39 2013-14 Consultancy Scrutiny and finalization of SOD of Gurgaon Metro (RMGL)

The Standard Gauge Schedule of Dimension for RMGL was scrutinized in consultation with all concerned directorates and forwarded to Railway Boar for approval. This facilitated Operation of metro trains on Standard Gauge.

Fast and economical Public transport system in metro city.


40 2013-14 Reliability, Economy

Review of Design of Spring Setting Device(SSD)

The design of SSD was reviewed to address problems experienced in field. As a consequence, Drawings for SSD and their parts –RDSO/T-6216, RDSO/T-6945 and RDSO/T-6217/1-32 have been altered and issued to Zonal Railways. The revised ‘Laying and Maintenance Instructions’ incorporate frequency of inspection and oiling & greasing of

Improved Reliability and acceptibility of SSD in field which in turn shall enhance the service life of switch.


SSD has also been issued to ensure smooth operation of SSD.

41 2013-14 Safety, Economy

Finalization of Drawing for Combination SEJ

Drawings for Comination SEJ with 60 Kg tongue rail and 52 Kg stock rail have been finalized and issued to Zonal Railways. Such SEJ can be used at the location of change in rail section from 52 Kg to 60 Kg (or vice versa)

Improved safety due to elimination of Compound fish plate. Cost reduction as only one SEJ is required in place of two SEJs for different rail sections.


42 2013-15 Throughput & Economy

Development of Ballastless Track with Indigenous Fastening System (BLT-IFS) including tunnels and viaducts

BLT-IFS design has been completed including proto-type development in a record time of 3 months and its drawings and construction guidelines has been prepared which has been approved by the Railway Board vide letter dt. 13.12.2013. The drawing & construction guidelines have been sent to zonal railways on 16.12.2013 for undertaking the trial. The BLT-IFS design can also be used in tunnels & viaducts with suitable modification in the pad stiffness. Softer rubber pads & transition arrangement in tunnels developed & sent to SCR.

The BLT design has been developed using indigenous fastening system resulting in cost saving and easy availability of fastening components. The proposed BLT-IFS can be used in washable aprons for both platform & non-platform lines, in tunnels, bridges and track at formation requiring very low maintenance.

Trial in main line in BINA-BPL by RVNL and in various zonal railways .

Trial in tunnel to be taken by SCR.

43 2013-14 Safety & Reliability

Revision in Specification (IRS-T-44) of GFN-66 Insulating Liners

Corrigendum No. 4 to the ‘IRS specification no. T-44-1995 for GFN-66 Insulating Liners’ incorporating change of colour & location for taking sample for specific gravity test has been issued to all concerned on 27.11.2013.

With the above change, uncertainty of quality of existing insulating liners with black colour can be improved with the use of insulating liners of the same material but with natural colour and use of spurious material can be avoided by using virgin raw material of natural colour and at the same time hardness & cross breaking load values are

Corrigendum circulated to zonal railways for Implementation

not compromised

44 2013-14 Safety & Reliability

Revision in Specification of Metal Liners

This specification has been issued bearing the title ‘IRS specification for metal liners for use with Elastic Rail Clips (Provisional -2013)’ on 29.11.2013 to all concerned.

It will improve the quality & serviceability of metal liner bars as well as metal liners henceforth on sustained basis

Specifications circulated to zonal railways for Implementation

45 2013-14 Throughput

Design of Wider Sleeper using more concrete & less steel for 25T axle load

Various preliminary designs have been sent to Railway Board for in-principle approval of finalized option for developing detailed drawings. However design with top rail seat width of 230 mm and bottom of 300 mm against existing 150 mm and 250 mm respectively found most suitable with use of 12 wires as against 20 wires of 3x3 mm in existing 25 t design.

Following are the advantages of wider & heavier sleeper

• Increase in frame resistance of track & avoiding of buckling of track

• Increase in rail seat area resulting in increase in rubber pad life,

• Reduction in ballast pressure leading to reduction in ballast pulverization, deep screening cycle & enhanced drainage

Awaiting Rly. Board’s approval, RDSO is going ahead with developing detailed drawings.

46 2013-14 Consultancy Scrutiny and finalization of MMOPL SOD

The Standard Gauge schedule of dimension for MMOPL was scrutinized in consultations with all concerned directorate and approved by Railway Board. This facilitated operations of Metros on Standard Gauge.

Fast and economical Public transport system in metro city


47 2013-15 Safety & Development of 10mm thick Composite

Development of 10mm Composite GRSP for 25t axle load has been taken up by RDSO. Prototype samples of this pad were

Pad is more sturdier & increased serviceability

Eight firms have already been

Reliability GRSP for 25t sleeper assembly

asked from the approved vendors of 6.2mm CGRSP, for testing in RDSO. The samples of four firms have been tested in M&C Dte. Of RDSO. After satisfactory testing of samples in M&C Dte. of RDSO, firms are being shortlisted for 10mm thick CGRSP.

for use in heavy axle load.

shortlisted. Further development is in progress.

48 2013-14 Consultancy

UIC Asia project on ‘Optimisation of Sleeper Design in collaboration with CHARMEC Sweden.

The modelling & simulation study has been done for optimization of various design parameters of design of PSC sleepers for 22.9 axle load and upto speed 75 kmph & LHB coaches upto 10 kmph. Good practices of manufacturing are also been recommended

Rationalization of various design factors and appropriate combination of these factors resulting in optimised design of PSC sleeper for 25T axle load.

After completion of Phase –I , Phase-II of the project is in progress for further study. Draft reports received & under study at RDSO.

49 2013-14 Safety & Reliability

Development of Improved Toe Load J-Clip

RDSO has developed Modified ERC J-clip for increase in the toe-load of existing J-clip.

Increase in toe-load to solve the problem of working out of clips at fish plated joints.

Modified drawings of J-Clip & corr. In specification issued in Nov 2014.

50 2013-14 Throughput

Design & development of 25t sleeper along with fastening system

Prototype design of the sleeper has been manufactured and same is found successful during lab testing at RDSO. Design of sleeper and fastening system has been sent to ECoR, SE, SC & SW Railways for field trial.

Heavy sleeper & fastening system for heavy axle load

Trial is in progress

51 2013-15 Throughput Design & development of 32.5t sleeper along with fastening system

RDSO has designed and developed proto-type of a new PSC sleeper for 32.5t axle load. All laboratory investigations of this sleeper including Fatigue test have been completed and the sleeper has passed all the tests successfully.

Load carrying capacity of PSC sleeper will increase.

Tender floated by Store Dte of RDSO last date as 19.02.2015.

52 2013-15 Safety & Reliability

Development of Thermoplastic Elastomer Pads

Status report on trial after one year service has been sent to railway board on 15.05.2012.

Further, a letter to all the five nominated railways has also been sent on 27.08.2013 to send certain specific observations of the performance of the pads.

One of the main reasons of deterioration of existing rubber pads is attributed to the effect of extreme environmental conditions in field which in turn affects the overall functioning of elastic fastening system. The Thermoplastic Elastomer Rail Pad is made of

Final reports after 3 years trial sent to Rly. Bd. In Feb’ 2015

polymer and therefore, it is resistant to the effect of extreme environmental conditions in field and imparts longevity.

53 2013-14 Throughput Revision of Specification of PSC Sleeper

These revised specifications have been discussed with the manufacturers and finally approved by Railway Board. Now revised specifications have been implemented.

Further, vide letter no. 2011/TK-II/22/11/1/Specification dated 11.03.2013, Railway Board has amended the Guarantee Clause no. 8.1 of the IRS T-39 (Fourth Revision – August 2011) which has been issued to zonal railways as Corrigendum no. 1 to IRS T-39-85 (Fourth Revision – August 2011) vide RDSO letter no. CT/SRC/Specification dated 22.04.2013 after taking all necessary action as per ISO guidelines of RDSO

Revision of specification of PSC sleeper (T-39) has been taken up to fine tune it in line with latest practice / production techniques and experienced gained by IR.


54 2014-15 Safety Standardization of drawing for automatic banner flag on manual level-crossing for field trial

The red banner flag is to be placed across the track by the gate man whenever gate is kept in open condition for passage of road vehicle at non-interlocked level crossing. Need of automation in implantation of banner flag was being felt so that banner flag automatically comes on track when gate is opened by gate man. The drawing for automatic banner flag has been standardized and issued to all zonal railways for field trials.

To improve safety Drawing no. RDSO/T-8416 issued for field trial.

54 2014-15 Throughput Speed certificate of 5 tier EUR rakes on BRN/BRNA/BRNAHS wagon.

RDSO has issued a speed certificate for operation of roller rake composed of 21 BRN/BRNA/BRNAHS wagons carrying total 60rail panels of 260m length each loaded in 5 layers and one 8 wheeler covered wagon BCNM1/BCNAM1 (or BCN variant wagon) on Indian railways.

This will facilitate the faster movement of long welded rail panels.


55 2014-15 Safety, Reliability, Economy

Development of Rail Free Fastening System(RFFS) for H-beam sleeper

RDSO has developed an innovative design for RFFS for H-Beam sleeper with SGCI bearing plate and SGCI liners for continuation of welded rail/LWR on girder bridges. Field Trial of RFFS has been ordered on 5 nos. bridges on NWR, NWR, SER and NFR for validation of design.

Improved service life, likely to be cheaper and user friendly

Under Trial.

56 2014-15 Throughput, Proof checking of drawings for 1:12

Proof checking of 103 nos. drawings for switch, crossing, PSC sleeper and other components for canted turnout for DFCCIL

Canted turnout design is likely to reduce wear of

To be laid on live trial on MGS-

Economy Canted Turnouts submitted by DFCCIL

has done by RDSO on the directive of Railway board. The same was communicated to DFCCIL vide this office letter dated 16.07.2014 paving the way for laying of canted turnouts in DFCCIL.

rail on turnout & wheel of rolling stock.

Sonnagar section of Eastern Corridor of DFCCIL.

57 2014-15 Safety, Reliability, Economy

Modification and improvement and the design of heat treated welded crossing

Modification has been carried out in the drawing for heat treated welded crossing (HTWX) to overcome the problem of working out of liner & ERC due to inadequate toe load when HTWX is laid on fan shaped PSC sleepers designed for CMS crossing. The modified drawings have been issued to CR, ER, NR, SCR &WCR in April 2014 for conducting limited field trial on other than main line to ascertain the effectiveness of modifications in addressing problems associated with the present design.

Modified design of HTWX may be used in place of CMS crossing with continuity of LWR on other than main line. This arrangement shall improved safety and service life.

Under trial

58 2014-15 Safety Bracket arrangement for retention of alignment of track on steel channel sleeper

RDSO has prepared a drawing no. EDO/T-2265 for bracket arrangement for retention of alignment of track over steel channel sleeper on girder bridge based on the input from NR & SCR with requisite improvements and issued the same to all zonal railways vide RDSO’s letter dated 18.12.2014

This bracket arrangement holds the steel channel sleeper such that its movement is restricted in all three directions-vertical, lateral and longitudinal and hence misalignment of track on account of movement of steel channel sleeper under traffic is stopped.


59 2014-15 Safety Kolkata Metro SG SOD

The Standard Gauge schedule of dimensions for KMRCL scrutinized and comments have been sent to Kolkata Metro for modifications in SOD as advised.

Fast and economical Public transport system in metro city

Under consideration of Kolkata Metro.

60 2014-15 Consultancy Scrutiny and finalization of SOD of HMRL

The Standard Gauge schedule of dimension for HMRC was scrutinized in consultations with all concerned directorate and approved by Railway Board. This facilitated operations of Metros on Standard Gauge.

Fast and economical Public transport system in metro city

Under consideration of Railway Board for conducting oscillation trial.

Long Rails are to be cooled down before online Ultrasonic Testing Ultrasonic test. Its length is 65 metre

Long Rail Bed at Bhilai Steel Plant

Indian Railways have laid vast stretches of long welded rails. These rails are able to provide a more comfortable journey as the fish plated joints have been replaced with welded joints. Indian Railways is a large network comprising majority of track on Broad Gauge. Broad Gauge (1676 mm) track mostly comprises of UIC 60Kg long/IRS 52 Kg long/Continuously welded rails laid on pre-stresses mono-block concrete sleepers on stone crushed ballast bed. On broad gauge approximately 47,000 Km of track out of total approx. 63000 Km are already having long welded rails.

Long Welded Rails:

Ballastless Track with Indigenous Fastening System (BLT-IFS) BLT-IFS design has been completed including proto-type development in a record time of 3 months and its drawings and construction guidelines has been prepared which has been approved by the Railway Board vide letter dt. 13.12.2013. The drawing & construction guidelines have been sent to zonal railways on 16.12.2013 for undertaking the trial. Softer rubber pad and transition arrangement in tunnels developed for trial in SCR.

Achievements: Design Development of Track related components

Automatic tapping thimble: RDSO has successfully developed the technique and vendors for the AT welding technique with Compressed air petrol preheating , three piece moulds and Automatic tapping thimble to improve quality of welds and in service performance

Digital AT weld tester: RDSO successfully developed dedicated AT weld testers with digital technology in association with industry. These digital tester have facility of recording A-scan pattern and monitoring of growth pattern of flaw.

Digital Double rail tester: RDSO successfully developed digital single and double rail testers with digital technology in association with industry. These digital tester have facility of recording A-scan pattern and monitoring of growth pattern of flaw.

Manual for Ultrasonic testing of rails & welds- 2006: Manual for Ultrasonic testing of rails & welds, 2006’ has been revised and issued as ‘‘Manual for Ultrasonic testing of rails & welds, 2012’. The copies of revised USFD Manual, 2012 have been printed and being circulated to Zonal Railways & all concerned.

Standard Schedule of Dimensions for DFC: Standard Schedule of Dimensions for Eastern and Western Dedicated Freight Corridors on Indian Railways Published in January-2013

Thick Web Switch: Design, Drawings and Specification for 60 Kg BG 1 in 12, 1in 8.5 and 1in 16 thick web switches have been developed by RDSO. 60 Kg 1 in 12 thick web switches of RDSO design have already been laid in track.

Weldable CMS Crossing: Design, Drawings and Specification for 60 Kg BG 1 in 12 and 60 Kg BG 1in 8.5 Weldable CMS crossing have been developed by RDSO. Trial for such crossings has been ordered.

Improved Switch Expansion Joint (SEJ): Drawings and Specification for Improved SEJ of two designs – one with maximum 80 mm gap and other with 65 mm gap have been issued to Zonal Railways for regular use. Such SEJs do not have bends augmenting safety and service life.

Composite Sleeper: Composite Sleepers of Tietek design have performed satisfactorily over a period of 10 years on two girder bridges on Indian Railways. Such sleepers are under extended trial at present.

ERC Mk-V: Higher toe load clip is required for increased speed and axle load and to control the creep in LWR. ERC MK-V has been developed for toe load of 1250 kg. This clip has been adopted on Indian Railways.

6.2mm Composite GRSP: To improve performance/service life of rubber pad, composite GRSP has been developed and adopted on Indian Railway having service life of 300 GMT as compared to 150 GMT of existing GRSP.

32.5t Axle load PSC Sleeper: RDSO has designed and developed a new PSC sleeper for 32.5t axle load. All laboratory investigations of this sleeper including Fatigue test have been completed and the sleeper has passed all the tests successfully.