Implementing SIWI itinerant model -

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Transcript of Implementing SIWI itinerant model -

Implementing SIWI itinerant model

Rachel Saulsburry, Ph.D., University of Tennessee Joan Weir, University of Connecticut

Purpose:Share findings from current research related to writing instruction with Deaf and Hard of Hearing (d/hh) students and present best practices for writing instruction that work across different educational settings including an itinerant model

Learning objectives:Participants will be able to:

● Identify the 3 guiding principles of writing instruction and explain their importance

● Identify a NIP-it lesson and explain its application

● Explain how the principles of SIWI can be embedded into various writing curriculum

to increase the writing outcomes of d/hh students

SIWI... What is it?


It IS...


1. A framework for approaching writing instruction2. Situated in context

3. Supported by research4. Versatile in meeting d/hh students’ diverse

language and writing needs

Guiding principles

Principle 1:Strategic

Strategic Instruction● Grounded in cognitive theories of composing (Applebee, 2000;

Flower & Hayes, 1981; Hayes, 1996, 2006; Hayes & Flower, 1980; Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1986)

○ Four beliefs:■ Wr i t i ng i s ma de up of di s t i nc t t hought pr oc e s s e s■ The s e pr oc e s s e s c a n be e mbe dde d wi t hi n e a c h ot he r■ Wr i t i ng i s goa l - di r e c t e d by t he wr i t e r■ Wr i t e r s ha ve bot h hi gh a nd l ow l e ve l goa l s

Strategic Instruction● Goal: model and make explicit for students the processes

of “expert writers”

● Students are taught strategies for the process of expert writers, genre - specific structures and expectations, and sentence - and discourse - level writing skills.


SupportingPrinciple 1:Mentor Texts

“Mediocre writers borrow, great writers stea

Ways to use mentor Text:● Read- alouds● Book hooks● Pair with NIPits and send students on a search● Show don’t tell● Demonstrate language and genre features● As “writing coaches”● Deconstructing text● Enjoyment!

Instructional VideoCLIP: 4/6/15: 7:22-10:13

Mentor text list

SupportingPrinciple 1:

NIPit Lessons

Nip-it lessonsNotice - The teacher notices a problem

Instruction- Teacher provides explicit instruction

Practice- Student is held accountable for the new knowledge and encouraged to try it out with scaffolded support

Nip-it lessonsASL Expressions NIPit (1 min. 55)

Life map (2 min. 29)

Itinerant CLIP (5/20/15: 14:30-18:56) “the” and “a”

Principle 2:Interactive

Interactive Instruction● Based on sociocultural theories of teaching & learning● Vygotsky - learning is a social activity & interactive● Dialogic inquiry - learning as apprenticeship

Interactive Instruction● Goal: make the internal process of expert writers visible

and accessible and that teachers gradually transfer the control of constructing text to the students

Principal 3: Linguistic & Metalinguist


Linguistic & Metalinguistic Instruction● Based on theories of second language learning● Jackendoff - language acquisition theory● Krashen - Second language research

○ language acquisition (implicit) & learning (explicit)

● Linguistic Instruction (implicit)● Metalinguistic Instruction (explicit)

Linguistic & Metalinguistic Instruction● Goal: develop students’ expressive language● Ample opportunities to see native - like language models

○ English & ASL● Both explicit & implicit language opportunities● Student - centered

Supporting Principle:Authentic

Authentic Instruction● Audience - and purpose - focused writing

● Goal: give meaning & value to students’ work and increase motivation

Supporting Principle:Balanced

Balanced Instruction● Discourse - and sentence - level writing objectives just

beyond what students can do alone● Students know their goals and focus on them during guided

writing with support

● Goal: Full writing improvement

PluralsPluralsLevel 3 orientation


7 areas of improvement in writing instruction Itinerant teaching● More appropriate pace of instruction● Better identification of student needs● More attention to building background knowledge● Engaging in meaningful discussion● Targeting vocabulary needs● Timely Responsive, explicit instruction ● Creating an environment that establishes a rapport

with students that results in taking risks practicing new skills

Siwi is a flexible fram


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